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The Rich Coast of Central America
July 6, 2010 -- Coast Guard dispatching ships and personnel to Costa Rica to threaten Nicaragua

After conducting its successful coup d'etat in Honduras against President Manuel Zelaya, the imperialistic Barack Obama administration is now bent on ousting Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega by massing a huge U.S. Coast Guard and Marine Corps presence in neighboring Costa Rica, a base of operations for Reagan administration-backed CIA operations in the 1980s in support of the Nicaraguan contras.

Costa Rican government officials, including President Laura Chinchilla, Vice President Luis Lieberman Ginsburg, Security Minister Jose Maria Tijerino, counter-narcotics commissioner Mauricio Boraschi, and the Costa Rican Congress agreed to Operation Joint Patrol, which will see 7,000 US Marines, 46 mainly U.S. Coast Guard vessels, and 200 helicopters and 10 combat aircraft descend on Costa Rica, which does not have a military force, from July 1 to December 31.
At a time when the Coast Guard vessels could be used to assist in the clean-up of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, they will be used in an operation widely believed to be targeting the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, which incurred the ire of Israel and its Zionist ally in San Jose, Costa Rica, Vice President Lieberman, by severing relations with the Tel Aviv regime over the Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla.

The official reason for Operation Joint Patrol is to combat drug trafficking but few in the Costa Rican opposition and in Nicaragua believe that to be the sole reason. The Joint Patrol operation is being likened to Plan Colombia, which has targeted the governments of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa from Colombian territory. The Costa Rican opposition has denounced Chinchilla's government for militarizing Costa Rica.
It is also believed by WMR's sources in Costa Rica that Costa Rican Vice President Lieberman, a noted Zionist, has arranged for Israeli special forces to enter Costa Rica in order to participate in operations directed against the government of Nicaragua.


Nov 18, 2010

CIA and Israelis behind tension on Nicaraguan-Costa Rican border

WMR has learned from multiple informed sources that the tension on the Costa Rican-Nicaraguan border is a prelude to a renewed CIA- and Israeli-backed Contra War against the government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega.

After successfully overthrowing Honduran President Manuel Zelaya last year, the neocons and their natural allies, the Israelis, have their sights trained on Nicaragua. Honduras and Costa Rica are now swarming with current and ex-U.S. and Israeli special forces commandos and intelligence operatives who are gearing up for covert forays by U.S. and Israeli trained and equipped exiled Nicaraguan irregulars and mercenaries drawn from abroad.
As one informed source put it, "it reads like a bad re-run of the Iraq campaign . . . [they are making] preparations for another conflict on the basis of 'completing the job left unfinished 20 years ago," as the neo-cons understand it . . . they can't sell this war to the American public, so they have to go covert and use proxies."

And covert proxies are the order of the day in places like San Jose, the Costa Rican capital, and in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, along with the small towns and villages that dot the borders of both countries with Nicaragua. Ex-CIA and Israeli Defense Force trainers are numerous in both countries, with proxies from Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Peru being trained in guerrilla tactics, including sniper operations, planting and detonating explosives, automatic weapons firing training, and hand-to-hand combat, to wage a new Contra War against Nicaragua. Some of the training is also being carried out in Jewish-owned military training complexes in Argentina.

In some cases, the training of the Nicaraguan neo-Contras is done under the guise of counter-narcotics operations and Honduran and Costa Rican police training. Costa Rica's ambassador to the UN, Saul Weisleder, who, like Costa Rican Vice President Luis Lieberman Ginsburg, is an arch-Zionist and supporter of Israel, is in charge of stoking anti-NIcaragua tension with New York heavily Jewish-influenced media over the issue of a border dispute between Costa Rica and Nicaragua over disputed territory in the San Juan River. Google, which is increasingly being used as a tool for the CIA and U.S. intelligence community, has claimed that Google maps showing the disputed territory to be Nicaraguan, not Costa Rican, were "in error."

Costa Rica's encroachment on Nicaraguan territory appears to take a page from the encroachment polices used by illegal Jewish settlers in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, and acre-by-acre plan by Costa Rica to slowly, but steadily, move in on Nicaraguan rain forests and inland waterways.

