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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Jack White Wrote:John has asked to post the following. He has included an
attachment of a type that the forum does not allow. I will
try to figure how to post it as soon as I have time:



Mr. Peter Lemkin asked about my work related to the Hawaii conference. During that conference I was scheduled to give a 20 minute presentation each evening of the conference (1-rifle and pistol; 2-LHO early life; 3-military/soviet union; 4-Mexico City/the patsy; 5-Nov 22; 6-manipulation of evidence/coverup). I then prepared short/condensed essays based upon my research in Harvey and Lee. After completing 3 1/2 essays I was advised that the conference had been cancelled. I am enclosing the first of these essays***(a text attachment not allowed by the forum)*** and, if people are interested, I can send the others to you as well. Please keep in mind that these essays are shortened versions of chapters in Harvey and Lee and, because they were presentations, have no footnotes (although footnotes can be found in H&L)

To answer Peter's question-if I am holding onto my presentations for another conference-the answer is NO. I have never, and will never, hold onto any material or information relating to the JKF assassination. All of this information, in my opinion, belongs to the public. I donated my entire collection of JFK materials to Baylor, with the stipulation that it all be made available to the pulic thru the internet (however, I kept the original documents-just in case....).


Thanks much John! I'm sure I speak for most here that there is GREAT interest for the others! I have your book and consider it THE best on Oswald, with no competitors, and one of the most important books in my vast JFK collection. Great work!....Thanks for it from me and many others!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Douglass is like a God's eye view. Because of him I now see the "suspicious" Oswald spotted by the shoe store owner as making two moves to make sure he was reported. The first would be acting deliberately suspicious in the shoe store in order to get noticed. The second would then be bolting in to the theater to make sure the police would follow.

It always bugged me that Oswald would be stupid enough to walk down a crowded street and draw attention to himself by acting noticeably suspicious. This didn't make sense for someone who could stare at a cop with a gun drawn on him in the Depository with cool calmness. What the CIA double did was make sure Oswald was noticed by going into the shoe store and acting suspiciously. Remember, this was the same person who had already gone around making sure Lee Harvey Oswald was noticed by people at the shooting range, car dealership, and with Ralph Yates. Dammit it took us long enough to figure out that this was just yet another sheep-dipping of Oswald in the shoe store to bring attention to him - only it was the final fatal one. Once noticed, Harvey bolted in to the theater.

When I first found JFK Assassination internet sites I was hot on the MK-ULTRA aspect because I had the intense instinct of two separate personalities in the evidence. My senses were on the right track only I never considered something so obvious and bold as a double operation right in the mix of the main evidence.
quote; john; To answer Peter's question-if I am holding onto my presentations for another conference-the answer is NO. I have never, and will never, hold onto any material or information relating to the JKF assassination. All of this information, in my opinion, belongs to the public. I donated my entire collection of JFK materials to Baylor, with the stipulation that it all be made available to the pulic thru the internet (however, I kept the original documents-just in case....).'' how do they put it, a man after my own heart..i thinks...lervSherlocktake good care john...sincerely b..
[quote=Albert Doyle]Douglass is like a God's eye view. Because of him I now see the "suspicious" Oswald spotted by the shoe store owner as making two moves to make sure he was reported. The first would be acting deliberately suspicious in the shoe store in order to get noticed. The second would then be bolting in to the theater to make sure the police would follow.

It always bugged me that Oswald would be stupid enough to walk down a crowded street and draw attention to himself by acting noticeably suspicious. This didn't make sense for someone who could stare at a cop with a gun drawn on him in the Depository with cool calmness.

Albert; i again watched ''Executive Action'' last evening, during. they a few times go into detail of the others actions, it also as you mentioned bugged one that Oswald would be so stupid, neive, to go along with much that is presented, the real one, thaT IS, I THINK PERHAPS IT WAS A COMBINATION OF AS MARINA MENTIONED, HIM AND HIS LITTLE BOYS GAMES, LIKE PLAY ACTING IN HIS OWN MIND THAT HE WAS PERHAPS A SERIOUS, IMPORTANT CIA FBI NI ACTIVE SPY TYPE, seeing himself in his own mind as much more, than he was let alone much more important, like living in somewhat of a Walter Mitty world type figure..if not then plain old stupid, i guess fills the bill..thanks b..
No. Clearly the "Oswald" in the shoe store was Harvey. Just like the many other CIA jobs he did in Dallas where he tried to draw attention to Lee Harvey Oswald he was trying to draw attention to him one last time in the shoe store. Something he had gotten good at from all the practice he had before where he went around Dallas making sure people thought Lee was a dangerous nut.

