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nanoo-nanoo 9-11 Premiere Movie & Interview
[TABLE="width: 798"]
[TD]June 20-21, 2012 -- Declassified CIA document shows Cheney lied about 9/11 hijacker meeting in Prague (in: GENERAL ARCHIVES June 2012)
Jun 19, 2012CIA document: Was there another "Atta" used as a decoy for 9/11?


Just released by WMR; currently embargoed.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:... A bit more civility would be appreciated....

"... We are intertwined with one another to keep alive the notion that we will support the actions of others if they support ours.

This is the etiquette of "let's pretend." Let's pretend that if I am nice to you, then you will be nice back to me. Or, a more pathological version is, let's pretend that if I am nice to you, then you will be mean to me. We could all see the possible combinations are pretending, from the seemingly caring to the pathological.

When the social form is emptied of morality and virtue, and interactions become hollow and meaningless, we begin to see a form of anarchy best described as pathology. Psychology has labeled many different types of pathologies, but the root of them all is an inability to make sense of or give meaning to the social etiquette by which we are all expected to abide. Pathology and all of its ramifications is one of the tragedies that can motivate us to lift ourselves to a higher level of self-fulfillment.

With the introduction of morality, meaning begins to fill the hollow shell of etiquette. The line between etiquette and morality is not always clear. What is offered as morality is often really just social etiquette. Only if a moral principle within a person resonates as truth would begin to guide his or her behavior. Etiquette is about practices and forms; morality is more concerned with right, wrong, and truth in relation to human character. Morality vitalizes the form of etiquette. The person concerned with self-fulfillment must go beyond the etiquette of codependent safety to a more independent, courageous vision for his or her behavior."

Wendy Palmer, the practice of freedom: aikido principles as a spiritual guide, Rodmell Press, Berkeley California 2002, page 34


"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Cut the pedagogy... People can disagree without having to be insulting, dismissive and condescending to one another. I don't give a rat's ass about ettiquette... but your style is too abrasive when you disagree with someone (me).

I agree that the police state is laweless and abusive and they have us over a barrel. There is no justice in our justice system and there is little to no liberty in this country. And whatever there is ... it being taken away bit by bit.

The evidence that the national security state PLANNED and CARRIED out the controlled demolition of the WTC has not be found. Plenty of things to suggest... but that's speculation. Plenty of evidence to suggest that the NSS loves terrorism, uses terrorism to advance their power, control and franchise and cash flow.... to fight proxy wars and even stage the occassional mini terrorist incident to keep the public chaking and the congress's hands off what they are up to. Plenty of evidence that the NSS is masterful at PR and spinning... and they wanted a new Pearl Harbor to jump start a new war footing...

But no hard evidence that they planned and carried out 9/11... They spun it, they covered all sorts of things up and maybe even sat on their hands so it could happen. We just don't know with cerrtainty.
Jeffrey, before I continue with a post that is an extension of an earlier post of mine, let me say simply that your process, and your perception of me, is in error. Does that make you something less of a human being? No, not at all. So cease and desist with the projection of a false sense of having been wounded. It doesn't play well, and it doesn't help advance the discussion or dialogue.

You completely mis-apprehend the import and intent of the post with the quote from the book on aikido, perhaps because you've never had the experience of having been "on the mat" while people try to disassemble you. Getting your 6'0" 250-lb. physical ass handed to you by a petite woman is an enlightening experience. "It's a lot like dancing." My time on the mat was limited for a time due to physical/medical issues; maybe I will return -- we'll see-- but in the interim, I had enough of an "experience" (an aha! moment) that I have studied the discipline to the point where I have at least 20 high-level books, a subscription to an instructional service, and a very deep somatic and psychological insight into the process, the art and the discipline. Indeed, it provides a great deal of fodder for my blog on mind/body/spirit topics.

The quote above popped out (and seemed relevant in this thread) as I dictated a future blog entry from two of those sources. A deeper understanding of the process of aikido provides a template for the interpersonal harangues, arguments and confrontations that have become commonplace here. I speak less of any that involve you and I than of those that don't involve me at all.

