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Mining Analysist Freeport
I'm adding some articles here by some one who goes by the name of Mining Analysist. They worked in that capacity for SBC Warburg (now part of UBS) and seem to have fallen foul of some other with intel connections.

Below is a research report on Freeport McMoran Copper and Gold.

Letter to Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security - oversight committee with responsibility for intelligence agencies in Australia - letter 2008.

Issue of ASIO surveillance of, and interference with, mining analyst raised in federal parliament.
(Australian federal parliamentary record HANSARD, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, MAIN COMMITTEE).

Quote:Too hot for Phoenix?

Posts on Phoenix Occupy Facebook page re Freeport McMoran, a Phoenix based global mining company, have been removed from the site and attempts to repost them have been thwarted. Who is removing these posts? Has the FBI infiltrated the webpage monitoring/media team in Phoenix OWS?

The questions is: when is the next protest march in downtown Phoenix to Freeport McMoran's HQ?

Copy and paste this comment into the Facebook page of Occupy Phoenix.

FBI/ASIO infiltration and censorship of OWS is just another form of state abuse.
OWS: be alert as to processes for managing your group's website/Facebook content and group communications that legitimate OWS objectives not be thwarted.

Download Freeport/FBI-ASIO flyer to hand out:

Recent killings and news on Freeport McMoran's Grasberg mine in West Papua: US DOJ investigation.

Quote:This is a record of the email exchange between me and Jerrold Nadler, the U.S. Representative for New York's 8th congressional district my NYC congressman. The email exchange with him has been fruitless. Despite promises to assist, recent correspondence (past 12 months) has met with no response.

I have been attempting to have the FBI held accountable in the US for their interference with me, my family and friends following publication of a research report on US mining company Freeport McMoran, published while I worked on Wall Street as mining analyst for a large investment bank (SBC Warburg, now part of UBS).

Coincidentally, Congressman Nadler is also a member of the House Judiciary Committee which has oversight responsibility of the FBI's activities. (I am a dual Australian/US citizenship with voting rights in both countries).

Quote:Ross Cameron: ASIO setup and downfall of former Liberal MP for Parramatta, in retribution for his outspoken opposition to the Howard government's push to war in Iraq.

This post is included on Mining Analyst as it vividly demonstrates the overreach, hidden role and abusive power of domestic intelligence agency activity in Australia.

At the time of writing (Dec 2011), a google search for Ross Cameron turned up multiple press clips and entries on the web. However, all records related to his downfall in 2003, or contained otherwise disparaging comments only. There were no articles found, despite wide reporting in the mainstream press of the day (2002/03), that reveal the honourable defence Cameron posed in raising the level of public debate, the risk and sacrifice he made in articulating the short comings of the arguments presented to the public by the then Liberal Prime Minister John Howard who presented a series of ill-reasoned justifications for, and push to war in Iraq.
The current day censors from ASIO appear to have stripped the internet bare of all material that could be construed as supportive of the honourable role Ross Cameron played in holding his Party and the Government of the day accountable for their decisions. Cameron did the right thing, in a democracy that is free and healthy. It is expected that elected government representatives have a reliable and accountable debate in full view of the public, particularly about a matter that could see the country enter an unpopular, and possibly illegal, pre-emptive war. Cameron demonstrated political leadership, and his views reflected the general sentiment of many in his electorate and indeed the general sentiment of the country.
It is unfortunate that our intelligence agencies remove such people from public office,not to mention the methods they use to do so, and in part, it is these agencies' covert, heavy handedness that robs the country of strong future political leadership.
1. Some articles describing Cameron's attempt to hold his government accountable:
Anyone succeeding to find an article on the web in circumvention of the censors from ASIO - please post them here.
2. Some articles describing Cameron's convenient' downfall:
The convenience' of the downfall and the precise timing of the release to coincide with the eve of Cameron's re-election campaign, as well as the reliable, time tested deployment of honey traps', all bare the hallmarks and motivations of an ASIO sting, which is a more credible explanation of the events than the mere' bad luck and coincidence described by the media. Conveniently, not one of the articles found on the web (nor elsewhere) name the woman involved in the scandal. Just as conveniently, none of the articles link either the woman or her flatmate to ASIO.
Article 1: I've cheated: 'Family man' MP's bombshell, from The Sun-Herald, August 15, 2004
Article 2: Scandal MP Ross Cameron plans a return to politics From: The Daily Telegraph, September 15, 2011