Now that Douglass has illustrated the true dimensions of this we can assume Harvey was perfectly safe and probably had CIA watchers protecting him through all this. He also had to have such people watching when he shot Tippit because the operation could in no way allow an Oswald double to possibly be shot by Tippit and therefore expose the operation. These watchers then sprang Harvey after he was arrested and taken out the back of the theater.

The Dallas police are obviously deep in to this and must have stayed quiet by illegal CIA commands. You can now see the purpose the Bush fascists had in trying to create completely Constitutionally illegal anti-conspiracy theory laws.

I THINK ALBERT I WAS SPEAKING OF Harvey, YOU were OF Lee, YES Lee WOULD HAVE CONTACTS AND PROTECTION, RECALL A THE TIPPIT SCENE, THERE WAS THE REPORT FROM THE LADY WHO LIVED IN THE APT ACROSS THE ROAD FROM THE LANE, REPORTING A DPD CAR IN THE ALLEY, BEHIND THE HOUSES THERE, AND TAKING OFF AFTER, SO I DO THINK HE WAS SHADOWED AND PROTECTED, HE HAD A JOB TO FULFILL, AND UNTIL THEY HAD LHO IN THEIR HOT LITTLE HANDS, HE HAD TO COMPLETE THE JOB..meanwhile,i imagine they both were shadowed and kept a close watchon, i do think that lho Harvey thought he was involved in some sort of government planned, spy scenario save the president perhaps, or some such, like a jimmy bond type..but all in his mind, a ruse meant to sucker him in,and the shock must have come, when he finally realised there was no help coming, no men on white horses to save him,he was used, abused and accused,till the ultimate he was shot and killed by ruby, for all that he had not done, but he certainly went along with all, previously for him to have ended up in such a situation, in the first place...he was as they say the perfect patsy, or so he ended up as... .SORRY FOR THE CAPS, PLEASE IGNORE THEM.....b

