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Venezuela says no to CIA's Polish puppet Walesa
Why do I say that Lech Walesa is an agent of the USA, or CIA … and a traitor?

By Oscar Heck

Published: Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quote:VHeadline commentarist Oscar Heck writes: Lech Walesa has the gall to say, "Is Chavez strong if he is afraid of the truth, if he is afraid of me? He is not strong at all, we should tell this to our colleagues [in Venezuela]: don’t be afraid of him, because it’s Chavez who is scared."

Venezuela’s violent opposition invited Lech Walesa to come to Venezuela in support of their "cause" … but as we now know Chavez has apparently made it known that Lech Walesa, an agent of the US government (CIA), Nobel Peace Prize winner and former trade union leader and president of Poland, will either not be allowed to enter Venezuela or he will be watched very carefully.

Good for Chavez! Finally, a world leader who knows the truth about traitors and US agents like Lech Walesa and acts on it regardless of what people say. Whose afraid of the truth? Is Lech Walesa scared to be disrobed?

Why do I say that Walesa is an agent of the USA, or CIA … and a traitor? I will explain and provide proof. The pieces should fall nicely together.

First we will begin with an organization called the National Endowment for Democracy (quoted from Wikipedia):

"NED was established in 1983 by an act of congress. The House Foreign Affairs Committee proposed legislation to provide initial funding of $31.3 million for NED as part of the State Department Authorization Act (H.R. 2915) … NED regularly provides funding to opposition candidates in elections in countries other than the USA. According to Allen Weinstein, one of the founders of NED, "A lot of what we [NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA" (Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, 2000, p. 180).

NED has principally supported candidates with strong ties to the military and who support the rights of US corporations to invest in those countries with minimal restriction. The NED has not supported candidates who oppose investments by US corporations or who promise restrictions on investment rights of US corporations …

On its official web site, in the history section, its connection with CIA is explained: In the aftermath of World War II, faced with threats to our democratic allies and without any mechanism to channel political assistance, US policy makers resorted to covert means, secretly sending advisers, equipment, and funds to support newspapers and parties under siege in Europe. When it was revealed in the late 1960s that some American PVOs were receiving covert funding from the CIA to wage the battle of ideas at international forums, the Johnson Administration concluded that such funding should cease, recommending establishment of "a public-private mechanism" to fund overseas activities openly …"

There is a lot more about the NED in Wikipedia and on many other websites, including in public US government documents that one can find by searching for a while. Basically, the NED was created by Ronald Reagan to "legitimize" subversive CIA funding abroad. By reading more about the NED one will find that the NED filters much of the money to US allies through dummy organizations such as the Free Trade Union Institute, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, the American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), and the International Republican Institute (IRI).

Some of the organizations which received NED funding in Venezuela are: The CTV (the Trade Union Central), Fedecamaras (Federation of chambers of commerce), both responsible for leading the 2002 coup and 2002-2003 sabotage of the country … Sumate, an anti-Chavez organization responsible for publishing false elections results in 2003 and 2004 and whose leader, Maria Corina Machado, sat with George W. Bush, the assassin, at the White House … and Primero Justicia, one of Venezuela’s opposition political parties led by Julio Borges.

(You can research all this by going to the NED website, then clicking on "grants" and going to the "democracy projects database." What you will find there is only a small portion of what the NED is actually funding. Much is kept secret and can only, sometimes, be obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, as Eva Golinger and her colleagues have done in the last 3-4 years while searching for the truth about subversive US government intervention in Venezuela’s internal affairs.)

Now .. about Lech Walsea and his link to the NED …

According to information I have found, Mr. Lech Walesa is or was chairman of NSZZ "Solidarity."
According to the NED website, the NED funded NSZZ Solidarity and several other "Labor" oriented organizations in Poland. Here are a few samples of the many you can find on the NED website:

Grantee: Free Trade Union Institute (FTUI)
Subgrantee: NSZZ Solidarity Abroad
Country(ies): Poland
Region: Central and Eastern Europe
Subject(s): Labor
Grant Awarded: 1991
Amount: $ 250,000
Program Summary: To assist the Coordinating Office of NSZZ Solidarity Abroad in maintaining contacts with trade unions in the West and to conduct the business of NSZZ Solidarity with multilateral organizations such as the International Labor Organization and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.

