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Making of Suicide Bombers (and more)
Making of suicide bombers

3 11 2010 [An excellent explanation by a medical professional, of a complex medical problem which has been created by CIA scientists and weaponized by American psy-warriors. The root problem of the terror war is the suicide-bomber, young men and women who can be programmed like computers because of modern narcohypnosis techniques and the powerful narcotics which are used, that enable the technicians to override the subject's own will, even to the point of death.
The existence of this program is proof in itself that the United States sent its own trained suicide-bombers to New York City and Washington D.C., on September 11, 2001.]]
Making of suicide bombers

Dr G. Ayub
June 16th, 2010
There is general consensus about how suicide bombers are brainwashed in religious seminaries. They attack groups belonging to the opposite religious sects and supporters of American interests. But what about those who bomb innocent people in the market places who have no religious or political inclinations? An investigative report following the carnage at Bhakar, traced the culprit to a Mullah in DIK who had links with Waziristan. The most disturbing part of the investigation showed that suicide bombers are randomly sold for Rs 1 million to Rs 1.5 million. The question is; are these bombers the culprits or themselves victims caught in the cobweb spread by their brutal handlers?
Brainwashing takes different forms. I remember a psychiatrist, who treated heroin addicts, telling me that the principle of his therapy was to replace addiction with addition. I didn’t know what he was talking about until I learned about how the treatment ran in sessions. First, the patient was detoxified followed by replacing heroin with a milder short-acting sedative; followed, again, by ‘Minimum Insulin Therapy (MIT)’ to help the addict gain weight and feel good about himself. After that, he was given a list of religious books to read. This was the most fascinating part of the therapy as at the end of finishing a book, the psychiatrist would discuss it with him and find out what he found interesting in it. Then he would do the same with the second book and the third and it went on and on for some time. Now and again, he would ask a religious scholar to join them in the discussions. According to him, it had a remarkable effect on the addict as he not only gave up heroin but also turned to religion. On my enquiry, he explained, “I replace one type of addiction with another; first hard drugs with milder drug and later milder drug with religion” It was then I realised, how skilfully he brainwashed his patients without hypnotising them in a conventional way.
Generally speaking, hypnosis is the main tool in brainwashing. As opposed to conventional brainwashing by the psychiatrists in medical fields; evidence is available where it is carried out in the fields of warfare. At the end of WWII and beginning of ‘Cold War’, President Truman authorized ‘Project Paperclip’ to exploit German scientists in detainment for American research in this field. These intellectuals, though ardent Nazis, were considered so vital to the “Cold War” effort, that they were taken to the US and Canada to deny the Soviet Union from such vital resources. That’s how mind control experimentation started secretly on a grand scale. It was at that time that James Forrestal, the US Secretary of Defence, pushed for the CIA to begin a ‘secret war’ against the Soviets. In 1947, it was decided that the communist threat should be given priority over constitutional rights. It is interesting to find, that this theory was applied again in 2001 at the onset of the war against terrorism. Forrestal’s initiative led to the execution of psychological warfare operations (psy-ops) in Europe, using military bases to hide covert activities. A 1999 report to the Senate and the House said “between 1945 and 1955, 765 scientists, engineers, and technicians were brought to the US under Paperclip and similar programs.”
A declassified CIA document ‘Hypnotic Experimentation and Research, 10 February 1954’ talks of creation of unsuspecting assassins through mind control. According to the report, the agency originated its first program in 1950 under the name of ‘Bluebird’ which was changed to ‘Artichoke Mkultra’ after Britain and Canada were included in it. It was closed officially in 1964 but some of its programs remained active under ‘Mksearch’. In 1973, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, CIA Director ordered the destruction of ‘Mkultra’ records, some of which survived and surfaced as part of 16,000 page documents in the Agency’s financial history. According to Senator Frank Church, who led the congressional investigations of the CIA ‘s unlawful actions in 1976, the agency was “a rogue elephant operating above the law as it plotted assassinations, illegally spied on thousands of Americans, and even drugged our own citizens in its effort to develop new weapons for its covert arsenal”.