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Harvey & Lee Time-Line - Based on Harvey & Lee by John Armstrong
compiled by Ron Williams (version 7/16/2004)
The Legend Lee Harvey Oswald
Marguerite Frances Claverie, mother of Lee Oswald marries Edward J. Pic
John Edward Pic, half brother of Lee Oswald born in New Orleans
Marguerite & Edward Pic divorced
Marguerite marries Robert E.L Oswald
Robert Edward Lee Oswald, Jr, brother of Lee Oswald born in New Orleans
Robert Edward Lee Oswald, father of Lee Oswald dies
Late '30s?
"Harvey Oswald" born, Russian speaking area of Eastern Europe??
Lee Oswald born in New Orleans
"Harvey" moves to NY City, lives with father & uncle who are "communists"??
Jan 1944
Marguerite Oswald moves to Dallas
Marguerite marries Edward Ekdahl
Lee's tonsils removed in Dallas
First appearance of the imposter "Marguerite" ??, buys "San Saba" house in Benbrook, TX
Marguerite & Edward Ekdahl divorced
Robert Oswald joins US Marine Corps
Marguerite & Lee drive to NY City
52 & '53
Lee parallel life in NYC with Harvey
52 & '53
Harvey parallel life in NYC with Lee
Summer 53
Harvey in Stanley, North Dakota
Fall 1953
Lee attends Public School #44 in New York City
Fall 1953
"Marguerite" & Harvey to New Orleans, Harvey attends Beauregard Junior High School
Jan 1954
Lee & Marguerite move to New Orleans
Early 1954
Lee in home room 303 (3rd floor) Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans
Early 1954
Harvey in Mryna DeRouse's (basement) home room Beauregard JH in New Orleans
Fall 1954
Harvey at Stripling Junior HS in Fort Worth, TX
Early 1955
Lee last half of 9th grade Beauregard JH
Early 1955
Harvey employed at Dolly Shoe in New Orleans
Summer 55
Lee joins Civil Air Patrol in New Orleans
Lee working at Tujague's NO full time
Fall 1955
Harvey in 10th grade at Warren Easton HS in NO
Early 1956
Harvey & "Marguerite" in San Diego, CA ??
Late summer '56
Lee & Marguerite move to Fort Worth, live at 3830 W 6th, Apt 3
Summer '56
Harvey, "Marguerite" & Robert Oswald!!, living at 4936 Collinwood, Fort Worth, TX
(Lee never attended high school)
Harvey enrolls at Arlington Heights HS, Fort Worth
Late 1956
Lee in Marine MACF unit, El Toro, CA??
Harvey starts Marine boot camp, San Diego, CA
Harvey earns Sharpshooter (212) badge with M-1
(Lee's tonsils had been removed in 1945)
Harvey has tonsillitis, given penicillin
Jan 1957
Lee in 5th Marine Div at Camp Pendleton?
Harvey starts Marine ITR at Camp Pendleton, CA
Feb 1957
Lee in Fort Worth on leave
Lee to Jacksonville, FL Marine aviation training
Harvey arrives in Jacksonville, FL for aviation training
Lee on night train to Biloxi for radar training
Lee starts 2nd Marine Corps leave
AugSep 57
Harvey attends aviation elec school in Memphis
7/9-8/21 '57
Lee at El Toro,CA before shipping to Japan
Sep 1957
Harvey leaves Marine Corps active duty
Lee sails from San Diego on USS Bexar
Sep 1957
Harvey attends Antioch College in Ohio ??
Lee arrives Atsugi, Japan
Fall 1957
"Marguerite" moves, Fort Worth to New Orleans
Lee shoots self in arm with .22 Derringer
Oct 1957
Harvey starts work at Pfisterer's Dental Lab in New Orleans, lives at the Hotel Senator
Lee departs for Phillipines
Late 1957
Harvey becomes friends with Palmer McBride
death of Martin Schrand, Lee not involved
Late 1957
Harvey & McBride in New Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association
Lee back at Atsugi
Oct 1957
Harvey & McBride attend opera Boris Godounov
Lee's 1st court martial (illegal firearm)
Early 1958
NOAAA meeting at home of Walter Gehrke
Lee pours drink on Sgt Rodriquez, Yamoto
Spring '58
Harvey thrown out of William Wulffe's house
Lee's 2nd court martial
May 1958
Harvey and "Marguerite" move to Fort Worth
Aug 1958
Lee serves time in brig
Summer 58
Harvey back on Marine active duty, to Atsugi, Japan to prepare for identity switch?
Sep 58
Harvey "hidden" in brig at Atsugi?
Late Summer 1958 Final Identity Switch
The Legend Lee Harvey Oswald
Sept 1958
Lee treated for venereal disease
Harvey shipped to Taiwan
Sep/Oct 58
Lee numerous medical treatments at Atsugi
Harvey's alleged shooting incident on guard duty
Lee departs Japan on USS Barrett
Harvey's last known date in Ping Tung, Taiwan
Lee arrives San Francisco goes on leave
Oct 1958
Harvey at Iwakuni Airbase in Japan
Lee reports to MACS3 in El Toro, CA
Oct/Nov '58
Harvey at MACS9 in Tustin, CA (near Santa Anna)
(Lee was stationed at MACS3, the large jet base at El Toro which is about 4 miles away and on the opposite side of I-5 from MACS9, the Lighter Than Air [LTA] facility at Tustin where Harvey was stationed.)
Lee at Vincent AFB Yuma, AZ horse photo
Harvey in "Hut34" at MACS9 with Nelson Delgado
Feb/Mar '59
Lee aka "Ozzie" back at MACS3 in El Toro, CA
Harvey aka "Oswaldovitch" takes Russian test
March 59
Lee discharged??
Harvey applies to Albert Schweitzer College
June 1959
Lee in New Orleans at McBeath Rooming House
Harvey obtains High School GED
Harvey qualifies as Marksman (191) with M-1
Harvey writes to Albert Schweitzer College for last time
Aug 1959
Lee seen in Coral Gables, FL
July 1959
Harvey visits Red Cross re: "Marguerite's" injury
Lee visits Robert Oswald in Fort Worth
Harvey released from Marine Corps active duty
Lee registers with Selective Service in Fort Worth
Harvey sails from New Orleans for Europe
Harvey's first day of work in Minsk, USSR
Late 1960
