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An Actionable Plan for 9/11 Truth and Justice

Quote:"Of this I am certain: the 9/11 truth movement is grassroots;
that sovereign power lies with the people; and that our fellow citizens
are now awakened to 9/11 truth in vast numbers. It is time for a winning
approach to change: the method of direct democracy--*the state ballot initiative."

- Mike Gravel

Today is the official launching of a citizens' initiative to reclaim justice and democracy from a misrepresentative government. The cover-up and crimes against humanity will either continue or they will be exposed. Please consider taking action by donating $10 to the 9/11 Initiative Campaign. This organization was founded by Mike Gravel in 2010. He was 'a two-term Senator from Alaska (19691981) during which he was best known for his lengthy filibuster that ended the draft, and for reading the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record, the legality of which was confirmed in an historic Supreme Court case. Gravel later founded and served as president of the Democracy Foundation, Philadelphia II, and Direct Democracy, nonprofit corporations dedicated to the establishment of direct democracy in the United States through the enactment of the National Initiative for Democracy.'

Jonathan Mark

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An Actionable Plan for 9/11 Truth

By Senator Mike Gravel
June 3, 2011

As each anniversary of 9/11 rolls by, the import of this tragedy looms ever larger in our history. Especially looming like storm clouds on the horizon of American politics are the unanswered questions about these events. And as new evidence and new whistleblowers come forward seemingly every week, the import of the 9/11 truth movement multiplies in historic significance. All of this points to the urgent need for a new, independent investigation with subpoena and other grand jury powers--a citizen's commission that is truly free of partisan political interference.

As we approach 9/11's tenth anniversary, we are reminded* each time we pick up a newspaper* that the government's "official 9/11 story" resulted in three interminable wars: Afghanistan, Iraq, and the War on Terror. The official line also conveniently sets the stage for the Patriot Act that abridged so many of our liberties and civil rights, plus a long list of other abuses such as egregious torture of "terror suspects" in the name of national security. Our dilemma ten years later reminds me of a prescient statement made by James Madison: "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

The U.S. government's investigations that culminated in the 9/11 Commission Report purported to set the record straight about the perpetrators of terrorism on our soil and the mistakes made by those whose sacred task is to defend our shores. But this 2004 report has since been called into question by a very long list of credible voices, not only within the United States, but throughout the world. Even the co-chair of the Commission, Governor Thomas Kean, admitted failure: "We think the Commission, in many ways, was set up to fail. Because we had not enough money, we didn't have enough time, and we [were] appointed by the most partisan people in Washington."

Thousands of civic volunteers calling themselves the 9/11 truth movement have gone on to parse the events of that fateful day, offering scientific and rational arguments for why the government's official account is inaccurate, incomplete, implausible, and in fact constitutes a flimsy conspiracy theory. This body of new evidence and argumentation, combined with the refusal of our political leaders to even countenance a new investigation--along with the systematic marginalization of 9/11 truthers by mainstream media--adds to our suspicions that something profound is amiss.

Direct Democracy: The Way Forward

Presently, our heroic 9/11 truth activists can continue to educate Americans and the world's people with the hope of pressing the government to act; however, it is evident to me that the federal government simply won't act to change the 9/11 equation*--and the American people simply can't act, other than to continue to educate and agitate. That's because of one obvious reality: the way to meaningful change is blocked by the elites now in control of the mainstream media and of Washington (regardless of party), and by the fact that citizens lack any other recourse. We lack access to the legislative procedures needed to implement the central power of government--lawmaking--at the federal level. Indeed, this is true as well in most governmental jurisdictions of the United States. But fortunately there are 24 states that have some form of initiative lawmaking process.

A new activist organization I founded, the citizen's 9/11 Commission Campaign, has been exploring the feasibility of utilizing the state initiative process by filing state ballot propositions that would create an independent 9/11 commission funded by the citizens themselves. This effort launches on July 4 because of its extreme patriotic import.
As my team and I begin this work, we are heartened by one unassailable fact: the 9/11 truth movement has grown and prospered for nearly a decade, gaining millions of supporters through outreach and education in one of the most remarkable grassroots movements in American history. Our effort builds upon the movement's innumerable breakthroughs and hard-won lessons. We believe these lessons point to a new approach to our common goals based on citizen power.

Of this I am certain: the 9/11 truth movement is grassroots; that sovereign power lies with the people; and that our fellow citizens are now awakened to 9/11 truth in vast numbers. It is time for a winning approach to change: the method of direct democracy--*the state ballot initiative.

