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Huffpo is getting quite troubling

The above is another example of the disinfo Arianna is allowing on both who JFK was and the facts of the assassination.

A few days ago she allowed Shermer on, and now this.

I directly replied to Walter with this:

"Is this supposed to be your reaction to the growing popularity of the Jim Douglass book, "JFK and the Unspeakable" and Oliver Stone's endorsement of it on this same site?

If so, you really show a lack of knowledge of modern history. Just consider:

1. Once Kennedy was inaugurated, he proposed a peaceful solution to the Congo crisis that would include the freeing of Lumumba. What he did not know was that Dulles had already speeded up his assassination, once JFK won the election, since he knew this would happen. There is a famous picture by Jacques Lowe taken of JFK's face contorted in agony when he got the news of Lumumba's death.

2. With everyone in the room urging him to militarily intervene at the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy refused. Even though Nixon told him to send in the Navy. In other words, if Nixon had won the election, Cuba would be an American colony today. Instead, he launched his own inquiry, and it confirmed that the CIA had lied to him. They knew the invasion could not succeed without American forces. (Dulles later admitted this through his own handwritten notes in an article called "The Confessions of Allen Dulles".) Kennedy then decided to fire the top level of the CIA, Dulles, Cabell, Bissell. And he tried to take control of it through his brother. Something no other president before or since has done.

3. In 1961, with the Pentagon urging him to use military force, he concluded a peaceful resolution to the Laos Crisis. Which Eisenhower told him was the worst situation facing him.

4. Also in 1961, with everyone urging him to send in Marines, Kennedy rejected at least nine different attempts to do so, and instead sent in more advisers to Vietnam. At the time of his assassination, there was not one more Marine in Vietnam than when he was elected. And he was in the process of withdrawing the advisers. Within four months LBJ reversed this completely and requested an order of battle from the military to bomb, and invade Vietnam.

Keep on misinforming the public. I hope you don't teach the film "JFK" in your classes. I can imagine...."

Jim DiEugenio

Morrow posted the first half, without my attack on Walter's knowledge, in the comments section.

And this is supposed to be a liberal blog.
I suggest that we personally contact Arianna Huffington and her staff, until they get educated on the JFK assassination.

The Huffington Hoax by Bob Fox

As late as yesterday, I was having my comments on the JFK assassinated ERASED AND DELETED by the moderators at the Huffington post. They are absolutely hardcore in the JFK assassination disinfo.

I suggest a public campaign to educate them. As well as personally contacting Arianna Huffington.
Anyone who publicly aligns him/herself with Morrow and Nelson and their "LBJ as JFK assassination 'mastermind'" lunacy will be doing the work of JFK's killers: making a mockery of serious, scholarly, adult research by tainting it with their hideously malformed and soiled brush.

And therein lies the danger in promoting this demonstrably false "mastermind" claim.

Even worse, therein lies circumstantial evidence for Nelson as a witting agent of disinformation.

The operation unfolds; now the factotum Morrow urges "us" to join him and Nelson on what would amount to a tragic quest -- tragic to truth and justice, that is.

Mark my words: Nelson and/or Morrow will attempt to engage on H-Post and elsewhere in and around the MSM. They will do severe damage to our cause. They will not hesitate to claim that they speak for us. They will give aid and comfort to our enemy -- the true Sponsors of JFK's murder.

With each passing hour, I move closer to concluding that Nelson is not on the side of the angels, and that Morrow is his Renfield.
I find it overtly disingenuous for Walter to say "The sides were civil rights vs racist arsonists". That isn't entirely accurate. The true sides were those things mentioned and a huge attempt to change the tenor and direction of the Cold War. Kennedy walked a fine line where any outward commitment to civil rights would be played against him at the expense of the bigger prize with world-wide nuclear destruction at stake. Walter commits a brazen revision of the actual terms of the day and how they affected Kennedy's decisions. He's just another agent of the second JFK assassination whose purpose it is to minimize Kennedy and also make the history around him look inaccurate for the sole purpose of making theories about his death also look similarly inaccurate.
But even there he is wrong.

See, you cannot understand JFK's civil rights policy until you read Bernstein's Promises Kept

Unlike all the so-called liberal critics, Bernstein understood a simple truth: Kennedy was building everything toward the Civil Rights Act. And JFK understood two things: 1.) That was not going to happen overnight, and 2).He was going to need broad support so it would not be killed in committee or filibustered to death.

This is why he did everything he could by executive order in 1961, 1962: calling in federal marshals when necessary e.g. Meredith and Ole Miss. Then, with King running interference he waited for the southern racists to overplay their hand. THey did, at Birmingham.