Be patient and there will be a detailed explanation and "pedagogical" explanation of how that could and should work. Suffice it to say, in simplest terms, that a dialogue or discussion which is in theory aimed at teasing out insight, truth, further examination, etc. of any issue should involve one "partner" or opponent being required to state the position of the other as he sees it (which, then, leads to further examination of the viewpoint). It derives from the experience of the aikido technique of 'irimi" (or entering). [Last night, I saw -- again -- a remarkable example of "entering" when a third-year medical student broke the rules, confronted his own frailties, and risked death to discover for himself what there was to be seen and learned. This occurred after a long motorcycle ride to the point where the Norton was abandoned and the journey continued with the help and support of others. What he discovered became fodder for deep reflection and a complete alteration of his POV and approach to things.]

Be patient; further text will illuminate what I am saying with regard to the nature and process of disagreement.

In the interim, with regard to pedagogy:

I remembered the philosopher Robin George Collingwood's definition of community as a place where those who know teach those who wish to learn. There was a conspiracy therea breathing togethera highflying companionship, an appreciation of excellence, a mutual admiration, a generous sharing of knowledge." [Page 103]

"Occasionally, we had an official teacher, but increasingly we critiqued each other's moves and tricks, encouraged each other, and figure out things by trial and error. ... The more we began to trust in the efficacy of our shared ignorance and wisdom, the more we each became "master" and "student." Unlike most spiritual communities, we killed the guru and learned by sharing our gifts with each other." [page 129]

Learning to Fly: Reflections on Fear, Trust, and the Joy of Letting Go, Sam Keen, Broadway Books, NY, 1999.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:[TABLE="width: 798"]
[TD]June 20-21, 2012 -- Declassified CIA document shows Cheney lied about 9/11 hijacker meeting in Prague (in: GENERAL ARCHIVES June 2012)
Jun 19, 2012CIA document: Was there another "Atta" used as a decoy for 9/11?


Just released by WMR; currently embargoed.

With the embargo lifted, here is the full text:

[TABLE="width: 798"]
[TD]June 20-21, 2012 -- Declassified CIA document shows Cheney lied about 9/11 hijacker meeting in Prague

A formerly SECRET CIA intelligence report, dated December 8, 2001, which has been heavily redacted and released to the private National Security Archive pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request, shows that Vice President Dick Cheney lied when he told "Meet the Press"host Tim Russert on September 14, 2003, that alleged American Airlines hijacker Mohammed Atta met with an Iraqi intelligence official in Prague on May 31, 2000.


The CIA intelligence report also states: "Subsequent investigation of the travel to the Czech Republic of terrorist Mohamed (Atta) revealed that the individual who attempted to enter the Czech Republic on 31 May 2000 at [REDACTED] airport was not the Atta who attacked the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. [REDACTED] It was Pakistani national [REDACTED]."

The report continues, "Initial conclusions regarding terrorist's Atta's presence in 31 March 2001 were incorrect . . . Based on information provided it was not possible that the kidnapper of American Airlines Flight Number 11, Atta, was in the transit lounge on 31 May 2000."

The revelation that there was another individual who may have used the name "Mohamed Atta" who was in Prague just a day before the Egyptian Atta transited Prague on his way to Newark, New Jersey indicates that certain parties were trying to make it appear that Atta was in Prague to meet an Iraqi official. It has now been documented that after 9/11, Cheney and leading members of the administration intended to tie the 9/11 attack to Saddam Hussein and Iraq.

Cheney told Russert in the September 14, 2003 interview: "With respect to 9/11, of course, we've had the story that's been public out there. The Czechs alleged that Mohamed Atta, the lead attacker, met in Prague with a senior Iraqi intelligence official five months before the attack, but we've never been able to develop anymore of that yet either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it. We just don't know."

Since the White House Situation Room was an action addee for the CIA intelligence report, Cheney had known since December 8, 2001, that the reported Atta meeting with an Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague was false, which meansCheney lied to the American people during the interview.

The CIA report states that on June 1, 2000, Mohamed Atta, presumably the real one, traveled from Bonn to Prague and then to Newark:

"1 June 2000: Atta requested a Czech visa in Bonn, which was issued to him because of his long-term residency in Germany. Atta then purchased a bus ticket.
2 June 2000: At approximately 0615 hours, Atta arrived in Prague. Either Atta or someone else purchased a ticket in his name for Czech Airlines Flight [Redacted].
3 June 2000: Atta traveled from Prague to Newark, New Jersey via Czech Airlines Flight 52."

