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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Jonathan Nolan Wrote:There is a pattern with people saying something along the lines of "the person I knew as Lee Harvey Oswald" rather than just saying "Lee Harvey Oswald" - as though none of them feel or felt that they actually knew him at all, or at least they aren't sure whether they knew the same person as someone else or as was described.


Buell Wesley Frazier: (Men Who Killed Kennedy, 'The Patsy'): "the individual I know as Lee Harvey Oswald I don't think had it in him to be a person capable of er committing such a uh crime as uh murdering the President of the United States. Um, I'll always believe that. The side I saw to him was a very kind and loving man."

That's a very good point Jon... At the bottom of this post is a letter from John Ely - the man tasked months after the fact to compile Oswald's bio - and the follow-up recommendation. Also included is the report on GORSKY who claims OSWALD was discharged in March 1959, not Sept. (all of this courtesy of Armstrong's Baylor collection - you can even see the "Reproduced at the National Archives" stamp - so even ny April 1964 the FBI and WC Lawyers had not yet decided on who Oswald was....

"the man "X" knows as Lee Harvey Oswald" is a very safe way to put it... It appears to most of us that Ely and the WCR lawyers learned a few things about conflicts in the record which cannot be explained by the existence of only one Lee Harvey.

I find it peculiar that they repeatedly use all three names when referring to him... as opposed to Lee, Mr. Oswald, Lee Oswald or L.H. Oswald

Even his wife uses the compound name - who talks like that about their husband?

Mrs. OSWALD. Why did the Embassy in Washington have to notify the Embassy in Mexico City that Lee Oswald was arriving?
(as opposed to saying "my husband", or just "Lee"

Mr. RANKIN. Are you the widow of the late Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.
Mr. RANKIN. Mrs. Oswald, did you write in Russian a story of your experiences in the United States?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, I have. I think that you are familiar with it.
Mr. RANKIN. You furnished it to the Commission, did you not, or a copy of it?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.
Mr. RANKIN. Will you describe for the Commission how you prepared this document in Russian that you furnished to us?
Mrs. OSWALD. I wrote this document not specifically for this Commission, but merely for myself. Perhaps there are, therefore, not enough facts for your purpose in that document. This is the story of my life from the time I met him in Minsk up to the very last days.
Mr. RANKIN. And by "him" who did you mean?
Mrs. OSWALD. Lee Harvey Oswald.

Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall whether he stamped his name on the handbills, too?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.
Mr. RANKIN. What name did he stamp on them?
Mrs. OSWALD. Lee Harvey Oswald.
(This one not so much... He stamped L.H. OSWALD on the flyers until it was changed to A.J. HIDELL)

Here is the one and only slip referring to him as Harvey. It looks to me that JENNER and the other lawyers go out of their way to use all three names

Mrs. PAINE - Of course, afternoons we usually spent in rest for the children, having all small children, all of us having small children.
Mr. JENNER - Whenever this doesn't include Lee Harvey Oswald would you be good enough to tell us?
Mrs. PAINE - When he was not present?
Mr. JENNER - That is right.
Mrs. PAINE - My recollection is that he was present most of the weekend. He went out to buy groceries, came in with a cheery call to his two girls, saying, "Yabutchski," which means girls, the Russian word for girls, as he came in the door. It was more like Harvey than I had seen him before. He remembered this time. I saw him reading a pocketbook.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8119&stc=1] [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8120&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8121&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   John Ely memo to Leibeler about the bio and not using LIFE as only source.jpg (Size: 180.34 KB / Downloads: 73)
.jpg   Gorsky and the El Toro Santa Ana mixup.jpg (Size: 311.51 KB / Downloads: 75)
.jpg   Leibeler to JENNER about Ely biography of Oswald needing alteration.jpg (Size: 398.06 KB / Downloads: 77)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
....some details will need material alteration, and in some instances, omission.....hey, nothing suspicious about that! ::thumbsup:: siree, we do that all the time here 'behind the curtain'. ::trenchcoatspy::

(Was hitchhiking illegal in CA in 1959? I doubt it. Something a bit strange about that too....) :Turd:, but one is hard-pressed not to find strange things re: people named Lee Oswald, who was/were in the Marines, went to the USSR, and was made patsy of the year [or was that century] in 1963.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I'm finally reading Harvey and Lee. Needless to say, the time and effort expended upon this by John Armstrong was enormous. Thus far, I've been especially impressed with the conflicts between what the "dumpy Marguerite Oswald impostor" testified to, versus other documentary evidence.

I believe that Robert Oswald needs to do some explaining, in regards to his testimony about his brother Lee being so absorbed in watching the TV show I Led Three Lives. It sure looks like he made some serious timeline errors.

