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antonello asks rumsfeld if he ever found the missing $2.3 Trillion. the day before 911
Anthony Antonello asks Donald Rumsfeld if he ever found that missing $2.3 Trillion February 21, 2011

Anthony Antonello and Danny Panzella wait to ask Donald Rumsfeld if he ever found that $2.3 Trillion that he said was unaccounted for at a press conference the day before 9/11.( Watch as Rummy lies his way out of that one )
Losing 2.3 trillion bucks seems like kinda difficult. But after all this money these days is just a bunch of numbers on a printed page read out of some account or transaction. There may have been some bizarre accounting practices in the DOD which allowed for some stealing hidden inside layers of transactions from on account to another. No there probably WAS stealing and since few can make sense from complex financial transactions involving hundreds of accounts with probably little or no paper trail... these sorts of thefts seem like they would be common. And they are.

I doubt 2.3TT was stolen... but Rummy was probably trying to have accountants figure who the thieves were with one of two motives... get the lost money back (unlikely) or blackmail the thieves so he could get a take (more likely). The first motive is always a cover the the second. And it can even inspire the crooks to come forward to pay off the investigator and make it much easier... and avoid having the accountants drill into the books.

If the records are now gone he lost the chance to make some easy money.

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