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"In Froim The Cold: CIA Secrecy and Operations"
Former CIA Worker Claims Family Sickened By Toxins from Agency Supplied Double-Wide Home

11 02 2011 Man blames CIA for family illnesses

[Image: 12974352167158]
The cover of Shipp's book, "In From the Cold" via Amazon.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 (UPI) A former CIA employee says an apparently contaminated trailer at a secret CIA facility in the southwestern United States made his family sick.
Kevin Shipp, 55, said the CIA invoked a "state secrets" claim to hide evidence his family got sick because of environmental contamination at the secret location that was a former weapons depot and disposal site, The Washington Post reported.
The newspaper said it agreed not to publish the location of the facility other than to say it is in the southwestern United States.
Shipp said within weeks of his family moving into the double-wide trailer in May 1999 members started having health problems. Shipp's wife, Lorena, said she suffered from "bleeding gums … mysterious bruises all over my body … continual sinus infections" and headaches "so painful I could not get out of bed."
Shipp said he found mold growing in the trailer, and the government later ordered his family to move into a hotel and destroyed the trailer and all its contents.
David Rueckert, a recognized expert on molds, in a 130-page report, criticized an environmental assessment of the trailer made by a firm hired by the government.
He said the report lacked "important documentation (on) . . . potential sources of biological agents," and found evidence of several "possible contaminants."
Rueckert said several molds could be contributing to the family's ill health, including stachybotrys chartarum, a deadly mycotoxin once developed as a biological weapon and trichothecenes, a mycotoxin produced by a fungus.
Shipp said he filed suit against the government and was offered a $400,000 settlement, only to see the offer withdrawn two days later.
"This is about the Constitution and their grave violation of it," Shipp said. "We suffered horribly. People need to know what they did."
The CIA refused comment specifically on the case.
"Separate and apart from any specific instance, the CIA takes the health and welfare of its employees very seriously," CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood said.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
I seem to remember that a mycotoxin that was used by the US in the first Gulf War?

Testing, testing, testing... anyone suffering horribly?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:I seem to remember that a mycotoxin that was used by the US in the first Gulf War?

Testing, testing, testing... anyone suffering horribly?

Right you are, chap.

Here's a smattering from among the top 12 or so in the Google search for "mycotoxins biowarfare".

Trichothecene Mycotoxins are produced by fungi of the genera Fusarium, Myrotecium, Trichoderma, Stachybotrys and others. They inhibit protein synthesis, impair DNA synthesis, alter cell membrane structure and function, and inhibit mitochondrial respiration. The toxins, protein in nature, have a low molecular weight. They also contain food refusal and emetic factors. Trichothecene mycotoxins are highly persistent and stable for long periods of time.
0.5mg of the poison is enough to kill half the exposed humans. The skin of the victims can be irritated if the skin is exposed to the toxins. They can also cause radiomimetic injury of intestines, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and thymus, leading to leukopenia and bone marrow atrophy. Effects are also found on central nervous, circulatory and reproductive systems.
After about 8 weeks from exposure to Normocyclic Trichothecenes, one will suffer from Alimentary Toxic Aleukia; burning sensation in the alimentary tract, vomiting, tachycardia, leukopenia, petechial hemorrhages with necrosis in skin and internal hemorrhages.
After about 8 weeks from exposure to Macrocyclic Trichothecenes, one will suffer from Stachybotryotoxicosis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, leukopenia, dematis and pulmonary fibrosis.
An attack with Trichothecene Mycotoxins should be suspected if an aerosol attack happens in the form of yellow rain', with droplets of yellow fluid falling from the sky. Confirmation requires a blood test. Either that or someone is pissing on you.
Mycotoxins are not infectious or contagious so isolation is unnecessary. Improperly stored grain, especially under wet and cold conditions, may be badly infected by trichothecene-producing molds. Macrocyclic trichothecene mycotoxins may be liberated upon burning so contaminated clothing and hospital dressings should be steam sterilized and not burnt. Mixtures of macrocyclic trichothecenes are very potent and can cause death within 24 hours. Consumption of contaminated food and water should be avoided.
For protection, a gas mask and protective clothing is required. No vaccine has been developed yet. If exposed, wash contaminated skin with soap and water and irrigate eye with copius saline. Super-activated charcoal should be taken orally if the toxin was swallowed, to reduce absorption from the gut. Supportive therapy should also be provided when required to improve cardiovascular functions.
Shortly after WWII, Russian military added species of Fusarium to flour and the flour was baked into bread and ingested by civilians. Some of them developed a lethal illness, Ailementary Toxic Aleukia, which is characterized by initial symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, prostration and with days, fever, chills, myalgias, and bone marrow depression with granulocytopenia and secondary sepsis. If the victim still lives, the victim will develop painful pharyngeal/laryngeal ulceration and diffuse bleeding into the skin, melena, bloody diarrhea, hematuria, hemalemesis, epistaxsis, and vaginal bleeding.
The United States and Britain had used Trichothecene Mycotoxins against Iraq in the 1991 war.