Apparently, those weapons were hypnotic techniques, operated through drugs and sensory deprivation, to split one’s personality followed by preparing subjects to respond to a post hypnotic trigger and perform acts which they wouldn’t remember later. A typical case was shown by P Janet, who asked a “deeply hypnotised female to commit several murders before a distinguished group of judges, stabbing some victims with a rubber dagger and poisoning others with sugar tablets” She did it without hesitation. In this way, research centres were developed making high power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapons that projected acoustics to produce ‘voices in the head’ akin to schizophrenic patients. The aim was to devise a system stimulating specific brain wave rhythms and alter the state of consciousness of individual subjects. They were exposed to extreme REM sleep deprivation added, sometimes, with selective drugs that make them incapable of resisting “suggestions”. With further work, such ‘suggestions’ were converted to “commands” with devastating consequences such as accepting to kill or be killed. It is known that REM sleep deprivation causes; reduced protein synthesis, loss of short term memory, confusion, impulsiveness, anger, frustration, diminished self-esteem, reduced productivity, apathy, depression and increased suggestibility.
We know that the subconscious mind plays a pivotal role in brainwashing by accepting ‘suggestions’. These suggestions are conveyed through acoustics or visuals or both. And this became the principle of brainwashing in scientific way used in warfare. This type of brainwashing is different to the one practiced by the psychologists and psychiatrists. They use phonation as a ‘suggesting tool’ while scientists use visuals and acoustics for the purpose. For example, in case of visuals, ‘suggestions’ are conveyed to subconscious brain through rapid movement of frames at the speed of 30 per second. At this speed the conscious mind cannot recognize the message but the subconscious mind can with clarity. Thus a subject can be brainwashed while wide awake.
Similarly, the subconscious mind operates at a speed of about 1200 to 1400 words per minute. This is many times faster than the conscious mind that operates at 250 to 450 WPM (words per minute). It means that at a higher speed the conscious mind cannot recognize a message but the subconscious mind not only recognises it but reads it clearly and gets sensitised to it. This part of acoustic transmission has its own history. In the mid-1950s, certain psychtronic weapons of mass mind-control were tested by US military intelligence with the code name ‘the sound of silence’. It was perfected during the 70s and used extensively in the 90s. This mind-altering covert weapon is based on subliminal carrier technology called the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), also nicknamed S-Quad or “Squad” in military jargon. It was developed by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia. Using this technology, inaudible acoustic or vibrational desired messages are conveyed in very low; very high audio frequencies; or in ultrasonic frequency for inducement into the subconscious mind through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. In layman’s terms, this device, allows for the unwarranted implantation of specific messages, thoughts, emotions, and even prescribed physical actions into unsuspecting human beings. In other words, it has the ability to turn human beings into mere puppets in the hands of their “controllers”.
This technology falls in ‘behavioural modification program, in which subjects go through three stages; pre-screen evaluation; process of standardisation; and process of extreme. Without going into details of each stage, it works out as follows;
A full study of the subject’s religious, superstitions, fears, and insecurities is made through standard subliminal interrogation techniques and behavioural observation. After having full control over the subject; his physical and mental condition is depleted by arresting his ability to communicate concisely, and making him dishonoured in the sight of local and federal law enforcement agencies to assure the subject’s testimony becomes questionable. Meanwhile, depending on the leanings of the subject, whether religious or non-religious, coincidence is used to create a perception that supernatural events are beginning in his life. A combination of posthypnotic commands and pre-information awarded to him prior to an upcoming experience that gives him a feeling that “God” or some other supernatural being is taking an interest in his life. The subject is then given a posthypnotic suggestion that a feeling of dread or loss is welling up inside him and he is directed to think of a particular loved one. With repetitions, he starts believing that he has special powers, insights, or communications from God or other super entities, which come as ‘voices’. In actual fact such voices may be transmitted as posthypnotic script at a pre-specified time from a nearby building. And what about those who are detained in places such as Bagram Base or Guantanamo Bay?
To quote an example; a declassified CIA document dated 7 January 1953 with a section heading “Outline of Special H Cases” describes the creation of multiple personalities in two 19-year old girls. “These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep hypnotic state by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes.”G.H. Estabrooks was the only mind control doctor who publicly acknowledged in his book Spiritism that experiments were done to create multiple personalities. In another book, Hypnotism, he states that the creation of experimental multiple personality for operational use in military subjects, whom he refers to as super spies, is ethical because of the demands of war. In a 1971 article in Science Digest, he claimed to have created hypnotic couriers and counterintelligence agents for operational use.
Now, here is an interesting point I want to put forward. On October 27, 1992, the ‘Squad’ technology was patented for “privatization” commercial applications by Dr. Lowery, opening the door to private defence contractors to develop their own “intelligence systems”. No wonder the public showed concerns about Xe or Backwater Security Firm taking over buildings in Islamabad and other cities of the country and fortifying them. And what about the secret boxes delivered to the Marriot Hotel, Islamabad, without being checked just before a suicide bomber with a truckload of ammunition blasted himself? The next day, Rehman Malik linked the bomber with Waziristan.