There are several flash points along the Costa Rican-Nicaraguan border being prepared by the U.S. and Israeli covert operations teams for penetration into Nicaragua. They include the area around Santa Cruz. Also logistics bases are being established deeper within Costa Rica, with the assistance of the Costa Rican Direccion de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacional(DIS) intelligence service, for use by U.S. and Israeli operatives to ship in men and supplied for the planned cross-border incursions into Nicaragua. One base is planned at Mal Pais, at the southwestern tip of Costa Rica's Nicoya peninsula. Another is Nosara, further up the west coast of Costa Rica, and Playa del Coco, which is even closer to Nicaragua and close to the airport in Liberia, Costa Rica, which can handle military transports. Israeli operatives are planning to establish well-guarded safe zones in western Costa Rica to protect their operations from retaliatory attacks by Nicaraguan forces and those of its allies, including Venezuela, El Salvador, and Ecuador.

The word from Central America is: it is not a question if the U.S. and Israel will launch a second Contra War against Nicaragua, but when.


January 4-5, 2011 -- SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE REPORT. Israeli intelligence agents on move in Latin America

anuary 4-5, 2011 -- SPECIAL EXCUSIVE REPORT. Israeli intelligence agents on move in Latin America

WMR has received information and documentation from foreign intelligence sources in Latin America that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad and its extensive network of non-official cover agents in Latin America are now on the move and are engaged in "something big."

The impending trip of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Latin America has seen an increase in activity of Mossad and sayanim (resident Latin American Jewish agents of influence) in Latin America and especially in Costa Rica. Ahmadinejad is expected to attend the inauguration of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega on January 10.

Israeli propaganda efforts against Iran and its diplomatic allies in Latin America have included spinning a dubious story that Iranian Al Quds Force personnel and military and diplomatic personnel have been working with Lebanese Hezbollah operatives and drug cartels to carry out drug smuggling operations into the United States as well as a plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington. The Israeli propaganda blitz has also attempted to link Iran to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States.

Israel has been active in destabilization efforts, using bases of operations in Costa Rica, along the Costa Rican-Nicaraguan border. As previously reported by WMR on November 2, 2010, "Ex-Israeli commandos operating in Costa Rica with the blessing of Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman operate under the cover of the Mossad-linked security firm Bitajon Shar, which has been connected, according to WMR's Central American sources, to the destabilization efforts on the Costa Rican borders with Nicaragua and El Salvador. Bitajon Shar has also been described as a Mossad pass-through to infiltrate Israeli security personnel into the counter-narcotics apparatuses of Colombia and Mexico, as well as Costa Rica." The Mossad agents in Costa Rica enjoy the protection of Costa Rican Vice President Luis Liberman, who is Jewish.

A suspected Mossad cell operating in San Jose, Costa Rica was found to have in its possession a list of contract security guards assigned to protect the U.S. embassy in San Jose. The 90 security personnel work for the U.S. private security company EOD Technology, Inc. (EODT) of Lenoir City, Tennessee, which has been contracted to the U.S. State Department to provide security for U.S. embassies in Costa Rica, Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan. The Mossad cell had computerized files containing personal details on all the security guards. EODT maintains overseas offices in Lagos, Nigeria; the Radwaniya Palace Complex in Baghdad; Kabul, Afghanistan; Kampala, Uganda; San Jose, Costa Rica; and Pretoria, South Africa, as well as stateside offices in Huntsville, Alabama; Reston, Virginia; and Tucson, Arizona. EODT has also provided services for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq; and mine clearing operations for international and commercial clients.

Other computer files contained on the Mossad cell's computer are in the Russian language. Many Mossad and sayanim operatives in Latin America hail from Russia and Ukraine and are not conversant in Hebrew, thus they rely on Russian, in addition to languages like English and Spanish. Contained in the files on the Mossad kingpin's computer were details on the U.S. embassy's security detail, vehicles and routes used by U.S. embassy personnel en route to and from San Jose's Juan Santamaria International Airport. In addition, files containing U.S. embassy vehicles and routes to and from airports for U.S. diplomatic posts in Panama, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and Argentina were contained in the computer files.

