20-03-2012, 08:37 PM
"Aftermath of the JFK Assassination:
Parkland Hospital to the Bethesda Morgue"
A synthesis of the events of the afternoon and evening of 11/22/63,
particularly for those new to the subject but also as a consciousness-raiser for those well versed in the JFK assassination.
Available as a free download:
- Large format
- 50 pages
- 15,000 words
- Seven illustrations
- Index
Also available from Amazon as an ebook.
Parkland Hospital to the Bethesda Morgue"
A synthesis of the events of the afternoon and evening of 11/22/63,
particularly for those new to the subject but also as a consciousness-raiser for those well versed in the JFK assassination.
Available as a free download:
- Large format
- 50 pages
- 15,000 words
- Seven illustrations
- Index
Also available from Amazon as an ebook.