Trichothecenes are relatively easy to produce and aerosolize. They are very hearty compounds that can survive autoclaving, and they do not degrade when exposed to light. They can be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through skin or mucous membranes. They can irritate or incapacitate at low doses and can kill in minutes at higher doses. As an aerosol, trichothecenes are roughly equipotent to mustard gases, although they are much more readily absorbed through the skin (5,11).

... it is the only potential biological weapon agent that can be absorbed through intact skin causing systemic toxicity.5 Clinical symptoms may be present within seconds of exposure. While larger amounts of T-2 toxin is required for a lethal dose than for other chemical warfare agents such as VX, soman, or sarin, its potent effect as a blistering agent is well noted. T-2 mycotoxins can be delivered via food or water sources, as well as, via droplets, aerosols, or smoke from various dispersal systems and exploding munitions.6 These properties make T-2 mycotoxin a potentially viable biological warfare agent. The reported LD 50 of T-2 toxin is approximately 1 mg/kg.7 ... The potential use for T-2 mycotoxin as a biological weapon was later realized in Orenburg, Russia, during World War II when civilians consumed wheat that was unintentionally contaminated with the Fusarium fungi. The victims developed protracted lethal illness with a disease pattern similar to ATA. In 1940, Soviet scientists coined the term stachybotryotoxicosis to describe the acute syndrome (sore throat, bloody nasal discharge, dyspnea, cough, and fever) resulting from the inhalation of Stachybotrys mycotoxin. Twenty years later, the trichothecene mycotoxin was discovered, and the T-2 toxin was isolated.10

The allegations surrounding the use of T-2 mycotoxin as a biological warfare agent remains a controversy to this day. Based on extensive eyewitness and victim accounts, the aerosolized form of T-2 mycotoxin called "yellow rain" was delivered by low-flying aircraft that dropped the yellow oily liquid on the victims.

T-2 mycotoxin has been allegedly used during the military conflicts in Laos (1975-81), Kampuchea (1979-81), and Afghanistan (1979-81) to produce lethal and nonlethal casualties. More than 6300 deaths in Laos, 1000 in Kampuchea, and 3000 in Afghanistan have been attributed to yellow rain exposure.11 Although several United States chemical weapons experts have matched samples from the Laos conflict to trichothecene signature, these charges have been disputed by other weapons experts who contend T-2 mycotoxins may have occurred naturally in Laos and that exposure was due to the ingestion of contaminated foods.12 Moreover, the same experts contend that yellow discoloration described on the foliage was merely the residue from fecal matter of honey bees.10

Victim reports from the 1991 Desert Storm campaign have also alleged the possibility of a T-2 mycotoxin exposure from a detonated Iraqi missile over a US military camp in Saudi Arabia.12 According to UNSCOM, Iraq researched trichothecene mycotoxins, including T-2 mycotoxin, and was capable of its possession.9 However, these matters remain unresolved, and much of the key information and data from these incidents remain classified.

For related information, see Medscape's Disaster Preparedness and Aftermath Resource Center.....

