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The Great Game approaches its final shake of the dice.
The Great Game approaches its final shake of the dice.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monaco Colloquium - August 2011. The Great Game approaches its final shake of the dice. Switzerland leads a fifty-seven nation geopolitical board change. The current governments of the US, Japan, UK, Germany, France and Italy are actively excluded from executive decisions concerning the new global gold-backed financial system.
It was a step-change moment destined to be savoured by future historians. For the period of a week towards the end of August 2011, a secret meeting of fifty-seven finance ministers from across the globe began the long-prepared-for task of setting up a new international asset-backed financial system.

The gathering was a powerful invitation-only colloquium, hosted by Switzerland, which started on dry land in the Principality of Monaco & Monte-Carlo, and then moved onto a major naval vessel in adjacent international waters.

Nations represented at the meeting in an official government capacity included Switzerland, The Netherlands, China, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela and several Gulf Cooperation Council states. Various positive transnational power groupings were also present, such as the White Dragon Society and the US Pentagon-CIA-NSA reform faction (referenced further down this page under a separate heading).

Certain negative fiat-casino players were strenuously refused entry. These included the recently deposed Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, the Managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, and all members of the US Nazi-continuum (the Rockefeller-Kissinger-Bush syndicate).

For Jay Rockefeller it was like being thrown out of his own funeral. Having last year lost Europe to the Rothschilds, and more recently lost Japan to the White Dragon Society, he was now physically and forcibly removed from the Monaco Colloquium by agents acting for the US Pentagon White Hats.

Initially resorting to patrician Illuminati bluster, Rockefeller attempted to talk his way into the Monaco meeting. He was rebuffed. "Do you know who I am?" he demanded. "Yes, I know who you are. You are nobody," said the host's man at the door. "The Old World Order is out and a New World Order is about to begin." Rockefeller raged to no effect and was informed that this was now a brave new world for the young; old mummies like him were merely dust to be swept away.

Jay Rockefeller left the entrance, collected a security detail of BlackOps goons, and returned in an attempt to force entry. The Monaco Colloquium summoned its own security and, according to eye-witness reports, Rockefeller and his cowboys were "literally thrown out."

Shortly afterwards, the land-based part of the meeting was adjourned, the attendees boarded a large naval vessel and continued their conference in international waters off the coast. Two of Rockefeller's BlackOps helicopters buzzed the boat, intent, it is said, on activating listening technology and using electromagnetic pulse weapons to disrupt proceedings. If this is true, the importance of the meeting would be difficult to overestimate. Within moments of the choppers' appearance, military aircraft, described as jump jets, arrived and forced the helicopters away.

The opposition of two openly conflicting and powerful US interest groups (Rockefeller syndicate vs Pentagon White Hats) raises an important, if covert, operational issue. Which faction now controls the clone-labs at Camp David (Maryland) and elsewhere? Whose finger can switch off the sleeper cells? Which prominent clone-lines might be terminated first? This is a large and emerging topic of current concern. More about the use of human clones in American political management can be found here.

Another important side-issue arising from the active participation of several South American reformist governments at the Monaco Colloquium, was the confiscation of the Nazi-continuum's bank assets, BlackOps bases and residential boltholes scattered all over the continent. These have been multiplied and much-developed since the Nazi diaspora first established itself in South America in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War.

One of the facilities under immediate threat of confiscation is said to be the Bush family hideaway in Paraguay. In the autumn of 2006, George Bush Snr purchased a one hundred thousand acre ranching estate outside Paso de Patria, in the Ñeembucú department of Paraguay. The property is strategically located over the Guarani aquifer. The Bush family first got to know about the ranch through their CIA-linked drug-running activities in the area in the nineteen eighties and nineties. Located near the border with Brazil and Bolivia, the estate offers a range of covert entry and escape routes. Private meetings and arrangements with Paraguay's then-president, Nicanor Duarte, indicated that there would be no political difficulties with the Bush residence and its security.

