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Castro speech 11/23/63 re JFK assassination
I have been trying to get this quote, and more from this speech, online for years. It first came to my attention in 1975 when I was doing a research paper for college on the assassination of JFK. From Paris Flammonde's seminal work on Jim Garrison: "The Kennedy Conspiracy. An Uncommissioned Report on the Jim Garrison Investigation" (Meredith Press 1969). The speech is printed in full in Dr. Martin Schotz' "History Will Not Absolve Us". Paris was kind enough today to type the quote below from his 1969 book. For those who have access to Marty's book, it's worth the price alone just for this full incredible speech. Lots of insightful stuff proving Castro knew immediately why JFK was killed.

These events occur precisely at a moment when Kennedy was being severely attacked by those who considered his Cuban policy to be weak. It could not be us, but only the enemies of the Revolution and the enemies in general of a more moderate policy, a less warlike policy. . . who might be interested in the death of President Kennedy. [They are] the only ones who perhaps could have received the news of Kennedy’s death with satisfaction.

A few days ago an incident drew my attention. This was while the Inter-American Press Association Conference was taking place. It was a scandal. . . . They [anti-Castro exiles] made long tirades. . . against the speech delivered by Kennedy in Florida . . . [which] disappointed a number of persons who favor a more aggressive policy against Cuba. It was a disappointment for the counterrevolutionary elements, and it was a disappointment for the warmongering elements in the United States. . . .

There is something very interesting—really very interesting and curious which drew my attention when I read it. That is why I remembered it and looked for the papers. It says: “The third editor to express his opinion was Sergio Carbo.” . . . Carbo . . . is Director of the Executive Council of the Inter-American Press Association . . .an important post in reactionary intellectual circles . . . his statement ends (and this is what drew my attention) . . . by saying: “I believe that a coming serious event will oblige Washington to change its policy of peaceful coexistence.” What does this mean? What did this gentleman mean when he said three days before the assassination . . . in a cable . . . from Associated Press, dated November 19, ap number 254, miami beach . . . “i believe that a coming serious event will oblige washington to change its policy of peaceful coexistence”?

what does this mean, three days before the murder of president kennedy? because when i read this cable it caught my attention, it intrigued me, it seemed strange to me. was there perhaps some sort of understanding? was there perhaps some sort of plot? was there perhaps in those reactionary circles, where the so-called weak policy of kennedy toward cuba was under attack, where the policy of civil rights was under attack—was there perhaps in certain civilian and military ultra-reactionary circles in the united states a plot against President Kennedy’s life?
Very interesting speech. Fidel is no fool. Neither was Krushchev. They both knew what was going on the instant they heard of it and they knew damn well they didn't do it and also who did. If not the individuals the forces.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Very interesting speech. Fidel is no fool. Neither was Krushchev. They both knew what was going on the instant they heard of it and they knew damn well they didn't do it and also who did. If not the individuals the forces.

You are so correct. Have you read Jim Douglas' amazing book JFK and the Unspeakable? I cannot recommend this book enough. Much research, records released via ARRB and tracking down witnesses ... I am looking forward to reading it again...but have to finish Harvey and Lee first... which I have not looked at in months...too busy with work...

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