Grantee: Free Trade Union Institute (FTUI)
Country(ies): Poland
Region: Central and Eastern Europe
Subject(s): Labor
Grant Awarded: 1993
Amount: $170,640
Program Summary: To provide support for the institution-building programs of NSZZ Solidarnosc sections representing workers in the health, transportation and construction industries, training mid-level leaders in techniques of organizing workers and strengthening new structures' capabilities in representing workers and providing effective leadership.

Grantee: Free Trade Union Institute (FTUI)
Subgrantee: Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe (IDEE)
Country(ies): Poland
Region: Central and Eastern Europe
Subject(s): Labor
Grant Awarded: 1990
Amount: $340,000
Program Summary: To assist the Brussels-based "Coordinating Office of Solidarnosc Abroad", the Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe and others engaged in support work inside Poland.

Grantee: Free Trade Union Institute (FTUI)
Subgrantee: Solidarity Social Fund
Country(ies): Poland
Region: Central and Eastern Europe
Subject(s): Education; Media and Publishing
Grant Awarded: 1990
Amount: $1,493,550
Program Summary: To support Solidarity's national headquarters, regional offices and its Center for Social and Vocational Studies; to assist Solidarity with its publishing programs and educational and self-help programs.

Grantee: Free Trade Union Institute (FTUI)
Subgrantee: Economic Foundation of NSZZ Solidarnosc
Country(ies): Poland
Region: Central and Eastern Europe
Subject(s): Labor
Grant Awarded: 1990
Amount: $75,000
Program Summary: To assist the Economic Foundation of NSZZ Solidarnosc in Poland, which supports economic reform and provides individual and collective economic support to members of Solidarity who are struggling to endure the hardships caused by the transition to a market-orientated economy.

Grantee: Free Trade Union Institute (FTUI)
Subgrantee: Coordinating Office Abroad of NSZZ Solidarnosc
Country(ies): Poland
Region: Central and Eastern Europe
Subject(s): Labor
Grant Awarded: 1992
Amount: $100,000
Program Summary: To support the Coordinating Office Abroad of NSZZ Solidarnoscin Brussels, Belgium in assisting Solidarnosc to reorganize and strengthen its structures (industrial and regional) in order to function more efficiently and to work with European trade unions and multilateral organizations such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)

The amazing thing is that this very small sample amounts to over $2.4 million within a period of between roughly 2 or 3 years … which … coincidentally … was during the years that Lech Walesa was president of Poland (1990-1995).

Furthermore, Lech Walesa won the Freedom Medal of National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, in 1999 and the US government Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1989. He also won the Nobel (Peace) Prize in 1983 … but so have other traitors, assassins and criminals working for the interest of the world elite:

Albert Einstein … who … "In 1939, the Hungarian emigre Leo Szilard, having failed to arouse US government interest on his own, worked with Einstein to write a letter to US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which Einstein signed, urging US development of such a weapon. In August 1939, Roosevelt received the Einstein-Szilard letter and authorized secret research into the harnessing of nuclear fission for military purposes"

… and … Menachem Begin, Henry A. Kissinger, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, all who are known to have been involved in massacres … and … Kofi Annan, who just stood there and watched and did absolutely nothing while the USA and Israel were massacring (and are still massacring) thousands of innocent people

… and … The 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso), who shook hands and shared smiles with the assassin George W. Bush at the White House.

To me, anyone who shakes hands and smiles with George W. Bush (or his father or his allies), instead of kicking him in the balls and in the teeth as he minimally deserves, is a traitor to the human race and an accomplice to murder, a common criminal … and that includes Joseph Alois Ratzinger, alias Pope Benedict XVI, alias, God’s representative on earth.

Why would God sent His representative to have dinner and talk with the Devil?

What a con. Come on!

Lech Walesa met with George Bush the father, hugging each other and smiling together. I think the picture is clear … now you know why Chavez wants to try to stop Walesa from entering Venezuela … and if he dares … he’ll be watched from very close. Venezuela does not need to partake or share with or oblige people like Walesa, traitors and "vendepatrias" (sellers of one’s own nation and people). These are dangerous criminals who have no heart and who are ready to sell their own mothers for the "mighty" US dollar.

The evidence speaks for itself, the link between the NED and Lech Walesa and the NED and the Venezuelan opposition and the link between the NED and the CIA are all clear.

Viva Chavez!

Viva Venezuela free of vendepatrias like those Venezuelans who invited Lech Walesa to Venezuela. Traitors, criminals.

Oscar Heck

I could grow to love Venezuela's propagandists...

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