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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Albert Doyle Wrote:There's a basic flaw in the denier's attack on Armstrong's Landesberg evidence.

They are saying Steven Harris Landesberg was an unstable stuttering schizophrenic when trying to destroy his credibility. But what they don't want you to notice is that Al Fowler said L'eandes was a likable person with a friendly personality and that he liked him. If you look at the You-Tube videos of SR Landesberg indeed we see exactly that, a personable, humorous, likable guy who used his personal charm to establish fame and an acting career. The person we see in those You-Tube videos fits Fowler's description to a T. - Not to mention the southern accent.

Now we look at SH Landesberg whom those same H&L attackers are claiming was so weird and unstable that he was forced into psychiatric care not once but twice. Is this the same person who charmed Al Fowler and was a regular at the Circle Bar? Is this the same person who was so social as to give Rizzuto a long list of friends to confirm who he was? Is the unstable hoaxing nut SH Landesberg a guy who Michael Dunn would have roomed with?

The deniers have stretched their lies too far and the unstable stuttering psychotic SH Landesberg doesn't quite reach far enough to line up with the smooth and confident, socially-connected L'eandes.

By Tony Ortega

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Clip Job: an excerpt every day from the Voice archives.

December 12, 1963, Vol. IX, No. 8
FBI Discovers 3 are 1

..The distance from Wiggins, Mississippi, to Greenwich Village proved to be only a subway ride on the E train. Stephen H. Landesberg of Forest Hills, Queens, was picked up on December 5 following a search that began on the morning after President Kennedy's assassination. He was charged with giving false information to the FBI in the investigation of the Lee Harvey Oswald case. Landesberg was sent to Bellevue Hospital for 10 days of psychiatric examinations.

Landesberg, 23, turned out to be the same man who on other occasions had called himself Stephen L' eandes, native of Wiggins (population 1400) in Mississippi's Delta country. L' eandes was the young man the FBI originally thought it was looking for.
The intensive search for L' eandes, which absorbed a large part of the local office of the FBI for the period of a week, was touched off by a series of telephone calls placed by James F. Rizzuto on the assassination night. Rizzuto claimed that Oswald, following his return from the Soviet Union, had spent some time in New York City working with L' eandes, a right-wing activist, whose pro-segregation activities won him considerable attention in Greenwich Village in 1961 and 1962. Rizzuto claimed that he had been in the same Marine outfit as Oswald and L' eandes and knew them both slightly.
"James F. Rizzuto," the FBI now informs us, is another alias for Landesberg-L' eandes.
...A random photograph taken at [a] Village meeting was apparently what finally linked the various names in the case together. The photograph enabled the FBI to identify L' eandes as the man who had the previous Saturday morning called himself "Rizzuto." The trail led to Forest Hills and Landesberg.
It turned out that Landesberg had actually been in the Marine Corps, but had been discharged after eight months. His service conduct was officially described as "bizarre" and "unusual."
Landesberg has been charged with violation of a federal statute that makes it a felony to knowingly give false information to the FBI. If found guilty, he faces a five-year jail term and a $100,000 fine.....

On 29 November, the FBI communicated that Rizzuto was a sock puppet.: (bottom paragraph)

Care to clarify your analysis in your post?
FBI is lying Scully. They do so carefully by saying Rizzuto claimed Oswald was in the Village after returning from the Soviet Union. But a look at the claim would reveal the record shows the evidence Rizzuto was telling the FBI actually showed Oswald was in New York in 1961 and 1962 before the defecting Oswald returned from the Soviet Union. The Voice article was based on deceptive disinformation from the FBI in their attempt to discredit Steven Harris Landesberg and his explosive revelation that Oswald was seen with FBI provocateur Steven Richard Landesberg in New York. What FBI did was set-up SH Landesberg as being the same person as the provocateur who used the alias "L'eandes". As the evidence SH Landesberg was trying to reveal shows, L'Eandes was Steven Richard Landesberg. FBI knew this was dangerous so they screwed SH Landesberg and claimed he was L'eandes (As the inaccurate Village​ Voice article relates). That way they could commit him and not investigate the rest of the evidence that showed SR Landesberg was a provocateur who worked with the real Lee Harvey Oswald while a CIA imposter was in Russia.

