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The people with the endless bios An introduction to the world we live in
[B][B]The people with the endless bios
[/B][/B][B][B]An introduction to the world we live in[/B][/B]
[this is an old article, and would have been taken down were it not that it contains some valuable information here and there. Other articles on this site contain a lot of additional information which usually has been put in a better context]
Turns out it's quite a challenge to write a decent introduction to the information available on this website. The issue at hand is enormously complex and a lot of work still needs to be done. We'll give it a try anyway and discuss the history of the globalist movement, including 19th century Britain, the US, Canada, Israel, the European Union, and the opening up of both Russia and China. In the process we'll determine the absolute core of this globalist network and provide an extensive biography with each name. Then we'll put forth a theory that might explain why ordinary politics and the hidden globalist group go hand-in-hand without the latter being exposed by anyone on "the inside," whatever that means. At the end we'll take a look at who's behind the sustainable development movement and the United Nations while discussing the rather disturbing information that was brought to light by George Hunt in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I suggest you pay attention to the fine print in this article and read the biographies provided, otherwise it will be much more difficult to see how this relatively small group of people are all closely knit together.
The basic premise of this article is that an old boys network of low-profile, privately-funded, and intelligence-ridden institutes exercise a huge amount of influence over local governments, the media, universities (science), and the policies of the multinational corporations (who fund these networks). The names of about 150 of these institutes have been listed in appendix A and about 1400 names plus biographies, ranging from the most complete available to very basic, are available in the different membership lists. A smaller list of globalist institutes are chronologically ordered in appendix B, together with the persons who founded them and some of the connections they had. Appendix C contains the genealogies of the Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller, and Morgan families, which might come in handy at times. A partial Cecil bloodline is also listed there, although that one has been compiled for a different reason.
Below you can see a simplified sketch of the network that will be discussed. At this point I consider The Pilgrims, Le Cercle, and the 1001 the umbrella organizations (don't take this to literally), because together they encompass all aspects of the globalist movement: the leadership of all the other private globalist institutes, Anglo-American business and banking, Paneuropean Catholic fanatics, multinationals worldwide, old blue blood family lines, Western and Middle-Eastern intelligence, the illegal arms trade (1), and the environmental movement. Taken together, there's little doubt these organizations form a privatized, permanent, and transnational government which exercises a huge amount of direct and indirect influence over many parts of the world. Additionally, there's also the question if there's a central core within this group that might set the policies, or if there's another, even more hidden group that really sets the agenda (largely a reference to rumors about the military-industrial complex). We just don't know at this point.

[(See 1st attachment)
The Pilgrims Society is the organization which consistently recruits only very elitist members of society, many with nearly endless resumes. Le Cercle, an outgrowth of the reactionary Vatican-Paneuropa network, is more mixed, and most participants are intelligence insiders. The 1001 Club recruits the most influential businessmen, often in mining and bulk shipping, from all over the world, but also some lower level WWF employees. The WWF is very tight-lipped about this club though, as you can see in the 1001 Club article on this website.]

In any case, it's abundantly clear that many roads lead to London. The Pilgrims and the 1001 have been set up and are managed by a combination of Anglophiles and radical Zionists (2). The Pilgrims Society was set up by the British aristocracy, many of them Privy Council * and Garter families **. In fact, the person who came up with the name 'Pilgrims' was a great grandfather of the late Princess Diana (3). The British monarch became the official head of the Pilgrims Society and members of the royal family have always attended the London meetings.
The 1001 Club was mainly created by Prince Philip and the South-African billionaire Anton Rupert. Officially the 1001 only coordinates the WWF, but many members, who represent a huge chunk of the international conservationist movement, seem more occupied with the West's need for inexpensive natural resources.
Le Cercle was set up by interests tied to the Habsburgs and radical elements in the Vatican. Soon, an important trade representative of the City of London, Sir Peter Tennant, was attracted, and about two decades later British aristocrats, the last three of them Privy Councillors, took over leadership of Le Cercle. Its latest head is a former Rothschild banker.
* Just to clarify a bit: the Privy Council, the most senior "advisory body" to the British monarch and the highest organ within the Commonwealth (consisting of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, large chunks of southern Africa, and a few other countries in the rest of the world), largely serves a ceremonial role these days, at least in Britain itself. However, new recruits have to take the Privy Councillor's Oath of Confidentiality in which they declare never to reveal any details of the council's meetings to outsiders without the consent of the monarch and the other Privy Council leadership. New recruits also declare their full allegiance to the British monarch who is always present at the meetings. Privy Councillors can pass along information to each other on "Privy Council terms" to forbid the other party from giving this information to outsiders. The entire cabinet is sworn into the Privy Council, just as the three most senior officials of the Church of England and a number of judges. Any senior politician, intelligence- or military officer, or Bank of England director can be recruited if it is deemed preferable that this person attends the council's confidential meetings. It is known that Privy Councillors get handed more documents and more information than non-members, essentially forming an inner circle within the government. The unusual and medieval aspect of this system is that membership is for life and that it seemingly places the monarch and the Church of England right in the middle of the flow of information. Because of the secrecy surrounding it details of the Privy Council system are generally unknown to the public.
** The Order of the Garter is the highest and oldest order of chivalry in England, headed by the British Monarch. It is a ceremonial Templar order above the ordinary Freemasonry system.
Where the globalist movement started
The globalist movement appears to be a continuation of the old British dream of a worldwide English-speaking empire, with allies in the Zionist movement and the modern American economic empire.
[cut out a whole section, which dealt with the Anglo-Zionist relationship. It was too simplistic.]

Quigley has described how the Round Table, with their main US ally J.P. Morgan, set up the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Institute for Pacific Relations in the 1918-1925 period. He seems to have missed the Pilgrims Society, which was founded in London in 1902, followed by a New York chapter in 1903. This Round Table -or wider Pilgrims Society group- also established the Federal Reserve and the Rockefeller Foundation, both in 1913 (all these people can be found in the Pilgrims Society membership list). The Carnegie network, which was (and is) especially influential on the Western educational system, was also set up during this time period, starting with the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1902, an organization for scientific discovery; the Carnegie Endowment in 1910, which became an intelligence and big business ridden geopolitical think tank for global peace; and the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 1911, which is the grant making part of the Carnegie network. Today this institute donates dozens of millions a year to all the major universities in the United States and southern Africa (16). Grants are also made to organizations like the CFR, the RIIA, the American Assembly, the UN, the American Red Cross, the Museum of Jewish Heritage, and the American Museum of Natural History.

Andrew Carnegie, our little Hegelian Social Darwinist (literally), once born in a poor family of handloom weavers, had a very different background than most of his later associates. Around 1870 he already was a wealthy self-made man, but only after some crucial help from the London banker Junius S. Morgan (father J.P. Morgan; worked for George Peabody, who supposedly was a Rothschild agent; after Carnegie's joint venture in the steel industry went awry due to financial problems of his partners, Peabody finally sold his bonds to "London investors") in 1874, he rose to became the most powerful industrialist of the US, next to J.P. Morgan. His primary associates, who inspired and guided him in the founding of the different Carnegie Institutions, were Daniel Coit Gilman (incorporated Skull & Bones into the Russell Trust 50 years earlier), Nicholas Murray Butler (head of Columbia University; major totalitarian Hegelian US educator; President of the Pilgrims Society; Bohemian Grove; associate of J.P. Morgan and Robert Cecil - 1st Viscount of Chelwood; co-founder League of Nations), and Elihu Root (Pilgrims Society; official founder CFR; close friend of Butler).

[(see 2nd attachment)
Three of the men are confirmed members of the Pilgrims Society. The fourth, Gilman, will undoubtedly turn out to be another one. Especially Butler was a very close associate of the Morgans and Cecils. Update: What did I tell ye? A "Gilman, Daniel C." appears on a 1903 Pilgrims Society list. Thanks, Dave. ]

Of course, even in the early days there existed a wider network of private clubs where society's elite met with each other. The freemasonic lodges had been around for two centuries, just as its Celtic counterpart, the Druid groves. The annual Bohemian Grove event had become an exclusive elite gathering after news of the Cremation of Care reached the papers in Washington and New York at the turn of the 20th century. There was the Cosmos Club in Washington, and in London you had (and have) the White's Club, the Roxburghe Club, the Other Club (since 1911) and the Grillion's Club. At the student level you had clubs like Skull & Bones (Yale), Scroll & Key (Yale), the Porcellian Club (Harvard), Cap & Gown (Princeton), the Ivy Club (Princeton), The Apostles (Cambridge), and the Rhodes scholars (Oxford). There were many more regional clubs where members of the old aristocratic families and the newly rich interacted with each other (and as a result, outside of the clubs). This network acted as the permanent government of the time; officials only reached the White House if they had enough friends within these circles. And when these people left office again, this network made sure they got another (better paying) job. The tiny group of Round Table financiers; the Warburgs, Jacob Schiff, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, and the Rothschilds, can probably be referred to as the secret government of the time and even today we know very little about the things they discussed in the backrooms. What we do know is that they had (and have) quite an obsession with "global peace" since the early part of the 20th century (17).
During and right after WWII a lot of things changed. The United States became the most powerful nation on the planet. The United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF, and NATO were born, all set up by members of the CFR, the RIIA, and its "umbrella organization": the Pilgrims Society (19). By this time the Morgan family had lost control of the family bank, although it was still safely in the hands of other Pilgrims Society members. The Rockefellers now certainly became the undisputed number one family of the United States.