"Ozzie" seen by Marita Lorenz in Florida
Lee at Bolton Ford in New Orleans
Spring 61
Lee fuels boat in Key West, FL
Harvey meets Marina in Minsk, USSR
Lee in Havana, Cuba
Harvey and Marina married in Minsk
May 1961
Lee seen in Garland, Texas
Late 1961
Lee arrested in New Orleans
Dec 1961
Lee seen w/ Clay Shaw at Leeman's Baths in New Orleans
Late 1961
Lee meets Steve Landesberg in NY City
June Marina Oswald born in Minsk, USSR
Harvey, Marina, and June leave Minsk
April 1962
Lee tested at Texas Employment Commission (TEC)
Harvey & family arrive in Hoboken, NJ
Harvey & family arrive in Fort Worth
June 1962
Harvey registers at Texas Employment Comm
Lee seen in New Orleans restaurant
July 1962
Harvey gets job at Leslie Welding in Fort Worth
Sep 1962
Lee meets Donald P Norton in Mexico
Harvey rents PO Box 2915 in Dallas
Harvey starts work at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall Dallas
John Pic does not recognize Harvey at Thanksgiving
Lee in Sparta, Wisconsin
Harvey allegedly orders Mannlicher-Carcano rifle
Harvey's last day at Jaggars-Chiles-Stoval
General Walker shooting incident in Dallas
Lee & Jack Ruby at Escapades Bar in Houston
Harvey at TEC office in Dallas
Mid April 63
Harvey hands out FPCC literature in Dallas
Harvey arrives in New Orleans by bus
Late April
Harvey applies for work in Guy Banister's office
Harvey applies for work at William B Reily Coffee
May 1963
Harvey visits Dean Andrew's law office in NO
Summer '63
Lee observed in Dallas with Jack Ruby
July 1963
Harvey seen by Dean Andrews on Canal Street
July 1963
Lee at Hotel Luma, Mexico City with Richard Case Nagell
Harvey's last day at William B Reily Coffee Co
Summer '63
Lee seen driving Ruth Paines car in Irving
Harvey speaks at college in Mobile, AL
August '63
Harvey at Carlos Bringuier's clothing store in NO
Late Aug 63
Lee inquires about jobs in Jackson, LA
Harvey arrested for FPCC leafleting in New Orleans
Late Aug 63
Lee in Clinton, LA w/Clay Shaw & David Ferrie
Harvey appears on WDSU TV with Bill Stucky in New Orleans
August 1963
Lee drives Ruth Paine's car to get haircut
Lee meets with David Atlee Phillips in Dallas
Lee at R McKeown's in Baycliff, TX
Harvey & family visit the Murrets in New Orleans
Early Sep63
Lee/Shaw/Ruby together in Baton Rouge
Early Sep63
Perry Russo sees Lee at David Ferrie's
Sep 1963
Lee seen at Lake Pontchartrain camp
Early Sep63
Lee confronted by Richard C Nagell in New Orleans
Lee in New York City with Ruth Paine??
Lee interviews for job in Dallas
Ruth Paine & Marina leave NO for Irving, TX
Lee in Austin, TX at Sel Service Office
Harvey leaves New Orleans (bus? car?)
Lee flies from Austin to Houston
Lee on Houston to Laredo bus
9/25or26 '63
Harvey at TEC office in Dallas
Lee on Laredo to Mexico City bus
Harvey visits Sylvia Odio in Dallas
Lee in Mexico City, Hotel del Comercio
(Harvey was never in Mexico City)
Lee in Alice, TX checking on job
Harvey at the TEC office in Dallas
Lee in Dallas with J Ruby at Carousel Club
Harvey attends ACLU meeting in Dallas
Harvey rents room at 621 N Marsalis in Dallas
Lee gets haircut from Cliff Shasteen, Irving
Harvey 1st interview at Dallas TEC w/Laura Kittrell
Harvey rents room at 1026 N Beckly in Dallas
Ruth Paine calls TSBD asking about job opening
(at some point Lee & Harvey's TEC records were combined into one file)
Harvey 2nd interview at Dallas TEC w/Laura Kittrell
Laura Kittrell, TEC interviews Lee??
Harvey's first day of work at the TSBD
Lee gets haircut from Cliff Shasteen, Irving
Audrey Marina Rachel Oswald born Parkland Hospital in Dallas
Lee in Baton Rouge more framing of Harvey
Harvey attends ACLU meeting in Dallas w/M Paine
Lee at Sports Drome Rifle Range "framing"
Lee at Dowtown Lincoln/Mercury, Dallas
11/6 or 7 '63
"Lee & Marina" at Furniture Mart, Irving
Lee at Sports Drome, Garland Slack
Harvey at the Paine's home in Irving
Lee & J Ruby at Contract Electronics
Lee & J Ruby in Morgan City, LA
Lee at Sports Drome, seen by the Woods
Harvey at N Beckly room all weekend
Lee at Sports Drome fires at wrong target
Lee delivers Gonzalez note in Abilene, TX
Lee in Juarez, Mexico
Harvey at work at the TSBD
Lee arrives back in Fort Worth
Lee seen with 2 others at Redbird Airport
Lee at the Dobbs House Res, Tippit too
Harvey at work at the TSBD
Lee hitch hikes to Houston & Elm with brown paper "curtain rod" package
2AM "Ozzie" seen by Marita Lorenz at Dallas motel, Lee seen at J Ruby's apartment later that night
Harvey spends night at Paine's in Irving
2:15AM Lee seen with J Ruby at Lucas B&B Restaurant
Harvey rides to work with W Buell Frazier
AM Lee in Top Ten Records, Tippitt too
9:30 Lee at Jiffy Store shows drivers lic
12:30PM Lee in 6th floor window with a weapon, more framing of Harvey
12:30PM Harvey in the lunch room on the 2nd floor of the TSBD
12:31? Lee and accomplice exit 6th floor by the back stairs
Lee's accomplice (Mac Wallace?) leaves building by 1st floor back door
12:32 Harvey confronted by Roy Truly and Officer Baker on the 2nd floor
Lee exits building through 2nd floor office, down front stairs and out the front entrance
12:35? Harvey picks up his jacket on the 1st floor and leaves building by front entrance
Lee seen by Roger Craig & other witnesses getting into Rambler station wagon in front of TSBD
Harvey boards Cecil McWatter's bus on Elm St, then gets off about 12:44 when it is stopped in traffic
