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Innodata Isogen Databreach
Innodata Isogen Databreach
AMOS connect · HocFirm · Information Analysts Corporation Phillipines (IAC) · International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) · Japanese Coast Guard (JCG) · Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) · MMI Business Services · Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) · Scandinavia · Thomson Reuters · Vietnamese Agency of Atomic Energy (VNAAE) · Vocord Telecom (VOCORD)

If we can get this, you can bet more sinister actors have it already, and at least we'll tell you we have it. ~ Anonymous

Summary(Updated: 12/07/11)

OnJuly 5th 2012, Anonymous InnodataIsogen.In total there is 40 Gigabyte to be released, including communicationbetween top management of business dataprovider Thomson-Reuters whichhas yet to be disclosed.
Theinitial batch of leaked material contains many documents fromthe InternationalAtomic Energy Agency (IAEA),in particular regarding the Nuclear accident at the Fukushima DaiichiPowerplant in March 2011 (listed in an extra section) but also thedevelopment of a nuclear infrastructure in Vietnam. These filesinclude English and Vietnamese documents, scans of diplomaticpassports and complete information about key personnel like theVietnamese Vice Minister of Science and Technology and DirectorGeneral of the Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety.
Additionallywe found leakedletters from Chiefof the Border Control Coordinating Russia's FSB to Oleg A.Lutsky (ОлегАнатольевич), head the Federal Security Service of Russiaon Kaliningrad regarding cargoships traffic in the region of Vostock.There is a large amount of potentially interesting data, like a Bankconstruction contract andother paperwork documents from the Russian law firm HocFirm; aletter fromDenwert-IAC (subsidiary of Innodata in Philippines) attesting thatthe firm was going to send information from the Vietnamese Scienceand Technology Ministry to the Ukrainian company Scandinavia, as wellas their work on the documents leaks from the Russian FederalSecurity Service or Temporaryintranet files of MMI Business Services(Turkmenistan),including its contracts with other companies.
At this momentwe have only assessed a small amount of the 1.9 GB data currentlyavailable. We will continue updating this site with new informationwhen it arises. In the meantime feel free to browse the full archiveand find the cherries yourself! Should you find any additionalinteresting documents, feel free to contact us via email or IRC. Wewould like to explicitly thank all Anonymous volunteers who havescanned, categorized and analyzed the data so far.

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Email contact: par-anoia at hush dot com

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CC-by-SA 2012PaR:AnoIA · No rights reserved.
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"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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