Following the overt institutions, their covert counterparts soon followed: the United States Council for International Business in 1945, the Mont Pelerin Society in 1947, Atlantik-Brücke in 1952, Bilderberg in 1954, followed in the 1960s and 1970s by many dozens of other low-profile (as in, not or seldom mentioned in the news or schoolbooks, so their influence on society is for the most part unknown) national and international think tanks and discussion groups. The whole globalist movement became much more professional and organized. The Atlantic Institute of International Affairs, the Pinay Circle, the Economic League, the US-USSR Trade and Economic Council, the Trilateral Commission, and the 1001 Club are all examples of enormously influential institutes that seldom (or never) have received any serious attention in the mainstream media. Ironically, almost everyone believes that the overt organizations have brought us this globalized world we live in today, while in reality it has been the covert network that initiated the process in almost every case.

[(see attachment 3 below) The Pilgrims: Uniting the Crown with corporate America. Click to enlarge.]

The Pilgrims Society remained one of the most elite gatherings of British and American globalist insiders, although, as the newspaper archives show, it started to drop off the radar screen in the early 1950s and was almost completely gone by the 1960s. Is it possible that Project Mockingbird started to achieve its intended results? The speed at which the globalization process advanced, further increased in the 1980s and 1990s. The main focus of the globalist movement now became the European Union, where many of the later key institutions were established. Among these were the European Round Table in 1983, the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe from 1987 to 2002, the European Institute in 1987, the EU-Japan Business Roundtable in 1995, the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue in 1995, the Centre for European Reform in 1996, Friends of Europe in 1999, and the European Financial Services Round Table in 2001.
A university study in international relations might be an exception (to some degree), but generally these institutes are not mentioned in the textbooks. The average person, even today, knows very little, if anything, about them. The education system only teaches the public-political side of the European Union: the European Council, the Council of Ministers, the European Parliament, the European Court of Justice, and the European Commission. The question then becomes, do these private institutions have any influence, and if they do, just how much? Unfortunately, as far as I have seen, the combined influence has never been examined, but about all these institutions individually it has been reported that their influence is quite substantial. For example, the Belgian Jan Puype, the only journalist at the moment who has attended a meeting of the ERT, reported (translated from Dutch) (20):
Puype: "I was a guest at the birthday party of the ERT, which existed 20 years in 2003. That gave a surreal feeling. I was the only journalist and walked between De Benedetti, Davignon, Leysen, Prodi, 'What am I doing here for God's sake', I was thinking. But is was very interesting to see how things were done, of course..."
Solidair: "In your book you describe how ERT-chairman Gerhard Cromme [ThyssenKrupp; CFR] teaches European Commission chairman Romano Prodi a lesson for criticizing the United States."
Puype: "I thought I was hallucinating. Prodi was put in his place like a little kid. It became even more remarkable when the Commission chairman started to speak himself. He held a speech like 'friends, I will not do it again and I will be good from now on'. A completely different Prodi then the man I saw on television raising his finger in the air against the Americans."
"You can't say that the ERT decides everything that happens in Europe, but her influence is enormous... The ERT has a very efficient way of lobbying. The members write papers on the direction Europe should be going in terms of the environment, competition, technology, etc. Once these papers are finished inside the ERT, the machine starts running. The club sends out a team of delegates consisting of the most important members to the European Commission. Individual members take the messages to their national governments. The ERT thinks very pro-active. She is often the first to work on certain issues. That is also her strength. The introduction of the single currency, the Maastricht-Treaty, the Channel Tunnel, or the [EU's] expansion to the east: that all started at the ERT."
Is this surprising? Not really if you look at the founders of the ERT. These were the Belgian Etienne Davignon and the Swedish Pehr Gyllenhammar (21). At that time, Gyllenhammar -who is usually seen as the primary founder- was an 11-year member of the International Advisory Committee of the Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. Additionally, during the time that Gyllenhammar was busy establishing the ERT, he was approached by Henry Kissinger to join the board of his newly established Kissinger Associates (22). In 1999 Gyllenhammar became a senior partner and managing director of Lazard Partners (after having been a senior advisor since 1996) and today he is vice-chairman of Rothschild Europe, chairman of the Rothschild pension funds, and the founding chairman of the earlier mentioned European Financial Services Round Table. Gyllenhammar is also a member of the advisory board of PlaNet Finance, "an international non profit organization, which aims at alleviating poverty by contributing to the development of the microfinance sector." Other members of the board are Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Secretary-General of the United Nations), Michel David-Weill (owns Lazard), Felix Rohatyn (Lazard partner), Jacques Delors (former European Commission president; organized The European Institute, headed for the past couple of years by a Rothschild employee (23)), Shimon Peres (premier of Israel 1984-1986 & 1995-1996; Labor party; director of Mikhail Gorbachev's Green Cross, which is partnered with Rockefeller-Rothschild protege and New Age guru Maurice Strong), and Etienne Davignon.

