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The West’s Active Funding, Training & Protection of the Caucasus’ Terrorists
The EyeOpener- Terror in the Caucasus: US Sponsored, EU Hosted & Turkey Channeled

Tuesday, 6. December 2011

[B]The West's Active Funding, Training & Protection of the Caucasus' Terrorists

[/B][Image: BFP-Video-Logo.png]Turkish claims earlier this year that three Chechen militants who were gunned down in Istanbul were in fact killed by Russian agents hardly made a ripple in the mainstream western media. Seen as a minor footnote to the ongoing Russian edition of the so-called Global War on Terrorism, it seemed like an interesting but isolated incident. Far from being unusual, however, what this incident points to is only the latest data point on a graph that demonstrates protection of Chechen terrorists from the capital of Turkey right into the heart of Europe.What this case and many others points to is the fundamental hypocrisy underlying the US-led, NATO-enforced, Western-backed "war on terror" paradigm; just as the self-same Afghan mujahedeen could be called "freedom fighters" by one American president and "evildoers" by another, so, too, authorities can use the "freedom fighter" excuse to justify looking the other way when Islamic extremists from the Northern Caucasus set up bases in Europe. Upon closer examination, however, the West has not been involved in merely tacit support of the terrorists in the Caucasus, but in active funding, training and protection of these terrorists.This is our EyeOpener Report by James Corbett presenting the West's continuous support and funding of terrorists in the Caucasus, Moscow's evident conviction that the Chechen terror organizations are being protected and supported by the West, and exploring the likely reasons behind the puzzling relative silence from the Kremlin on these still-hidden realities and facts behind the terror in the Caucasus.Watch the Preview Here:

Uploaded by corbettreport on Dec 6, 2011

[Turkish claims earlier this year that three Chechen militants who were gunned down in Istanbul were in fact killed by Russian agents hardly made a ripple in mainstream western media. Seen as a minor footnote to the ongoing Russian edition of the so-called Global War on Terrorism, it seemed like an interesting but isolated incident.

Far from being unusual, however, what this incident points to is only the latest data point on a graph that demonstrates protection of Chechen terrorists from the capital of Turkey right into the heart of Europe.]

[B]Watch the Full Video Report Here (Subscribers Only):
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*The Transcript for this video is available at Corbett Report: Click Here

Terror in the Caucasus: US sponsored, EU hosted, Turkey channeled
by James Corbett
6 December, 2011

Turkish claims earlier this year that three Chechen militants who were gunned down in Istanbul were in fact killed by Russian agents hardly made a ripple in mainstream western media. Seen as a minor footnote to the ongoing Russian edition of the so-called Global War on Terrorism, it seemed like an interesting but isolated incident.
Far from being unusual, however, what this incident points to is only the latest data point on a graph that demonstrates protection of Chechen terrorists from the capital of Turkey right into the heart of Europe.

That the public might not have known that an accused Chechen separatist leader had been living openly in Britain for years before his arrest in Poland is hardly surprising; the Zakayev case was given some coverage in the European press at the time, but after having been seized while attending a Chechen rebel congress in Copenhagen, Danish authorities decided against extraditing him because of "insufficient evidence" that he was involved in murder and kidnapping. He ended up in London, where again Britain refused to extradite him to Russia.
What this case, and the many other instances of Chechen militants living openly in the heart of Europe points to is the fundamental hypocrisy underlying the US-led, NATO-enforced, Western-backed "war on terror" paradigm; just as the self-same Afghan mujahedeen could be called "freedom fighters" by one American president and "evildoers" by another, so, too, authorities can use the "freedom fighter" excuse to justify looking the other way when Islamic extremists from the Northern Caucasus set up base in Europe.
Upon closer examination, however, the West has not been involved in merely tacit support of the terrorists in the Caucasus, but in active funding, training and protection of these terrorists. The charge has been made openly by the Chechen president for years now.
Indeed, as revealed by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds in a landmark interview with The Corbett Report last week, the information in the public record only reaffirm what she discovered while translating intercepts and communications for the FBI: that the west has been actively and openly supporting, funding and financing terrorists in the caucasus region for years, and are continuing to do so.
In 2008, Russia's Channel One televisions station aired a documentary alleging that the financing for the Chechen militants was coming from a Turkish construction company, ENKA.
The documentary, entitled "The Caucasus Plan," alleged intimate Western involvement in support of the Chechen separatists: that Germany printed the country's new currency; that France produced new passports; and that the entire operation was being coordinated by the US.
A particular object of suspicion in the documentary were Turkish companies like ENKA, Alarka and Gama, which were accused of financing the Chechen rebels. The documentary was immediately denounced by anonymous Turkish officials, and prompted an official denial from ENKA.
As Sibel Edmonds noted in our interview, this is in fact a favored avenue of investment for the CIA and the US State Department's black operations: to substantially overpay legitimate companies for no-bid contract work for the US government on the understanding that a percentage of the funds will be diverted to US operations in the area. According to Edmonds, this is exactly what happened in the case of ENKA.
The notion that the US is interested in the Caucasus region in general or would be interested specifically in helping to wrest control of the area from Kremlin-friendly groups is neither new nor controversial.
Perhaps the only puzzling factor in the whole situation is the relative silence from the Kremlin about these accusations. Given Moscow's evident conviction that the Chechen terror organizations are being protected and supported by the West, why have they remained such relative silence? Are they afraid of starting a broader confrontation with NATO, one that could conceivably lead to the next world war? Are they waiting for the rock-solid documentation of the intervention that they can use in the court of public opinion? Or are they merely consolidating their own power, waiting for a strategic moment to act against those countries they suspect of attempting to destabilize and circumvent their regional dominance?
From the outside, it is impossible to tell. But until the reality behind the terror in the Caucasus is addressed more openly in western political discourse, we will never be able even to broach the question.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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