Mass casualties occurred in the Soviet Union in the 1930s and 1940s when Fusarium-contaminated wheat flour was baked into bread, causing alimentary toxic aleukia with a 60% mortality rate. Symptoms began with abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and prostration, and within days, fever, chills, myalgias and bone marrow depression with granulocytopenia and secondary sepsis occurred. Further symptoms included pharyngeal or laryngeal ulceration and diffuse bleeding into the skin (petechiae and ecchymoses), melena, bloody diarrhea, hematuria, hematemesis, epistaxis, vaginal bleeding, pancytopenia and gastrointestinal ulceration. Fusarium sporotrichoides contamination was found in affected grain in 1932, spurring research for medical purposes and for use in biological warfare. The active ingredient was found to be trichothecene T-2 mycotoxin, and it was produced in quantity and weaponized prior to the passage of the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972. The Soviets were accused of using the agent, dubbed "yellow rain", to cause 6,300 deaths in Laos, Kampuchea, and Afghanistan between 1975 and 1981.[4][5] The supposed biological warfare agent was later shown to be bee feces.[6][7]
Following an outbreak of Fusarium oxysporum that affected coca plantations in Peru, and other crops planted in the area, the United States has proposed the use of the agent as a mycoherbicide in drug eradication. In 2000, a proposal was passed to use the agent as part of Plan Colombia. In response to concerns use of the fungus could be perceived as biological warfare, the Clinton Administration "waived" this use of Fusarium. A subsequent law passed in 2006 has mandated the testing of mycoherbicide agents - either Fusarium oxysporum or Crivellia papaveracea - in field trials in U.S. territory.[8] Use of Fusarium oxysporum for these tests has raised concerns because resistant coca from the previous outbreak has been widely cultivated, and the fungus has been implicated in the birth of 31 anencephalic children in the Rio Grande region of Texas in 1991[citation needed], the loss of palm trees in Los Angeles, and eye infections from contact lens solutions.[9] The alternative Crivellia papaveracea is less well known; despite decades of study in the Soviet biowarfare lab in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the relevant mycotoxins reportedly have not yet been isolated, named, or studied.[8]

Tricothecene mycotoxins, Biological warfare - Toxins

Tricothecene mycotoxins are low-molecular-weight, non-volatile compounds produced by filamentous fungi (moulds) of the genera including Fusarium, Myrotecium, Trichoderma and Stachbotrys. The structures of almost 150 tricothecene derivatives have been identified.

Unlike most biological agents, tricothecence mycotoxins pose a threat not only to wounds and respiration but through access to the skin. The virus in non-contagious, but poses a threat as a military or terrorist agent if aerosolised or disseminated via contaminated foodstuffs. Toxins most likely to be weaponised include diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), Nivalenol, 4-Deoxynivalenol (DON) and T-2. As the most stable, T-2 is the most likely to be utilised as a chemical threat.
The complete article appears in the following publication: Publication Title Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Publication date Jan 21, 2010 Section Biological warfare - Toxins Publication synopsis Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence offers both expert analysis of the NBC threat and comprehensive details on the manufacturers and their products involved in meeting that threat. It is ideal for providing guidance for threat assessment and for the procurement of defensive equipment identified as a requirement. Equipment entries include detailed descriptions, including specifications, together with availability status, manufacturer details and pictures or diagrams to enable comparison and appraisal. Key Contents relating to the threat include: Know your enemy: A global, country-by-country review of NBC capabilities Know their arsenal: NBC agents and their effects Know your own response options: Technical developments in the NBC field The depth and breadth of information covers
  • Manufacturers and products associated with detection, including sensor systems, C3I and reconnaissance systems
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Different sections provide in-depth detail covering
  • Analysis
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  • Biological Warfare - Bacteria
  • Biological Warfare - Fungi
  • Biological Warfare - Rickettsiae
  • Biological Warfare - Toxins
  • Biological Warfare - Viruses
  • Chemical Warfare
  • Chemical Warfare - Blister Agents Vesicants
  • Chemical Warfare - Blood Agents
  • Chemical Warfare - Choking Agents
  • Chemical Warfare - Incapacitating Agents
  • Chemical Warfare - Nerve Agents
  • Chemical Warfare - Precursors
  • Chemical Warfare - Tear Agents
  • Chemical Warfare - Vomiting Agents
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  • Detection (C3i Systems)
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  • Detection (Sensor Systems) - Biological
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  • Glossary
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Thomas W. McGovern, MD, MAJ, MC
George W. Christopher, LTC, USAF, MC

