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A Mediterranean Battlefield - Syria
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Saudi money to bankroll the balkanization of Syria.

As always, precisely on-target.
Syria is the latest secular regime to be replaced by an Islamist one.

The Obama Administration including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton found no need to intervene on behalf of a people's revolution in Iran in 2009.

The 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert Gates "Iran: Time for a New Approach" called for negotiations.

One might argue there are U.S. sanctions in play, but upon examination, these are not serious, and the list of waivers includes more nations as time passes. India is a large user of Iran oil.

Of course CIA is on-scene in Syria. Russian arms sales are up. The quadrilateral described by Orwell is being used as the arena.

Why in fact did we go to Iraq. Not for ourselves, but rather for either Saudi or Iran, two disparate schools, or so we are told.

Kenneth Waltz in the current Foreign Relations "Why Iran Should Get the Bomb" is showing the hand.

Iran will be part of the business model. Syria is hopelessly recalcitrant.

Lieberman wrote Clinton asking the secretary of state to explain the exclusion of Israel from the counterterrorism forum.

Jesse Jackson did so some years ago with his remark, "Zionists will no longer be in the driver's seat."

The concept has since subsided as the play is outside that.

The Arab Spring has without doubt ridden on CIA arms and cash.

We live in ironic times when POTUS requires latino diners to give up their forks and knives for his speech, while providing their drug lords thousands of semiautomatic weapons.

With one hand emphasizing a 2013 Afghan withdrawal, while the other signs the midnight accord with Karzai good through 2024.

At the May 1994 commencement of the USNA Clinton in a 32-minute apologia insisted he could not arm the Bosnianswhen he was allowing Iran to do so.

Now he appears to undermine the president whose roots lie in a fertile bed of CIA and AUB potting soil, now tended by a SecState with a body person serving as a Saudi agent of influence.

Is U.S. military expertise used with Saudi cash under a global plan more a business model than a confrontation of nation states, religious faiths, political ideologies.

The signs are up: Deep Political Forces at Work.

Please Excuse the Dust. And Blood.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Is U.S. military expertise used with Saudi cash under a global plan more a business model than a confrontation of nation states, religious faiths, political ideologies.

The signs are up: Deep Political Forces at Work.

Please Excuse the Dust. And Blood.

Phil - from a typically insightful analysis, I'll simply highlight the above.

What is playing out is indeed primarily a business model in which nations, faiths and ideologies provide business opportunities.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
This might be a game changer. It could be an excuse for the rest of NATO to attack Syria since one of their member states was attacked. However the Turkish plane was within Syrian air space which is itself an act of aggression. Both are playing it cool for now.
Quote:Syria has admitted it shot down a Turkish fighter jet over the Mediterranean, raising tensions between the neighbouring countries.
Ankara warned it would respond "decisively" once it had full details of the incident, which saw the plane downed off the coast of Syria around seven miles from the village of Om al Toyour.
The Syrian military claims the jet was flying low, less than a mile from the shore and well inside the country's territorial waters when they opened fire on it.
With the second biggest army in Nato , Turkey would be a formidable foe for a Syrian army that is already struggling to quash a 16-month-old revolt.
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan 's initial comments and subsequent statement on the downing of the F-4 jet were measured in tone.
He said Turkish and Syrian forces were working together to search for the two missing crew of the aircraft.
"Turkey will present its final stance after the incident has been fully brought to light and decisively take the necessary steps," his statement said.
The comments followed a two-hour emergency meeting between the prime minister, the chief of general staff, the defence, interior and foreign ministers, the head of national intelligence and the commander of the air force.
Turkish media had reported earlier that Syria had apologised for the incident but Erdogan made no mention of any apology.
Violence raged unabated inside Syria, which appears to be sliding into a sectarian-tinged civil war pitting majority Sunni Muslims against Mr Assad's minority Alawite sect.
Turkey fears the fighting, if unchecked, could unleash a flood of refugees over its own border and ignite regional sectarian conflict.
Ankara, which had drawn close to Syria before the uprising against Mr Assad , turned against the Syrian leader when he responded violently to pro-democracy protests inspired by popular upheavals elsewhere in the Arab world.
Turkey now gives refuge to the rebel Free Syrian Army on its frontier with Syria.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:This might be a game changer. It could be an excuse for the rest of NATO to attack Syria since one of their member states was attacked. However the Turkish plane was within Syrian air space which is itself an act of aggression.