Finally, a declaration, in a neuroscientist conference sponsored by the UN at Tokyo in 1999, read: “Today we have intellectual, physical and inancial resources to master the power of the brain itself, and to develop devices to touch the mind and even control or erase consciousness…We wish to profess our hope that such pursuit of knowledge serves peace and welfare” The question is; are the religious custodians and non-religious political gurus around the world use such fantastic resources for the benefit of religious synchronization and global political stability; or to gain immoral supremacy, through intrigues, strife and wars? And isn’t it shameful that they pick up innocent youth, brainwash them and then turn them into suicide bombers.
Dr G. Ayub
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CIA Document Scan On Creating Mind-Controlled Assassins

3 11 2010 [URL=""][B]Programmed Assassins Used in Mind Control
Image of Original Declassified CIA Document

CIA Document Mori ID: 190691, page 1
Title: Hypnotic Experimentation and Research
Date: 10 February 1954
To check the veracity of this document, order it directly from the CIA as an individual document, or as part of the three CD set of declassified CIA mind control documents. Ordering instructions are available here.
[Image: fireshot-pro-capture-113-programmed-assa...=465&h=193]

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"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Who Is Responsible for Suicide-Bomber Academies?

Peter Chamberlin
[Image: art-pakistan-suicide-boys-cnn.jpg?w=292&h=219]
Captured suicide-bombers from Swat

insert #1

In the following report, Yet Another Mosque Suicide-Bombed Near Peshawar, we read all that we can stand to read about the latest suicide-bomber to strike that embattled country.An interesting Pakistani website today asks the following question: who do you think is responsible for suicide bombings in Pakistan? It is vital to Pakistan’s survival as a self-governing state that it uncover the truth about the suicide-bomber trainers who bedevil the country.
Who really is behind the world epidemic of suicide-bombers that plague not only Pakistan, but much of the world? If it was true that the Pakistani Army was really responsible for most of the “Islamic” suicide-bombers as some people claim, then most of the bombings would not be happening there. Whoever perfected the art of suicide-bomber training transplanted the science to multiple countries from a central source.
The frequency of these attacks over the past two or three years has given the Pakistani Army ample opportunity to capture dispatched bombers before they could push their doorbell buttons to Nirvana. They recently captured a bomber training camp in Swat, giving them loads of evidence about the mind-control technicians who ran the camps and the methods that they were using to convince countless Pakistani boys to surrender their precious lives in acts of mass-murder against fellow Muslims. Such was the power of the mind-science being deployed against the boys and through them, against all of Pakistan.
Pakistan has been more successful in suicide-bomber interception than any other Nation.
The following is an excerpt from the Pakistani press, some of it in the boys’ own words, detailing some of the brainwashing they endured in Mingora, Swat:
“His training included 16 hours a day of physical exercise and psychological indoctrination. ‘My instructor told me that martyrdom is the biggest reward of Allah,’ Murad said quietly.”
“Another boy, Abdul Wahab, 15, said that the Taleban lured him to the camp from his studies at a madrassa — Islamic school — in Mingora. ‘I was told that it was a religious duty of every Muslim to get training to fight the enemies of Islam,’
‘They are told that the Pakistani Army has become an enemy of Islam, as it is fighting for Christians and Jews,’ said a senior official involved in the interrogation of potential suicide bombers who have surrendered or been captured.
On the day of a planned attack, the designated suicide bomber is taken to a mosque to be congratulated for being chosen by God. ‘Sometimes he is also heavily drugged before the attack.”
Another camp in Bajaur:
“When I refused, they tied me down with a rope and started beating me. Eventually I said I was ready to carry out an attack just to make them stop.”
“They came and forced me to eat a tablet. After taking the pill I couldn’t understand what was right or wrong. Whatever they said to me I would answer yes to everything and seemed justified to me. The pills made me forgetful and I stopped caring about my brothers, sisters or parents. The only thing before me was paradise and I agreed to carry out an attack for the sake of Islam.”
The next excerpt is from another suicide-bomber school busted near Karachi:
“Shah convinced him that Muslims all over the world were being subjected to brutality, and that believers were supposed to respond in kind. “Zahir Shah said that becoming a suicide bomber was my ticket to heaven, and on the Day of Judgement, I would have nothing to worry about,” Salaam disclosed.