However, by April 2008, the political situation in Paraguay was beginning to volatilise after decades of dictatorial stability. The Patriotic Front for Change coalition was on the move. Fernando Lugo, a bearded, left-leaning, dissentient Roman Catholic ex-bishop won Paraguay's Presidential election on the 20th April 2008, decisively upsetting the sixty-year human rights horror-rule of the right wing Colorado Party. Lugo had been actively opposed by the Vatican, ostensibly because of his enthusiasm for Liberation Theology and its spiritual objective of subverting the Paraguayan élite status quo. He was also a powerful and popular advocate of land reforms.

In Paraguay, less than two per cent of the population owns more than ninety per cent of the land, and forty per cent of the population lives in poverty. "We have 300,000 families without land and they have the constitutional right to own the soil they live on," Lugo insists. If the Bush family had made private and personal arrangements with Nicanor Duarte, it is thought unlikely that Fernando Lugo and his government, emboldened by the revolutionary news out of Monaco, will continue to honour them for much longer.

The introduction of a new pan-global asset-backed financial system to replace the fiat-paper casino now visibly collapsing in the West has been a long-anticipated reform. That it is now coming to political focus at so many national levels outside the Western Cabal is only to be expected. As the ever-increasing debt-pressures impact on food and energy prices, and on employment opportunities worldwide, political instability is becoming pandemic.

The Monaco Colloquium kickstarted the only financial solution which can solve the problem. What was discussed there connects closely with Global Debt Forgiveness, with overcoming the Washington DC corporation's blocking of the disbursement of the $47 trillion World Global Settlement Funds, with the implementation of the $10 trillion US Dollar Refunding Project, and with the return to an internationally-accepted Gold Standard.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
The above having been posted, I ask today's mini-DeepPolitics exercise question.

What is it? Where did it come from?

The title can be Googled. Numerous Internet echoes appear. The original posting, or the origin, can perhaps be discerned. Note the dates and times.

Is this satire? Part of a disinformation campaign? A PsyOp? To what extent does it reflect accurately? Is there new information? Re-packaged old information? Misleading information?

Have at it. Have fun.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Confirmation of Ben Fulford's Aug 30 Report: Secret Meeting of 57 Finance Ministers

When the RV finally takes place in the near future, you can thank the 57 brave finance ministers and the others assembled near Monaco last week who defied the New World Order crowd by taking steps to set up an honest international system of finance. Below is an email sent to Ben Fulford by a willing and "elated" participant in the meeting who reports first hand on what happened there.

The world has been living under a heavy and evil blanket of oppression for centuries. It may finally be lifting. I have been informed that it may take another 4 years to vanquish the evil breed's long rein, but fumigation and reform of the world's monetary and financial systems is needfully the first and most important domain that must be addressed, and very thoroughly so.

I want to thank the other PTR members and Dinarians on other sites, including some of the leaders, who have contributed to trying to bring this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ISSUE to the attention of their fellow investors. It has been comforting to see how many participants in the PTR forums have a grasp of the history and details of the ultra, extreme, mega-massive financial fraud and theft that has stolen the labor and wealth of humanity for as far back as anyone can imagine. This point is reflected in the words of "Senior Financial Official V" seen below.

In closing my comments, it is important that I point out that the membership on this site and others includes agents of the banker thieves whose job it is to shallowly and harshly ridicule the truth about the crimes of their bosses whenever and wherever it is posted. They watch closely and are usually the FIRST to post empty criticism of the truth when it appears. If you check the time stamps, they post within seconds or minutes in an attempt to scare others away from reading the content of the original post. This is STANDARD Counter Intelligence Propaganda (CoIntelPro) procedure. Let us work together into the the future to defeat the scourge of the entire syndrome of evil.

Blessing to all, forever,


Fulford's August 30th Report:

Neil Keenan and Keith Scott
Dear Benjamin,

While you do not know me, my name is Mr. A (name deleted to protect individual from job loss and/or murder) and I applaud your long standing efforts and your endeavors to see an end to the prolific frauds in the banking industry. Fraud is so prolific, one could say that the modern banking system runs almost entirely on fraud.