If it's a casus belli for anyone, it's a casus belli for Syria.

Most accounts suggest the Turkish jet was flying low and fast in Syrian territory. It is likely the flight was designed to test, on behalf of NATO/US/Saudis, the effectiveness of Syrian air defences.

Well, the answer is that Syrian air defences work highly effectively.

If Russia and China were not lining up beside Syria, Turkey might consider declaring war. However, I suspect nothing so brazen will happen yet, given the fault is primarily on the Turkish side.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
It is one of those ill-defined incidents that any side can use any time for any reason de jour. I agree, it was likely a probe of Syrian air defenses or a spy mission [although satellites and drones are safer] - whatever, the truth may never be known - only what the various sides say it was and use it for......oh, boy, another WAR coming right up. NATO must be fueling up already and strapping on the bombs.....sadly, civilians will be the main victims - aren't they always!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thu, June 28, 2012 6:11:04 AM
Michel Chossudovsky: The US-NATO Military Crusade against Syria and Iran. Selected Articles
From: Global Research E-Newsletter <>

The US-NATO Military Crusade against Syria and Iran
Selected Articles
By Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, June 27, 2012

URL of this article:
The US-NATO Military Crusade on Syria and Iran

Selected Articles
Michel Chossudovsky (Editor)

Global Research News and Analysis

June 27, 2012

American-led imperialism has evolved from bloody bouts of episodic militarism over several decades to the present day state of permanent belligerence, with wars or war-making stretching from North and East Africa into the Middle East and Central Asia and beyond to Eurasia, the Far East and the Arctic. Of most immediate concern are the ongoing American-led war plans within the broader Middle East/Central Asian region involving coordinated actions against Iran, Syria and Pakistan.

We are living in an era hallmarked by "The Globalization of War" conducted by the very states that proclaim to be defenders of democratic rights and international law.

The chief protagonist of this globalized war is the United States of America. The US, along with its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Britain, France, Canada and Germany among others, as well as an array of proxies such as the Persian Gulf Arab states is now emboldened to strike militarily in any region of the world.

War preparations to attack Syria and Iran have been in "an advanced state of readiness" for several years.

US, NATO and Israeli military planners have outlined the contours of a "humanitarian" military campaign, in which Turkey (the second largest military force inside NATO) would play a central role.

We are at dangerous crossroads. Were a US-NATO military operation to be launched against Syria or Iran, the broader Middle East Central Asian region extending from North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border with China would be engulfed in the turmoil of an extended regional war.

In the face of blatant media disinformation, a "Re-Learning Process" must be launched, which focuses both on the background and history of US led wars as well as on recent developments including US, NATO and Israeli war plans directed against Iran and Syria.

This selection of articles prepared by Global Research purports to dispel the daily flow of media distortion, which presents war as a humanitarian undertaking.

This collection consists of three previously published I-Books (PART I), each of which contains 30 or more chapters on different dimensions of the US led War in the Middle East and Beyond. For the most recent news reports and analysis scroll down to Part II and III, respectively on Syria and Iran.


History and Background Reading:

Global Warfare, War Plans Pertaining to Iran and Syria

The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III
- by Michel Chossudovsky, Finian Cunningham - 2012-07-14

WAR PLAN IRAN: Dispelling the Lies, Telling the Truth about Western Aggression in the Persian Gulf
- by Finian Cunningham, Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-03-16
GR ONLINE NEWS READER. The region is on a hair-trigger for a conflagration that would involve nuclear weapons and the collision of global powers...
SYRIA: NATO's Next "Humanitarian" War?
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-07-15