“He told me that each and every organ of mine will be offered in the way of God’s will, and as soon as I blow myself up, I will be in Heaven.”
There are similar reports from Somalia and Iraq:
“The people involved in training children are foreigners who speak English or Arabic and they use translators to help them,” says Colonel Abdullahi Hassan Barise.
“Some of the children had been threatened while others were brainwashed into believing that they would go to paradise if they took part in what was described as the defence of Somalia and Islam.”
“Some of the children said that a Pakistani trainer used to spike their drinks with something,”
“She insists she doesn’t know the women who gave her the vest…A policeman standing next to her could be heard saying that when she was picked up, she was initially unable to talk because she had been given drugs.”
The next report came from the actual President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov:
He claimed to have proof that that there were only between 50-70 Islamist militants in the entire country and that more than half of them were foreign mercenaries–“Azeris, Turks, Ukrainians, Georgians and Arabs.”
Kadyrov made the following specific claims (Google trans.):
“They have formed the Riyadh-Salikhin conditions….”
“They are given some pills, and after the adoption of a man is like a robot, do not think.” “They brought the pills from overseas [administered by] highly trained staff of Western specialists that work against Russia.”

To state the obvious at this point, all of the previous examples of suicide-bomber training took place in countries targeted by the United States. That is no coincidence, since it was the CIA which perfected the original “Islamist” indoctrination program which is at the core of all these brainwashing programs. The Mujahedeen Textbooks (SEE: A is for Allah, J is for jihad) were the first source to provide the Wahabbi “Islamist” logic, the “logic trap,” to the boys of Afghanistan, but in the beginning, there was little need for suicide-bombers with the great abundance of thousands of men and boys in both Pakistan and Afghanistan who were reacy to lay-down their lives for God’s Holy War.
Kadyrov made some important points with his warning. Riyad-us-Saliheen is a condensed version of the Hadith, the oral traditions of Islam; it is also the name of a suicide-bomber Wahabbi cult which plagued Chechnya in the past.
The religious literature is a 1900 verse teaching manual on Shariah Law, the second most popular Muslim book, after the Quran itself. Its popularity suggests that in remote regions it may sometimes be considered a substitute for the Quran, which has only 6236 verses. It may be the source of the flawed fundamentalism taught to jihadis. There has to be a super-condensed version of a Shariah book, which is the one that is memorized by students of the suicide acadamies. This could be it.
The Riyad-us-Saliheen Brigade was a small force of Chechen suicide bombers who were responsible for nearly all of the major terrorist bombings and suicide missions staged in Russia and the Caucasus since 1999, including the Beslan attack. It seems obvious that another “Islamist” death squad is truly operating in southern Russia, one capable of producing a ready “arsenal” of 20 or more reliable suicide-bombers at any given time. If Western intelligence agencies are behind it, then it bodes ill for Chechnya and Russia, and for the American “reset” as well. America’s “Islamist” policies are reckless in the extreme. Reactions to revelations about that Islamist policy could prove to be just as extreme.
Kadyrov claimed that captured members of this brigade had confessed that Western specialists had given them mind-control drugs, “pills from overseas,” which had the effect of making them like robots, who “do not think.” This is, once again, another revival of the charge that the CIA is in the wholesale business of mass-producing “Manchurian candidate,” terrorist/assassins trained to carry-out planned subversion and destabilization, only this time the reports are coming in from all over the world. Everywhere that you have the phenomenon of militant “Islamists” who stage Shariah-enforcing attacks, you also find reports of the use of special drugs that are being given to the soldiers to pump them up for war.
There are two streams of information which link the United States to the wave of suicide-bombing in Eurasia, the historical record of the creation of the International Islamist Front (otherwise known as “al-Qaeda”) and the clinical history of the American G.I. psychological reconditioning programs. Between these two resources, it can be proved beyond doubt that the US military has developed a very effective mind-control science program.
All of the testimony of the captured suicide-bombers which has been cited in the previous reports reveals the careful, slow preparation which has gone into their indoctrination or “recruitment” (most of them were kidnapped off the streets). This demonstrates the skill of the recruiters and the teachers in first identifying trainable candidates through some sort of psychological profiling and in their use of a sort of religious “logic trap” to ensnare the boys once their own meager belief systems had been compromised. If the boys can be deceived into believing that true Islam really does call all believers to wage war against people who are identified as the enemies of God (unbelievers), then the boys really have no means of self-defense against such operators.