The "real" Atta received a B-1/B-2 tourist/business visa from the U.S. embassy in Berlin on May 18, 2000.

The CIA document reveals that there another "Atta" who supposedly was in Prague on May 31, but the CIA also clearly suggests that someone using Atta's name may have purchased a ticket on the Czech Airlines flight to Newark, an indication that some party was trying to create a paper trail linking Mohammed Atta to Prague and Iraqi intelligence as early as May 2000.

Curiously, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Customs Service were action addees on the Priority CIA message, as was the National Security Agency's ANCHORY data base of signals intelligence intercepts. It was from ANCHORY that two communications, said to be from "Al Qaeda" operatives, were stored on September 10, 2001, but were not tied to the hijackings of the four aircraft until after the messages were translated from Arabic to English on September 12. The two phone call communications, said to have originated in Sana'a, Yemen and intercepted by NSA on September 10, were "The match begins tomorrow" and "Tomorrow is zero hour."

WMR has learned that NSA had possessed the capability to conduct real-time translation of intercepted foreign language communications since the 1980s when it began developing the MINSTREL translation system. GTE was the prime contractor for MINSTREL. Originally, the NSA real-time translations were confined to Russian, French, German, and Spanish. However, because of terrorism incidents in the Middle East, real-time Arabic translation capability was a high priority and NSA's ability to translate real-time Arabic voice and text intercepts was well-honed by September 10, 2001.

As to the action addee status of the DEA and Customs Service concerning Atta, it has been widely reported that the real Atta was a suspected drug mule. Atta's trip from Prague to Newark also came at the height of the DEA's probe of several Israeli "art students" who were casing federal installations and other high-priority targets in several months before 9/11. The Customs Service was also involved in the DEA's investigation.

The CIA report brings up a number of questions. Chiefly, if someone had gone to the trouble of running "another Atta" through Prague to link the upcoming 9/11 attack to Iraq, could the same party or parties have arranged for a bogus Atta to have been seen boarding a Colgan Air commuter flight from Portland, Maine International Jetport to connect with American Airlines flight 11 at Boston Logan on the morning of 9/11?

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
"Initially, we enter into a situation to experience it with a willingness to penetrate through to what is essential. I have observed that for people to evolve they have to be a little hungry. This hunger is what makes a team win in sports. Hunger means that we are willing to go to some discomfort for our goal. If we are on overload, we do not want any more suffering, we do not want any more information, we do not want anymore anything. Overload is a survival mechanism. Someone on overload is full and they are not hungry.

True irimi is not trying to escape injury. Instead, we are willing to be injured and move in anyway. At the beginning of each series of classes, I usually ask, "is it possible to protect yourself?" What I'm asking about is the sense of making ourselves safer from harm. In my experience, protecting ourselves is not really possible, and, in my belief, protecting ourselves is not the point. The point is to keep living in a way that is compassionate, skillful, and creative. Being hurt is not a terrible thingit is a fact of life. We can experience hurt and still go forward with an open heart. We can go ahead even though we are afraid to move.....

Irimi is connection: movement into genuine contact with some aspect of the circumstance, without any agenda or wanting to change the person or the situation…" [Pages 115-116, embodiment]

"Aikido gives us the chance to investigate experientially this idea of seeing the situation from the other person's point of view. So, too, does conscious embodiment. In what I called the irimi (pronunced irr-ree-mee), or entering exercise, partners stand before each other in stances that represent opposition. Then one person moves behind the other so that both are facing the same direction, and the person who moved can see what his or her partner is saying. From this position, which acknowledges the other person's point of view, it is easier to lead the situation into a positive resolution. In aikido, the simulated attack may be fast and intense, and the technique may be quick and strong, but the feeling of positive resolution is also present.….Most people who act in an aggressive way do so because they don't feel understand understood or accepted." [Page 85, freedom]

The Practice of Freedom: Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide, Wendy Palmer, Rodmell Press 2001. [On the pursuit of authenticity and aliveness]

The Intuitive Body: Aikido as a Clairsentient Practice (revised edition), Wendy Palmer, North Atlantic Books, Berkeely, CA 1999. [On centering, stability, attention, embodiment and action, from an advanced practitioner.] [For current information, see ]

Extracted from
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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