The cell's kingpin has traveled on a U.S. passport to Belarus, Ukraine, and Brazil. A few months ago he was detained at the Panamanian-Costa Rican border with $20,000 in cash. The kingpin is suspected of smuggling Mossad agents into the United States under the J1 temporary worker program. Soon, the temporary workers, all Jews bearing Israeli passports from Russia and other eastern European countries, were given new identities and were inserted into various positions throughout the United States. The Mossad kingpin also recruited agents in the Brazilian government and double agents inside Peru's Shining Path terrorist movement. Over the past five years, the Mossad network also inserted agents inside various U.S. embassies throughout Latin America.

[Image: visa2.JPG]

Belarus, Ukraine, and Brazilian visas in suspected Mossad kingpin's U.S. passport.

There is a strong possibility that shopping mall kiosk operations in the United States involving Israeli vendors are linked to the J1 visa smuggling operation. The profile of one such kiosk operator active in the Fort Lauderdale and Orlando regions is a case in point. The individual entered the United States illegally and lived for a while in California. The Israeli, a veteran of the Israel Defense Force and known to have links to the Russian-Israeli mafia, does not have a valid U.S. visa but runs a number of mall kiosks, as well as a jewelry store. Although he was robbed on numerous occasions, the Israeli, who often disappears for long periods of time, avoided contacting the police.

The main base for the Mossad infiltration operation in Latin America was San Jose, Costa Rica. However, over the past two months, all of the Mossad personnel, individuals masquerading as security trainers and Israeli Krav Maga self-defense instructors have disappeared, except for one. A Russian national by the name of Dmitri is in prison for shooting a Nigerian model in Costa Rica. Two of the Mossad agents are known to have used the code names of "Cowboy" and "Rabbit." The Mossad cell also worked with two former CIA personnel, one based at Nosara, Costa Rica and the other, a Cuban national who has been involved in anti-Castro operations for decades and who, in 1968, flew a Russian-made plane to Homestead, Florida from Varandero, Cuba along with 13 passengers, many of them armed. The semi-retired Cuban, who now heads a security firm in Costa Rica that, among other services, imports and exports ammunition, was involved in the CIA's contra war against Nicaragua in the 1980s.

Some of the weapons that ended up in the hands of the Mossad cell were wrapped in plastic and dug up from a Costa Rican farm near the Nicaraguan border. It is suspected that the weapons, which included Russian-made AK-47s -- discernible by their wooden stocks with the Russian star -- pistols with silencers, and tracer ammunition for the AK-47s, were stockpiled by the CIA during the contra war with Nicaragua.

In 1999, the Mossad kingpin wrote in his computer journal that he "dreamed of an attack on the United States" that would result in a war. Some of the Israeli "art students" active in the United States in the months before the 9/11 attacks had links to Latin America, particularly Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico.

The Mossad operatives in Costa Rica were identifiable by the black bags they carried. Inside the bags were $20,000 in cash, multiple passports, an Uzi and a Glock, extra ammunition, changes of clothes. Attempts by the Costa Rican judicial police, the Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ), have been spiked by interference from higher levels, possible Vice President Liberman and other Israeli agents-of-influence in the administration of President Laura Chinchilla.


January 5-6, 2011 -- U.S. embassy guards in Costa Rica under Mossad surveillance

A list of 90 contract security guards at the U.S. embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica, all employees of the U.S. private security firm EOD Technology, Inc. (EODT) of Lenoir City, Tennessee, was being maintained by a suspected leader of a Mossad cell operating in the Central American nation.

In an e-mail to WMR, a spokesperson for EODT stated: "EOD Technology, Inc. has a longstanding and strict practice of not providing or confirming any information about its employees, customers or contracts, and will not in this case." Although WMR already decided not to publish the list of the contract security guards, which we obtained from our Latin American intelligence sources, EODT reinforced the sensitivity of the information by stating, "We would hope that you consider the ramifications of releasing individual names in this context, as it may endanger them."

In addition to the 90 security guards, the Mossad cell in San Jose maintained information on the vehicles used to transport State Department and other personnel to and from the U.S. embassy to the San Jose international airport, as well as the alternating routes used by the vehicles. Over the past two months the Mossad cell has vanished from their known front businesses in San Jose, which included a Krav Maga (Israeli self defense) instructor school, a restaurant, and a bar.