Direct Democracy for 9/11 Truth

The cause of direct democracy has been my principal passion since my two terms in the Senate (1969-1981). I founded and served as president of the Democracy Foundation, Philadelphia II, and Direct Democracy, nonprofit corporations dedicated to the establishment of direct democracy in the United States through the enactment of the National Initiative for Democracy, that would, in essence, empower the American people themselves to be lawmakers. We have not achieved this goal yet, but the process of direct democracy still thrives at the state level. And that's why, at a gathering of 9/11 truth advocates in New York City in September 2010, I suggested a new path to 9/11 truth and justice: that of using the initiative process in several states as a vehicle to enact a law creating a new 9/11 citizen's commission that would investigate the intelligence failures prior to 9/11, the events of that day, and the aftermath that resulted in wars and the disfigurement of America's cultural values. My suggestion was well received at the meeting in New York and subsequently in talks with 9/11 truth activists across California, the state most known for its initiatives. My idea was not original in that it followed upon a campaign for an initiative under New York City law propounded by truth advocates, one that had garnered more than 80,000 petition signatures, only to be thrown out by the New York State Supreme Court.

Building on the New York experience, I approached the California Legislative Counsel in October 2010 for assistance in drafting a prospective law that would create a new investigative commission--independent of federal and state governments--but with the necessary powers to get to the facts (i.e., subpoena and oath taking). The vision of the commission would be to pursue an investigation wherever the evidence leads. No person would be immune from criminal implication, regardless of political station in or out of government (domestic or foreign).

I am convinced that the independence of the new commission can only be guaranteed if the appointment of its members is controlled by a 9/11 truth vision, rather than the customary commission-appointment process typically conducted by governors and legislators. The California initiative text includes the use of a Joint Powers Agreement whereby other government jurisdictions can endorse and participate by adding their powers to the powers of the California commission*--when and if it is approved by voters on November 2, 2012.

Key Considerations Point to Oregon, Massachusetts, and Alaska

California is, of course, a very large and complicated state. Additional legal investigations we are now pursuing have led us to consider other states with simpler initiative laws that may present fewer challenges than California. With respect to these states, we are especially interested in their statutes and constitutional provisions that govern the following key issues:

their commission-appointment process
rules concerning a "Joint Powers Agreement"
the number of signatures needed to get on their ballots
rules governing timing for submission of signatures

We have since concluded that the initiative process in California is overly expensive and otherwise not ideal for a number of reasons, and that we should prioritize our work in three states: Oregon, Massachusetts, and Alaska. You will learn more about these considerations at our website,

A primary objective is to build a nationwide grassroots movement in support of a new commission, especially once a new 9/11 commission has been authorized in the first state to pass one of our initiatives. We are especially focused on how to harmonize the powers granted to the new commission with the governmental powers of other political jurisdictions across the U.S. Through this harmonization process, other states and local governments would be able to geographically enlarge the jurisdiction of the new commission by passing Participation Initiatives or Resolutions of Support. Such votes would extend the commission's authorized legal and financial powers to their jurisdiction*--including subpoena power.

The Challenge Ahead: Building an Effective Citizen's Campaign

The issues surrounding 9/11 are national and global in character. We can capitalize on that awareness by injecting the creation of a new commission as a wedge issue in the presidential contest in 2012 and all the key political races. This opportunity will not present itself again until 2016. Success or failure will be determined by the resources that can be brought to bear on our organizational efforts, the additional research, and the petition campaigns to qualify the initiatives, all culminating in the political drive to secure their enactment--but, of course, it takes money to fund this huge effort.

If we are able to raise the necessary funds for this undertaking, I believe there is no possibility of failure even if no initiative is enacted into law. A much bigger national debate on 9/11 advances our present goal--alerting more Americans to the problem, and more importantly, pointing to a solution. Again, our plan will encompass an exploratory effort in several initiative states, examining the legal possibilities of interrelating state (and local) jurisdictions to establish and fund the new commission for a citizens' 9/11 investigation.

Fundraising will not be confined to the U.S. alone. This task will be pursued globally. Awareness of the need for a new investigation of 9/11 is guaranteed regardless of whether any initiative is enacted into law or not. We are adding an actionable goal to the existing mission of the 9/11 truth movement that may actually bring about the best tool for truth and justice: a new citizens' investigation commission independent of federal and state governments.

Source URL -
Thanks, Jonathan.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
You are most welcome Ed and all checking this out.. Here is from the July 4th campaign announcement.

"The 9/11 truth movement's next step must be an actionable plan for change--
a plan to pass laws that will create a powerful new investigation."