Quote:Between a rock and a hard place. Corporate strategy at the Freeport mine in Papua -

Interesting article on Freeport strategy by ANU (The Australian National University) academics Chris Ballard and Glenn Banks.

Quote:Basic historic documents reporting human-rights violations and environmental damage at Freeport's Grasberg mine in West Papua. Many of the documents contained at the link below were provided by Professor Steven Feld.

Quote:Shaping the way the world does business...

Freeport McMoran:

Former Wall Street analyst (working for SBC Warburg now part of UBS) targeted by US and Australian intelligence agencies (FBI and ASIO) after publishing report touching on US
State Department investigation into allegations US copper/gold mining company Freeport McMoran was involved in the killing of indigenous protestors in West Papua, Indonesia. (

When will rule of law be restored? "If not now, when? If not this government, which?".

Download Freeport/FBI flyer to hand out:

Quote:Mining analyst
Another recent press article: The Age, "It's sheer bloody murder, right on our doorstep", Charlie Hill-Smith, 8 Jan 2012, p15.

"Things really heated up last September when thousands of mine workers at the Freeport McMoran-Rio Tinto-owned Grasberg mine went on a lengthy strike, closing the world's largest gold and copper mine, Indonesia's biggest taxpayer. The stopwork cost the companies $US30 million dollars per day. So when the miners downed tools to demand pay increases from a paltry $US1.50 an hour up to a lavish $US3 an hour, a lot of rich and powerful people took notice."

Read more:

Quote:Recent killings and news on Phoenix based NYSE listed US mining company Freeport McMoran's Grasberg mine in West Papua:

1. Guardian:

Protester killed in Indonesia mine strike. 10 October 2011

"Indonesian security forces shot and killed one protester and wounded more than a dozen others as they clashed with striking workers at a mine run by US company Freeport-McMoran, the police said.

More than 1,000 workers were involved in the clashes at the Grasberg complex, one of the world's largest gold and copper mines, in the remote Papua province."

2. Mining News: US DOJ investigation.

Grasberg at 5% capacity: report, 7 November 2011

"...... the recent revelations that Freeport made payments to Indonesian police have resulted in a United Steelworkers request for investigations from the US Department of Justice.

"The Indonesian police have recently been quoted in the local media acknowledging that they accepted millions of dollars from Freeport-McMoRan's Indonesian subsidiary PT Freeport to provide security for the miner's operations in Papua, Indonesia," the major US union said.

"The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act bans companies from paying foreign officials to do or omit to do an act in violation of his or her lawful duty."

A spokesman from the US Department of Justice declined to comment on the matter, according to the Wall Street Journal."

Download Freeport/FBI-ASIO flyer to hand out:

Protester killed in Indonesia mine strike
One person killed and a dozen wounded after pay protest at Grasberg gold and copper mine turns violent

Quote:The FBX Blog: The FBI (and ASIO) stole my girlfriend

...In response to the analyst report, the FBI's threat came promptly delivered by their man who had been sitting among the analysts in Freeport's New Orleans' boardroom where CEO James (Jim Bob) Moffett had just conducted the annual analyst briefing and Q&A. It was May 1996, and my report had been published two months before. The FBI's man came up to me and threatened me in an icy tone that left no uncertainty as to its ill intent. He was around my age (early 30s) and dressed in a business suit. He had stood beside me as I spoke briefly with the CEO after the meeting and in which I had asked a question about the killings.

Quote:FBI (and ASIO) targets Wall Street analyst (and girlfriend) after publishing report. Agents named.
[Overview updated 21 September.]
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
See also:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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