Clinical Features
Human intoxication is rare. An entity known as alimentary toxic aleukia, reported in Russia since the 19th century, is thought to result from ingestion of mycotoxins while eating foods prepared from moldy grain. Signs and symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, skin inflammation,' leukopenia, hemorrhage, and sepsis.[8,52]
More recently, and closer to home, trichothecene mycotoxins are thought to have caused fatal pulmonary hemorrhage in Cleveland area infants. In one area of Cleveland, it may have accounted for 5% of cases of sudden infant death syndrome between 1993-95. In all cases, the fungus Stachybotrys atra was found growing in water-saturated cellulose in the walls of poorly maintained homes.[7,29,31]

Cutaneous Manifestations
At low doses (nanograms), severe skin irritation with erythema, edema, and necrosis is observed. Vesication often occurred with Yellow Rain' attacks; T-2 (one of the trichothecenes) mycotoxin is estimated to be 400 times more potent than alkylating agents (mustards) in producing skin injury.[99]
[Image: bw14a.jpg] Figure 14: Vesicles and erosions on the back of hairless guinea pigs at 1,2,7 and 14 days after application of ( bottom to top) 25, 50, 100 or 200 ng of T-2 mycotoxin in 2ul of methanol. (Reprinted from McGovern TW, Friedlander AM. Plague. In: Sidell FR, Takafuji ET, Franz DR, eds. Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare. Chapter 23 In: Zajtchuk R, Bellamy RF, eds. Textbook of Military Medicine. Washington, DC: US Department of the Army, Office of the Surgeon General, and Borden Institute; 1997:493.
T-2 mycotoxins can be absorbed through the skin and cause death with an LD50 of 2-12 mg/kg compared to that for mustards (4500 mg/kg) and lewisite (37 mg/kg).[100,101] In Southeast Asia, the skin was thought to be the major site of deposition of aerosol spray or coarse mists.[8]

BW considerations
Epidemiologic, intelligence, and trichothecene assay evidence suggest that trichothecene mycotoxins were used in Southeast Asia between 1974 and 1981.[8,91] Nearly 400 alleged attacks reportedly resulted in approximately 10,000 deaths. In Laos, the attacks were described as yellow rain,' a sticky yellow liquid that fell and sounded like rain or looked like a yellow cloud of dust, powder, mist, smoke, or insect spray. The liquid dried rapidly to form a powder. Most attacks used yellow pigment, but some attacks used red, green, white, or brown smoke or vapor. More than 80% of attacks were by air to surface rockets.[98]
Microgram exposure caused eye irritation, corneal damage, and impaired vision. At 0.1-0.2 LD50, emesis and diarrhea occurred. Aerosols caused death within minutes to hours by destroying alveoli. The toxins affect rapidly proliferating tissues and are cytotoxic to most eukaryotic cells by inhibiting protein and RNA synthesis. After entering the circulation, regardless of portal of entry, they affect all rapidly proliferating tissues.
A protective mask and full-body clothing should be donned at the first sign of a yellow rain' attack. Afterwards, battle dress uniforms (BDUs) and contaminated areas of skin should be washed with soap and water followed by a water rinse. Washing within 4-6 hours of exposure removes 80-98% of the toxin and prevented death and dermal lesions in experimental animals. No known specific therapy exists, although high doses of systemic steroids decreases primary and secondary toxin injury.[8]


U.S. Army Biowarfare Research and How it Impacts Mold Illness

A One-Page pdf

Each of the links has far more than was excerpted.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ex-C.I.A. Agent Goes Public With Story of Mistreatment on the Job