[(see attachment 4 below) April 6 & 7, 1983, first meeting of the ERT. Gyllenhammar and Davignon are sitting in the bottom row, persons 4 and 5 from the left.]
Davignon, as a vice-president of the European Commission, earlier challenged Gyllenhammar to put together a group of top European businessmen to lobby the European Commission (which became the ERT). At some point Davignon became a close friend to Kissinger (24) and also joined the board of Kissinger Associates (25), although seemingly in a later stage. The shortest possible version of Davignon's biography without omitting too many important facts goes something like this: Chair and still vice-chair Société Générale de Belgique; one of the largest private shareholders of the Suez Group (which he does not control); former director Anglo-American Corporation; co-founder and president Association for the Monetary Union of Europe; chairman CSR Europe (European business network); founder EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation; chairman EU-Japan Business Dialogue; co-founder and president Friends of Europe; director of the European Institute; member Council on Foreign Relations; member Trilateral Commission; supposedly a former governor of Ditchley; chairman Royal Institute for International Relations (Belgian version of RIIA); and honorary chairman of Bilderberg since 1999 *, after Lord Carrington resigned. * Update: Etienne Davignon has been mentioned as a child abuser in the Belgian X-Dossiers. He's not the only one. His good friend and business partner Maurice Lippens has actually been accused of child torture and murder on several occasions. Maurice has shared a number of boards of major Belgian banks with Davignon, and has also been to Bilderberg, not to mention the Trilateral Commission. See the article 'Beyond the Dutroux affair' for more details.
Now wait a minute. Carrington was another ultra-connected early director of Kissinger Associates (26). That means we have two heads of Bilderberg, covering the period from 1989 until today, that sat on the board of Kissinger's shadowy company. And whatta ya know? Lord Roll, Bilderberg chairman from 1985 to 1989 was another board member of Kissinger Associates since 1984 (27). You almost get the impression that Kissinger and his closest associates (Rockefeller and Rothschild) pick the leadership of Bilderberg.
The short version of Carrington's bio, a president of the Pilgrims Society since 1983, reads: Director Rio Tinto (used to be a Rothschild company. Don't know today), Barclays Bank, Hollinger (Owned by Canadian Privy Councilor Conrad Black; Evelyn de Rothschild sat on the same board, as did Kissinger and many other very important globalists), a few metal companies, and Hambros Bank; Privy Councilor; Order of the Garter; insider of Brian Crozier's (Le Cercle; disinfo specialist and MI6 agent) Shield Committee that got Margaret Thatcher elected; governor Ditchley; governor Atlantic Institute for International Affairs; member RIIA; member CFR; member Trilateral Commission; and secretary-general NATO. The biography of Lord Eric Roll reads: Rockefeller fellowship; took part in the Schuman Plan discussions; worked at the OECD, the IMF, and the World Bank; co-head S.G. Warburg & Company (set up and headed by Pilgrims Society member Sir Siegmund Warburg. The firm was the London partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co); advisor UBS; member Court of the Bank of England; governor Atlantic Institute for International Affairs; Governor Ditchley; member CFR; member Trilateral Commission (and almost certainly a member of the Pilgrims Society).
[(See attachment 5 below)
Some of today's most important globalists. Click on a name to view their biography. These bios have been compiled by PEHI and are (by far) the most complete available today. Agnelli, recruited early on by the Rockefellers (like everyone in this row except seemingly Davignon), has been followed up by John Elkann.]
Now you know immediately why I created the images above and below. The biographies of these people are just way too long, because they constitute the absolute core of the globalist movement. Some created many of the post-WWII private institutions, like new ager Maurice Strong (chairman Société Générale pour l'Energie et les Ressources; 1001 Club; UN secretary-general; long time close ties to communist China; Rockefeller protege; Edmund de Rothschild - bio - protege, who is the Pilgrims Society member that dreamed up the sustainable development movement now promoted by the UN and WWF; update: long-time good friend of Al Gore, the leader of the massive and manipulative global warming propaganda campaign, which was kickstarted in early 2007) in the environment movement, Etienne Davignon in Europe, Henry Kissinger (Fritz Kraemer and Rockefeller protege; friend of Jacob and Evelyn de Rothschild; Pilgrims Society; Le Cercle; Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay; permanent Bilderberg member; Trilateral Commission; Aspen Institute; opened up China; Open Russia Foundation; founder Kissinger Associates; director CFR; Hollinger; J.P. Morgan; chair advisory board AIG) and David Rockefeller everywhere else (Pilgrims Society; 1001 Club; Le Cercle; Bohemian Grove camp Stowaway; co-founder Bilderberg and permanent member; founder Trilateral Commission; founder Americas Society; co-founder Dartmouth Conferences; co-founder US-USSR Trade and Economic Council; trustee Carnegie Endowment; his family as a whole founded many other institutes; associate of Edmund de Rothschild in the sustainable development projects; opened up China; chair CFR; chair Chase Manhattan, which is the core of the globalist movement). The ultra-Zionist Rothschilds, together with Prince Charles, are the architects of the sustainable development movement, according to Maurice Strong (28). The Rothschild family is truly enigmatic, because in many mainstream articles it is acknowledged that they still wield tremendous influence behind the scenes, yet no one seems to be bothered trying to find out what it is exactly they're involved with. One thing is for sure, most of the time when they arrange a meeting with a head of state, the press does not report it.
[(unable to attach this photo)
Other top tier globalists of today. Cisneros, a 1001 Club member and Knight of Malta, is the Latin American media baron in part responsible for the media war against Chavez. He is a very close associate of David Rockefeller, just as George Shultz and the Desmarais family in this row. The Rothschilds have a close working relationship with the Rockefellers in the environmental movement, the United Nations, and trade with the former communist world. Prince Charles already played polo with Evelyn de Rothschild in his student years and later set up the Interfaith consultations with him. Otto is a central player in the reactionary Vatican-Paneuropa network.]
The aged Otto von Habsburg has been one of the most influential behind-the-scenes players in Europe since WWII. The Catholic Habsburgs, including Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein, still run Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi's Paneuropa Union (29). The Paneuropa Union was originally funded by Louis de Rothschild and Max Warburg while Leopold Amery and Nicholas Murray Butler (Pilgrims Society) were among its most devoted overseas patrons (30). After WWII, Coudenhove-Kalergi and Otto von Habsburg, together with their associates in such organizations as Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta, began rebuilding their Vatican-Paneuropa network with the aim of recreating a new Holy Roman Empire. Over the years it included organizations as the Mouvement d'Action pour l'Union de l'Europe, the Académie Européenne de Sciences Politiques, Ordre du Rouvre, the Institut Européen pour la Paix et la Sécurité, the Société Internationale de Wilton Park, l'Institut Europeen de Developpement, Cercle des Nations (the broader Cercle de Lorraine today), the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Mont Pelerin Society and the Coundenhove-Kalergi Foundation. Today, Otto Habsburg is an advisor to the Coundenhove-Kalergi Foundation, together with Count Hans Huyn (Le Cercle), Jakob Coudenhove-Kalergi (nephew of Richard, the founder of the Paneuropa Union), Prince Carlo della Torre e Tasso (Italian branch of the Thurn und Taxis family), and Max Turnauer (ambassador of the Order of Malta in Liechtenstein). Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, the younger brother of Hans-Adam II, is an executive member of the the Coundenhove-Kalergi Foundation. When Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi died in 1972, Otto von Habsburg took over the presidency of the Paneuropa Union and today he still serves in that position.
One of the most important outgrowths of the reactionary Vatican-Paneuropa network is an organization called Le Cercle. It was established in the 1950s by such Opusian luminaries as Antoine Pinay, Jean Violet and Otto von Habsburg. Leading officials in intelligence, business and politics, often retired, were brought together with the idea of building a strong Europe around a Franco-German alliance. At least initially, it was dominated by Catholic interests from mainland Europe, but in 1980 leadership was taken over by the British. Among these British leaders was a son of the earlier mentioned Leopold Amery and an employee of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. David Rockefeller was recruited in 1967 by Vatican agent Carlo Pesenti, and said he was completely unaware of the existence of this group before this time. However, he and his Chase associates thought the Habsburg clique was far too reactionary and he decided to withdraw. At the time, Kissinger was about the only other person from the United States attending meetings of Le Cercle. (31)
Le Cercle is where the above listed Pilgrims Society member Paul Volcker re-enters the picture. As newly appointed chairman of the Federal Reserve System, a position Carter picked for him after having been advised by David Rockefeller and Robert Vincent Roosa (Rhodes scholar; trained Volcker and other at NY Fed; partner in Brown Brothers Harriman; Pilgrims Society; frequent Bilderberg attendee; founding member and secretary Trilateral Commission; director CFR; Atlantic Council; Atlantic Institute of International Affairs; chair Brookings Institution; vice-chair Rockefeller Foundation; governor United Nations Association) (32), he was identified by BND officer Hans Langemann as a person who attended the December 1, 1979 meeting of Le Cercle in the Madison Hotel in Washington (33). Others that attended the meeting were the German Karl-Heinz Narjes (Bundestag; soon went to the ECC), William Colby (Opus Dei; the recently retired CIA director at that time; set up some of the Scandinavian Stay-Behind networks; Forty Committee under Kissinger), Ed Feulner (Knight of Malta; roommate of neocon warhawk and military-industrial complex insider John F. Lehman; president Heritage Foundation; trustee Mont Pelerin Society; IMF & World Bank insider; chairman Institute for European Defense and Strategic Studies in London; Bohemian Grove), Julian Amery (later head of Le Cercle; Privy Councilor; his father was Leopold Amery, one of the closest Rothschild allies and helped in building up the Paneuropa Union and Israel), and Jean Violet (Tied to the Synarchist Movement of Empire through CSAR; Nazi collaborator; French intelligence officer; Opus Dei; Habsburg employee; recruit of Nazi general Reinhard Gehlen; co-founder and chairman of Le Cercle who represented French big business). Whatever these people were discussing, the history books never recorded it.
Volcker has more interesting connections. After stepping down as head of the Federal Reserve he went to work for the Canadian Power Corporation, which was majority owned and headed by a good friend of his, Paul Desmarais, Sr. Besides having been described as a close personal friend of every Canadian Prime Minister since 1968, Desmarais has also been a member of the advisory councils of Carlyle, Chase Manhattan Bank (his son Andre now is a member of J.P. Morgan Chase's International Council), and Barrick Gold Corporation (set up by international arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi who's first employer was the Bin Laden family and has close ties to the British throne; Barrick also employed Bush Sr.; the later discussed Rothschild buddy Vernon Jordan; and was headed by Peter Munk, a 1001 Club member and skiing partner of Prince Charles). In 1992 he was appointed a member of the Canadian Privy Council, the same year that Maurice F. Strong, Conrad M. Black, and Charles R. Bronfman (brother of Edgar Bronfman, Sr.) were also made members. Power Corporation is one part of a large international business empire, that together with the relatively obscure Frère family, virtually co-owns the state of Belgium (GBL; Suez; SG; Tractebel). Desmarais and his son hold many directorships in these Belgian and French companies.
[(See attachment 6 below)
At the time of the Oil-for-Food scandal it turned out that Nadhmi Auchi's General Mediterranean Holdings
had a majority share in BNP Paribas (34), the bank that handled all of the Iraqi loans and has subsidiaries all over the Middle-East. Auchi is a member of Le Cercle and is up to his ears involved in illegal arms trafficking, British Intelligence, and the British throne itself. Look for his bio in the membership list of Le Cercle.]
And even though Volcker did not establish any important globalist institutions, we're still not done with him. In March 1992 he became chairman of the newly created J. Rothschild Wolfensohn & Company, Wolfensohn & Co.'s London-based joint venture (35). The venture lasted until 1995 when James Wolfensohn was about to become head of the World Bank. Who was his advisor there? The earlier mentioned Maurice Strong, the United Nations bigwig that built up the conservation movement side-by-side with Edmund de Rothschild and David Rockefeller. Volcker went on to visit Bilderberg and Ditchley, became an advisor to the Japan Society, chaired the Group of 30 and the Oil-for-Food scandal investigation, and became a trustee of the American Assembly. He became a director of Hollinger (of Privy Councilor Conrad Black on which Kissinger, Carrington, and Evelyn de Rothschild also sat. Pilgrims Society member Raymond G.H. Seitz, a newer generation top-globalist, also sat on that board) and the Bankers Trust and became a member Circle of Presidents of the RAND Corporation. He already was a trustee of the Aspen Institute and a visitor of the Bohemian Grove Mandalay camp. At some moment, he became a member of the Chief Executive's Council of International Advisors of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

