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Population Growth "Alarmism" as a Deep Political Control Device
Mark Stapleton Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:What role do they play, Mark? Termites destroy trees. Humans destroy trees, too. Roaches scavenge the food of other species. Humans rarely, if ever, do that.

Termites play an important ecological role by recycling dead plant matter, especially in the rainforest environment.

You seem to be arguing from an entirely human growth perspective. You're almost fanatical about that.

Carpeting the planet with human beings will decimate other species and eventually lead to our own demise. There won't be any food for a start.

Perhaps I argue from a human perspective because I am human. Look, I don't encourage pollution, hunting a species to extinction, proliferation of nukes, irresponsible reproduction of human life, and many other things that you probably discourage as well. However, the "alarmism" around Malthusian over population models tends to PROMOTE war, not abate it; tends to promote the hunting of species to extinction, not preserve it; tends to produce government policies wherein the conglomerate farming corporations are paid by the government NOT to grow food in order to increase the value of the shareholders stock; tends to spend billions of research dollars in pseudo attempts to cure diseases that are secretly believed to be needed in order to control population growth in third world countries; and on and on and on and on.

If we believe that population growth is an unsolvable problem--or is a problem worth ALARM--we will tend to go along with the existing program that does NOT work. We will do this if for no other reason than we will continue to fail to think for ourselves and fail to think outside the box.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Mark, to understand the deniers you have to think like the real estate industry. IOW, any slowing in the rate of growth means less land developed and a less healthy real estate industry.
To understand the alarmists you have to be driven by emotion; devoid of enough autonomy to allow the questioning of authority; sorely lacking in common sense; be a "doom and gloom" promoter; love to criticize, but hate to provide alternatives; possess so little self respect as to not care if one's argument is fallacious, off topic, or otherwise irrelevant, so long as it is sufficiently catastrophic; be too shallow to comprehend DEEP POLITICAL agendas; and, whenever messages are unassailable, be willing to directly or indirectly attack the messenger instead...


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Yes , 1000s of scientists worldwide, socialist & capitalist, fit that description. It is illogical to accuse such a wide sampling of scientists of alarmism.
I did not accuse anybody in any group of anything. If they are not alarmists, then it does not apply to them. If they are alarmists it does.

It's the same the other way around, too. Just because I am the CEO of a Real Estate firm in San Diego, doesn't necessarily mean that I fit into your stereotype. Oh, and BTW: "industries" don't think. People within them do. But, even so, I do not think the way you suggest.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Depopulation: The FDA Is Directly Connected To The Modern Day Eugenics Movement

Alex Thomas

Co Founder of The Intel Hub

Today we published an extremely important article on the FDA and their connection the the modern day eugenics movement. As we continue to see the FDA attack healthy foods by carrying out armed raids against raw food buying clubs while at the same approving toxic chemicals such as aspartame and MSG to be used in our food, one has to wonder WHY?

Is this all for money? Is the FDA simply bought out or is there an even more sinister reason for their open approval of toxins and attack on healthy foods?

It turns out FDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg parents actually headed up the American Eugenics Society!

This information, coupled with the fact that many people that work in the FDA have connections to Monsanto and their GMO foods paints a clear picture.

For a brief history of eugenics:

The Revitalized Eugenics Movement & the FDA's Role

The goal of eugenics is to utilize science to improve the genetic composition of a population. The elite eugenics ruling class is terrified of rapid population growth in "undesirable genetic stock."

Their efforts are focused on controlling rapid population growth in developing countries, such as African nations, and in minority groups in the United States and other developed countries.

The "scientific" theory of eugenics originated in the 19th century with the works of Charles Darwin and others. Its theory was adopted as a core principle of genetic research by The Rockefeller University, Carnegie Institution for Science, and others at the beginning of the 20th century.

It was openly promoted and discussed for the first four decades of the 20th century. It even gained a supportive Supreme Court ruling in 1927 which allowed for sterilization of mental health patients. Moreover, American eugenics-oriented psychiatrists continued to force sterilization on mental health patients into the 1970s.

Beginning in 1910 and ending in 1944, a massive database of genetic information on Americans and related eugenics articles were collected in a Rockefeller and Carnegie-funded data repository known as the Eugenics Record Office.

WWII sent the public face and target of eugenics to scurry for cover as Hitler applied the theory to the Jews, giving the eugenics movement a major black eye. However, behind the scenes, American psychiatrists, German psychiatrists, and the heads of Rockefeller maintained their close working relationships.