How do I know this? Because at the end of the day with Bull Connor, his dogs, and fire hoses, DIck Gregory came home from the city. It was after midnight. His wife was up and she told him that the White House had called and wanted him to call them no matter what time he got in. So Gregory called. The switchboard was down of course. JFK answered the phone himself. He wanted a complete report, and he then said words to the effect that this would be it.

So that summer he did two things: 1.) He went on national TV and made the greatest speech against segregation any president had ever made. and 2.) A month later, when no white politician would support King's march, Kennedy shocked everyone-including RFK. At a press conference he said, the White House would be backing the march. He then called in Bobby and said he would be running the thing. No mistakes could be tolerated since if it blew up, their enemies would use it to destroy them. It had to come off perfectly. It did.

And that provided the ballast to pass the Civil Rights Act. And Kennedy predicted it would pass before he was killed.

This whole thing about JFK being a bystander on civil rights is a crock. He was a realist on what he could get through, and very smart about how to approach it. And he was successful. In three years, he managed to do what neither Truman nor Ike could accomplish in 15.

This is why, in 1968, when King's advisers urged him to back McCarthy in the primaries, he refused. King said they would wait for RFK, who would be a "great president". His words by the way.
^ I think I love you.

For nearly half of President Kennedy's thousand days, Harris Wofford was his adviser on Civil Rights and a coordinator of federal policies. In August of '62, referring to a list Wofford had prepared for him which outlined a number of civil rights issues awaiting presidential action, JFK said, "It will take some more time, but I want you to know that we are going to do all these things... You will see, with time I'm going to do them all."

With regard to Dr. King's endorsement of Robert Kennedy's potential to be a great president, we'll never know to what degree Bobby would have managed the animosity he felt towards him. Towards a common goal of Equal Rights and Equal Opportunity for all citizens, I believe their collaboration would have been inevitable. The Robert Kennedy of 1968 was far more forgiving than the man who managed his brother's campaign.
Where Angels Tread Lightly, 2015, John M. Newman
State Secret, 2013, Bill Simpich
Oswald and the CIA, 2008 ed., John M. Newman
Deep Politics and DP ll, 2003 ed., Peter Dale Scott
Our Man In Mexico... 2008, Jefferson Morley
Wilderness of Mirrors, 1980, David C. Martin
JFK and Vietnam, 1992, John M. Newman
Enemy of the Truth...2012, Sherry P. Fiester
Thanks Alan.

But sorry, I am spoken for.
That is why this article is so lame- it totally misses out on JFK's efforts for Civil Rights. The battle to integrate Ole Miss, where Gen. Edwin Walker was stirring up the locals, is often (sometimes) called the LAST BATTLE OF THE CIVIL WAR.

Of course, black people knew that JFK was on his side - all you have to do is look at ALL THE BLACK LADIES STANDING AND SMILING AT JFK/JACKIE and standing on the sidewalk at the Texas School Book Depository just 5 seconds before John Kennedy had his brains blown out by LBJ/CIA murderers.

There were a lot of blacks standing in the crowds in Dallas on 11/22/63 and they were coming to cheer on John Kennedy and a big reason for that is they knew he was pushing the ball forward on Civil Rights.
Charles Dragoo,

When I first started posting at Deep Politics, you accused me of being Robert D. Morrow, author of First Hand Knowledge.

I thought that was *interesting* because of the fact that Robert D. Morrow DIED in the late 1990's ... and I, Robert P. Morrow, was in my mother's womb in November, 1963. Do you watch a lot of "Crossing Over" with John Edward?:

So, who is an "agent of disinformation:" you or Phil Nelson? Maybe you ought to post something interesting and informative instead of running around throwing popcorn at people.

Because, I have not seen it.


Robert Morrow
Robert Morrow Wrote:Charles Dragoo,

When I first started posting at Deep Politics, you accused me of being Robert D. Morrow, author of First Hand Knowledge.

I thought that was *interesting* because of the fact that Robert D. Morrow DIED in the late 1990's ... and I, Robert P. Morrow, was in my mother's womb in November, 1963. Do you watch a lot of "Crossing Over" with John Edward?:

So, who is an "agent of disinformation:" you or Phil Nelson? Maybe you ought to post something interesting and informative instead of running around throwing popcorn at people.

Because, I have not seen it.


Robert Morrow

"Mother's womb"???

There goes my spore theory.

What you cannot see is commonly referred to as reality.

Go away, little man. Go back to Facebook and your soft porn proclivities.

And leave the adults to our work.

Charles Drago

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