The HKSAR was established after Hong Kong was given back to the Chinese in 1997, although the capitalist system of Hong Kong will remain unchanged until the year 2047. The International Advisory Council advises the HKSAR's Chief Executive on strategic issues pertinent to the long-term development of Hong Kong. Other members of the International Advisory Council of the HKSAR are a combination of CEOs of the largest corporations in Western Europe and North America. Among them are Andre Desmarais, Peter Sutherland (chair Goldman Sachs; chair BP Amoco; head GATT; founding head WTO; chair Trilateral Commission; ERT; CFR; LOTIS (outgrowth of the British Invisibles that controls the WTO); permanent Bilderberg attendee; director Centre for European Reform; director European Institute; Foundation Board DAVOS; received the Rockefeller International Leadership Award; almost certainly a Pilgrim; update: he's a Pilgrim), Maurice R. Greenberg (chair AIG which is in partnership with Kissinger Associates; vice-chairman CFR; Bilderberg; Trilateral Commission; Bohemian Grove; trustee Rockefeller University; trustee Asia Society; patron American Australian Association; almost certainly a Pilgrim), Sir John Bond (Chair HSBC; Court of the Bank of England; Multinational Chairman's Group), and Gerald M Levin (Once rated the fourth most powerful person in the media; CFR; Trilateral Commission; Sun Valley Meetings). Rupert Murdoch (Owns a worldwide media empire; close friend and business partner of Jacob Rothschild; CFR; Sun Valley Meetings) used to be a member of the Advisory Commission back in 2000. Seems not a whole lot changed in Hong Kong after it was given back to China.
China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Russia

A lot of people have been asking about the relationship of the globalist movement to China. Not only how it is today, but also how it evolved over the past 60 years. The short answer is that at least today it appears to be very cozy. On the other hand, it's obvious that China is preparing itself for a conflict about the dwindling natural resources, especially with Japan and the United States. The globalist group does not seem to be worried about this at all. Why is that?
In the 19th century, Shanghai had become an international centre of trade (mainly opium to China vs useful goods to the West) in which the British, Americans, and a few other Western countries had large investments. In 1927, general Chiang Kai-shek purged Shanghai of about 5000 communists and together with the powerful Green Gang triad (involved in the opium and gold smuggle, the sex trade, slave-girl trade, brothels, assassinations, and in keeping an eye on labor unions) he was part of, gained absolute control over the city. Also in 1927, Chiang married Soong May-ling, the daughter of one of the most powerful Chinese [triad] families that emerged after the fall of the Qing dynasty. This merchant and banking family converted to christianity and became oriented towards the West. Among other things, May-ling's sister married Sun Yat-sen, the person who established the Republic of China after the Qing dynasty had fallen, ending over 2000 years of imperial rule. Chiang Kai-Shek was Sun's protege.
Two of the first British corporations with large investments in the Far-East. They still exist and the Keswick family (Pilgrims; 1001 Club) of Jardine Matheson bought a 20% stake in Rothschilds Continuation Holdings in 2005. They are the only non-Rothschild shareholders. (77)
After the Japanese attacked Shanghai in 1937 and invaded the Chinese mainland, the West kept supporting Chiang's resistance, which prevented Japan from sending more troops to Shanghai, 1930s the Pacific region. When Japan was finally defeated in 1945, the Communists, headed by Zhou Enlai and Mao, fought the nationalists, led by Chiang and supported by most of the wealthier Chinese businessmen, as well as the United States. Chiang and 2 million of his followers lost the war and retreated to Taiwan in 1949 while Mao took power in mainland China. Enlai became his Prime Minister. Du Yuesheng, the leader of the Green Gang triad and an ally of Chiang fled to the British colony of Hong Kong where he died in 1951. Baron Robert Rothschild - bio - from Belgium, a predecessor of Etienne Davignon as chef de cabinet and a later primary founder of the European Economic Union with Paul Henri Spaak (36), was also present in China at the time. In 1944, at his own request, he came to the Embassy of Chongqing as first secretary, where the headquarters of Chiang's government were located at the time. Here he also met Mao's envoy, Zhou Enlai, whom Rothschild "grew to like." After the Japanese surrendered Rothschild went to Shanghai where he was consul general from 1946 until Chiang's government fell. Then he moved to Washington.

[Chiang Kai-shek and his biggest supporter, Henry Luce. Luce, born in China in an elite Anglo-Saxon family, went to Oxford and Yale. Ended up in Skull & Bones. Family members and associates were leading Pilgrims Society members. Founded Time with another S&B member in 1923, which was funded by J.P. Morgan men (Pilgrims). In 1963, Luce bought the Zapruder Film for $150,000 and the exclusive rights to the story of Oswald's wife. He married an intelligence-connected Dame of Malta who became an ambassador to the Vatican. ]

Even though it's not hard to see which side the West (globalist movement) took, it's also hard to deny that this same group did plenty of business with the communists, before and after 1945. The Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations funding the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) think tank from 1925 to 1961 is one example of these people keeping the door open to the communist world. Gary Allen and especially Antony Sutton have documented the Red trade in great detail. Ford built vehicle-plants in the USSR as early as 1929 and was later followed by Fiat (Agnelli). Chase Manhattan was financing many project over there, as were hundreds of smaller corporations. In 1957, Lord Bertrand Russell (3rd Earl Russell; Part of an elite family although he often opposed Round Table members as the Cecils or Amerys; Member of the Cambridge Apostles, which was filled with gay MI5 and MI6 (KGB) agents. Among the members were Lord Victor Rothschild (father of today's Jacob Rothschild), Aldous Huxley (wrote 'Brave New World'), John Maynard Keynes (famous economist; close friend of CFR chairman, J.P. Morgan chairman, and Pilgrims Society member Russell C. Leffingwell), and the famous 'Cambridge spies')) and Cyrus Eaton Sr. (a John D. Rockefeller protege) were 2 of the primary founders of the Pugwash Conferences, which tried to reduce tensions between the communists and the West (37). Aristotle Onassis (a Greek 1001 Club family) was one of the persons who initially proposed that the first meeting could be held at one of his estates. In 1960, David Rockefeller was among the primary founders of the Dartmouth Conferences, which aimed at preventing nuclear conflict with the Soviets (38). In 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War, the Rockefeller's International Basic Economic Corporation (IBEC) and Cyrus Eaton Jr. (his father was a Rockefeller protege and co-founder of the Pugwash Conferences ) publicly established a joint venture to invest around the world, including the Soviet Union. The press release even mentioned that these two were busy making it easier for the Soviets to obtain US patents. IBEC, the Rockefeller company, was headed by Richard S. Aldrich, a cousin of the Rockefellers and part of a Pilgrims Society family that also co-founded the Federal Reserve (39). Two years later, in October 1969, N.M Rothschild & Sons announced that they were about to conclude a joint venture of their own with IBEC, again to invest around the world, although no specifics were given this time (40). At the 1972 Dartmouth Conference it was proposed to establish a US-USSR trade organization, which soon developed in the secretive US-USSR Trade and Economic Council, organized by top-globalist George Shultz (41) (Family on his mother's side has a long working relationship with the Rockefellers and his grandmother donated the Charles Pratt House to the CFR in 1945; Part of the Princeton "special boys" crowd of Cap & Gown and a really good friend of George Griggs, according to Kay Griggs; supposedly hooked up with a Tavistock (established by a Rockefeller Foundation grant in 1946) psychologist at MIT, Kurt Lewin; president and director of Bechtel; National Security Planning Group; today's chairman of J.P. Morgan Chase's International Council; One of the most important Zionist-republicans of the past 30 years; attended at least some Pilgrims Society meetings in the 1980s). Then finally, in 1972, the first SALT treaty was signed, making Henry Kissinger, a Rockefeller protege and Rothschild friend, an international hero for accomplishing the first (public) breakthrough in US-Soviet relations.
Whatever covertly happened between the globalist movement and China before the early 1970s, from this time on Henry Kissinger started conferring with Zhou Enlai, still China's prime minister and usually seen as less radical than Mao himself. Kissinger made two secret trips to China in 1971 to lay the ground work for Nixon's 1972 public visit. In the following years, Kissinger made subsequent secret trips to China to make sensitive intelligence exchanges. Robert C. McFarlane (Marine Corps colonel; said to be a good friend of George Griggs, according to Kay Griggs; CFR; National Security Adviser; chair National Security Planning Group; advisor Zionist Washington Institute for Near East Policy; vice-chair and co-founder America-China Society; director of Aegis Defence Services, a London-based mercenary company with large contracts in Iraq which is headed by Lord Peter Inge (Privy Council; Knight of the Garter; Pilgrims Society) and an SAS/MI6 officer) was among those who went with him, in his case between 1973 and 1976. The National Council for US-China Trade was established in May 1973 (42), the same month in which Chase Manhattan Bank opened a Moscow office at 1 Karl Marx Square (43). This was also the first year that the secretive US-USSR Trade and Economic Council meetings were going on; its Overseas Development Council at one point chaired by David Rockefeller (according to his digital Who's Who). The US-China Council served as an unofficial discussion board between the Chinese government and the CEOs of the US and has been instrumental in opening up formal relations with China in the 1978-1979 period. David Rockefeller is known to have met with Zhou at least once in June of 1973 (44).
[David Rockefeller meets Zhou Enlai almost 30 years after Baron Robert Rothschild left Zhou behind. The picture was probably taken in June 1973. Earlier, in the 1964-1965 period, David had met with Khrushchev and Brezhnev. At these meetings it was agreed to increase trade between the US and USSR, which led to the 1967 Rockefeller-Eaton joint venture, followed in 1969 by a deal with the Rothschilds. In 1973, the secretive US-USSR Trade and Economic Council was established, just as the National Council for US-China Trade.]