Read the Education Forum Harvey & Lee thread to catch up.
Albert Doyle Wrote:FBI is lying Scully. They do so carefully by saying Rizzuto claimed Oswald was in the Village after returning from the Soviet Union. But a look at the claim would reveal the record shows the evidence Rizzuto was telling the FBI actually showed Oswald was in New York in 1961 and 1962 before the defecting Oswald returned from the Soviet Union. The Voice article was based on deceptive disinformation from the FBI in their attempt to discredit Steven Harris Landesberg and his explosive revelation that Oswald was seen with FBI provocateur Steven Richard Landesberg in New York. What FBI did was set-up SH Landesberg as being the same person as the provocateur who used the alias "L'eandes". As the evidence SH Landesberg was trying to reveal shows, L'Eandes was Steven Richard Landesberg. FBI knew this was dangerous so they screwed SH Landesberg and claimed he was L'eandes (As the inaccurate Village​ Voice article relates). That way they could commit him and not investigate the rest of the evidence that showed SR Landesberg was a provocateur who worked with the real Lee Harvey Oswald while a CIA imposter was in Russia.

Read the Education Forum Harvey & Lee thread to catch up.
Catch up, catsup, or ketchcup?

It is impossible to engage you in discussion here, or at book reviews, just as it was impossible in our back and forth on the now defunct Lancer forum in 2013, on the issue of Peter Janney's accuracy or sincerity?
You stipulate to nothing, no government sourced document can possibly be authentic, according to you.

The details refuting nearly all of your claims on this matter are here. I also got these links from another thread at the source you posted.:
Steve Landesberg from "Barney Miller" dies
- Started by Dec 21 2010

Non-actor Landesberg birth and origin info:
Non-actor Landesberg recent mental state (1961) info, quoting his mommy, Edna :

This is groundhog day, a.k.a. Ralph Yates redux.
Your opinions amount to unsupportable suspicions, (FBI faked everything is a suspicion, unaccompanied by related evidence...) and they trump everything contrary on record. I get that......

On the other hand, Ralph Cinque recently "explained" the entire OP.:
June 23, 2015

....In the fall of 1961, the two Steven Landesbergs met for the first time in New York although by then, Steven Richard Landesberg was going by Steve L'eandes. Another alias he used sometimes was Yves L'eandes. For some reason, he often spoke with a heavy Southern drawl, which he could turn on and off at will. Perhaps the reason was that he got very involved as an opponent of civil rights, and he opposed racial integration.

I am going to give you the link to what John Armstrong has written about this because it is truly amazing. I used to watch Barney Miller regularly; it was a clever show; and I remember that actor; he played Art Dietrich, and he was funny.....
......8 hours after the JFK assassination Steven Harris Landesberg, who also had an alias, James Rizzuto, called a New York radio station and said that Steve L'eandes had been a close associate of Lee Harvey Oswald in late '61/early '62 in New York.....

I have to keep an open mind because I am not smart enough to analyze the nuances and motives for any of the Cinque presentation which he writes is sourced (heavily quoted) from Armstrong. The crux of it is that the FBI fakery failed in the long run....the non-actor sock puppeteer of 1963, turned out later as a brilliant, successful Columbia Univ. advanced degreed, South FL business executive.