Syria: Recent News Reports and Analysis

NATO War Council To Target Syria
- by Rick Rozoff - 2012-06-26
The U.S. and NATO have been itching for a pretext to attack Syria, and Turkey, the only NATO member to border the country, has always been the pretext which would be employed to justify military action against the Arab nation.
War At Any Cost: Another Manufactured Pretext for War with Syria
- by Eric Draitser - 2012-06-26
The downing of a Turkish jet by the Syrian military last week was not merely a military incident making the possibility of an intervention and regional war much more likely. This episode was the most recent in a long and storied history of "international incidents" or provocations used by imperial powers as pretexts for military aggression. Without such incidents, the forces of imperialism are seen as nothing more than aggressors, out to destroy weaker nations in their own interests. However, with the necessary justifications that such episodes provide, those same powers can portray their wars as justified, necessary, and wholly righteous.
The Evil of Humanitarian Wars
Iraq, Libya, Syria: "We Have No Right to Play God". Or Do We?
- by Jonathan Cook - 2012-06-26
In a traditional cowboy movie, we know what to do: we look for the guy wearing the white hat to be sure who to cheer, and for the one wearing the black hat to know who deserves to die, preferably gruesomely, before the credits roll. If Hollywood learnt early to play on these most tribal of emotions, do we doubt that Washington's political script-writers are any less sophisticated?

Downed Turkish Fighter Jet is the Result of NATO Aggression, not Syrian Action
- by Finian Cunningham - 2012-06-27

Bilderberg Plan to Force NATO's Turkey Into Syrian War
- by Patrick Henningsen - 2012-06-26
Last Friday saw a Turkish combat jet downed in the Mediterranean Sea by Syrian antiaircraft batteries. Syria insists that Turkey's F-4 Phantom was shot down inside Syrian airspace. It appears to be a Neo-Ottoman baiting exercise by NATO, and for all intents and purposes, it has worked - so far. Regardless of the facts surrounding this event, the Western media machine and political operators will seek to quickly leverage this event in their efforts to move their inevitable Syrian bombardment project forward.
BREAKING: The Downing of the Turkish Plane. Syrian Government Press Conference
- 2012-06-25
In a press conference held on Monday, The Syrian government spokesman said that what happened was a blatant violation of Syrian sovereignty according to international law, which is confirmed by facts, information, and the Turkish statements that admitted to the violation of Syrian airspace and territorial waters, regardless of the intents of the aircraft be they reconnaissance or training.
CONFIRMED: US CIA Arming Terrorists in Syria
- by Tony Cartalucci - 2012-06-22
The West, led by the US and its Gulf State proxies, have been arming terrorists, while berating the Syrian government for "violating" a UN mandated ceasefire and for "failing to protect" its population.
Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces"
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-06-16
The objective of the US sponsored armed insurgency is --with the help of Israel-- to "Break Syria into Pieces". The "balkanisation of Syria" is to be carried out by fostering sectarian divisions, which will eventually lead to a "civil war" modelled on the former Yugoslavia.
SYRIA: Cold War II, Edging Closer to a "Hot War"?
Turkish Jet Flying 100 Meters above the Water 1 Mile from Syrian Coast
- by Washington's Blog - 2012-06-26
Washington and Ankara Intelligence Op? Syria Blamed for Turkish Provocation
- by Stephen Lendman - 2012-06-26
Social Networking, Military Expeditions and America's Holy Crusade
- by Felicity Arbuthnot - 2012-06-25
"Crusade: Medieval military expeditions undertaken by the Christian powers ... to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims."


Iran: Recent News Reports and Analysis

Obama's October Surprise: Largest War Games in US-Israeli History
- by Richard Silverstein - 2012-06-27
These will be the largest such military maneuvers in the history of the joint U.S.-Israel relationship. Three thousand U.S. Air Force personnel and a larger IDF contingent will focus on air warfare and missile defense. The primary goal is to prepare for the aftermath of an Israeli attack on Iran and the expected counterattack against Israel.

