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Battling Wall Street
Based on so many great recommendations here I just ordered this book. I wanted to order the follow-up as well but it was too expensive. I was amazed at how few reviews there were for this book on Amazon.
Have most JFK people here read it? Comments?

It's here ready to begin after Arrogance.

A critical mass of indicators suggested it's a superstructure, an armature.

Among serious people taking note of it, I find it third under Books on the CTKA Catalogue of Tools for the Serious Researcher:

Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, by Professor Donald Gibson

Donald Gibson is a professor at the University of Pittsburgh. In 1994, he wrote his study of the Kennedy presidency which focuses on the economic policies of JFK. It remains the best, most complete, most profound analysis of Kennedy's monetary and fiscal policies. By studying these in depth and at length, not only does Gibson show us who Kennedy really was, but also he points out who the opposition and its allies were. And by following that trail, he shows where the nexus of power, media control and the CIA meet. From the opening jewel of a chapter in which he (definitively) examines the 1962 steel crisis, Gibson broadens his analysis to include both Kennedy's micro and macro-economic policies and how they impacted the status quo. He also includes a section on Kennedy's economic policies toward the emerging Third World and how those effected the same forces he was in opposition to at home. He closes with how those policies were reversed by his enemies once he was murdered. The book is so unique, accurate, and convincing that its actually invigorating. Can anyone imagine any of JFK's successors calling the steel barons a tiny cabal "whose pursuit of private power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility" and whose actions can show "utter contempt for the interests of 185 million Americans."
Like John Newman's JFK and Vietnam, Battling Wall Street has opened up new vistas of research on both JFK's life and the conspiracy that erased it and its legacy.


I recall a remark, "My father always told me businessmen were sob's, but I never believed it until now." It was significant then; now China is first with 500 million tons, USA fifth with one hundred.

The overarching force is still supranational.

Gibson would be a snapshot of JFK in the amber of his time.
It is a really good book.

GIbson was the first guy in the field to really expose the power elite who opposed Kennedy in any kind of systematic or in depth manner.

The first chapter on the steel crisis is a real keeper.

WHen you read all the things Kennedy was doing within the USA on the economic front you really see that he was both anti globalist, and pro worker.

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