At the conclusion of WWII, the Rockefellers allotted land in New York City to house the United Nations (UN), an organization founded on the core beliefs of the elite eugenics thinkers.
And now for the modern emergence of the Eugenics movement:

A seismic shift is now occurring in the forces that will control health care in the United States and around the world. It is a shift in power away from the World Health Organization (WHO) and into a new alliance of wealthy governments (the G8), United Nations groups, and elite international non-governmental power brokers such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

American taxpayers should be alarmed. This means that tens of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars for "humanitarian" foreign aide is being spent on objectives never approved by Congress. Americans should pay attention when Bill Gates makes very public proclamations about the need to reduce the surplus population.

In February of 2010, Bill Gates explained that there are just too many humans, as a key mathematical variable, involved in CO2 and global warming. He thinks that a global effort on population control, utilizing vaccines and birth control, can reduce the projected African population by one billion people in year 2050.

This requires many tens of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to accomplish. The short version or long version of his speech is available to view on YouTube.

His theory that overpopulation is a primary source for the cause of global warming has also been presented in a 2009 report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), "Facing a Changing World: Women, Population, and Climate." UNFPA is an example of a United Nations group that is helping to coordinate the spending of billions in U.S. taxpayer funds to accomplish the global elitist eugenics agenda.

And now we have the connection to the FDA. Remember this is an actual government agency.

One of the leading scientific thinkers on the subject of eugenics in the second half of the 20th century is FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg's father, psychiatrist David Hamburg, as well as her psychiatrist mother Beatrix Hamburg.

David Hamburg has had a major impact on U.S. government domestic public health as well as international public health and politics. He has been head of the National Institute of Health (NIH) from 1975 to 1980, member of the U.S. Defense Policy Board during the Clinton era, member of president Clinton's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Preventive Action of the Council on Foreign Relationsto name just a few of his involvements.

Omitted from his official bio is his role as director from 1989 to 1991 at the American Eugenics Society (renamed the Society for the Study of Social Biology, SSSB). His wife, Beatrix, served as director in 1983 and as vice president from 1984 to 1990.

Much of David Hamburg's work has been funded as a result of his role as President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York from 1982 to 1997, where he retains the title, President Emeritus. The consortium of entities under the Rockefeller and Carnegie banners do many things to accomplish the political and social structure to facilitate a New World Order.

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This has included significant national and global financial support for eugenics and programs that promote eugenics philosophy.

David Hamburg's early training in genetics and psychiatry exposed him to the eugenics theory of his time. In a 1979 speech to the American Public Health Association, he emphasized, as head of NIH, the need to reduce population as part of preventive health. He declared, "The adverse effects of exceedingly rapid population growth are not only those affecting health, but also education, economic development, resource depletion, pollution, conflict and violence.

Thus, in an increasingly independent world, the technically advanced nations cannot afford to overlook these problems which are so burdensome for most of the less developed countries. This involves biomedical and behavioral sciences, in international collaborative efforts. Some promising lines of inquiry deserve consideration here…to make possible an array of contraceptive techniques and relate these to cultural preferences with respect to acceptability. A practical approach to pregnancy interruption is emerging."

FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg is quite proud of her parents, and her record as New York City Health Commissioner shows she is on the same page as Mom and Dad. When Margaret Hamburg joined her parents in 1994 as one of the all-time youngest members of NIH, she said, "There was a sense of real fun that the father-mother-daughter constellation had been formed."

For further information please read the entire article here:'s-role/

We live in a world where eugenicsts are openly planning to depopulate the world. This isnt a conspiracy theory! These people are TELLING US what they are going to do, how can it possibly be a conspiracy theory to warn the population about what a group of people is saying?
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Excellent post, Ed.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Maybe we should just through JFK into the bunch of eugenicists since he was at the founding of the UN in San Fran. & believed it was our best hope for world peace.
Gary Severson Wrote:Maybe we should just through JFK into the bunch of eugenicists since he was at the founding of the UN in San Fran. & believed it was our best hope for world peace.

Go ahead and make the case.

I wonder what he would think about the X-37B, the Falcon Hypersonic X-51 Waverider, the USAF and religion, torture, the taking of trophy fingers, our remote Predator-y "Chair Force", assassination squads, special ops troops in over 100 countries, or the use of phosphorus, DU and mutagenic warfare.

From what I gather, though I have not read the book "Mary's Mosaic", the man had a life-changing transformation by whatever agency or agent.

"It makes no sense...", he said, "For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal."

Shades of Ernest Becker...
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Well, of course I'm saying JFK was in favor of the UN and saw it as the best way to achieve world peace. I happen to agree with that which I don't think you do on the basis of your post which rips the UN as part of the eugenics movement.

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