12:?? Officer Tippit waiting in patrol car for bus when it crosses Houston Street viaduct into Oak Cliff expecting to see Harvey on the bus
12:47 Harvey in William Whaley's cab
12:47 Lee seen at Tidy Lady Launderette at Davis and N Clinton, makes phone call
12:53 Harvey exits William Whaley's cab 4 blocks from his rooming house
1:00 Harvey changes clothes, Police car 107 in front of 1026 N Beckly, honks horn twice
1:15 Lee shoots and kills Officer Tippit
1:10 Harvey buys ticket and enters the Texas Theater
Lee last seen by Tippit shooting witnesses in alley near Abundant Life Church at 10th & Crawford
1:10 1:45? Harvey moves to different seats on main floor, looking for someone?
Lee sneaks into Texas Theater, arrested in balcony & taken out the back of the theater??
1:50 Harvey arrested in Texas Theater taken out the front door
Harvey shot and killed by Jack Ruby
Wow, thanks for this timeline B. There is a facebook battle going on about this work, so today I searched out this thread and posted it on my page....I wanted people to read post 42, John's amazing speech. Well one person in particular.
As Jack predicted JVB is posting all over the Harvey and Lee facebook page trying to disprove it. So I felt a need to fight back with the facts. Seeing all these posts from Jack made me sad since he is no longer posting. I hope he is doing bet
ter than I last heard. JUdyth is very ill so why she is wasting her time trying to disprove all this is most annoying to me. IF her story is true, and I have always believed her, she knew Harvey a brief time in the summer of 63. Though I find my self with some serious questions. WHY would she speak to a stranger in Russian? A guy at the post office. And then her defender said Lee learned Russian from little cards. That summer. John has certainly totally disproved this. It was great to go back and re-read that amazing speech. I will await comments from the defender. I see Jim F never did have that OJ moment, not here. He certainly protested at the EF. The "exile" thread. Judyth now needs help, I wonder if he is willing to send her some cash.
I agree Peter, Harvey and Lee is THE book on the curious entity known as LHO.
This book takes time because so much is presented. I find it best to absorb it in pieces before taking in the next portion.
In that I am not finished I suppose my comments will at this time have to be of a "for what its worth" nature.
As Dawn observed it did not take long for me to conclude the veracity and depth of research executed by Mr. Armstrong.
As for the social network fiascos I do not know of it as I don't do that stuff. A waste of my time IMHO.
I wanted to post my own opinion of this work even if I am not done reading.
I hope that we can compliment Baylor University for both providing the future access to Mr. Armstrong's working papers as well as they have done for Gen. Penn Jones. Jr. USA (retired) archives as well as.
Compliments I would add to those above for Mr. Jack White. This opinion is of long standing since the days of the aborted H.S.C.A. investigation. My own naiveté at that time, considered the conspiracy of the JFK coup to be a small one from the Intell/DOD houses (a few rogues) enforcing silence of the USG by holding dirty laundry from JEHoover's FBI files.
Then I saw and bought Jack White's Many Faces of Lee Oswald poster. It began my own reevaluation of my conception of the Coup of November.
Thank You Jack White for that awakening and for the presentation of Mr. Armstrong's speech and etc. above as well as your other efforts unmentioned here.
Thank You Mr. Armstrong.
Best Regards to all
I once swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. That oath NEVER expires, even when one no longer wears a uniform. I think Fletcher Prouty and Penn Jones Jr. would agree. It is our Republic and I want it back. Semper Fidelis.
I have read that John Armstrong became fascinated with the subject of "Harvey and Lee" after seeing a portfolio of Jack White's photos of Lee Harvey Oswald and impersonators. I came across this statement while doing research on Edwin Ekdahl, Marguerite's third husband. Some time back I had become aware that Ekdahl's father was Swedish, his mother and sister were born in Denmark, and that his first marriage was to a Danish citizen who was born in China. Ekdahl actually married her while he was in China, working for a Massachusetts-based poultry and egg company in Shanghai. Their son was born in Tsingtao, China. Ekdahl brought them to Massachusetts in the 1930's before divorcing the wife. For a while he worked in the Boston area as an engineer involving highway problems for a local government study. Out of the blue, we learn that after WWII began he turned in New Orleans in Jan. 1943 as a consultant with Ebasco, created in 1935. According to wikipedia, "The Electric Bond and Share Company was originally a holding company that sold securities of electric utilities. It was created by General Electric in 1905. The company was restructured after the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. Later known as EBASCO Services, it provided engineering consulting and construction services. Among other projects EBASCO designed nuclear power plants. EBASCO was sold to Raytheon in 1993 and became part of a Raytheon subsidiary, United Engineers and Constructors."$210+MILLION-a014747711

