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The Portable Propaganda-Receiving Tool
One of the possessions saved from the study of my father when he passed away -- he was a chamber of commerce executive and involved in industrial/finance issues at the city, regional and state levels and also had instructional books of that era written by the public relations 'experts' like Lippmann and Ivy Lee (long before I had any appreciation for the realities of broadcasting, journalism, and propaganda) -- interesting given that my own goal was to be in that field until the day I spent at ABC-TV News watching the production of an evening news show with Harry Reasoner by Av Westin -- is this transistor radio.


My father (ca. 1906-1986) had a passion for new things, change, growth, etc., and my own adolescent and juvenile life was peppered with tours of asbestos mines in Canada, a trip to Montreal, enthusiasm for the ski industry and tobogganing -- tourism being not far behind industrial development in bringing home the bacon -- and a host of other explorations.

Recently, I set the radio aside for a guest appearance in the "photobooth", having read a piece on the role of the transistor as it was perceived after the victory over the Axis Powers as a tool for propaganda.

**** *****

Making Radio Into a Tool for War (Mary Cawte, 1996)



"Black radio" was the phrase CIA critic David Wise coined in [/URL]The Invisible Government to describe the agency's intertwining interests in the emergence of the transistor radio with the entrepreneurs who took to the airwaves. "Daily, East and West beam hundreds of propaganda broadcasts at each other in an unrelenting babble of competition for the minds of their listeners. The low-price transistor has given the hidden war a new importance," enthused one foreign correspondent.


Radio is the perfect medium for mass communication. If we compare it to other mass media, radio consistently ranks as the most popular means of disseminating information, regardless of the continent. What makes radio particularly appealing to research projects, however, is its interactivity, its capacity to provoke dialogue and to solicit the participation of local populations.

A Short History of Radio Journalism


A significant outlet for government propaganda was the many inexpensive Japanese transistor radios which were sold cheaply or distributed free to jibalis who visited Salalah and other government-held towns to sell firewood or vegetables. Although the PFLOAG could also broadcast propaganda by radio, the Government's propaganda was factual and low-key, while that of the rebels, broadcast by Radio Aden, was soon perceived to be exaggerated and stereotyped.[SUP][12][/SUP][/URL]


The radio was telling us to do it.
So were the leaders. Our Mayor was very clear . He directed us.
I killed eight people. I killed people I knew did not deserve to die. It was that simple.'
  • Gaspard Rwamulinda
[URL=" Ethnic/Lecture 20.pdf"] Ethnic/Lecture 20.pdf



Impact of the Media on the Conflict


Here's a quote from Russ Baker, reporter and editor of the investigative website

"Last week at WhoWhatWhy we put out an important story about what's going unreported concerning the bombing of Libya. Now, our concern is about what is being reported. We're amassing indications that the Libya mass rape story being used to drum up support among NATO allies for continued bombing ... may be false. In other words, part of an intense disinformation campaign. And one that is working, with the BBC the latest to buy into it."

Now we get CNN's titillating installment, which involves an alleged cell-phone video of a Libyan woman being sexually abused by alleged Gaddhafi loyalists and, for good measure, complete with all the repulsive details and heart-breaking screams. But this is where we have to pay close attention ... because the reporter told us in the content of the story that it could actually be nothing more than planted propaganda.

Journalism 101 - How to Avoid Being a Propaganda Tool


"It is small, easily carried ... but it has opened a new world to illiterate millions of Asia, Arica and Latin America....",1153878

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"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Clear Channel was criticized for a situation that occurred in Minot, North Dakota on the morning of January 18, 2002. At around 2:30 a.m., a Canadian Pacific Railway train derailed and leaked 240,000 US gallons (910,000 L) of toxic anhydrous ammonia, releasing a cloud of caustic, poisonous gas over the city. At the time, Clear Channel owned six commercial radio stations out of nine in the Minot area. City officials attempted to contact the local Clear Channel office by telephone to spread warnings of the danger using its radio stations, but it was several critical hours before the station manager was finally reached at his home. In the meantime, 9-1-1 operators were advising panicked callers to tune to KCJB-AM for emergency instructions, but the station was not broadcasting any such information.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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