12 02 2011 Ex-C.I.A. Agent Goes Public With Story of Mistreatment on the Job


But this was no ordinary case. The employee, Kevin M. Shipp, was a veteran Central Intelligence Agencyofficer. His home was at Camp Stanley, an Army weapons depot just north of San Antonio, in an area where the drinking water was polluted with toxic chemicals. The post includes a secret C.I.A. facility.
Declaring that its need to protect state secrets outweighed the Shipps' right to a day in court, the government persuaded a judge to seal the case and order the family and their lawyers not to discuss it, and to later dismiss the lawsuit without any hearing on the merits, Mr. Shipp said.
More than half a decade later, Mr. Shipp is going public with his story. He contends that the events broke up his marriage and destroyed his career, and that C.I.A. officials abused the State Secrets Privilege doctrine in an effort to cover up their own negligence.
Jennifer Youngblood, a C.I.A. spokeswoman, denied any wrongdoing by the agency. "The C.I.A. takes great care to help protect the health and welfare of its employees," she said.
Mr. Shipp recently completed a memoir filled with unclassified documents that he said backed up his assertions. He says that he submitted the manuscript to the agency for the required prepublication review but that it blacked out swaths of information, like accounts of his children's nosebleeds, strange rashes, vomiting, severe asthma and memory loss.
Citing a confidentiality agreement he signed with the government, Mr. Shipp would not discuss where the secret facility was located, what its purpose was, which agency he worked for or what his duties were.
Still, he said, he was free to say that he worked at C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Va., both before and after his stint at the facility. And public documents from a separate lawsuit, which he filed against his insurance carrier over a claim for his family's destroyed belongings, make clear that he was stationed at Camp Stanley.
Mr. Shipp's ex-wife, Lorena Shipp, and one of his sons, Joel Shipp, now 28, said in interviews that the C.I.A. had assigned Mr. Shipp to a high-ranking job at the facility to uncover suspected security breaches. The family moved to an Army-owned house at Camp Stanley in June 1999 and left in May 2001.
It is not clear what took place at the C.I.A. facility. But the camp had been used as a weapons depot for generations. Joel and Lorena Shipp described bunkers and many old weapons, including Soviet weaponry. They also said that they occasionally saw officials performing tactical drills, and that sometimes items were burned or buried there.
"The house that our family was moved into was planted on top of a lot of buried ammunition," Joel Shipp said. "One time me and my little brother dug up a mustard gas shell."
The Shipps soon began to get sick. First they got nosebleeds, then they developed symptoms that doctors said resembled H.I.V. infection or exposure to radiation, according to family members. Eventually, Kevin Shipp said, he discovered that the house was full of a spreading black substance.
Camp Stanley has a troubled environmental record. In August 2001, according to local news reports, military officials began distributing bottled water to residents nearby after it was discovered that toxins from the camp had polluted an aquifer in the area, contaminating the drinking water.
The Shipps said they were twice evacuated from the house after expressing concern about their sudden health troubles. But, Kevin Shipp said, his supervisor played down the problems, declaring that the house was fine after its air was tested although the windows and doors were open at the time, Mr. Shipp said.
Suspicious of a cover-up, Mr. Shipp said he sent samples from the house to a scientist atTexas Tech University. His manuscript includes a Texas Tech report showing that the samples tested positive for toxic mold.
Eventually, the Shipps sued the C.I.A. using pseudonyms. Meanwhile, Mr. Shipp was transferred to the agency's headquarters, where he became a polygraph operator. But his relationship with the agency was deteriorating, and the family began to suspect that they had been placed under surveillance.
Mr. Shipp said he quit in 2002 after he was accused of using a government credit card to pay for personal expenses; he says he paid the money back, but had been told by a supervisor to use the card for clothes and lodging after his family had to leave the house and their old clothes were destroyed.
A federal judge overseeing the case ordered the family and the C.I.A. into mediation. Mr. Shipp's memoir includes a December 2003 settlement agreement signed by a government counsel under which the family would be paid $400,000 and would have to stay silent about the matter.
But two days later, he said, one of his attorneys, Clint Blackman, called him to say that the government had withdrawn the settlement. The case would be fought out in court.
The case was already sealed, and the Justice Department invoked the State Secrets Privilege a judicially created doctrine that the government has increasingly used to win the dismissal of lawsuits related to national security, shielding its actions from judicial review.
A federal judge dismissed the case, and an appeals court in New Orleans, in a secret ruling, later upheld that dismissal, Mr. Shipp said. Mr. Shipp's manuscript mentions several other lawyers who helped him in the case, including Mark Zaid of Washington, who has represented many intelligence officials in lawsuits against the government, and Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University law professor who has filed several lawsuits challenging claims of executive secrecy.
Mr. Blackman and Mr. Zaid confirmed that Mr. Shipp had been a client, but they declined to discuss any sealed lawsuit. Mr. Turley confirmed that he had been asked to consult on the case, but said he was never given details about it.
Mr. Shipp has moved to Florida and tried to rebuild his life. But angry at what had happened to his family, he says he has decided to go public, no matter the risk of talking about a sealed case.
"I decided to just sacrifice myself for the public to know what they did, how illegal it was, how flawed the State Secrets Privilege is, and how they used it to cover up the destruction of my family," he said. "It's just abominable what they did."