[See attachment 7 below) It has been claimed that Maurice Strong (Rockefeller-Edmund de Rothschild protege) was responsible for Kissinger's initial visit, because one of his (supposed) cousins, Anna Louise Strong (above, mid) had such a close relationship with the communist governments of China and Russia (45). As a writer and journalist she alternately lived and worked in the US, Europe, the USSR (whom she praised), and China. This picture is from the 1960s and can be seen at Wikipedia. Israel Epstein (first left; Jewish writer from Poland; emigrated to China), Frank Coe (second right; co-founder United Nations, IMF, and Morgenthau plan (named after a Pilgrim); surrounded in his life by Carnegie-Rockefeller sponsored pro-communist IPR officials; emigrated to China), and Solomon Adler (British Jew who went to work for the US Treasury, went back to the UK, and subsequently emigrated to China). Frank Coe and Solomon Adler were responsible for the hyperinflation in the aftermath of WWII which was a primary cause for Chiang's loss to the Communists. What was it again that Disraeli said in his 19th century novel Coningsby? According to the Rothschilds, "Lionel and his wife Charlotte appear to have been the inspiration for certain characters in his three novels Coningsby..." (9) Novels aren't always fiction.]

Zhou and Mao died in 1976 and in the end Zhou's protege, Deng Xiaoping, became the number one man in China. In 1978, he publicly opened up the diplomatic and economic relations with the West. Direct foreign investments in the Chinese economy were now allowed and in reaction the National Council for US-China Trade was reorganized into the US-China Business Council in 1979. The initial meeting of this Council, hosted by the State Department at the Dean Acheson (Sr. was a Pilgrims Society member and accused by McCarthy of being one the most dangerous communists of the time; Jr. was a member of Skull & Bones 1943) Auditorium was chaired by Michael Blumenthal (CFR; co-founder Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg) and Cyrus Vance (raised by the Rockefeller trustee, Pilgrims Society member, co-CFR founder, 1932 FDR coup sponsor John W. Davis; Pilgrims Society member himself; co-founder NASA; vice-chair CFR; chair Rockefeller Foundation; chair US Ditchley; chair Japan Society; chair NY Fed; and a Bilderberg attendee). Ironically, David Rockefeller was late at this meeting and had to sit on the floor in an aisle (46). Later on, in 1987, Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and Robert McFarlane were involved in the creation of the America-China Society (47), another private discussion group that works closely with the Asia Society (Founded by John D. Rockefeller III), the Committee of 100, the US- China Policy Foundation (co-founded by a person who went to China with Kissinger in 1971), the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (Maurice R. Greenberg and Lee Hamilton are among the vice-chairs; Gerald Ford, David Gergen, Henry Kissinger, and Robert McNamara are among the directors), the China Reform Forum (George Soros is a visiting fellow at the moment), the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, and other similar organizations. At least until 2001, Kissinger served as chair of the America-China society while McFarlane and Vance served as vice-chairs. Some changes to the institute were made in the 2001-2002 period, but because it's so low profile it's hard to tell what exactly has been done to it.
After China publicly opened its doors in the late 1970s, the Canadian globalists immediately moved in also. In 1978, Maurice Strong (Rockefeller-Rothschild protege and later Privy Councilor) and Paul Desmarais Sr. (Power Corp owner, Chase international council member, and later Privy Councilor) established the Canada-China Business Council. Anno 2005, Desmarais Sr. is the honorary president of this council while his son Andre is the honorary chairman. As mentioned earlier, Andre is also one of today's HKSAR advisors, like Volcker (mentioned earlier; Rockefeller-Rothschild protege), Greenberg (mentioned earlier; Kissinger associate), Sutherland (mentioned earlier; one of the most influential British globalists; Pilgrims Society), and formerly Murdoch (mentioned earlier; Jacob Rothschild associate). Andre, like Paul Sr. once, also sits on J.P. Morgan Chase's International Council.
Both the Canadian and American globalists have close connections to the China International Trade and Investment Company (CITIC), which, according to the 1999 Cox Report on Chinese Espionage is "the most powerful and visible PRC [Chinese government]-controlled conglomerate." (48) CITIC is a holding company of about 40 to 45 corporations specializing in categories such as construction, the automobile industry, the machine tool industry, technology, banking, real estate, publishing, and TV networks. Like other companies, the leadership reports directly to the Chinese ruling party.
CITIC was founded in 1979 by Rong Yiren (Elected vice president of the People's Republic of China in 1993) after Deng Xiaoping opened up the economy. Rong Yiren, as expected, turns out to be a close associate of the Rockefellers since day one. From the Wilderness quoting Michel Chossudovsky (49):
"The 1979 visit of Deng Xiaoping to the US was followed in June 1980 by the equally significant encounter in Wall Street of Rong Yiren, chairman of CITIC, and David Rockefeller. The meeting, held in the penthouse of the Chase Manhattan Bank complex, was attended by senior executives of close to 300 major US corporations. A major agreement was reached between Chase, CITIC, and the Bank of China, involving the exchange of specialists and technical personnel to "identify and define those areas of the Chinese economy most susceptible to American technology and capital infusion."
Another person who was involved in setting up CITIC was the Chinese/Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka Shing, who is reported to have done this with business partners Robert Kwok and Henry Fok, two (supposed) leading members of the triad mafia. They remained partners over the years and in 1997 members of the Kwok family, Fok family, Li Ka Shing, Commerce Secretary William M. Daley (CFR; later chair of Al Gore's presidential campaign; later Midwest chairman of J.P. Morgan Chase and Bank One Corp.; vice chair National Committee on U.S.-China Relations next to Maurice Greenberg and Lee Hamilton), and others were having a private meeting on board of the Monkey's Uncle, a boat owned by one of the largest investment banks in the world, Goldman Sachs (50). Li, a close business associate of Jay Rockefeller (51), is chairman of Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa. The latter company has two 25 year leases on the harbors at both ends of the Panama Canal (it does not control the canal as a whole). Li became a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire and a Commander in the Leopold Order of Belgium. Among many other business ventures and rumors about Chinese intelligence, drug trafficking, and illegal arms sales, Li owns the China Overseas Shipping Company (COSCO), which counted among its advisors Peter Kwok (of the triad gang who are business partners of Richard Blum and Senator Dianne Feinstein. Feinstein is an AIPAC insider, favors a national ID card, has visited the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg, and is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee under Jay Rockefeller) and Alexander Haig [update: Pilgrims Society executive since 1983]. In 1996 it was caught shipping 2000 AK-47s to Los Angeles street gangs, the largest seizure of smuggled automatic weapons in US history (52). The shipment came from the Poly Group, a Chinese governent & army run arms manufacturer that sells anything from machine guns to weapons of mass destruction to countries a lot of people in the West aren't happy with. Both CITIC and the Poly Group were headed by Wang Jun at the time (CITIC still is), the son of one of the Eight Immortals of communist China, Wang Zhen. Zhen was a Deng-supporting former president of the Communist Party and a vice-chairman of the Central Advisory Commission of China. All these companies are directly controlled by the Chinese government. But who controls the Chinese government?
Larry Yung is today's head of CITIC Pacific of Hong Kong and a director of the overall Chinese CITIC Group. He is the son of the main founder and first chairman of CITIC, the earlier mentioned Rockefeller-associate Rong Yiren. In 1999, Andre Desmarais (the HKSAR advisor, J.P. Morgan Chase advisor, son of a Privy Councilor, and the honorary chair of the Canada-China Business Council) received the rare privilege to buy a 4.2% stake in CITIC Pacific and subsequently became a director of the company. Since then, his family's Power Corporation has received generous access to the Chinese market.
As expected, Rockefeller-Rothschild associate Kissinger was also involved with this Chinese conglomerate. His consultancy firm, Kissinger Associates, set up the China Ventures fund with CITIC in 1989, which would be in the same year that he defended the Tiananmen Square massacre, arguing against sanctions being placed on China (53). Four months later, Alexander Haig - bio - , founder of the even more low-profile Worldwide Associates, a good friend of Sun Myung Moon, and another notorious early investor in China, decided as the only American to join the Tiananmen festivities when the People's Republic was celebrating its 40th anniversary. Kissinger, later, in 1997, became the central advisor to the Business Coalition for US-China Trade, a group of about a 1000 leading companies willing to invest in China (54). This China Lobby was primarily responsible for China joining the WTO in December 2001. The World Trade Organization itself is largely controlled by the LOTIS committee and the British Invisibles (whose president is the Duke of Kent, a member of the Pilgrims Society and head of the United Grand Lodge).

