02-06-2011, 09:20 AM
Richard E. Sprague, The Taking of America 1-2-3, 1985, Chapter 5 The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, discusses a backup team to operate in the vicinity of the Dallas Trade Mart.
Plans for Three Cities
The group in Mexico City planned to assassinate JFK in Miami, Chicago or Dallas, using different gunmen in each case. The Miami plan failed because the Secret Service found out about it in advance and kept JFK out of the open. The Chicago plan backfired when JFK cancelled his plans to attend the Army-Navy game at Soldiers Field in early November. The group set up two assassination teams for Dallas. One was in Dealey Plaza; the second was near the International Trade Mart where JFK's luncheon speech was to be delivered.
Phil's note: Perhaps the Trade Mart was a contingency plan. I think Chicago was invaluable in assuaging Kennedy's misgivings, and prompting his supremely tragic assurance, "The Secret Service has taken care of things."
The assassination group, having failed in Miami and Chicago, moved an operational team into Dallas during the second week in November of 1963. Shaw, Ferrie, Gabaldin and other high-level plotters travelled in other directions, establishing alibis as planned. On November 22, Gabaldin was in Mexico City, Shaw was in San Francisco, and Ferrie was in New Orleans. The team moving into Dallas included Albert Osborne, William Seymour, Emilio Santana, Frenchy, Fred Crisman, Jim Hicks, Jim Braden, and a new recruit from Los Angeles, Jack Lawrence. There was also a back-up rifle team of Cubans to be used at a location near the International Trade Mart in the event something went wrong at Dealey Plaza.
Phil's note: Jim Braden in the Dal-Tex Building. Where Zapruder had his Jennifer Juniors. The merest coincidence Jeanne De Mohrenschildt had been his partner. That her husband was contacted by J. Walton Moore of CIA Domestic Contacts to hook Oswald up with CIA Ruth the Pain who plunked the patsy in the Byrd House.
Here's another searchable pdf of the Sprague book:
In the Sprague scenario Oswald was in Mexico city to meet with assassination plotters. Was he tasked with that as a CIA or FBI operation. Was he the infiltrating informant who was stung with patsydom.
The presence of Harry J. Dean comes with an association of Minutemen and John Birch Society players, the suggestion of Edwin Walker.
Do we have a tantalizing prediction by the racist Joseph Milteer, a photograph of him in Dealey Plaza, a phone call that day in full schadenfreude.
He'd been at a states rights convention in Indianapolis the birthplace of the John Birch Society.
The military intelligence with Secret Service identification. The slight oversight per Curry of Lawson's security hole in Dealey compared to the rest of the route prior and the 180 uniformed officers in the Trade Mart.
Mantik posits the Harper fragment's location with the lead trace at L indicates the first shot (I suggest from the Dal Tex Building) hit there, the external occipital protuberance, and the second shot hit the right temple at the hairline leaving forty metal fragments high on the lateral skull x-ray.
The shoot may have been on the menu at the luncheon but was cancelled when agent Greer (I BRAKE FOR SNIPERS) phoned ahead.
Plans for Three Cities
The group in Mexico City planned to assassinate JFK in Miami, Chicago or Dallas, using different gunmen in each case. The Miami plan failed because the Secret Service found out about it in advance and kept JFK out of the open. The Chicago plan backfired when JFK cancelled his plans to attend the Army-Navy game at Soldiers Field in early November. The group set up two assassination teams for Dallas. One was in Dealey Plaza; the second was near the International Trade Mart where JFK's luncheon speech was to be delivered.
Phil's note: Perhaps the Trade Mart was a contingency plan. I think Chicago was invaluable in assuaging Kennedy's misgivings, and prompting his supremely tragic assurance, "The Secret Service has taken care of things."
The assassination group, having failed in Miami and Chicago, moved an operational team into Dallas during the second week in November of 1963. Shaw, Ferrie, Gabaldin and other high-level plotters travelled in other directions, establishing alibis as planned. On November 22, Gabaldin was in Mexico City, Shaw was in San Francisco, and Ferrie was in New Orleans. The team moving into Dallas included Albert Osborne, William Seymour, Emilio Santana, Frenchy, Fred Crisman, Jim Hicks, Jim Braden, and a new recruit from Los Angeles, Jack Lawrence. There was also a back-up rifle team of Cubans to be used at a location near the International Trade Mart in the event something went wrong at Dealey Plaza.
Phil's note: Jim Braden in the Dal-Tex Building. Where Zapruder had his Jennifer Juniors. The merest coincidence Jeanne De Mohrenschildt had been his partner. That her husband was contacted by J. Walton Moore of CIA Domestic Contacts to hook Oswald up with CIA Ruth the Pain who plunked the patsy in the Byrd House.
Here's another searchable pdf of the Sprague book:
In the Sprague scenario Oswald was in Mexico city to meet with assassination plotters. Was he tasked with that as a CIA or FBI operation. Was he the infiltrating informant who was stung with patsydom.
The presence of Harry J. Dean comes with an association of Minutemen and John Birch Society players, the suggestion of Edwin Walker.
Do we have a tantalizing prediction by the racist Joseph Milteer, a photograph of him in Dealey Plaza, a phone call that day in full schadenfreude.
He'd been at a states rights convention in Indianapolis the birthplace of the John Birch Society.
The military intelligence with Secret Service identification. The slight oversight per Curry of Lawson's security hole in Dealey compared to the rest of the route prior and the 180 uniformed officers in the Trade Mart.
Mantik posits the Harper fragment's location with the lead trace at L indicates the first shot (I suggest from the Dal Tex Building) hit there, the external occipital protuberance, and the second shot hit the right temple at the hairline leaving forty metal fragments high on the lateral skull x-ray.
The shoot may have been on the menu at the luncheon but was cancelled when agent Greer (I BRAKE FOR SNIPERS) phoned ahead.
![[Image: 2w39ljp.jpg]](http://oi52.tinypic.com/2w39ljp.jpg)