I will share more of my observations as I make my way through this huge, well-researched book.
Don Jeffries Wrote:I'm finally reading Harvey and Lee. Needless to say, the time and effort expended upon this by John Armstrong was enormous. Thus far, I've been especially impressed with the conflicts between what the "dumpy Marguerite Oswald impostor" testified to, versus other documentary evidence.

I believe that Robert Oswald needs to do some explaining, in regards to his testimony about his brother Lee being so absorbed in watching the TV show I Led Three Lives. It sure looks like he made some serious timeline errors.

I will share more of my observations as I make my way through this huge, well-researched book.

Good deal Don...

If you don't have it I highly recommend the CD of images as well as the Baylor archive bookmarked... most every topic has a notebook which dives deeper and shows the Archive scans.

Speaking of Robert's mistakes and Ozzie's replacement caretaker...

in Sept 1953 Ozzie went into 8th grade after his side trip to North Dakota and after having been assigned to Youth House in the spring, earlier that year. Except he went to PS#44 in the Bronx at 1825 Prospect
Not in the heart of Manhattan at 76th and Columbus. In fact, the school was at 100 W 77th, not too far from the Pic Apartment. Amazingly there was a third PS44 in Queens as well.

Sept 24th is only 10 days into the school year and yet the habitually truant Oswald, the Oswald who attended only about 20 days of school from Sept 52 thru his return on March 24, 1953 and was at Youth House from April 16th thru May 7th can still be elected to some office according to MO.

We are of the opinion that the school records in evidence are a combination of the two boys... this is best illustrated by one of the permanent record cards (I too assumed a child only had one permanent record - just not Ozzie) which shows him attending and/or missing 127 total days - again, problem being he started PS44 on March 23 and school ended on June 29. T

On the left, the FBI attempts to convince us that there are 200 total days of school between March 23 1953 and Jan 8, 1954 (as you can see on the bottom right - that's how they got their # of total days) yet no administrator in their right mind would record those numbers.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8123&stc=1]

As we can plainly see, there are only 70 days of school from the time he enters in March till the summer. It is not possible for a child to attend 109 3/2 days of school from March thru June.

It is not possible to attend 200 of 210 days of school unless he went to summer school - which he did not. Our boy Harvey went to North Dakota - John has the original notes for that article and it is not NO, but N.D.
as the Timmer boy recalls. Here is the report and the images of Ozzie in 1953 and 1963.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8125&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8124&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8122&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   PS #44 Manhattan - Robert tells us where Oswald attended - wrong ps44 - composite.jpg (Size: 955.23 KB / Downloads: 70)
.jpg   Zoo photo - FBI report - 200 days of school possible - NYC record.jpg (Size: 702.79 KB / Downloads: 68)
.jpg   NYC school days counted in excel.jpg (Size: 711.13 KB / Downloads: 70)
.jpg   53-14 p6 - Final Page TIMMER report - North Dakota - with images of Oswald then and 1963.jpg (Size: 473.77 KB / Downloads: 69)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
JD William is trying to get too much out of too little.

Oswald probably spoke little Russian around certain people because that is what false defectors do in order to collect information.

Marina is probably KGB and not telling the full interpretation of Oswald's Russian skills. She said Oswald was so fluent in Russian that she thought he was Belorussian.

William is not seeing the bigger picture and is ignoring the rest of Armstrong's evidence, which is vast.

Marina said something to the degree of "Oswald was two different people".
Those who deny Harvey are ignoring the huge circumstantial case Armstrong discovered of Oswald doubles existing in the US while Harvey was in Russia. The occurrence of Oswald doubles in the Kennedy Assassination evidence is huge and doesn't need to be listed for seasoned researchers. Those who take the "skeptic" position on Harvey and demand a perfect array of evidence conspicuously ignore the numerous examples of Oswald doubles that reinforces Armstrong's claim. They ignore the Oswald's who were recorded working or buying trucks in the US while Harvey was in Russia etc...
Tracy Parnell misstates the Palmer McBride evidence trying to show that McBride's memory was off by two years.

Parnell is a liar because he deliberately omits McBride's direct reaction to Parnell's criticism where he gave specific names, places, and events that corroborated his memory of the year.

Hargrove: If Michael Clark subscribes the the Oswald Asperger's Syndrome theory he's probably a Greg Parker acolyte.

During the Money Order debate Lance Payette said he was neutral and objective and didn't really take any side on the JFK conspiracy.

Just to show the real truth on that this is what Lance posted today:

Quote:It does seem to me that when we rely on the best evidence, we arrive at a Lone Nut conclusion with some definite loose ends like LHO's bizarre attempt at escape.

And Greg Parker is now using his Charlie Brown psychiatry to diagnose Oswald as having Asperger's Syndrome. Hasan Yusef then chimed-in that Parker's claim reinforced his doubt that Oswald was a CIA agent when he went to Russia (A strictly Lone Nutter position). This is what happens when you tolerate ROKC unquestioningly.


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