The terrorist leaders have all had some type of formula for creating these “zombie killers” at will. They obviously have some hidden science or technique for turning otherwise normal children into suicidal killers with a cause to kill for, “jihad.” It is not simply a matter of persuasion which has turned countless innocent children into mass-murderers seemingly overnight. There is some secret method which has been made available to militant psywar operators, enabling them to suppress or erase childish thoughts and to replace them with the thoughts of psychopathic killers.
The big question has to be whether or not the bomber trainers of “al-Qaeda” were working with stolen Western science, or whether such training was given to the mujahedeen trainers in the beginning, meaning–Did the CIA teach Osama’s boys the perfected art of brainwashing? It is obvious to me that Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri and company had the American brainwashing formula. How long they have had it is the only uncertainty.
Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri was an accomplished surgeon in Cairo, meaning that he also had some training in clinical psychology. World renowned anti-psychiatry experts, otherwise known as “Scientologists,” insist that Zawahiri had a degree in psychology. They also point-out that “Abu Mohamed al Amriki,” a.k.a. (Ali) Mohamed the American had a degree in psychology from the University of Alexandria, but that information originated on a DOD website. Together, the two terrorist leaders and organizers could have administered a pilfered mind-control program, but they absolutely could not have developed a reliable working brainwashing program on their own, even if they could have somehow duplicated some of the mind-control drugs (Zawahiri’s father was a pharmacology professor at Cairo).
There is only one organization in the entire free world with the available money, the technical means and the millions of test subjects required and the expertise in “Islamist” indoctrination, to scientifically compile an information base for constructing a mind-control research program, and that is the Pentagon. The unpleasant and potentially harmful nature of some of the experimental procedures which needed to be tested on millions of subjects ensured that only an army could develop such a program.
The first military link between the US Army and “al-Qaeda” was provided by Ali Mohamed, the trained psychologist. He was also a Major in the Egyptian Special Forces, in the very same squad which assassinated Anwar Sadat in 1981, the murder taking place while Ali was at Ft. Bragg taking Special Forces training. They were all members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, along with al-Zawahiri. The mujahedeen later trained by Ali were the ones who were later sent into Bosnia and Croatia on behalf of Pres. Clinton, ferried into the former Yugoslavia by American contractors, as well as in US Army C-130s (SEE: The Tuzla Airlift).
“Ali the American” was an American Special Forces soldier after that, still later, he worked undercover for the CIA and the FBI on undisclosed missions. He is the man who took the US Army counter-insurgency training manuals and converted them into Arabic for “al-Qaeda.” He used the manuals to impart to the militants the same Special Forces training which he had received at Ft. Bragg. It is certain that Ali the Special Forces psychologist took the SERE Special Forces psychological training programs (which are used to enhance American Delta Forces and Green Berets), so why couldn’t he have passed all of this along to Zawahiri as well?
According to a former Delta commando veteran of multiple CIA/military covert combat missions in Central America, whom I have been in communication with, before his missions the soldiers were subjected to mind-control programming after receiving injections of hypnotic drugs, as well as some type of stimulants, along with electroshock treatments. This is the same methods which were developed by CIA researcher Dr. George Estabrooks in Canada, as well as others, to erase thoughts and reprogram minds. This former Marine recounts one such mission where he was ordered to remove a Panamanian officer’s head to send to Noriega. His timeline for this operation does coincide with a pre-war commando mission into Panama, code-named either Panama 2, or the covert operation ordered by Elliot Abrams, Panama 3. Whatever the case, the practice of beheading opponents was first popularized in Central America, the proving ground for Contra-type terrorism and that is surely no different from the “Islamists” who have terrorized America’s opponents in Africa and Asia since then.
All of this extensive American mind-control research grew out of a World War II psychological reconditioning program for helping shell-shocked soldiers to overcome traumatic battlefield psychological disabilities. The tremendous success that the Army psychiatrists were having treating psychosomatic disabilities, using drugs, hypnosis, even electro-shock, encouraged them to expand the program beyond the treatment of just battle fatigue, into a psychological reconditioning program to eliminate fakery and disciplinary problems, which were considered by the military brass to be issues of cowardice and unpatriotism. The extreme nature of some of the methods used (induced insulin coma, prolonged narcotic sleep, hypnosis and electroshock) amount to doctor-administered torture as a tool of military discipline. The same methods were employed at Guantanamo and Bagram Air Base in interrogations, where they have rightly been described as torture.