Is the premise of all of this suspicion and accusation another attempt to prove Harvey and Lee, two operators posing as ??????? Who is the audience for Cinque's presentation on Landesberg, or Armstrong's, for that matter?
It shatters the KIS,S rule. Can it hope to gain the actual understanding of tens, hundreds, or thousands?
Or, is Cinque not accurately interpreting Armstrong?
Drew Phipps Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:They clearly did not know the can of worms they were opening up. "Harvey" being in Russia during the NY encounters....Just speculation here but I think everyone was in such shock that day and anyone who had had personal contact - especially of a negative kind- with someone calling him self Lee Oswald would probably call someone in authority and report it.


Which fact should, if you're being rational about it, make you skeptical about Oswald sightings. Same as you might be about Elvis sightings, or Buddy Holly sightings, or Jerry Garcia sightings...

Why on earth would your highly placed, devious, and conniving architects of this double Oswald deception deliberately go out of their way to set up "Oswald sightings" in the USA, when it is clearly a matter of public knowledge that Oswald defected and was in Russia, thereby ruining the plausibility of whatever story "they" are attempting to mastermind?

It would be like Dick Cheney ordering Mohammed Atta to make collect calls from Paris on 9/12/01.

You must conclude then that either a) the Russia-era doubles-sighting witnesses are mistaken, or b) these reports pertain to another dude named Oswald, or c) the plotters themselves are bumbling idiots, and "they" have no idea that Oswald is in Russia, d) or the actors "they" hired to play the parts went dangerously astray from the script, or e) some combination of the above.

Drew I don't think at that point they had any idea that "Harvey" would be set up as the patsy in the JFK assassination. These were not "sightings", they were interactions with a man calling himself Lee Oswald. Big difference.
Tom Scully Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:FBI is lying Scully. They do so carefully by saying Rizzuto claimed Oswald was in the Village after returning from the Soviet Union. But a look at the claim would reveal the record shows the evidence Rizzuto was telling the FBI actually showed Oswald was in New York in 1961 and 1962 before the defecting Oswald returned from the Soviet Union. The Voice article was based on deceptive disinformation from the FBI in their attempt to discredit Steven Harris Landesberg and his explosive revelation that Oswald was seen with FBI provocateur Steven Richard Landesberg in New York. What FBI did was set-up SH Landesberg as being the same person as the provocateur who used the alias "L'eandes". As the evidence SH Landesberg was trying to reveal shows, L'Eandes was Steven Richard Landesberg. FBI knew this was dangerous so they screwed SH Landesberg and claimed he was L'eandes (As the inaccurate Village​ Voice article relates). That way they could commit him and not investigate the rest of the evidence that showed SR Landesberg was a provocateur who worked with the real Lee Harvey Oswald while a CIA imposter was in Russia.

Read the Education Forum Harvey & Lee thread to catch up.
Catch up, catsup, or ketchcup?

It is impossible to engage you in discussion here, or at book reviews, just as it was impossible in our back and forth on the now defunct Lancer forum in 2013, on the issue of Peter Janney's accuracy or sincerity?
You stipulate to nothing, no government sourced document can possibly be authentic, according to you.

The details refuting nearly all of your claims on this matter are here. I also got these links from another thread at the source you posted.:
Steve Landesberg from "Barney Miller" dies
- Started by Dec 21 2010

Non-actor Landesberg birth and origin info:
Non-actor Landesberg recent mental state (1961) info, quoting his mommy, Edna :

This is groundhog day, a.k.a. Ralph Yates redux.
Your opinions amount to unsupportable suspicions, (FBI faked everything is a suspicion, unaccompanied by related evidence...) and they trump everything contrary on record. I get that......

On the other hand, Ralph Cinque recently "explained" the entire OP.:
June 23, 2015

....In the fall of 1961, the two Steven Landesbergs met for the first time in New York although by then, Steven Richard Landesberg was going by Steve L'eandes. Another alias he used sometimes was Yves L'eandes. For some reason, he often spoke with a heavy Southern drawl, which he could turn on and off at will. Perhaps the reason was that he got very involved as an opponent of civil rights, and he opposed racial integration.