The Possibility of a US War with Iran is Escalating very Rapidly
- by Michael Carmichael - 2012-06-22
The Obama administration is under tremendous pressure from many ill-advised Democratic members of Congress to abandon diplomacy with Iran and follow a path that would make war inevitable in the near term...
CONFRONTING IRAN, "PROTECTING ISRAEL": The Real Reason for America's War on Syria
- by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-06-08
"Coming to the rescue of the Syrian people" under a fake "humanitarian" R2P mandate is intended to destabilize Syria as a Nation State, weaken Iran and enable Israel to extend its influence throughout the region.
"Netanyahu has decided to attack Iran before the U.S. Elections in November."
- by Michael Carmichael - 2012-06-24
Netanyahu's major backer, Sheldon Adelson, is now firmly behind Mitt Romney, and they are known to believe that an Israeli attack on Iran in September or October will displace Obama and many dovish Democrats in Congress and establish a hawkish regime in Washington.
US Sponsored Terrorists: The Menacing Plots of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) against Iran
- by Kourosh Ziabari - 2012-06-24
The ill-omened, inauspicious plots of the terrorist gang Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization against Iran seem to have no end. The recent letter signed by 44 U.S. Senators addressed to President Obama in which it was implied that time for diplomacy with Iran is over and other options to deal with Iran's nuclear program should be considered to be a magnum opus of MKO.

This Global Research News and Analysis selection of articles and indepth reports is made available to our readers with a view to curbing the flow of media disinformation.
GLOBAL RESEARCH | PO Box 55019 | 11 Notre-Dame Ouest | Montreal | QC | H2Y 4A7 | Canada

Fri, June 29, 2012 6:09:20 AM
Finian Cunningham: NATO Proxies Turkey and Saudi Arabia Move to War Footing on Eve of Syrian 'Peace Summit'
From: Global Research E-Newsletter <>

NATO Proxies Turkey and Saudi Arabia Move to War Footing on Eve of Syrian Peace Summit'
By Finian Cunningham

Global Research, June 28, 2012

URL of this article:

The NATO-backed covert aggression against Syria could be reaching a tipping point for all-out war involving state forces. That should be no surprise. For the past 16 months, NATO and its regional proxies have been steadily increasing the violence and turmoil inside and outside Syria, while the Western corporate-controlled media maintain the ridiculous fiction that the bloody chaos is largely due to the government forces of President Bashar Al Assad cracking down on "peaceful protesters".

Ironically, the crisis is culminating at the same time that the United Nations convenes an emergency summit on Syria in Geneva this weekend. The meeting, which is ostensibly aimed at "reviving the Kofi Annan peace plan", will be attended by the five permanent members of the UN security council and other "invited" regional states. The irony is that leading NATO members, the US, Britain and France, as well as their Turkish and Arab allies who will also be attending the crisis conference, are the very parties that have deliberately created the precipice for all-out war in the Middle East.

As dignitaries fly into Geneva to "salvage peace in Syria", there is a lockstep military build-up on the northern and southern flanks of Syria underway, with news that Turkey has dispatched battlefield tanks, missile batteries and heavy artillery to its Syrian border, while to the south Saudi Arabia has announced that its military forces have been put on a "state of high alert".

Ankara's military mobilization along its 800km land border with Syria came within hours of the declaration by Turkey's prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan slating Syria as "a hostile state". The immediate cause of the deterioration in relations between the neighbouring countries is the downing of a Turkish fighter jet last week in Syrian territorial waters. Syria claims it was acting in self-defence after the Phantom RF-4E warplane entered its airspace on Friday. Ankara has so far failed to give an explanation for why one of its warplanes was making such a provocative low-flying manoeuvre into Syrian airspace. But the Turkish government has announced that any move by Syrian armed forces towards its border will be viewed as another "hostile act" that it will respond to. How's that for a provocative tether? Especially towards a country that is being attacked by armed groups crossing over its border with Turkey.

Meanwhile, on the same day that Turkey is militarizing along its border with Syria, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah makes an unprecedented announcement putting his armed forces on high alert "due to the tense situation in the Middle East". Using vague and contrived language, the Saudi ruler warned against "foreign or terrorist attacks" to justify the mobilization of the kingdom's armed forces.

