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Let's Shut Them Down
Operation Mockingbird has been so successful that the American media no longer represents viable journalism. It's basically state and CIA propaganda being pumped directly into American living rooms.

I think it's gotten to the point where we have to defend ourselves and boycott these corrupted media outlets. The main culprits are CNN, FOX News, and MSNBC. We seriously need to organize and shut down these unhealthy outlets and divest their sponsors. By doing this we can force new credible and objective media outlets.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Operation Mockingbird has been so successful that the American media no longer represents viable journalism. It's basically state and CIA propaganda being pumped directly into American living rooms.

I think it's gotten to the point where we have to defend ourselves and boycott these corrupted media outlets. The main culprits are CNN, FOX News, and MSNBC. We seriously need to organize and shut down these unhealthy outlets and divest their sponsors. By doing this we can force new credible and objective media outlets.

While you're on the 'mark' [and many other news (sic) outlets I could add.....] I wish you luck - and you'll need it and lots of $$$$$. The internet is the best and cheapest medium, but getting the legions of TV and MSM 'blind' to look, will be quite a challenge. The vast majority of Americans 'just know for sure' [not believe nor think], that such a thing is impossible in can, yes, happen elsewhere, but there is American exceptionalism; and for many their God watches over America, even more than the various branches of government [that do nothing in balancing the others]. :wirlitzer:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Like Red Coats marching toward the tree line ...

So far, so good, wouldn't you say?

We win this FROM the treeline, for Christ's sake!

And any and all rabble-rousing bullshit along the lines of "Let's shut them down" that doesn't include an explicit understanding of just who "we" are in -- and what resources we bring to -- this fight is as counter-productive as anything I can point to in the long, failed history of this fight.

How much closer are we to justice for JFK today than we were at 12:31 PM, Dallas time, on November 22, 1963?
Charles Drago Wrote:And any and all rabble-rousing bullshit along the lines of "Let's shut them down" that doesn't include an explicit understanding of just who "we" are in -- and what resources we bring to -- this fight is as counter-productive as anything I can point to in the long, failed history of this fight.

How much closer are we to justice for JFK today than we were at 12:31 PM, Dallas time, on November 22, 1963?

One thing I'm sure of, assuming an elitist position of eloquence and stylish writing is the shortest guaranteed route to never having any results, no matter how much the opposite is inferred. America wasn't formed by tea cup rattlers...
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:And any and all rabble-rousing bullshit along the lines of "Let's shut them down" that doesn't include an explicit understanding of just who "we" are in -- and what resources we bring to -- this fight is as counter-productive as anything I can point to in the long, failed history of this fight.

How much closer are we to justice for JFK today than we were at 12:31 PM, Dallas time, on November 22, 1963?

One thing I'm sure of, assuming an elitist position of eloquence and stylish writing is the shortest guaranteed route to never having any results, no matter how much the opposite is inferred. America wasn't formed by tea cup rattlers...


I never thought I'd see the day when you would join the ranks of the intellectually destitute who, when their "ideas" are exposed as, in your case, vapid and counter-productive bleatings, desperately resort to demonizing thoughtfulness, erudition, and, especially in my case, literary gifts.

This is not the first time I've been on the receiving end of such metaphorical book-burning. You now clearly stand with the role models "Colby" and his ilk.

And by the by, thanks for the much-needed laugh you provided with, "America wasn't formed by tea cup rattlers ... "

This "insight" is worthy of your earlier, self-humiliating "The Russia/Cuba red-dipping of Oswald made him a better patsy, but if you think about it they never used it. Well, maybe in the cover-up with the WWIII virus but never directly".

Who writes your material, Bucky Katt?

So by all means, carry on with your "Let's shut them down!" exhortations -- pure emotional blather devoid of all discernible thought, brutally espoused, unintelligibly written.

But if somehow you do manage to provide a credible, readable strategy for "shutting them down," then I'll do my best to evaluate it fairly.

While I'm waiting, I'll spend a year or two developing my backhand.
Charles, honestly, why do you attack this subject? I know we are talking on a site that will not attract most of the American public due to its intellectual nature and minimal attendance.

It's my viewpoint that the mainstream American cable "news" is completely corrupted and no longer offers a viable news product conforming to check and balance free press. These powers have all the 'gates' staked-out to prevent Americans from reacting to their take-over, however a wise person will see that the system all depends on people buying their 'product'. There's one power that they can't take away from the American public and that is the individual will to support their subversion. The individual still has the power to collectively assemble themselves into a group that acts for a purpose. In my mind this is the only recourse at this point to deal with their pervasive corruption.

Honestly, I can understand if you think this is poorly or foolishly organized, however there's a difference between criticizing the form and criticizing the intention. Those who criticize that way risk looking like people who make statements criticizing the corruption but then fear becoming involved themselves and ultimately aid those whom they criticize while attacking those who actually try to do something.

If you yourself had a better suggestion I'd be interested in seeing it. By the way, the head of the FCC also shared the same opinion as my "desperate and counter-productive bleatings" when he made a recent statement saying that the American media was very close to no longer offering material by which the public could gain the information necessary to conduct a democracy. This, of course, was ignored by that same media.

It would be my counter opinion that effete writings not seen by the majority of the public would be the more counter-productive method. I believe it is true that this democracy is wired in such a way that the actions of the common people en mass have the most affect and more effective outcome. People like MLK understood this and used it effectively. His worst critics said his methods were "counter productive".
The call to "shut down" MSNBC, CNN, Fox as CIA Mockingbird tools is a diverting of focus from the moon to the finger pointing at the moon.

In earlier times UPI or DMN or CBS or Life et cetera would have served the interests of the assassins and their handmaidens.

The dead wood of media will fall of its own lifelessness, leaving us with the persistent problem of unmasking and indicting the truly responsible evil-doers.

To "shoot the messenger" would be to play Whack-A-Mole with the emissaries of the power elite.

Why provide them amusement over which to titter and rattle their teacups.

We are in the new media now.

Yesterday Hardway cited Joannideson Facebook.


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