I am having a period of elation as I was there in Monaco last week when Mr. X (name deleted to protect individual from job loss and/or murder) presented his case to the attendees of that meeting. I will not mention the countries who had senior Ministers attending or give specifics on the organization of that meeting. At long last, I can see tangible evidence that the fraud committed by banks and major brokerages is coming to an end. But your blog is right, there were 57 Governments represented at the meeting.

More than that, I can now see that there will soon be a day that those who are responsible for dispossessing millions of families in order to expand their own profits and from that, increase the enormous bonuses bankers earn, not from honest business, but from fraud, deception and theft. As a guardian of the Global Accounts who has been compelled to silence in the face of all this thievery, I am elated to speak out as there is a new day coming.

At the outset of the planned meeting, Jay Rockefeller demanded entry. He was never invited and the meeting was by invitation only. Rockefeller was confronted by Mr. X who told him he was not coming in to the meeting. Rockefeller then stamped his annoyance and said "Do you know who I am". Mr. X replied, yes I know who you are, you are nobody. After some shouting and raging by Rockefeller and being told by Mr. X that the old world order is out and a new world order is about to begin, Mr. X told Rockefeller that it was a brave new world for the young and that old mummies like him were merely dust to be swept away. Rockefeller left and returned with security personnel and tried to force his way into the meeting, whereby Mr. X called his own security and had Rockefeller literally thrown out. I was there, I saw it and I know what happened.

The meeting was adjourned to a ship and the ship moved to international waters and then two helicopters suddenly appeared with the obvious intention of disrupting the meeting. Within minutes Military Aircraft showed up and after dipping their wings several times, the helicopters left the area after being obviously threatened. We understand that from the aggressive posture the aircraft took behind the helicopters that it was move away or we will shoot you down.

More than that, it seems that the agreements taken at that meeting prove out what you have been saying for weeks. The Bilderbergers and Committee of 300 and the Khazars, the CFR etc, BIS, IMF and perhaps the World Bank are on the way out. More than that, estimates of people such as senior bankers that will be going to jail if the accounts are audited is expected to be more than 50,000. I believe that Globally, it could be closer to 100,000. The very thought of all these lying, thieving bankers who cheat and steal from hard working people doing hard time is a joy I cannot contain within myself.

Mr. X is a tough bulldog and this man is really something. Who would ever have thought that what was just another theft by banks, albeit of 134.5 Billion in stolen bonds, would bring the world to where it is. They claimed this is not real and the Italian Government can claim whatever they like but those Bonds were ledgered into their Treasury and through to the United States where they were announced as (recently uncovered and unspent) TARP funds.

Behind him is Mr. B (name deleted to protect individual from job loss and/or murder), so often vilified, but the primary adviser to Mr. X. Mr. X has been smart to take Mr. B on as there is nobody who knows more about these Global Accounts accounts and their relationship to banking fraud that does Mr. B. I think that today, most interested people know Mr. B is not cut from the same cloth as Ray C. Dam. Mr. X and Mr. B will change the world for the better. They have the knowledge, skills and balls to do it. More than that, they are both men of notable integrity. The Khazars will find no safe hiding place in this world. No matter where they go or what they do, they will be hunted and hounded. The world is waking up, and it is a vengeful world who will want to exact a terrible vengeance against these no good lying thieves. Best of all, as the truth will come out, these rats will have nowhere to hide, for not even their friends and associates will help a one of them. Like rats they will turn on each other as they try to escape the just wrath of the masses. You could help expose how they cheat and steal in way that will astound most people.

This brings me to the point of this email to you. Please find a way make contact with Mr. B. The knowledge this man has on banking scams would fill volumes. He knows what banks are doing and he knows how to resolve it. Banks are not just robbing people, they are robbing Government treasuries and they are sending countries broke. It has to stop. I can see now that it can be stopped. If you have any doubts about Mr. B, then ask Mr. X. I know you talk to Mr. X.

Senior Financial Official V (name deleted to protect individual from job loss and/or murder)
Note by Benjamin Fulford:
Mr. X and Mr. are in contact with this writer as are many other brave high level insiders who are rising to overthrow the evil Cabal.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Act Three
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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