The military pincer movement against Syria tends to support the analysis that the downing of the Turkish fighter jet was a deliberate set-piece scenario designed to furnish a cause for war, or at least a stepping up of the international psy-ops campaign of intimidation against Syria.

It is notable that the circumstances surrounding the shooting down of the warplane have yet to be clarified. The Syrians seem to have firm grounds for acting in the way they did given the provocative conduct of the Turkish fighter jet. And there is an onus on the Ankara government to give some explanation for the unusual military manoeuvre, especially in the light of claims that the aircraft was on a reconnaissance mission on behalf of anti-Assad forces on the ground in Syria. Yet almost reflexively, before details have been established about the incident, Turkey has moved on to a war footing. Equally telling is that Saudi Arabia, a key ally of Ankara in opposition to Syria, has simultaneously moved also on to a war footing without any substantive grounds for such a mobilization.

Some informed analysts have said that the Turkish-Saudi pincer on Syria is more aimed at intensifying the psy-ops pressure on Bashar Al Assad to cave in and relinquish power. Hisham Jaber, director of the Beirut-based Center for Middle East Studies, told Press TV that Ankara and Riyadh will balk at an all-out war with Syria because both are well aware that any such conflict will bring in Iran, Russia and China in support of their ally in Damascus.

Nonetheless, there is an ineluctable logic towards all-out war. Ever since the armed insurrection by foreign mercenaries was instigated in Syria's southern town of Deraa in mid-March 2011, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have played key roles in fomenting the covert campaign of aggression to overthrow the Assad government a campaign that is authored by leading NATO members, the US, Britain and France. The division of labour is such that Turkey has supplied land bases to organize the mercenaries from Libya, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Iraq; while Saudi Arabia provides the money up to $100 million to buy weapons and pay wages for the soldiers of fortune; and ultimately it is Washington, London and Paris that are calling the tactical shots in the NATO war plan on Syria.

As several other commentators have pointed out, this war plan is aimed at asserting Western capitalist hegemony in the oil-rich Middle East and Central Asia regions. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria are part of an overarching bid for "full-spectrum dominance" that will eventually target, overtly, Iran, Russia and China.

It is this crucial wider context of war-making by the waning capitalist powers that underscores the gravity of the military build-up inside and outside Syria. The dynamic for war has a compelling, nefarious logic as the history of world wars testifies.

Which makes the Geneva "crisis conference" this weekend appear all the more ludicrous. In attendance are the US, Britain, France, Turkey and the Gulf Arab monarchical states of Kuwait and Qatar. All are professing to support a peaceful solution in Syria even though all the above are funnelling weapons, logistics and personnel to wage a brutal, terrorist assault on that country an assault that has now led to the precipice of all-out regional war.

Also attending the UN conference are secretary general Ban Ki-moon and the UN/Arab League special envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan. The UN and the Arab League and these two figureheads in particular have shown themselves to be willing dupes to NATO's war of aggression on Syria, and beyond, by indulging in the charade that the Western powers are "supporting peace" instead of denouncing them as "supporting war". Significantly, the UN and Annan have not invited Iran to attend the conference as a result of US pressure. How provocative is that? Iran clearly has vital interests at stake given its proximity and geopolitical threats from the encroaching war on its Syrian ally.

The other ghost missing from the feast in Geneva this weekend is Saudi Arabia. The omission of Saudi Arabia should not be seen as some kind of consolation to Syrian and Iranian sensibilities, but rather as a way of shielding the House of Saud from embarrassment. Considering the incendiary role of Saudi Arabia in Syria, and possibly the region's conflagration, the Saudi rulers should be summoned to a top seat at the "peace summit" to face the most withering questions about their warmongering, criminal interference in a neighbouring state.

Then, using Nuremburg principles, prosecutors should proceed to arraign the rulers in Riyadh along with their accomplices in Washington, London, Paris and Ankara.

Finian Cunningham is Global Research's Middle East and East Africa Correspondent

GLOBAL RESEARCH | PO Box 55019 | 11 Notre-Dame Ouest | Montreal | QC | H2Y 4A7 | Canada

What deep political machinations have we here?

