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Martial Law: Imminent Arrival?
Magda Hassan Wrote:It is also my experience that those who claim dangerous combat experience have usually just experienced the military from the catering corp. :hobbyhorse:

The problem here is that there doesn't seem to be any real information about Gordon Duff's military career.So,who knows?It seems to me that as a so-called voice for Veterans,that he has an obligation to provide some details about his service.

Now,saying that,it does look like he did serve as a grunt for 4 months.If so,then I give him respect for that.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
The above commentary about Gordon Duff is absolutely amazing, especially to see the administrator here chime in. A cursory search on Google confirms the essence of Duff's message.

Keith is certainly entitled to his opinion and his facts, accurate as they may be, about Gordon Duff. I don't either contest or deny those facts, nor defend Duff or his lack of service. But suggesting that he doesn't belong at or misnamed the web site for which he is the chairman of the board is closely akin to saying you have to be white to hold down the top post in the White House. I know that's not what he is saying, and neither am I. But it simply makes the point that there is a high degree of shooting at the messenger so as to deflect from the message.

I served as the sole staffperson for a society of emergency physicians but never came even close to qualifying for, let alone completing, medical school.

But this isn't about me; it's about the role of the Israelis in US police training, and that fact as a backdrop to the increasing fear or existence of the possibility for a choking martial law militarism in counterbalance to democracy, protest, economic and other turmoil, and what is -- in one corner, at least -- seen as an Israeli-driven takedown of the United States of America. I can point to the book that described the plan in general terms, and so can you.

Now, to the point:

Let's start with Veteran's Today:

Editorial Board and Open Source Staff


[Image: editorialboard_400.jpg]

The Board is responsible for all content on VT and participates in all major decisions regarding content, columnists, and editorial direction for VT
  • Gordon Duff - Chairman of the Board, U.S. Marines, Vietnam
  • Lt. General Hamid Gul Director General ISI (Former Chief of Intelligence Services, Pakistan)
  • Col. Eugene Khrushchev - Former Soviet/Russian Airborne, Intelligence, PsyOps, First Secretary, Soviet and Russian Embassies, Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Major Bobby Hanifin - US Air Force
  • Khalil Nouri - Afghanistan Political Expert and Military Specialist
  • Carol Duff - RN, BA, MSN, Veteran's Health Issues Editor
  • Jim W. Dean Military Order of World Wars, Association for Former Intelligence Officers

General Manager: John P. Allen
Senior Managing Editor: Gordon Duff
Managing Editors: Managing Editors are responsible for general formatting and editing issues. This group interacts with and serves our community of columnists/staff writers and reader/subscribers Comments Manager: Billy Jackson
  • Middle East
  • Southeastern Europe
    • Bureau Chief: Vojislav Milosevic, Director General, Center for Counter-Terrorism and World Peace
      • Professor Andrija Slavik (Specialist on Diplomacy, War Plans and Psychological Warfare)
      • Lt. General (Retd.) Banko Krga Former Head of Military Intelligence and Deputy Chief of General Staff, Serbian Armed Forces
      • Lt. General (Retd.) Satish Nambiar Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Assistant Secretary General and Under Secretary General ,United Nations
      • Vice Admiral Radomir Grujic, Fleet Commander, Serbian Naval Forces, Chief of Staff, War College of Serbia
  • France (Paris):Jane Rosenstein, Gennady & Lidiya Sevastyanov
  • Southeast Asia
  • Pakistan: Major Raja Mujtaba, Brigadier General Asif Haroon Raja (ret), General Hamid Gul, (Ret. former DG ISI), Admiral Iftikhar Ahmed Sirohey (Ret. Former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military of Pakistan)
  • United Kingdom: Gilad Atzmon, Alan Hart, Stuart Littlewood, Michael Shrimpton
  • Canada: Josh Blakeney, Dr. Anthony Hill
  • Russia: Colonel Gene Khrushchev (ret. former First Secretary Soviet and Russian Embassies in Afghanistan)
  • Southern Africa: Baron Ricardo Baretzsky (Director, South African Counter Intelligence Agency)
  • Austria: Lee Wanta (White House Director of Intelligence, Inspector General, Department of Defense, US under President Reagan)
  • US Army "Embed": Tim King
  • Alan Hart
  • [Image: speakers.jpg]Bob Nichols
  • Daniel Overmyer
  • Ralph W. Eckard (deceased)
  • Dimitri Khalezov
  • Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
  • Dr. George Krasnow
  • Franklin Lamb
  • General Hamid Gul
  • Gilad Atzmon
  • Gordon Duff
  • Gwyneth Todd
  • J B Campbell
  • Jim W. Dean
  • Ken O'Keefe
  • Khalil Nouri
  • Joshua Blakeney
  • Mike Harris
  • Dr. Doug Rokke (Maj. US Army ret.)
  • Phil Tourney
  • Raja Mujtaba
  • Robert Rosebrock
  • Sibel Edmonds
  • Sherwood Ross
  • Susan Lindauer
  • Vojislav Milosevic
  • Michael Chester
  • Baron Ricardo Baretzsky
  • Dr. Anthony Hill
  • Michael Shrimpton
  • Kouroush Ziabari
  • Colonel Gene Khrushchev
  • Leo Wanta
  • Jim Fetzer
  • Colonel James Hanke
  • Harut Sassounian
Radio Hosts
  • Kevin Barrett
  • John Stokes
  • Jim Fetzer
  • Allen Rolland
  • Mike Harris
  • Colonel David (Hack) Hackworth
  • Colonel Ted Guy
  • Sgt. Ralph W. Eckard USMC Force Recon (Editor and Staff Columnist)
  • Steve Palmer (US Army, WW2)
  • Vittorio Arrigoni
  • Mohamed "Mo" Nabbous
  • Malachi Martin (Fr., Society of Jesus, former Vatican Secretary of State)
  • The men and women of the clandestine and special operations services

Let's look at the articles posted there recently by Duff: click on this link:

Do you see the article posted here posted there? I didn't (but I didn't look deeply , but I did go back to the beginning of June.).