I am going to give you the link to what John Armstrong has written about this because it is truly amazing. I used to watch Barney Miller regularly; it was a clever show; and I remember that actor; he played Art Dietrich, and he was funny.....
......8 hours after the JFK assassination Steven Harris Landesberg, who also had an alias, James Rizzuto, called a New York radio station and said that Steve L'eandes had been a close associate of Lee Harvey Oswald in late '61/early '62 in New York.....

I have to keep an open mind because I am not smart enough to analyze the nuances and motives for any of the Cinque presentation which he writes is sourced (heavily quoted) from Armstrong. The crux of it is that the FBI fakery failed in the long run....the non-actor sock puppeteer of 1963, turned out later as a brilliant, successful Columbia Univ. advanced degreed, South FL business executive.

Is the premise of all of this suspicion and accusation another attempt to prove Harvey and Lee, two operators posing as ??????? Who is the audience for Cinque's presentation on Landesberg, or Armstrong's, for that matter?
It shatters the KIS,S rule. Can it hope to gain the actual understanding of tens, hundreds, or thousands?
Or, is Cinque not accurately interpreting Armstrong?

Why bring Ralph into this? Who cares what he writes or thinks? I thought he was just a one note wonder on the doorway man issue.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Why bring Ralph into this? Who cares what he writes or thinks? I thought he was just a one note wonder on the doorway man issue.

Hi Dawn,

Because Cinque's piece is only two weeks old and I cannot comprehend Mr. Doyle's analysis and opinions and I am
curious about how Doyle's description of the issues compare to Cinque's presentation. I would have quoted anyone who presented what Cinque did in one compact space. It just happens to be timely dated and is easy to put in front of Mr. Doyle in the hope he can pick out of it, what if anything he disagrees with.

Do you understand it, Dawn? Why two Stephens, plus all of the other aliases? Why does the FBI quote the mother, Edna, of Stephen H.? What could the WC investigation have cost, if all of the elaborate FBI orchestration allegedly displayed on this page alone, is only a small slice of what actually was performed? Do Doyle and Cinque accept that the FBI reported to the WC that Stephen H.'s mother went along with providing false claims that her son was mentally disturbed, of did the FBI risk making up the quotes of Edna Landesberg?
If you read my posts you'll see they refute the deniers and validate Armstrong.

Do you understand that FBI was trying to discredit and destroy SH Landesberg because he had tried to expose evidence of an Oswald double? It doesn't seem that difficult to understand from my posts.

Quote:Do Doyle and Cinque accept that the FBI reported to the WC that Stephen H.'s mother went along with providing false claims that her son was mentally disturbed, of did the FBI risk making up the quotes of Edna Landesberg?

Scully you can't be so naive as to simply trust FBI at their word. They were quite capable of threatening people with legal destruction if they didn't comply and did so in many cases. Plus some persons are of the authority-obeying personality type where they trust FBI and go along with their spin, even with relatives. Did you notice that SR Landesberg and SH Landesberg had similar names? Did you ever wonder why? Could it be, Scully, because SH was an intended destructible patsy specifically designed to swallow evidence in to the intended mental illness black hole that FBI was so adept at creating? Like with Ralph Yates FBI was very capable of inducing and spinning mental illness on persons that it then created the situation where that alleged disturbance was excerbated. Meanwhile if you look at the rest of the evidence FBI was clearly avoiding identifying L'eandes and exaggerating SH Landesberg's alleged problems in order to do so. Just because you call SH Landesberg mentally ill doesn't mean the rest of the evidence goes away or you don't have to account for it. That's the same trick FBI used. You can't get away with ignoring that Barry Gray specifically said L'eandes and Rizzuto were definitely different people (as all the rest of the evidence shows).

Albert Doyle Wrote:Let it be noted that Mr Scully sides with Parnell, Parker, Trejo, and the Lone Nutters on this issue.

If you read my posts you'll see they refute the deniers and validate Armstrong.

