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Article: Ian Puddick, the police and corporate risk mitigation
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Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

An internet search using Operation Bohan is indeed rewarding.

The use of armed anti-terrorist police in this matter is prima facie illegal and disproportionate, and the rozzers should not be hiding behind ridiculously broad exemptions in UK Freedom of Information legislation to reject Mr Puddick's requests.

If the City of London Police believe their actions were legal and proportionate, they should be prepared to defend them publicly.
Apologies for prolonged absence. Mega busy elsewhere. But this deserves wide circulation and Ian Puddick deserves support.

Names of most of the companies and most of the individuals (except Mr X) are available on a couple of the videos from the bottom link - plus elsewhere if you dig. However, since renaming them will not benefit Ian at his trial on 15th June next and could be prejudicial, he has asked that I refrain from republishing them - until sometime afterwards.

Some may think ay ay - he probably started shouting the odds etc etc - so what's the big deal. I can tell you that the guy is as kosher as they come and what he has been subjected to at the behest of you-know-who is positively surreal in its inverted Orwellian outrageousness. People with less balls than Ian would have buckled or gone over the top and thus played into their hands. Ian didn't. He may have been a might naive about just how in-your-face corporate-police corruption and abuse of power can be, but he's hanging in their and fortunately for him, his wife is hanging in their with him - having remained on the inside as it were early on and thus privy to a lot of stuff that hasn't been made public - yet.

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