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Free the JFK Files & Congressional Oversight
Free the JFK Files & Congressional Oversight
'new york', times,


A small group of like-minded people (Bill Simpich, Greg Parker, et al ) have started a letter writing campaign to JFK Act Oversight hearings by the House Oversight Committee.

We started a Facebook cause and quickly got 200 people, but they're pretty much the same 200 people we have been working with for years, and need to expand with the support of other like minded groups.

Believe it or not, I recently helped get a bill passed through Congress, and I would like to adapt the tactics used there to getting the oversight hearings.

After years and decades of banging our heads against the wall and getting nowhere, we caught the attention of one congressman who, over a dinner was given the rundown on the situation and garnered his support. This powerful chair of the House Intell Committee introduced a bill in Congress that only got a few co-sponsors at first, and we were told we would need 300 or 3/4s of the whole house to get it passed, and started working on it, believing we could do it in the course of a few months. But then, Mr. Chairman Rogers attached the bill to the Defense Authorization Act, and made a five minute plea before the House Rules Committee who agreed to attach it to the main bill that passed the House and is now being considered by the Senate.

In any case, I believe that we should look for that one Congressman on the Oversight Committee's Information Policy Subcommitte and convince them to get the Chairman of the Subcommittee and full Committee to hold JFK Act Oversight Hearings - possibly over Sunshine Week in Mid-March. Doing it that way we only have to convince two or three people to hold the hearings.

In the meantime, we should try to build up a strong backing of public support to continue the fight to "Free the JFK Files," as well as other secret government records.

So our goals right now are to feel out the House Oversight Committee's subcommittee for a sympathetic member to be our champion on the committee and convince the chairs of the subcommittee and full committee to schedule JFK Act Oversight hearings sometime in the near future, in this Congress. We are doing this with a letter writing campaign, and could use your support to convince your friends and associates and the other orgs - the National Security Archives, National Fed. Scientists, et al, to also support this effort.

We should also try to come to an agreement on what should be included in any new information policy legislation that is being formulated to replace the FOIA Act, Presidential Records, etc. as I believe there is a new law being proposted by the administration.

Your thoughts are appreciated,

JFK Act Congressional Oversight Letter Writing Campaign

JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition

HCO Address: House Committee on Oversight and Reform 2157 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C 20515 Phone:202-225-5074 Fax: 202-225-3974

They also have Twitter and Faebook​ght

Committee Members

William Kelly
Some Tips: Keep your letter short and to the point, and try to get it on one page. Fax it first, and then send it by regular mail to the Congressman's home state office, because all DC mail is delayed two weeks while it zapped for anthrax. Target the House Oversight Committee members, especially if they are your representative, as they pay more attention to constituents rather than from someone from out of state who can' vote for them. Fax, phone and write to your own representative for the same reason and ask them to contact the Oversight Committee to find out when they will hold hearings on the JFK Act. Go to the House Oversight Committee web site and click on members to see who is on the committee, and especially the subcommittee on Technology and Information Policy.

Bill Kelly Summer Offensive 2011

Open Letter to the Chairman of the House Oversight Committeeof the USCongress Rep. Darrell Issa (R. Calf

Rep. Darrell Issa (R. Calf.)
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-5074 /Fax: (202) 225-3974

Dear Rep. Issa,

As chairman of the House Oversight Committee, you are responsible for holding public hearings that oversee the laws of the United States, including the JFK Act of 1992 and the work of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), that has yet to be given any oversight since the Review Board was dissolved over fifteen years ago.

The last time the Republicans controlled the Committee they didn't conduct any oversight at all for over a decade, and the few years that the Democrats were in control they appeared sympathetic but "didn't want torock the boat." Well now you are in the driver's seat, and are threatening to hold oversight hearings every week, and if you do, then oversight of the JFKAct should be given a top priority.

It is an important subject that many Americans are concerned about, and there will be an increase in interest with the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy administration. There are many questions that deserve to be addressed, including why Secret Service records were intentionally destroyed after they were requested by the ARRB, why other important assassination records were destroyed, how national security records could go missing without any investigation of their disposition, and why significant numbers of records are still wrongfully and illegally being withheld.

This is a non-partisan issue supported by both Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, conspiracy and non-conspiracy advocates alike, and is of serious concern to the majority of Americas who have lost their confidence in the government.

I believe you will take this issue seriously and request to be notified, if and when you decide to schedule an oversight hearing on the JFK Act, so I can make arrangements to attend and review the proceedings that will be of interest to all Americans.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter,

William Kelly

To: The Honorable William Lacy Clay, Jr. United States House of Representatives 2418 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-2501

Dear Congressman Clay,

Having lived in nearby St. Louis County for over 25 years, I know that I speak for thousands of your constituents and millions of Americans when I say that trust in government has reached an all time low.

It is essential to the health of our democracy that our trust in our leaders and our institutions be restored. One step toward restoring this trust would be for Congress to insure that laws it has enacted are enforced. Where the rule of law has been ignored, Congress is entrusted to demand accountability. In disregard of Congress and the JFK Act of 1992, relevant official records continue to be withheld from the public, while other relevant official records have been destroyed! For this reason I think it is of the utmost importance that public oversight hearings on the JFK Act be convened.

I thank you for your help in this important matter.

Michael J. Griffin

Fantastic post! Thanks Smile

We have now renamed the group COA (committee for Open Archives) and have set up a website
where we can receive donations. The aim is to get a full page ad in the Washington Post using Gene Case's '50 years in denial is enough' ad.

How to donate is in the link.
By becoming part of COA originally set up by John Judge and Bill Kelly, we will be recognized by other organisations.

Onward and upwards!
And a massive thanks to all who have sent emails and letters.

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