[(see attachment 8 below) What's that thing on his head? John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV. Son of John D. III who died in 1978. Business partner of Li Ka Shing, who is "a strong believer in synergy," and once invited by Clinton on a trip to China. The Clintons are very close to the Rothschild family.]

Democrats or Republicans doesn't really matter anymore these days as hundreds of large corporations are investing in China. Among them are Power Corporation, Entergy, Halliburton, Bechtel, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Loral Space Communications, Walt Disney, Wal Mart, Philip Morris, and others. The Democrats generally get the blame for having communist sympathies, but it shouldn't be overlooked that Clinton's closest supporters were people like Jay Rockefeller (John D. IV; roommate of Karim Aga Khan at Harvard (British-Zionist agent); vice chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; visited China many times; supported the Iraq war; does everything he can to extent and make permanent the Patriot Act provisions; one of the strongest advocates for comprehensive health care reform; PPI (new democrat) Task Force member; accused of leaking a "black ops" CIA spy satellite program in 2005), Evelyn de Rothschild, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Vernon Jordan (primary DLC funder; CFR; Trilateral Commission; Sun Valley Meetings; permanent Bilderberger; Lazard managing director; advisor to Barrick Gold and director of many other corporations; did everything he could to save Clinton from the Lewinsky Affair; appointed to the 1000 Points of Light Foundation after George W. Bush signed the Unity of Spirit Act after 9/11; close buddy of Evelyn de Rothschild and the Clintons), and Frank Biondi (big media guy; hosted a bunch of fundraisings for the Clintons at his Vineyard house; Sun Valley Meetings; counted Evelyn de Rothschild and Lynn Forester de Rothschild among his guests in 2005). The early China-trading Democrat-supporting Zionists Robert S. Strauss, Bernard L. Schwartz (chair Loral), Dianne Feinstein, and Ron Brown are also part of this group. Henry Kissinger and especially David Rockefeller, who were the initiators of the whole China program (not Clinton), show that we are not dealing with a standard Democrat crowd here. It's rather obvious we're looking at the relatively subtle, Zionist, United Nations-WWF crowd, in contrast to the equally pro-Zionist, neoconservative faction.
To expand on Clinton's connections with the above people: In 1998, the Clintons invited Li Ka Shing's business partner, Jay Rockefeller, to China (55). Both are anything but strangers over there. Clinton has spent Christmas Eve at the Martha's Vineyard house of the Jordans and often went there to do some fund raising. In 1998, Jordan did everything he could to diminish the impact of the Lewinsky Affair. Even after Clinton was out of office, in late August 2004, he and his wife Hillary, Evelyn de Rothschild, Vernon Jordan, and Prince Andrew were all hanging out at the Vineyard at their very own "Anyone but Bush" party. Rothschild and Jordan were jointly celebrating their birthdays that day (56). Earlier, in November 2000, two years after Kissinger had introduced the two to each other at Bilderberg, Evelyn and Lynn got married in London. After the wedding they seemingly flew to the US, since they were having diner with Senator Moynihan (worked for Averell Harriman in the 1950s; important United Nations official in the 1970s; important DLC operative; chairman of the 1997 Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy, which shed a little bit of light on the inner workings of the Black and Deep Black Programs, the latter officially known as Unacknowledged Special Access Programs) and the Clintons the very next day (57). According to EIR, the Clintons invited the married couple to spend their wedding night at the White House. In 2000, Evelyn clandestinely financed the creation of the Policy Network, a "super think tank" that coordinates between the Democratic Leadership Council and Labour’s inner circle (58). At the same time, Rothschild's wife is among the biggest supporters of the New Democrats in the US, just as Bernard L. Schwartz, Robert S. Strauss, and Frank Biondi.

[Update: the first real steps to the creation of North American Union were made in 2005 under the Bush administration. A treaty was signed to improve security cooperation and trade with Mexico and Canada and plans were made to build a super highway from Mexico to Canada. The treaty and plans have been removed from the media and will probably only resurface when the Democrats are in power. In the past, they at least tried to keep up the illusion that the Republicans stand for "small government" and "national sovereignty".]

Back to China. Both Democrats and Republicans tend to ignore the issue, but these days a growing number of people start to express their worries about China's military and economic expansion. Already in 1999, the Cox Investigation reported (59):
[align=left]"...[there is] certainly a long-term strategy...

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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"But perhaps it is naive to have expected a thorough investigation. The man is a Privy Councillor. Members of the Privy Council get State papers. They have unique access to what is really going on... But, as Kevin Cahill has pointed out, the Privy Council is at once an information source and a golden gag. You get information on Privy Council terms. You can't talk to anyone about it except other Privy Councillors, a number of whom are core Tories, members of the boards of arms companies and banks closely connected with the Tory government."
- 1995, Gerald James, 'In the public interest', p. 327-328

"In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together."
- January 17, 1961, President Eisenhower's historic farewell address to the Nation. At least one of his military staff members has publicly claimed that Eisenhower found out he was kept out of the loop on certain critical issues by the new Military Industrial complex.

"[The Soviet] challenge imposes upon our society two requirements of direct concern both to the press and to the President--two requirements that may seem almost contradictory in tone, but which must be reconciled and fulfilled if we are to meet this national peril. I refer, first, to the need for a far greater public information; and, second, to the need for far greater official secrecy."
"We are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control...
No president should fear public scrutiny of his program, for from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary... "
- April 27, 1961, President John F. Kennedy about freedom of the press, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York

"At that black tie party at the Palm Restaurant on the 4th of December in 1985, I was specifically invited by Neil Livingston and to come in and meet Ollie North, and it was a party to promote Neil Livingston’s book, called "Fighting Back", and the subtitle was "The War on Terrorism". He and a State Department/CIA spook by the name of Terry Arnold wrote that book together and this was the coming-out party for the book, and all the covert operations community, the real snake eaters, were going to be there with black ties. Ollie North was there and Bud McFarland and I don’t know, 75 or 100 people in black ties, having drinks and dinner and hobnobbing and they felt like ... the atmosphere at that party was one of ‘We are the shadow government running the United States.’...
The covert operations subculture and the pyramid system of it is difficult for the average citizen to understand. And I understand it because I saw it, but it’s awfully hard to describe. This stuff goes back to the scandals of the 70s ... of Watergate and Richard Helms, the CIA director, being convicted by Congress of lying to Congress, of Ted Shackley and Tom Clines and Dick Secord and a group of them being forced into retirement as a result of the scandal over Edmond P. Wilson’s training of Libyan terrorists in conjunction with these guys, and moving C-4 explosives to Libya. They decided way back when, ‘75-’76, during the Pike and Church Committee hearings, that the Congress was their enemy. They felt that the government had betrayed them and that they were the real heroes in this country and that the government became their enemy. In the late 70s, in fact, after Gerry Ford lost the election in ’76 to Jimmy Carter, and then these guys became exposed by Stansfield Turner and crowd for whatever reason ... there were different factions involved in all this stuff, and power plays ... Ted Shackley and Vernon Walters and Frank Carlucci and Ving West and a group of these guys used to have park-bench meetings in the late 70s in McClean, Virginia so nobody could overhear they conversations. They basically said, "With our expertise at placing dictators in power," I’m almost quoting verbatim one of their comments, "why don’t we treat the United States like the world’s biggest banana republic and take it over?" And the first thing they had to do was to get their man in the White House, and that was George Bush.
Reagan never really was the president. He was the front man. They selected a guy that had charisma, who was popular, and just a good old boy, but they got George Bush in there to actually run the White House. They’d let Ronald Reagan and Nancy out of the closet and let them make a speech and run them up the flagpole and salute them and put them back in the closet while these spooks ran the White House. They made sure that George Bush was the chairman of each of the critical committees involving these covert operations things.
This crowd really believes that the unwashed masses are ignorant, that we are people who are not capable of governing ourselves, that we need this elitist group to control the country, and the world -- these guys have expanded. They look at the United States not as a country, not in any kind of patriotic mode now, but they look on it as a state within a world that they control. And that’s this attitude that they have. They’re not unlike any other megalomaniac in the world. They’re nutty as fruitcake, but they’ve got distinguished gray hair, three-piece dark suits and they carry briefcases, and they’ll stand up and make speeches just as articulate as anybody in the world, but they don’t socialize and function outside their own little clique. My experience with them is that they could be certified as criminally insane and put away in a rubber room and have the key thrown away. That’s how dangerous they are. But they’re powerful, and they’re educated. And that makes them twice as dangerous. And that’s basically what’s running the world right now.
If I had not been part of this, and hadn’t seen it first hand, I would not believe a word I’m saying. "
- January 4, 2002, Gene Wheaton, an intelligence insider and whistleblower during Iran-Contra, during an interview by Matt Ehling on Declassified Radio

