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Dear President Obama - Please Release my JFK Assassination records
July 24, 2011

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington , D.C, 20500

Dear President Obama:

I am writing to you for help with an important problem which I cannot solve by myself, despite all the Freedom of Information/Privacy letters I have written over the years, and those written by my attorney to various congressional investigative bodies.

I am a graduate of the University of Chicago (Ph.B. 1950 and Ph.D. 1954). a retired neurophysiologist, and I have done research and taught physiology to college and medical students and to graduate students at Rockefeller University, Tulane University School of Medicine, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, University of Texas at San Antonio and other colleges in Louisiana and Texas .

In 1963 I was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness (NINDB) of the National Institutes of Health. At scientific biomedical meetings in April of 1963 where I presented a paper on my research, I met Jose A. Rivera, a science administrator from the NINDB on the Grants and Awards committee responsible for my Fellowship. He invited me to visit his home for dinner and to meet his family when I was to come to NIH in Bethesda on my way home to New Orleans. I never met his family or went to his home because he took me to restaurants and gave me a sight-seeing tour of Washington while he spoke about President John Kennedy, his policies on civil rights, and about his impending assassination

On November 24, 1963, I gave all my information to the US Secret Service Agent in Charge of the New Orleans office, John W. Rice, and to FBI Special Agent Orrin Bartlett from Washington, liaison from the FBI to the Secret Service and the White House. Mr. Bartlett telephoned his headquarters and field offices there and in Baltimore, ordering them to pick up Rivera and bring him in for questioning. I fully expected to be called to testify before the Warren Commission, but was not....

Continued at:
Wow! I imagine she will receive some form letter response similar to the ones I used to receive back in the 70's when I wrote to many members of the House and Senate about the assassination of JFK.

I wonder of Obama will even see this letter. Of course he is pretty busy these days with the debt ceiling crises.


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