Camp Stanley Storage Activity
Boerne, TX

Located northwest of San Antonio, Camp Stanley, a separate activity of Red River Army Depot, is a weapons and munitions supply, maintenance, test and storage activity. The post supports locations throughout CONUS and selected overseas areas. The post includes 4,000 acres with 630,000 square feet of storage space.
In 1990 the Leon Springs Military Reservation consisted of Camp Stanley, largely used for ammunition storage and testing, and Camp Bullis, utilized for firing ranges, maneuver areas for army, air force, and marine combat units, and for field training of the various medical units from Brooke Army Medical Centerqv at Fort Sam Houston.
The old San Antonio Arsenal, originally built in 1859, was poorly located and by 1919 had been surrounded by the downtown area. It was moved to Camp Stanley and by 1937 required an area of 1,760 acres. At this time Camp Stanley was devoted to storage and testing of ordnance materials, and all other military activities at the Leon Springs Military Reservation were conducted at Camp Bullis.
Camp Stanley, originally Camp Funston, was a subpost of the San Antonio Arsenalqv and operated as an ammunition storage depot. It was named Camp Stanley on October 2, 1917, for Brig. Gen. David Sloane Stanleyqv and designated at first as an infantry cantonment. It was located at Leon Springs Military Reservation, twenty miles northwest of San Antonio. Chinese refugees brought from Mexico in 1916 by Gen. John J. Pershingqv were transferred from Fort Sam Houston to Camp Stanley after World War I. They were finally registered as legal immigrants in 1922. In 1922 the camp became a subpost of Camp Travis and was to be used as a temporary garrison at peace strength.
In September 1933 Camp Stanley was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ordnance Department, and new buildings were constructed to eliminate hazards. Magazine and igloo space totaled 232,100 square feet. On July 1, 1947, Camp Stanley was consolidated with the San Antonio General Distribution Depot and on July 1, 1949, was designated the Camp Stanley Area of Red River Arsenal, Texarkana, a class-two installation under the jurisdiction of the chief of ordnance. In 1985 Camp Stanley was a subpost of nearby Camp Bullis.
Recovered chemical warfare materiel (CWM) includes items recovered from range-clearing operations, chemical weapons burial sites, and other locations. When suspected recovered CWM is found, specially trained personnel are called to the site to assess the content and condition of the materiel and determine if it is safe for storage or transportation. Recovered CWM is currently stored at eight locations throughout the United States and on Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean. The Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Project is developing transportable treatment systems to destroy recovered CWM, since U.S. law prohibits the destruction of non-stockpile chemical materiel at stockpile destruction facilities in the continental United States. Records show that in 1942 at least three mustard-filled shells were buried on site, but were recovered and destroyed in 1948. The Army is fairly sure no other chemical weapons exist, although the area has other hazardous wastes.
Camp Stanley has eliminated the operations of disposing of waste munitions in their land based open burning/open detonation unit. Another Department of Defense (DOD) facility, which is permitted, will dispose of waste munitions for Camp Stanley.
Phosphate-induced metal stabilization (PIMS) is a technology developed to treat the contamination in place, either by mixing the treatment amendments directly into the soil or by emplacing the amendments within a permeable reactive barrier to passively treat groundwater. A demonstration of an in-situ process using PIMS for remediation of lead-contaminated soil from training ranges was conducted at the U.S. Army's Camp Stanley Storage Activity, a subinstallation of Red River Army Depot, in Boerne, Texas. The demonstration at Camp Stanley Storage Activity was the first field-scale demonstration of this technology.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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