"Marchetti explained that there are basically three kinds of purportedly private organizations that the CIA relies on in its work. One kind is known as a CIA proprietary - a concern that has been designed to provide some service wanted by the CIA, and is secretly wholly owned by the CIA itself while disguised to appear in public to be a private business. Obviously the CIA hires and could fire the heads of such businesses... [Yet] John Marks [Marchetti coauthor], says: "For all practical purposes, the proprietors conduct their own financial affairs with a minimum of oversight from CIA headquarters. Only when a proprietary is in need of funds for, say, expansion of its fleet of planes, does it request agency money. Otherwise, it is free to use its profits in any way it sees fit. In this atmosphere, the proproetaries tend to take on lives of their own, and several have grown to big and too independent to be either controlled from or dissolved by headquarters." Paul Helliwell's old Sea Supply Corporation was such a company. Other proprietaries numbered a whole gaggle of CIA-owned airlines, including some in the United States whose growth into the domestic freight market threatened the existence of some free-market competitors."
"A second kind of operation, Marchetti has said, is a "front," an organization whose purported business is a sham, kept in place to provide a cover for other activities. Like the little cargo-expediting companies set up by members of Naval Task Force 157, it offers a place for agents to get mail or phone calls, and provides an answer to otherwise embarrassing questions like, "What are you doing here?" Fronts are less tightly controlled than proprietaries..."
"But, as Marchetti explained on Australian radio October 25, 1980, in the wake of the Nugan Hand scandal, "There's a third kind of organization which is really an independent organization, but is closely allied to the CIA, not only in ideology but because many of the people who work for it are ex-CIA people. They have mutual goals in some instances, or at least their goals run parallel in some instances. On the other hand, they operate independently... This is like Interarms Company [the largest private arms dealer of the time]... Of course it's an independent organization but it's run by a former CIA man, [Samuel] Cummings, and he does favors, or he used to do favors, for the agency and vice versa."..."
[On the Australian radio show Marchetti also said] "Bissell was making a point that proprietaries were a very dangerous instrument, they're hard to control, they're easy to be exposed. He was advocating the use of private institutions, and he meant not only independent little operations that would get started and grow into something big, but also banks and other business corporations that had offices overseas, and working through them, putting people into them, and putting... people from other countries in as cutouts and agents for the CIA..""
"Victor Marchetti: "If Nugan Hand is what it seems to be, this is just one of the kinds of organizations that Bissell would advocate as being used to facilitate operations overseas. He probably would prefer to be working through First National City Bank, or Chase Manhattan, or something like that, because there it's almost impossible to penetrate the cover. But Nugan Hand, here you have all these CIA people associated with it.""
- 1987, Wall Street Journal reporter Jonathan Kwitney, 'The Crimes of Patriots', p. 120- 122

"Powerful and secretive, the group which dictated the whole covert policy drew its membership less from among elected politicians, than civil servants, particularly the Cabinet Office, and from Intelligence circles, industry and the City, the very forces which brought Mrs Thatcher to power. Some elected are nonetheless allied to the group, where political position or some area of mutual interest - the City, the Middle East - suggest it would prove beneficial. Jonathan Aitken [once head of Le Cercle] was someone who fitted into the latter category, not a member of the inner sanctum exactly, though he very much wanted to be... [James had done business with Aitken] "
"Whether Margaret Thatcher was herself at the real centre of power as the leader of this inner group cannot be said for certain. However, she was more concerned for the group's freedom to act than any other prime minister in history."
"The cabal needs the City to finance its deals and launder its funds... The passasge of officers from British Intelligence to the City is a common enough occurrence and, as we have seen in the case of Sir John Cuckney (ex-MI5) and the crash of the Liverpool Docks, where there are political overtones involved, such men are especially welcome... Once in a City position, these men maintain their Intelligence connections. That is the purpose. Ideally, like Cuckney again, they build up political connections. It is this mixture of City, Intelligence and politics that constituted the profile of the cabal."
"Firms like Kleinwort Benson, where George Kennedy Young worked after retiring as deputy head of MI6, and Morgan Grenfell have had their Intelligence associations for years, as have Hambros, Schroeders, Rothschilds and Barings... Peter Middleton, chief executive of Lloyds of London, came out of the Foreign Office and MI6, and has worked for the International Division of Midland Bank [played a central role in the Iraq arms trade]..."
"If you are in the senior echelons of the civil service, the City and Intelligence, you are above the law, you are all powerful... It is clear, if you read the transcripts of the Scott Inquiry, so far as it relates to people like Geoffrey Howe, Sir Stephen Egerton, David Gore-Booth of the Foreign Office and the rest of them, you will see that this attitude comes out very clearly: 'Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men' and clearly don't apply to the likes of them. 'We are on a totally different stratum, old boy. We are the elite. We can call up the resources of the establishment, whether it is the judiciary or the police or the Customs or the Inland Revenue and we'll slam anybody on the head whom we don't like or who doesn't conform to our view of society. And that applies even to your elected representatives. We'll deal with them the same if need be.'..."
"Years later I bumped into Peter Shore [important politician and Privy Council member] in the changing rooms of the Roehampton Club... What I actually said to Shore was, 'Why has the main witness not been interviewed [in the Pergau Dam/ Malaysian arms deal affair]?' Shore, assuming that I meant Thatcher, began to reply - 'It's her prerogative as Prime Minister..." When I interrupted, telling him I meant Kock [MI6, SAS, at Midland Bank; the UK's primary "official" arms dealer under Thatcher; alleged former assassin], Shore's telling response was, 'But that is another level of government altogether.'"
- 1995, Gerald James, 'In the Public Interest', p. 121, 124, 126-127, 140, 160. James used be a banker at Barings, a member of the highly influential Monday Club, and all his career moved in very high intelligence and financial circles. In the late 1980s his company was among those picked by "the cabal" to be sacrificed in the Iraqgate scandal in order to protect the real movers and shakers.

"Stephen Dorril tells us that when, in July 1961, Cabinet Secretary Norman Brook failed to pass to the Prime Minister information about War Minister John Profumo's affair with Christine Keeler (a friend of KGB officer Eugene Ivanov), 'Harold Wilson stumbled on a crucial secret, namely the fact that the Cabinet Office, not the Prime Minister's office, had overall control of the security service and, crucially, the overall flow of information': putting the real power into the hands of permanent government rather than elected government."
"Intelligence about arms comes from intercepted communications, MI6 agents and informers, embassy officials, and arms dealers. Robin Robison, former administrative officer for the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) responsible for disseminating that information, has put on record that GCHQ [British NSA] arms-deal information goes via JIC to the Bank of England, the DTI, FCO, MoD and ECGD, but is rarely passed into the parliamentary arena. Robinson's job was to sift through transcripts of bugged telephone calls and other intercepted material for inclusion in JIC's 'Red Book' before its distribution."
"'Although the Director-General [MI5] has a right to direct access to the Prime Minister, he does not lightly go over the heads of permanent under-secretaries for fear of creating future problems,' writes one former intelligence officer. Ex-Deputy Chief of MI6, George Kennedy Young [whom Gerald James knew well], admitted that, when it comes keeping the Prime Minister informed, the Cabinet Secretary may conveniently fail to find an 'oppertune moment' to pass the baton of power from permanent to elected government."
"Dorril and Ramsay quote another security source saying that the Home Secretary 'hasn't got a clue what is going on. If he comes around, you lock away any sensitive files and set up a display file specifically for him to look at - a spoof file on some imaginary subversive with lots of exciting material in it. He's not going to know any better.'"
"... Again, every week the Queen receives JIC reports while our own ministers remain relatively in the dark. We are told that Her Majesty makes useful comments on these, and it may be that her comments are more useful than those that might be forthcoming from ministers, but I believe that many ordinary people, brainwashed by the tabloids into thinking that the purpose of the Royal Family is to offer entertainment along the lines of soap opera, would be surprised to learn about this system of disbursement of vital information to government..."
"If most Prime Ministers take up office without much or indeed any knowledge of the security services, in Thatcher's case she was briefed by people associated with Brian Crozier's [former head of Le Cercle] Institute for the Study of Conflict even as leader of the Opposition during Jim Callaghan's government... she was the first Prime Minister to insist that she sit in on the highly secret Joint Intelligence Committee meetings."
- 1995, Gerald James, 'In the Public Interest', p. 128-130. James used be a banker at Barings, a member of the highly influential Monday Club, and all his career moved in very high intelligence and financial circles. In the late 1980s his company was among those picked by "the cabal" to be sacrificed in the Iraqgate scandal in order to protect the real movers and shakers.

