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Altgens and the head shot
AP photographer Ike Altgens was interviewed by Editor & Publisher for its edition of 7 December 1963. The resultant piece, "Lone 'Pro' on Scene Where JFK Was Shot," contains this (p.11):

"As he was advancing his film, the presidential car rolled past and another bullet tore out the back of the President's head. Ike saw that. 'Pieces of flesh seemed to fly from Kennedy's car,' he said later. 'Blood covered the whole left side of his head.' Ike reacted quickly and professionally and grabbed another picture as a Secret Serviceman leaped aboard the car..."

Clear enought: the presidential limo had passed Altgens when the head shot struck. And the shot, of course, had come from the President's front.

Now compare and contrast with the version of the photographer's testimony offered by the compilers of the Warren Report and its accompanying volumes.
hi Paul, this below was information he shared with lifton, there is also a copy of his info sent in to the news centre, if i can find it, there has also been work done on his information that appears to verify the throat shot, hope all is going well,been some time, best b


NOV.01..1965 : Telephone conversation between David Lifton and the=20
"Associated Press photographer/news photo editor/wire photo operator,=20
James WILLIAM ALTGENS," Ike"......


He was friendly on the phone and mentioned quite casually that just =
before the
motorcade came by, a number of people suddenly appeared behind the wall =
on the knoll. (84) He added that he thought it was an odd place to watch =
the parade
from since the car would speed up right there as it entered the Stemmons
Freeway. This was new, exciting information, but I was worried that =
might be confusing this recollection with his description of people on =
overpass, which was mentioned in his Warren Commission testimony. But he
assured me he was talking about the wall on the grassy knoll--to the =
right of
the stairs when one faced the knoll.

When I asked Altgens if there were any police among the "people" he saw, =
replied, "I seem to remember that there were. (85)

(84) Author's memo, 11/1/65 conversation with Altgens
(85) Ibid

here's a bit more; James Altgens can be seen in Zapruder frame 345 just to the east =
of Malcolm Summers.=20

(11-22-63 eyewitness account, presented as an AP dispatch and =
found online) "There was a burst of noise - the second one I heard - and =
pieces of flesh appeared to fly from President Kennedy's car. Blood =
covered the whole left side of his head. Mrs. Kennedy saw what had =
happened to her husband. She grabbed him exclaiming, "Oh, No!". =
(11-22-63 announcement on WFAA that the President had been shot) =93An =
Associated Press photographer, James Altgens=85reports he saw blood on =
the President=92s head. The AP man said he heard two shots but that he =
thought someone was shooting fireworks until he saw blood on the =
President.=94 (11-22-63 AP report preceding the announcement of =
Kennedy's death and found in the Frederick Maryland News) "AP =
Photographer James W. Altgens said he saw blood on the President's head. =
Altgens said he heard two shots but thought someone was shooting =
fireworks until he saw the blood on the President. Altgens said he saw =
no one with a gun." (11-22-63 news bulletin on WBAP, shortly after the =
AP report) "The Associated Press reports from Dallas that President =
Kennedy was shot today just as his motorcade left the downtown section. =
Mrs. Kennedy is said to have jumped up and grabbed her husband and cried =
"Oh, no!" as the motorcade sped off. Photographer J.W. Altgens of the =
Associated Press said that he saw blood on the President's head. The =
photographer said he heard two shots but thought someone was shooting =
fireworks until he saw the blood on the President. He said he saw no one =
with a gun." (11-22-63 AP dispatch, as reprinted in Cover-Up) =93At =
first I thought the shots came from the opposite side of the street. I =
ran over there to see if I could get some pictures...I did not know =
until later where the shots came from." (5-24-64 article in the New York =
Herald-Tribune) "I was about 30 feet in front of the President's =
limousine on Mrs. Kennedy's side. I remember hearing what I thought was =
a firecracker at the instant I snapped the picture. I was going to make =
another picture, the one I was really set up for, when I realized what =
had happened and I froze, aghast." (6-5-64 FBI report, CD 1088 p.1-6) =
=93at about the instant he snapped the picture, he heard a burst of =
noise which he thought was firecrackers=85 he does not know how many of =
these reports he heard=85After taking the above photograph=85he heard =
another report which he recognized as a gunshot. He said the bullet =
struck President Kennedy on the right side of his head and the impact =
knocked the President forward. Altgens stated pieces of flesh, blood, =
and bones appeared to fly from the right side of the President=92s head =
and pass in front of Mrs. Kennedy to the left of the Presidential =
limousine. Altgens stated Mrs. Kennedy grabbed the President and Altgens =
heard her exclaim =93Oh, no!=94 as the president slumped into her lap. =
Altgens said he also observed blood on the left side of the =
President=92s head and face.=94 (7-22-64 testimony before the Warren =
Commission, 7H517-525) =93I made one picture at the time I heard a noise =
that sounded like a firecracker=97I did not know it was a shot, but =
evidently my picture, as I recall, and it was almost simultaneously with =
the shot=97the shot was just a fraction ahead of my picture, but that =
much=97of course=97at that time I figured it was nothing more than a =
firecracker, because from my position down here the sound was not of =
such volume that it would indicate to me it was a high velocity =
rifle=85it sounded like it was coming up from behind the car from my =
position=97I mean the first shot, and being fireworks=97who counts =
fireworks explosions? I wasn=92t keeping track of the number of pops =
that took place, but I could vouch for number 1 and I can vouch for the =
last shot, but I can not tell you how many shots were in between. There =
was not another shot after the President was struck in the head.=94 (on =
the head shot) =93up to that time I didn=92t know that the President had =
been shot previously. I still thought up until that time that all I =
heard was fireworks and that they were giving some sort of celebration =
to the President by popping these fireworks. It stunned me so at what I =
saw that I failed to do my duty and make the picture I was hoping to =

(Interview with CBS broadcast 6-26-67) =93As I was getting ready =
to make some pictures why I heard this noise-- I thought it was a =
firecracker explosion=97but I just went ahead and made the picture which =
shows the President right after he was struck by a bullet, struck in the =
neck, the first shot, and this was the picture that the Warren Report =
later fixed as being made two seconds after the shot was fired. And as =
they got in close to me, I was prepared to make the picture=97I had my =
camera about at eye level=97that=92s when the President was shot in the =
head. And I do know that the President was still in an upright position, =
tilted, favoring Mrs. Kennedy. And at the time that he was struck by =
this blow to the head, it was so obvious that it came from behind. It =
had to come from behind because it caused him to bolt forward, =
dislodging him from this depression in the seat cushion, and already =
favoring Mrs. Kennedy, he automatically fell in that direction.=94 (No =
More Silence, p.41-59, published 1998) =93I only recall the President =
hit once that I can vouch for because that first camera shot=85made any =
definite conclusion uncertain. But this particular one where he was hit, =
the head shot, was obvious to everyone that it was a shooting, not =
fireworks. I don=92t know how many shots there were. If I were guessing, =
I would figure that was probably the third shot. In other words, he was =
hit when I was taking the picture, and the fatal shot should have been =
somewhere around the third shot, and that should have been the =
last=85The tissue, perhaps bone, a lot of fragments, all came my =
way=85But the majority of the mass that was coming from his head came =
directly like a straight shot out my way on to the left in a straight =
line. When he fell over into her lap, the blood was on the left side of =
his face. There was no blood on the right hand side which suggested to =
me that the wound was more to the left than it was to the right.=94 =20

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