Amidst all the noise and bluster, "US intelligence" confirms that the Syrian account of the shooting down of the Turkish jet was correct along:

Quote:Turkey Scrambles F-16s On Syria Border As US Intelligence Says Syrian Story Was Correct All Along

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2012 12:39 -0400

Last week's false flag story of baseless Middle Eastern provocation refuses to go away. Even after, in a shocking turn of events, US intelligence confirmed this weekend that Syria's version of events surrounding the downed Turkish F-4 jet story was the right one all along, pulling the media narrative rug right from under Hillary Clinton's provocative feet (and making others wonder just which country is the only one that stands to benefit of NATO does pull Article 4 or 5 and does invade Syria on now invalidated and false premises), today we read that Turkey continues to try to escalate. From the BBC: "Turkey has scrambled six F-16 fighters jets near its border with Syria after Syrian helicopters came close to the border, the country's army says. A total of six jets were sent to the area in response to three such incidents on Sunday, although there was no border violation, the Reuters news agency quoted the statement saying. On Friday, Turkey said it had begun deploying rocket launchers and anti-aircraft guns along the border in response to the downing of its F-4 Phantom jet." Of course, without an actual confirmed provocation, such as the one Turkey itself pulled against Syria, it is left with the same media rhetoric that continues to expose just one side of the Syrian story - the Western media spun one. "Turkey has strongly criticised Syria's response to the 16-month anti-government uprising, which has seen more than 30,000 Syrian refugees enter Turkey." Fair enough, we do however wonder what Syria would say about Turkey's treatment of Kurdish minorities. Finally, confirmation that just as we first suggested two weeks, this whole incident has been nothing but a provocation stage test to get NATO involved without any of the facts being on the table, comes from no other source than US military intelligence.

From the WSJ:

Quote: U.S. intelligence indicates that a Turkish warplane shot down by Syrian forces was most likely hit by shore-based antiaircraft guns while it was inside Syrian airspace, American officials said, a finding in tune with Syria's account and at odds with Turkey.

The Turkish government, which moved tanks to the Syrian border after the June 22 incident, says the debris fell in Syrian waters, but maintains its fighter was shot down without warning in international airspace. Ankara also has said the jet was hit too far from Syrian territory to have been engaged by an antiaircraft gun.

Damascus has said it shot down the plane with an antiaircraft battery with an effective range of about 1.5 miles.

"We see no indication that it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile" as Turkey says, said a senior defense official. Officials declined to specify the sources of their information. The senior U.S. defense official cautioned that much remains unknown about the incident.

And finally the truth:

Quote: A former senior U.S. official who worked closely with Turkey said he believed the flight's course was meant to test Syria's response. "You think that the airplane was there by mistake?" the former official said.

"These countries are all testing how fast they get picked up and how fast someone responds," said a senior U.S. official. "It's part of training."

The Turkish official said the plane wasn't on a surveillance mission. "All NATO members have condemned the Syrian hostile act and have supported Turkey," the official said.

Gee, let's see here: confirmed self-defense and yet "all NATO members" are promptly on the side of the aggressor. How original. Finally, there's this:

Quote: The U.S.-Turkish relationship is unlikely to be affected by the apparent discrepancies in accounts of the downing of the jet. Cooperation between Ankara and Washington has grown closer in recent months, after a period of significant strain in 2009 and 2010.

That marks a turnaround for Turkey, which 18 months ago moved to cultivate relations and trade with neighboring Muslim regimes, including Mr. Assad's, while downgrading ties with former ally Israel, raising concerns in Washington.

Which begs the question: now that the US has openly sold Turkey down the river, was this whole plan merely one spun out of that other "former ally" which after seeing its provocative clout vis-a-vis Iran's "despotic dictators" evaporate, is urgently trying to come up with other locus of potential warmongering?

Of course, as long as NATO has the back of any aggressor no matter what the facts say, all is good.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
fyi via @wikileaks: MAJOR RELEASE PRESS CONFERENCE TONITE: London, Thursday, Jul 5 - 7.45PM EST (SYDNEY TIME) for 8PM start at Frontline Club Stream:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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