According to leaked State Department cables, distributed by WikiLeaks, Israeli private security firms and Israeli security consultants operating in Latin America are considered suspect by U.S. diplomats in the region. Among those highly suspect by the State Department is retired Israeli Defense Force Major General Yisrael Ziv who heads the Israeli security company Global CST .

In a cable dated December 17, 2009, U.S. ambassador to Panama Barbara Stephenson raised the issue of Ziv's work for the Panamanian government with Panama's president Ricardo Martinelli. The cable stated:

"Global CST and Israeli Involvement


7. © The Ambassador expressed concerns about the proposals made by Israeli security company Global CST, citing negative experiences in Colombia and the difficulty of working with Israeli presence in GOP ministries (ref C and D) [included email between Stephenson and U.S. ambassador to Colombia William Brownfield]. Varela said the GOP could solve its
own problems without relying on contractors. Papadimitriu [Minister of the Presidency Jimmy Papadimitru] expressed surprise at the reports from Colombia, as he believed CST
had been hired with Plan Colombia funds with the USG's blessing. He said he did not want to do anything to harm Panama's relationship with the U.S. and would ask CST president ZIV to stand down, though he later admitted it would be difficult since CST had spent its own money sending a large team to Panama to complete a survey. In particular, Papadimitriu was receptive to the argument that Panama did not need to buy expensive coastal radars or other hardware recommended by CST. However, he liked CST's ideas about creating a ministry of security and reorganizing the GOP security structure, as well as their suggestion to recruit management talent from the private sector. To sum up, Papadimitriu said he was shocked by the conversation, and would not let Israeli influence
damage the U.S.-Panama relationship. Martinelli was similarly taken aback, and emphasized that he did not want to endanger relations with the USG, saying 'We don't want to change friends.' He said he would call Colombian President Uribe to get the straight scoop on CST."

The U.S. embassy in Bogota, Colombia was concerned about the close relationship between Ziv and then-Colombian Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos, now Colombia's President. Global CST was suspected of stealign classified Colombian documents on "high value targets" and offering to sell them to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) representatives in Ecuador and Argentina. Global CST had been hired by the Colombian government to provide consultation on defeating the FARC rebels. The U.S. government also banned Colombia from sharing U.S. classified information with the Israelis.

In a December 1, 2009, SECRET NOFORN [not releasable to foreign nationals] cable from U.S. ambassador to Colombia Brownfield, it is stated:



1. (S/NF) General Oscar Naranjo, Director of the Colombian National Police (CNP), told the Ambassador on November 24 that Defense Minister Gabriel Silva was souring on the Defense Ministry's relationship with Israel. Naranjo said that the CNP's relationship
with retired Israeli Major General Yisrael ZIV and his firm Global CST had been a 'disaster.' Naranjo said he understood ZIV was trying to make inroads in Panama and Peru -- and that he had shared his concerns with authorities in Panama and would do the same with
Peru if asked. He noted that Silva overruled Colombian Armed Forces Commander General Freddy Padilla's decision to purchase Israeli UAVs. Government of Colombia (GOC) officials described their experience with Global CST under the "Strategic Leap" process
as mixed. End Summary.


2. (S/NF) CNP Director Naranjo told the Ambassador on November 24 that Defense Minister Silva was souring on the Defense Ministry's relationship with Israel. Naranjo said that the CNP's relationship with retired Israeli Major General Yisrael ZIV and his firm Global
Comprehensive Security Transformation (Global CST) had been a 'disaster.' Naranjo said he had provided this negative feedback to Panamanian authorities upon their request. He indicated that ZIV was now also trying to sell his services to Peru. If Naranjo is
asked by Peruvian authorities, he will share the same warning with them.


3. (S/NF) Naranjo told the Ambassador that in a sign of this growing dissatisfaction, Minister Silva had recently overruled Armed Forces Commander Padilla's decision to purchase Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). In late July 2009, Padilla had
commissioned a delegation of Colombian military officers to travel to Israel to research possible acquisition of an Israeli-manufactured Hermes-450 UAV system. (Comment: This represents another sign of what is reported to be a distrustful and distant relationship between Minister Silva and General Padilla. End Comment.)