[Queen:] "Nobody, Paul has been as close to a member of my family as you have... There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge."
[Paul:] "She wanted me to make sure my wife Maria and children remained safe. It was not a threat, it was sound advice. She had my interests at heart…No-one had never warned me like that. It made me suddenly realize the magnitude of the situation. It was obviously much, much bigger than I had ever thought."
- Queen Elizabeth II to Paul Burrell in a 3-hour talk at Buckingham Palace, [size=12][B]November 1997. Burrell was Diana's Butler for the 10 years prior to her death. Reported in an interview with the Daily Mirror, November 6, 2002. The Mirror also wrote the story 'Shadows that Haunt the Queen' on the same day in which they wondered what the queen ment with this statement. [/B][/SIZE]

"Well, the British establishment was a very close-knit society. People used to know each other. You were born; you were put down for equal... It was a structured society, centering around the [royal] court; which meant something: It was a cradle to grave dependence on and relationship with the monarchy. What you might generally call nepotism, even corruption, was far from that mind [inaudible]; they didn't think they were nepotistic or corrupt; it's the normal thing to do."
- Lord Weidenfeld, publisher and friend of prime minister Harold Wilson. Weidenfeld made these comments in the 2005 BBC documentary 'The Plot Against Harold Wilson', which investigated the ousting of Harold Wilson by the British establishment in 1976. Lord Donoghue, once Wilson's senior policy advisor, added:
"Wilson was opposed to the London establishment running things... he thought they were inefficient, incompetent, as well as privileged."

"[Special Branch] came to tell [Wilson] how they bugged everyone in the union and how they got tape recordings and would he like copies... little men in black boots would come through quite regularly... Their [MI5's] fears were justified, in that the communists have never succeeded in winning an election. They've always gone into the unions and had fairly successful infiltration in that way. That's not what frightens me. What worries me is the people who do become frightened of that and then they think something very scary is happening and take action on it. If you took all that too seriously and acted on it, then you would make a right wing regime happen in a very short time."
- Harold Wilson's secretary, Baroness Marcia Falkender, to the two BBC journalists that had been approached by Wilson after his resignation. This comment can be heard in the 2005 BBC documentary 'The Plot Against Harold Wilson'.

"The known history of civilization is merely the visible part of the iceberg. There is a shadow economy, shadow politics and also a shadow history, known to conspirologists. There are forces acting in the world, unstoppable for countries and even continents."
"There are international "super-state" and "super-government" groups. In accordance with tradition, the mystical and religious components play extremely important roles in human history. One must take into account the shadow economy, shadow politics and the religious component, while predicting the development of the present financial situation."
"Shadow financial activities of 300 trillion [not billion?] dollar are hanging over the planet. At any moment, they could fall on any stock exchange and cause panic and a crash."
"The U.S. has been chosen as the object of financial attack because the financial center of the planet is located there. The effect will be maximal. The strike waves of economic crisis will spread over the planet instantly and will remind us of the blast of a huge nuclear bomb."
"President Putin and the Russian Central Bank are already taking the necessary healthy measures. There are high chances that after 19 August the ruble will become a very good currency... Some fluctuation in this date is possible. Serious forces are acting against those who are now preparing the attack on the United States. August, with very high probability, will bring the financial catastrophe to the U.S."
- July 12, 2001, Dr. Tatyana Koryagina to Pravda (page one). She is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Macroeconomic Researches subordinated to Russian Ministry of Economic Development (Minekonom). She is reportedly close to President Putin's inner circle. The interview was reported and translated by Newsmax's Dr. Alexandr Nemets, September 17, 2001. Nemets noticed there were many similar reports circulating in Russia since July. He also remarked that immediately after 911 the dollar exchange rate in Moscow street exchanges fell from 29 rubles to 15-20 rubles, which was greater than anywhere else in the world: "as if the Moscow financial experts had awaited the strikes or expected greater panic and collapse."

"German computer experts are working around the clock to unlock the truth behind an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes crashed into New York's World Trade Center Sept. 11."
"Richard Wagner, a data retrieval expert at the company, said illegal transfers of more than $100 million might have been made immediately before and during the disaster."
"There is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million," Wagner said. "They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed."
- September, 18, 2001, BBC

"The Chicago Board Options Exchange, the biggest U.S. options market, said Tuesday it is investigating trading before terrorist attacks that flattened New York's World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon."
"Trading in some so-called put options, which rise in value when stock prices fall, surged as much as 285 times the previous average volume in UAL Corp. and AMR Corp., parent companies of United and American Airlines, during the days before terrorists used hijacked United and American jets as weapons against the center's twin towers and the Pentagon."
"Options volume also jumped at some insurers and at brokerages affected by the attacks. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co., which occupied 22 floors of the 110-story 2 World Trade Center, experienced pre-attack trading of some put options that was more than 25 times the usual volume."
- Chicago Sun-Times, September 19, 2001. One of a few dozen similar news articles.

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
- Senator Daniel K. Inouye during the Iran-Contra hearings.

“Yes, yes, there are powerful elites yes, still…for example…everybody knows who’s calling the shots in the CDA [leading political party in the Netherlands]. That are only 2,3,4,5,6 people… above all, one is loyal…others are being judged if they can behave themselves a little bit; if they can rise in the hierarchy…most are only concerned with ‘what do the leaders think of me?’…People leave no opportunities open to denigrate a fellow party member. But of course you’ll find that in other areas as well…newspapers, tv, the justice department…very little about it is independent.”
- 2003, Bram Peper, former Dutch Minister of Internal Affairs and former Mayor of Rotterdam. This statement was made in the Dutch documentary 'het grote complot'. During this interview he also mentioned the ERT, an organization I had never heard of until that moment.

"At this moment, the people in power, the involved ministers, usually together with the party leaders, are discussing beforehand how they are going to behave during their public debate, without any one of the other party members being present at that time. Usually it even goes as far that they are discussing the ‘probable' proposals of the opposition, which ones are acceptable and which ones are not. Also… how every party can remain in the debate without being humiliated. Most of the time it is already arranged which party can enforce something from the government… there is very little room for individual action. "
- 2003, Dries van Agt. Among other things, he was a Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Justice, head of the CDA (major political party), and Vice-Prime Minister of the Netherlands. This statement was made in the Dutch documentary 'het grote complot'.

"Societies do not usually lose their freedom at a blow. They give it up bit by bit, letting themselves be tied down with an infinity of little knots. As rules and regulations increase, their range of action is gradually compressed. Their options slowly lessen. Without noticing the change, they become wards of the state. They still imagine themselves free, but in a thousand and one ways, their choices are limited and guided by the authorities. And always, there are what seem to be sensible reasons for letting their autonomy be peeled away: "Safety." "Health." "Social justice." "Equal opportunity."
"It is easy to grow accustomed to docility. That is why eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Not because liberty is easy to shatter. But because it can be softened and dismantled with the acquiescence of the very men and women from whom it is being stolen."
- November 12, 1998, Jeff Jacoby in his Boston Globe column.

"Well, er, I think all this is very, er, one sided propaganda. [long break] Much more so then with the first Gulf war."
- March 2003, Wim Duisenberg, at that moment still president of the European Central Bank, gives his opinion about US media coverage of Gulf War II. He does this 'privately' after a (Dutch) Tegenlicht documentary producer asks his opinion about a US media station he's watching. Duisenberg was (he died in 2005) married to Gretta Duisenberg, a very controversial opponent of what she terms the "Jewish lobby." She claims Bush does not dare to stand up to them, just as many other international politicians. Among other things, in 2002, she hung out a large Palestinian flag out of her balcony, right in the middle of a wealthy Jewish neighborhood. In no time, Duisenberg, who always quietly supported his wife, was forced to take it down due to all the death threats the pair received. Former high level politician Dries van Agt is one her supporters. Today she is less prominent after her husband stepped down from the ECB presidency and subsequently died 2 years later.

"We Chinese will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian... Of course, the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese."
- July 16, 2005, The Guardian, 'Chinese general warns of nuclear risk to US'. The quote is from the Chinese major general Zhu Chenghu. Even after many warnings like this, the globalist group in the US, headed by David Rockefeller and Pete Peterson, is still working on expanding the economic ties with China.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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