There is plentiful proof of this massive US Army mind-control research program, which ran from the middle of WWII until sometime after the Korean War contained in the Army’s own historical documents, “Neuropsychiatry in World War Two.”
“Under these conditions, shock therapy (mostly electroshock) was used freely for disturbed or agitated psychoses and depressions; subshock insulin treatment was employed in the more severe psychoneurotic reactions with encouraging results; psychotherapy under sedation called narcosynthesis, which had gained great popularity overseas in the treatment of combat neuroses, was resorted to in patients with residual symptoms of psychoneuroses incurred in combat and in cases of conversion hysteria.”
The process referred to in these reports as “narcosynthesis” is the process of hypnotism used on heavily drugged subjects, to alter their thoughts. After first undergoing heavy electroshock to produce a state of amnesia within their minds, new thoughts were implanted by hypnotic suggestion within the anesthetized young boys (about the same ages as Asia’s suicide-bombers).
The following is are two film clips from John Huston’s 1946 documentary about the reconditioning program, called “Let There Be Light.” It shows two of the narcosynthesis treatments being given to shell-shocked soldiers; the first one was suffering from complete amnesia, the second man was suffering from uncontrollable stuttering. This documentary, made by the Army, was banned by the US Army until 1981. It demonstrates the process of narcohypnosis, using the drug sodium amytal. The soldiers in the videos are shown being put through the hypnosis process, once the drug has begun to take effect. Both clips are very moving. You can tell by the clip on the stutterer, that the drug broke-down barriers and provided an emotional release:

The drug used was sodium amytal, commonly called amo-barbital today. It is often referred to as a ‘”truth drug,” when used in the process of “narco-analysis” by the world’s police departments. When administered in low dosages, amo-barbital produces a state of “somnambulism” [ie, sleepwalking] in the subjects. In this mental state, the subjects are highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. It is logical to assume that there are drugs available today which are even more powerful than intravenous sodium amytal.
Further military research which was performed by the office of military intelligence (CIA) later, after the war time testing era had ended, demonstrated that this technology was so effective that it conferred on the technicians using it the capability to program individuals to overcome their deep-seated fear of firearms, as well as their natural resistance to killing other humans, which required the suspension of moral judgement and their own personal religious beliefs (SEE: CIA Document Scan On Creating Mind-Controlled Assassins).
Such a behavioral reconditioning program, with the capacity to overcome the human will, would be perfect for incorporating into a suicide-bomber training program, if it were first stripped all of its therapeutic elements, leaving only the reprogramming procedures to be joined with the doctrine of militant Islam.
This is the process that would have been familiar to commando psyop specialist Ali Mohamed. Ali’s handing of this process to al-Zawahiri would have given the “al-Qaeda number two” leader the means to begin a suicide-bomber academy, as long as he could acquire the required narcotics, which should have been no problem to an international drug/gun-running organization. Such military-grade brainwashing drugs were probably available in the former Soviet Union.
After leaving the Sudan, al-Zawahiri went clandestinely to visit the former Soviet Caucasian republics. A Russian patrol arrested him in Dagestan in Dec. 1996. He stuck to his cover story and was released in May 1997 without ever being identified by the Russians.
After Dagestan, he left for Bosnia, where he gained an international reputation by running America’s militant importation program there, along with his brother.
The legitimization of the use of torture methods, at first disguised as legitimate medical treatment, has given the US Govt. fifty years or more to fully integrate this methodology into basic military training programs. Aspects of the psychological program have become tools in the hands of Army trainers, improving the capabilities of drill instructors to break the wills of their young recruits and to weed-out those who could not be so easily broken, and to enhance the physical and psychological capabilities of its elite soldiers.
Behind closed doors and in the hands of more advanced trainers, grown men have had portions of their own minds erased, as they were transformed into fearless killing machines with the wills of the most psychopathic killers, willing to follow any orders, even those which violate their deepest personal beliefs. My father was one of those guys they tried to fforce into their molds they called, “Real Men,” during the Korean War. He was one of the boys whose minds could be destroyed, but their wills could not be easily broken. The damage they did to my father and to thousands of others just like him was just more “collateral damage” on the road to constructing the perfect killing machine.
The Army’s own records provide the evidence of just how far the Army would go in its attempts to create those physically and psychologically enhanced abilities in its forces, even in its covert forces. From the preceding evidence, it seems apparent to me just who to blame for the global network of suicide-academies.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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