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David Mantik on Black Op Radio from San Diego
David Mantik and his lovely wife, Pat, visited me and my wife here in San Diego last week. I suggested to Len Osanic that David be interviewed from my home office regarding his
recent review of John McAdams' book, JFK ASSASSINATION LOGIC. David's review, "How to Think Like John McAdams" has been discussed on this forum previously. As I said on
the show, I was the first person to ever debate John McAdams on the air. This was way back in about 1999 or so. Since then I have learned a great deal of information that I did
not then know. Indeed, in the intervening years I have perhaps learned as much, if not more, new information above and beyond that of which I was then currently aware.

It is simply stunning that McAdams or anyone who wishes to be taken seriously on this subject, continues to make the same out dated claims today as he did over a decade ago.
The amount of new information that he either chooses to ignore or of which he is simply unaware for lack of effort to research is voluminous. It is like he has been stuck in neutral
since about 1967.

The show will air this Thursday evening.

Kudos to David for another job well done.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)

Thank you for the tip, Greg--looking forward to it: Mantik is killer.


Our radiologist was fascinated by the account of his visit to the Archives to meticulously measure the AP and lateral skull x-rays. It was the 40th anniversary in 2003; she'd always believed there was "more to the story."

McAdams is best enjoyed in the No-Proof-Ferrie-Knew-Oswald Mode.

Lalalala, I can't hear you over your factoids, he claims.

With Mantik we experience all the evidence.

From the Mondo-Bondo Occipital to the Two-Dimensional 6.5mm Artifact of Incredible Lightness to the Stereo-Pair Flat Hair Where Forty Found a Fist-sized Avuncular Wormhole There.

Attached Files
.jpg   Mantik reconstruction of JFK skull.JPG (Size: 53.27 KB / Downloads: 8)
Phil Dragoo Wrote:

Thank you for the tip, Greg--looking forward to it: Mantik is killer.


Our radiologist was fascinated by the account of his visit to the Archives to meticulously measure the AP and lateral skull x-rays. It was the 40th anniversary in 2003; she'd always believed there was "more to the story."

McAdams is best enjoyed in the No-Proof-Ferrie-Knew-Oswald Mode.

Lalalala, I can't hear you over your factoids, he claims.

With Mantik we experience all the evidence.

From the Mondo-Bondo Occipital to the Two-Dimensional 6.5mm Artifact of Incredible Lightness to the Stereo-Pair Flat Hair Where Forty Found a Fist-sized Avuncular Wormhole There.

You're welcome, Phil.

It was very difficult for me to remain so "polite" toward McAdams in my above post. I was being very generous and kind. Intentionally. There yet remains time for all the rest...


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Show notes...

Dr. Mantik:

Is a practicing Medical Doctor
Is Board Certified in Radiation Oncology
Has a PhD in Physics
Became seriously interested in the assassination with Stone's movie
Performed x-ray measurements at the National Archives,
JFK Assassination Logic (McAdams 2011), How to Think Like John McAdams
Six Seconds in Dallas (Thompson 1967) touted as the best, forty years later
Overview, logic in the title, but not in the book, he does commit logical fallacies
Why he omits data, culling evidence, no citation, no rules, inconsistent
After all of the data that we have accumulated, he does seem to be stuck in the past
He seems to just regurgitate second hand evidence, no real research of his own
Do not trust eyewitnesses, except for those approved by McAdams
Elizabeth Loftus, 10 closest witnesses to the limousine, it stopped, ignored
Tippet, ejected spent cartridges, Don Thomas, three irreconcilably different opinions
Back of JFK's head, McAdams argues no damage, witnesses report the opposite
Right-rear head wound descriptions, exit wound, orange or palm sized, McClelland
The right temple/forehead, identified by witnesses to the body and to photographs
Press conference, Malcolm Kilduff pointing, Chet Huntley, George Burkley
Seth Kantor, Charles Crenshaw pointed to right hair line just above the eye socket
Robinson, near the hairline, Joe O'Donnell, Robert Knudsen photographs
Above the right eye, an entry wound, Dennis David, William Pitzer
Ed Reed, Doug Horne, Reed, Robinson, saw Humes sawing into the skull
Dr. Mantik observed a trail of apparent bullet fragments on the skull x-rays
The largest fragment at the back of the head, larger pieces go farther, from the front
At the autopsy, there was no fragment on the x-rays, children can find it
Dozens of, experts could not see the fragment that night, the Clark Panel report
Double exposing an x-ray, John Ebersole, discussion ended at the mention of fragment
Assassination Science (Fetzer et al 1998), John Fitzpatrick, a forensic radiologist
McAdams acknowledges no fact checker, Dr. Mantik thanks Millicent Cranor
Assumes 20 conspirators, 96% probability that it would get out, standard deviation
Gilbert Welch (2004), a list of bad facts in the book
Photos of back of the head, stereo viewer, paired images, hair looked flat
5x7 transparencies of JFK's back, left upper back, a small dark spot, a lighter spot
Color prints, an inconsistent set of photographs, authentic? impossible
Abnormally dark area, hair washed, no autopsy witnesses saw hair washed,
Keeping major secrets, autopsy personnel, Parkland doctors, kept their secrets
Manhattan Project, Mrs. Groves was shocked, My Lai, People of the Lie (1998)
Fingerprint and palmprint evidence, Carl Day refused to sign a statement
Fingerprint identification has come under increasing skepticism as unscientific
The provenance, a print under the wooden stock, one on the trigger guard
Dr. Mantik reviews his summary, Attention Deficit Disorder, critical thinking

Dr. Mantik also appeared on Black Op Radio shows: #453, #395, #331, #127 and #029
Greg Burnham also appeared on Black Op Radio shows: #509, #081, #037, #034 and #001
John McAdams appeared on Black Op Radio shows: #443 and #442


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
The show was OK, however Len sort of scuttled the momentum by cutting down McAdams at the beginning of the show. Not that McAdams doesn't deserve to be pre-emptively cut-down, it's just that it sort of inhibited the flow of Mantik's presentation since it was based on rebutting McAdams on a referenced basis. Len should have played along to let Mantik have his say.

These shows are most effective with those who have read the background. Mantik showed that McAdams' best slam-dunk proof has more to it than people know. (That is, more to it in the form of conspiracy evidence rather than the opposite as McAdams contends)
I'll listen to is later. Mantik is always great. Monk, you were show #1 ?!?! I didn't know that! Len's got a great program, but sometimes he should let the guest speak, and stay in the background more, except to ask a question, here and there.......McA is an A-**** and I don't even believe he believes the garbage he spouts and touts - ditto much of what Dunkel shovels. All this ilk know there was a massive conspiracy and that the official version has not one part that holds a drop of water - but they also know how propaganda is done - and they do it. Some better than others. McA not very well, at all.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I'll listen to is later. Mantik is always great. Monk, you were show #1 ?!?! I didn't know that! Len's got a great program, but sometimes he should let the guest speak, and stay in the background more, except to ask a question, here and there.......McA is an A-**** and I don't even believe he believes the garbage he spouts and touts - ditto much of what Dunkel shovels. All this ilk know there was a massive conspiracy and that the official version has not one part that holds a drop of water - but they also know how propaganda is done - and they do it. Some better than others. McA not very well, at all.

Hey Peter,

Yes, David is always a worthwhile investment of time. A few things that set him apart include his irrefutable attention to scientific detail. His logic is impeccable--always. His manner is mild.

I was around for the very beginning of Black Op Radio. I facilitated many of the early guests being on the show. Jack White, Jim Marrs, Jim Fetzer, my old friends General Partin and Sherman Skolnick, and others. But, I must say in defense of Len, after over 570 shows he deserves a lot of credit. Overall I think he does a great job. He has been a very good friend for over 15 years, a dedicated champion for the truth, and bears all the expense for the weekly BOR show, the discussion forum, as well as the maintenance of the "Collected Works of Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty" website. Week in and week out...

Total dedication.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)

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