4. (S) GOC officials have expressed security concerns about Global CST in the past, and found it difficult to work with a private firm on national security matters as they were prevented from sharing USG intelligence with them. In February 2008, CNP sources reported

that a Global CST interpreter, Argentine-born Israeli national Shai Killman, had made copies of classified Colombian Defense Ministry documents in an unsuccessful attempt to sell them to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) through contacts in Ecuador and Argentina. The documents allegedly contained high value target (HVT) database information. ZIV denied this attempt and sent Killman back to Israel.


5. (S) Colombia's defense cooperation with Israel cooled during the 1980s and 1990s, when some Israeli mercenaries reportedly helped train paramilitary forces in Colombia. Over the last two years, Embassy officers visiting the MOD and Colombian military have observed an increased presence of Israeli advisors. Beginning in December 2006, Colombia's Ministry of Defense engaged Global CST to help the GOC conduct a strategic assessment of the internal conflict (see ref A). General ZIV was a personal acquaintance of then-Minister of Defense Juan Manuel Santos.

6. (S/NF) The Global CST assessment focused on defeating the FARC and other internal terrorist and criminal organizations by 2010, but also included an evaluation of external threats including Venezuela and Ecuador. The MOD spearheaded the exercise -- originally named the 'Strategic Leap' -- which was approved by President Uribe in February 2009. The Strategic Leap was subsequently rebranded as the National Consolidation Plan (PNC).
Colombian officials have described their experiences with Global CST under the Strategic Leap planning process as mixed. Former Colombian Vice Minister of Defense Juan Carlos Pinzon told us that many of Global CST's programs and recommendations -- which carried
a heavy consulting fee -- were already being implemented by the USG.


7. (S) Over a three year period, ZIV worked his way into the confidence of former Defense Minister Santos by promising a cheaper version of USG assistance without our strings attached. We and the GOC learned that Global CST had no Latin American experience and
that its proposals seem designed more to support Israeli equipment and services sales than to meet in-country needs. Global CST was not transparent with us, and tried to insert itself into our classified discussions with the GOC. Given the GOC's experience
with Global CST, it is no surprise that the Defense Ministry is pulling back from them and warning neighbors that their deals are not as good as advertized. End Comment."

In a November 7, 2008, cable from Brownfield, it is revealed that the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency had prepared a more comprehensive report on Colombian-Israeli ties.

On November 19, 2009, Ziv's and Global CST's activities in Peru were outlined in a CONFIDENTIAL NOFORN cable from U.S. ambassador to Peru P. Michael McKinley:

"5. © According to senior GOP officials, quashing SL [Sendero Luminoso-Shing Path] in the VRAE [Apurimac-Ene River Valley] remains a top government priority. Defense Minister Rey has emphasized his intention to refocus Peru's security efforts on the internal threat. Media reports have alluded to the imminent purchase of several combat-capable helicopters (the armed forces only have about half a dozen operational helicopters, having lost two in the last few months [refs]), suitable for operations in the VRAE. According to government and congressional sources, the MOD is close to obtaining around USD 130 million from the Ministry of the Economy for VRAE operations. In a recent conversation with the Ambassador, FM Garcia Belaunde said that, notwithstanding tensions with Chile and an announced U.S. arms sales, the VRAE would remain Peru's central security focus. The GOP's efforts have even included signing a reported one year, $9 million contract with former Israeli Brigadier General Israel Baruch ZIV, who promised to help Peru defeat SL in the VRAE once and for all. According to media sources, ZIV will focus on training for elite special operations forces, strengthening intelligence networks, while Peruvian joint forces will prioritize the killing or capture of SL leaders rather than control of territory."

In WMR's January 4 report, it was revealed that the Mossad cell in Costa Rica had recruited double agents inside the Shining Path. Coupled with the attempt by Global CST to sell classified Colombian documents to the FARC and the Israelis' dealings with the Shining Path of Peru, it appears that the Israeli gambit is to sign multi-million dollar security contracts with countries like Colombia and Peru and then offer to sell classified Colombian and Peruvian counter-insurgency information on the FARC and Shining Path to those very groups.

Israeli security firms have also been active in Africa. Ziv and Global CST, which had also hired former Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami and Tel Aviv police commissioner David Tzur, were involved in providing security support for Guinean leader Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, who seized power in a December 2008 coup d'etat. The Israeli services were provided in contravention of a U.N. military embargo on Guinea. Global CST has also provided services to Togo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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