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Who Was Our First Judas?
Well Charles,I don't think you're going to get anyone to name an alleged Judas.Confusedhutup:

Not being a JFK researcher,but only a lurker for a couple of years.I'm really not qualified to say anything about this particular question.I must ask though,does not Mark Lane raise some suspicions in others minds?I'm not saying he's a mole,or somesuch.I'm just scratching my head about some of the things that Lane was involved in.

Lawyer for and present at the Jonestown massacre:Rev.Jones possible CIA contract agent

Lawyer for Gerald Posner.Alleged JFK disinformation agentTongueossibly cia contract agent

Lawyer for Whalid Kharzai.Major drug kingpin.Possibly CIA contract agent

Maybe more I don't know about?

Also,last week I brought up Jane Fondas' name in a post.The very first time I ever heard of Mark Lane,was in the book "Home to War"(Gerald Nicosia).This book is a history of Vietnam Veterans Against the war,(VVAW).Apparently Mark Lane was hanging out quite regularly with Jane Fonda.This was around the time of the first "Winter Soldier" hearings.So,I just find it interesting that Mark Lane just happened to find himself deeply involved in these,and probably other controversial events.Not pointing fingers.Just Sayin'

I made a mistake.It was Posner who is defending Whalid Kharzai.Sorry!
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:Well Charles,I don't think you're going to get anyone to name an alleged Judas.Confusedhutup:

Not being a JFK researcher,but only a lurker for a couple of years.I'm really not qualified to say anything about this particular question.I must ask though,does not Mark Lane raise some suspicions in others minds?I'm not saying he's a mole,or somesuch.I'm just scratching my head about some of the things that Lane was involved in.

Lawyer for and present at the Jonestown massacre:Rev.Jones possible CIA contract agent

Lawyer for Gerald Posner.Alleged JFK disinformation agentTongueossibly cia contract agent

Lawyer for Whalid Kharzai.Major drug kingpin.Possibly CIA contract agent

Maybe more I don't know about?

Also,last week I brought up Jane Fondas' name in a post.The very first time I ever heard of Mark Lane,was in the book "Home to War"(Gerald Nicosia).This book is a history of Vietnam Veterans Against the war,(VVAW).Apparently Mark Lane was hanging out quite regularly with Jane Fonda.This was around the time of the first "Winter Soldier" hearings.So,I just find it interesting that Mark Lane just happened to find himself deeply involved in these,and probably other controversial events.Not pointing fingers.Just Sayin'

I made a mistake.It was Posner who is defending Whalid Kharzai.Sorry!

What made the Winter Soldier event controversial was what they all admitted to, proving that Ltd.Callie's (sp) murders were the norm, not some isolated incident. I see nothing suspect in Lane's involvement here. Now Jonestown is a different matter, that is beyond weird, as is his defense of Posner.

Quote:What made the Winter Soldier event controversial was what they all admitted to, proving that Ltd.Callie's (sp) murders were the norm, not some isolated incident. I see nothing suspect in Lane's involvement here. Now Jonestown is a different matter, that is beyond weird, as is his defense of Posner.


Dawn and Keith.

Jim and Lisa have an interesting take on Lanes involvement with Jonestown. Part of the problem with Lane is that at times his pride can undo him as you probably know. Anyhow, Jim, Lisa. Jim Hougan and/or John Judge believe that Lane was conned into the peoples temple to discredit him. Lane I think has never liked to admit he's been duped by anyone lol and generally keeps quiet on it. As for the Posner thing. I think it's the ego thing again. You know having an adversary come to you for help. I've always thought that maybe just maybe, it presented Posner with a way to change tack. He'll say "After hanging out with Mark I realised I was wrong about a conspiracy! But I disagree with him about elements of the case. Thats why Lamar Waldron has inspired me to write a pro conspiracy book". Then 'ta-da' you have Posner a high profile convert to conspiracy spinning some bullshit Oswald as the shooter, Blakey mafia/Cuban blow back on Kennedy scenario. Anyhow, like I say your posts got me thinking. It's a dangerous thing rofl.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Quote:What made the Winter Soldier event controversial was what they all admitted to, proving that Ltd.Callie's (sp) murders were the norm, not some isolated incident. I see nothing suspect in Lane's involvement here. Now Jonestown is a different matter, that is beyond weird, as is his defense of Posner.

The Black Panther Party,and VVAW were the most feared organizations of the radical sixties.They were heavily infiltrated and basically neutralized by Government agents.And please Dawn,don't prolong the lie that mass murder was the norm in Vietnam.It was not!These were isolated incidents.The Phoenix Program was Special Forces + CIA,not regular Army.We regular soldiers had no knowledge of the Phoenix program.Although,Douglas Valentine,in answering my question,said we were used in some cases to act as blocking forces and such.

Yes,the Jonestown thing creeps me out.........Spy
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Our friend the veteran of Army intelligence told us with due disgust, "You knew he's (Lane) a Communist."

Last Word leaves no doubt that he's neither Communist nor Judas.

Rush to Judgment brought official instruction from CIA in handling the problem of Lane.

Plausible Denial illustrates the problem of Lane's persistence for Hunt's alibi--and I stipulate Hunt's deathbed deflection had Agency approval.

Regarding Karzai, again the Posner paradox. Weisberg wondered at the plagiarist's access to Nosenko.

As for thirty pieces of silver--what's the Confusatory paying the Church Lady?

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