Senator Mike Gravel

Announcing: the citizens' 9/11 Commission Campaign

Dear fellow citizen: An activist organization recently founded and led by former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska, 1969-1981), and endorsed by many leading Americans (see below), is exploring the feasibility of filing ballot propositions in several states (Oregon, Massachusetts, and others). When passed, this legislation would create a new, independent, citizen-led 9/11 commission. Such a result would be the worthy culmination of a decade of public education by the courageous 9/11 truth movement.
This powerful new investigative commission would be:
(1) funded by the citizens (as mandated by the initiative law)
(2) free of undue governmental interference
(3) vested with subpoena power and the ability to take testimony under oath
(4) legally linked to other states (and localities) that pass "sister" initiatives

Official launch date: July 4, 2011

We have chosen this date because of the extreme patriotic import of our work. In doing so, we know that there are two powerful realities we can rely upon:
· sovereign power lies with the people
· our fellow citizens are now awakened to 9/11 truth in vast numbers

These two facts have led us to embrace the ballot initiative process, and we invite you to do so as well. The cause of direct democracy has been the principal passion of Senator Mike Gravel since his two terms in the U.S. Senate. Mike has entered the 9/11 movement to suggest a time-tested method of obtaining justice--one that frees us from the legal and political machinations of status-quo forces.

Join the Campaign at our new site,!

Bearing in mind your patriotic duty, and the aspiration of Americans everywhere for truth and justice, especially on this day, please pause a moment now and explore our inaugural website:

Happy Fourth of July, Senator Mike Gravel, and the team at

P.S. Pass the word! Please forward
this email using the "forward email" function below.


"The evidence in hand points to the urgent need for a citizens' investigation with grand jury powers."
--U.S. Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska, 1969-1981)

"I applaud Senator Gravel's effort to create a genuinely independent 9-11 investigation with subpoena powers. I trust that as this initiative develops it will broaden dramatically."
--Paul Zarembka, Professor of Economics, University of Buffalo
Author of The Hidden History of 9/11 (Seven Stories Press)

"Seeing as the original Congressional investigation of the 9/11 tragedy does not even mention the 6-second collapse of the 47-story Building 7, and has many other flaws, it is time for a full public investigation with subpoena power. Why should any patriotic American be opposed to finding out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"
--Dr. Kevin Danaher, Co-Founder, Global Exchange

"Having served in the Congress, I can say that the best route to justice for the crimes of 9/11 must be, in our time, through the vehicle of state initiatives."
--Former U.S. Representative Dan Hamburg (D-California)

"I fully endorse the call for a significant investigation of 9/11 with subpoena power and free of federal government interference."
--Dr. Steven E. Jones, Full Professor of Physics (retired) at Brigham Young University

"We must go around the federal government and use state ballot initiatives to get a truly independent investigation of the crimes of 9/11 and their cover up."
--Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret., National Commander, "The Patriots"
Former Director, Advanced Space Programs Development, U.S. Air Force

"Information surrounding 9/11 is filled with contradictions, misinformation, and partial facts. It is important for the American
people as a society to know the full, uncensored truth regarding the events before and after September 11, 2001, which led us into a state of permanent war."
--Peter Phillips, Ph.D., President, Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored

"We urgently need a proper investigation, with the power to subpoena evidence and testimony."
--Peter Dale Scott,Ph.D., distinguished author and poet
Professor Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley

"I totally embrace direct democracy as a tool for uncovering the truth about what really happened on 9/11 . . . In fact, direct democracy is the only way we are ever going to be able to solve the major problems that are plaguing this planet."
--Ian Woods, Publisher/Editor, Global Outlook


Supporters making a tax-deductible contribution of between $25 and $99 will receive the special DVD shown here as our grateful acknowledgement of your donation.
Great piece by Gravel. Now, if everyone would only read that......some small % might connect a dot or two.......It is sad one has to work so hard and think in such politically strategic terms just to get our basic rights, that have been taken away, but this is one of the better though out plans of the 'still playing on their field' 'school'. There is growing another 'school'; but they must work in synchrony now, or we loose the 'whole enchilada'! I fear it could be steamrolled/sidelined with dirty tricks; but hope not. We will see - depends on how angry people get/are. An angry, deceived, impoverished, taken-advantage-of, lied-to, poisoned, terrorized-for-nothing Pueblo can fight the growing beast. What the hell else does anyone think is going to make it happen....shall we all in unison say 'Please'...don't think that will work. People are starting to wake up, but I fear rather slow; the gorgon is also awakening - or we wouldn't be where we 'are' and what we've seen going from bad to worse. :mexican:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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