Ebasco was based in New York, but sent Ekdahl to New Orleans, where he met Marguerite either before or while we worked at a hosiery shop. However, I have seen nothing that tells me how they met--through the workplace, living close to each other, mutual acquaintance or what. If anyone has seen this explained, I would appreciate finding this out.

Reading through Armstrong's book, I discovered that he totally ignored one of the addresses Ekdahl shared with the Oswald family. I recently wrote up the research in a blog post:

In the process of doing this research, I discovered what to me appeared to be a huge conflict of interest for Jack White, a Fort Worth native. He worked for an ad agency called Witherspoon & Associates, which also did public relations work. One of the firm's clients at the time White worked there was either Ebasco or the Texas Electric Service Co., the very company which employed Edwin Ekdahl at the time he met Marguerite, courted her in Dallas, married her in Rockwall, Texas, then moved her to a nice brick house in Benbrook before the two older boys returned from Chamberlain-Hunt academy for the summer of 1945.

There was another statement in Pic's testimony that intrigued me because of previous research into the relationship between Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison and their political cronies. I wrote about this several years ago and recently posted on a different blog:

According to John Pic, his mother and Lee had moved into Benbrook, quite near the ranch of Elliott Roosevelt and his wife, one year after the Roosevelts moved out and conveyed their ranch to an unknown person who sold it to Sid Richardson not long before the Federal Government (Corps of Engineers) purchased it and Amon Carter's wife in 1952 pushed the button to cover the ranch under Lake Benbrook!

The first question that hit me was, "Why did John Armstrong ignore this detail?"

If anyone has the answer, I'd love to hear it.
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison

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