Do you understand that FBI was trying to discredit and destroy SH Landesberg because he had tried to expose evidence of an Oswald double? It doesn't seem that difficult to understand from my posts.

Quote:Do Doyle and Cinque accept that the FBI reported to the WC that Stephen H.'s mother went along with providing false claims that her son was mentally disturbed, of did the FBI risk making up the quotes of Edna Landesberg?

Scully you can't be so naive as to simply trust FBI at their word. They were quite capable of threatening people with legal destruction if they didn't comply and did so in many cases. Plus some persons are of the authority-obeying personality type where they trust FBI and go along with their spin, even with relatives. Did you notice that SR Landesberg and SH Landesberg had similar names? Did you ever wonder why? Could it be, Scully, because SH was an intended destructible patsy specifically designed to swallow evidence in to the intended mental illness black hole that FBI was so adept at creating? Like with Ralph Yates FBI was very capable of inducing and spinning mental illness on persons that it then created the situation where that alleged disturbance was excerbated. Meanwhile if you look at the rest of the evidence FBI was clearly avoiding identifying L'eandes and exaggerating SH Landesberg's alleged problems in order to do so. Just because you call SH Landesberg mentally ill doesn't mean the rest of the evidence goes away or you don't have to account for it. That's the same trick FBI used. You can't get away with ignoring that Barry Gray specifically said L'eandes and Rizzuto were definitely different people (as all the rest of the evidence shows).

Let it be noted that Scully has built a hard earned reputation for pursuing the facts, following them without regard to where they may lead or of the consequences of uncovering them; not a particularly appreciated strategy.

I read nothing in these two pages confirmng your conclusion. In the first page, Barry Gray is reported to have received a call from non-actor SH Landesberg identifying himself falsely as Rizzuto. "Rizzuto" is an impersonation over the telephone, mentioning a name known to Barry, from two years prior, "L'eandes". The FBI report page detailing the call only describes Barry agreeing to set up a meeting between Rizzuto and FBI agents.:
The next page describes the meeting of Rizzuto with the FBI agents, almost immediately after Rizzutto called Barry.:

Within days the FBI is pursuing SH Landesberg for misleading them by misrepresenting himself as Rizzuto and L'eandes.:

Thus, there is no proof Barry Gray met Rizzuto in person before Rizzuto misrepresented himself. In addition, SH Landesberg is accused of speaking with a southern drawl, as L'eandes.

Where, Mr. Doyle, does a source support that Barry Gray met SH Landesberg or Rizzuto before receving the 22 November phone call from Rizzuto? It was not even necessary for SH Landesberg to disguise his voice when calling Barry while impresonating Rizzuto on the evening of 22 November. L'eandes is the "character" from Mississippi who Barry Gray claimed to have met, two years before.

The FBI allegedly obtained a photo from Michael Dunn of 483 Coumbus Ave., NYC that Dunn claimed displayed an image of L'eandes. The photo was shown to the two FBI agents who allegedly interviewed Rizzuto on 22 November and the agents allegedly confirmed that the image was of the recent interviewee who had allegely identified himself to the two FBI agents as James Rizzuto.:

Mr. Doyle, you seem to attempt to impeach the FBI investigation against SH Landesberg and the resulting criminal charges.

You attempt this on a slim assumption, so far. Actually place Barry Gray in the presence of Rizzuto before or during the initial interview with the FBI that Barry Gray was reported to have arranged.
It takes real nerve to defend FBI in this case on this site. Scully, I think you have some facts mixed up. You better re-read the Armstrong link posted on page 45 of the EF thread.

I believe that link clearly describes SH Landesberg going to WMCA on the night of the assassination at around 3am. Gray had called FBI and they listened in. FBI then interviewed Rizzuto the next day.

SH Landesberg did not mislead FBI. FBI misled SH Landesberg. I mean you might as well defend the Warren Commission while you are at it.

