Bernice Moore Wrote:Email Address of Journalists, News Editors, TV Anchors & Web Reporters:lol::finger:
Great discovery. Now you can write to all of them.
Caution: Check the date; it's four years old. My experience "working" this kind of list (it may well have been the same one) is that whenever any major news outlet [organ or individual) starts receiving masses of feedback on the basis of some individual or collective piece of embarrassment, they simply change e-mail addresses.
I think people are better off developing their own independent e-mail address (you will be identified and draw counter-battery fire, and spam, and perhaps worse), keeping their own list based on actual current listings, and doing the work (as in any data base) to keep it fresh and current.
And if they are indeed gate-keepers or mouthpieces, as many of them are, they do not need to be told what they already know, or be informed about something they do not know. Few of them are going to make any changes, corrections, updates, or change their POV; it is driven by their advertising, their ownership, and they people down the hall (and upstairs) who sign and deliver their paycheck.
It is best, I think, to borrow on the tools of the opposition and create a portable Internet loaded with informative, foot-noted, cross-linked, in-depth facts, sources, e-books, videos, etc., or to start your own blog, broadsheet, newspaper, etc.
As someone else once said, it is not necessary to argue about conspiracy theories; it is necessary to start breathing in unison.