You're not following or responding to stated context here Scully. FBI pulled a fast one when it resolved the problem by showing their photo of L'eandes at a rally to the agents who interviewed Rizzuto. Both agents identified the man as Rizzuto. From that point on they created the pretext they needed to avoid having to investigate the rest of the evidence and the true identity of L'eandes. I would guess they probably found SH Landesberg's Marine psychiatric record and threatened to use it against him if he didn't confess to being L'eandes. They probably said you'll only do a week at Bellevue if you cooperate and then we'll leave you alone. Having gone through this before SH Landesberg caved and cooperated (or FBI flat out lied). Because of this he was only given a week in Bellevue. Ralph Yates was a tough Texan who wouldn't back down from what he knew to be the truth, especially against Yankee government men. They murdered Yates in a mental institution. Every single FBI document you cite was created under that pretext of burying SH Landesberg and destroying his story. For you to cite those records as if they were credible is a real violation of Deep Political understanding and only takes the side of the violators against the victim. The reason you don't see any FBI document detailing Barry Gray telling FBI that L'eandes and Rizzuto were definitely different people is because the FBI was trying to conceal that. They had made their move and were going to try to show SH Landesberg was L'eandes at all costs. But the scrutiny of the evidence Armstrong did proved otherwise. It is hardly based on "slim assumption" as you so incorrectly put it. Examination of the totality of the evidence creates a vast preponderance of SR Landesberg being L'eandes. You probably don't realize your own text betrays you. SH Landesberg was never documented speaking in a southern accent. The You-Tube videos I linked above show SR Landesberg doing so and saying "I always loved a southern accent".

Somewhere out in America in a dusty television console drawer lay an old VHS tape with a recording of a talk show Steve Landesberg was on in the 1990's. On that tape Landesberg says "I wish I never got mixed up with Oswald". Why, Mr Scully, with all that you have argued, would Steve Landesberg say that?

It's pretty late here and I'm tired but trying to catch up with this thread. Please forgive if this note is even less coherent than normal for me.

It appears that a new poster here named Tom Scully is linking to FBI docs now on the MarryFerrell site that, over roughly 15 pages, show that the FBI was correct when it officially concluded that only one Steven Landesberg was involved in certain incidents from the early 1960s in which he allegedly invented a NYC affiliation between a man named Steven L'eandes, and another named Earl Perry, and LHO.

And, were we only to go to the FBI reports grouped in the linked pages at the MaryFerrell website, Mr. Scully would seem to be correct! Trouble is, if we all believed everything the FBI told us, we could all stop worrying and just trust the Warren Commission.

In this case, the ugly truth begins to assert itself only when we look at some of the FBI reports that are NOT in the group of docments at the MaryFerrell website. Because it's late, let's look at just one example of these OTHER FBI reports.

SH Landesberg told the FBI that Oswald and the man named L'eandes were being paid by a large 250 lb, 6 ft 4 inch tall man named "Regan," who lived at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. Rizzuto said that in early 1962 L'eandes (the actor) lived with Regan at the Roosevelt Hotel, which was located at 45 E. 45th St. in Midtown Manhattan. Supposedly doing its due diligence, here is the first page of a short report the FBI did on the Roosevelt Hotel.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7099&stc=1]

Did you see the problem here? Bingo! Instead of going to the Roosevelt Hotel in New York, the FBI diligently studied 1961 registration records at the Roosevelt Hotel... wait for it... in New Orleans!! There is no report of any kind for the Roosevelt Hotel in New York!!

Whenever the FBI goes into total Keystone Kops mode, which was often in this sordid case, you can bet the farm that something is being hidden. And that's where the research gets tough. There are a number of other examples of FBI idiocy in the Landesberg case, and when you have finally unraveled all the bullshit, you see something entirely different than what is shown by the reports in that Landesberg grouping at the MaryFerrell website.

Attached Files
.jpg   NOLA Roosevelt.jpg (Size: 223.96 KB / Downloads: 39)

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996

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