Did you check the link in my post? Apparently not. Readers simply assumed that it was posted at Veteran's Today. But writers -- even if they are disinformationalists -- use multiple outlets. The question which remains on the table but unproven is whether Duff is a disinformationalist. Someone's whose opinion departs from your own or counter-demonstrates prevailing attitude or presumption is not automatically providing disinformation.

Now, let's jump to the central issue: Whether or not there has been an Israeli presence or process in which they have been involved in training US domestic police.

Go to my next post in this thread.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
The three articles which were found in a simple, cursory Google search not apparently performed by anyone else follow below.


Founded in 1976 as a result of the lessons learned from the 1973 Yom Kippur War... The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit think-tank focusing on issues of United States and Israel in national security. ...
[/SIZE]JINSA's advisory board includes such notable figures as Michael Ledeen, Richard Perle, and R. James Woolsey, while Vice PresidentDick Cheney, former U.S. Representative to the United Nations John Bolton, and former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith were all on JINSA's Board of Advisors before they entered the Bush administration. ... United States-Israeli law enforcement exchange

In 2002, JINSA initiated a program aimed at exchanging counter-terrorism experience and tactics between U.S. law enforcement agencies and their counterparts in the Israeli National Police. The primary focus of the program is to bring U.S. law enforcement executives (chiefs, sheriffs, deputies, etc.) to Israel for an intensive two week program aimed at educating U.S. law enforcement officials on the possible threats posed by the specter of domestic terrorism in the United States. Over the course of four trips, nearly 60 police chiefs and sheriffs from departments in major American metropolitan areas (including Los Angeles, California (LAPD); Orlando,Florida; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Chicago, and the Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) of New York and New Jersey) have participated. The program has already led to significant changes in local law enforcement counter-terrorism tactics and training.
In addition, the Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP) brings Israeli police and counter-terror officials to the United States for intensive two-day seminars that to date have trained more than 1,500 law enforcement officers and officials around the U.S.....



[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD]Israeli Anti-Terrorism Training School[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2, align: center"]
[TD="align: center"][Image: CP_CRI-PMC%202.jpg]
[Image: CRI_09_85.jpg]
[Image: CRI_09_17.jpg]
[Image: CRI_09_88.jpg]

[TD]Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

These are suggested courses that we have provided to clients around the world. Primarily our training is conducted at our Las Vegas location, but we also provide National and InternationalMobile Training Teams that can travel to your location, training your teams in their environment.

We have and can also build a tailored training curriculum that targets your specific training needs. Our training can be scheduled wherever and whenever it suits you, with content uniquely developed to meet your requirements. If necessary, we can build a boot-camp style-training course, allowing you to pick and choose the specific training modules that will most benefit your training requirements.

Please see our main page for a complete list of our primary courses and our schedule for 2009.

These courses are recommended for the Law Enforcement community. As a police officer and law enforcement agent, you need to make every effort to return to your home safely, free from injuries, legal entanglements, and even death. We at C.R.I. Counter Terrorism Training School can help you to successfully prepare to handle numerous threats both on the job and off. All training will be given in the Israeli Method, which relies on combat experience in dealing with terrorism, crime and guerilla warfare.

Active Shooter Course Summary: This is our Main 2 day course, which is open to all. This course is one of the most successful and useful courses that we instructed in Israel, mainly to school staff, teachers and students. Students, Consumers, Office Workers, Restaurant and Nightclub employees that operate a large portion of their lives in a workplace environment can suddenly find themselves in very dangerous situations involving a determined and most likely suicidal Active Shooter. We have developed this primary 2 day course to assist personnel in dealing with this reality.

Active Shooter - The Israeli Method - Other courses available in this area: These courses are other Active Shooter courses , which are more specifically oriented to various particular groups. Theses course are some of the most successful and useful courses that we instructed in Israel, to Government personnel, military organizations, school staff, teachers and students. Students, Consumers, Office Workers, Restaurant and Nightclub employees that operate a large portion of their lives in a workplace environment can suddenly find themselves in very dangerous situations involving a determined and most likely suicidal Active Shooter. We can tailor these course to your needs.

Counter Suicide Bombing & Car Bomb Course Summary: CRI is the first and only school in the world that offers the most complete and effective counter-suicide bombing and car bomb training that relies on combat experience from Israel. We offer an extensive training course that covers intelligence, intervention and deterrence, which includes realistic exercises. CRI's instructors have created and offered this type of training in Israel since 1996 to transportation companies, police and the armed forces. This type of training is offered only to members of allied countries of the U.S. and Israel.

Israeli Tactical Shooting Course Summary: The Israeli shooting technique was developed as a direct result of terrorism and crime. It is a method of shooting that has been used successfully by the Israeli Special Forces and Israeli law enforcement agencies for many years. We also combine American and European styles, which in combination insure shooter high performance in real life threat situations. The style of shooting will be determined during negotiations and according to a certain or specific demands. Glock 17 and AR-15.

Israeli Defensive Tactics Course Summary: This course is highly recommended to all law enforcement and army agencies. CRI special defensive tactics method instructs how to effectively deal with severe crime and terrorist attacks in the field of hand-to-hand combat. In this course, 70% of the physical tactics include stealth techniques, knife fighting, weapon disarmament and retention as well as Israeli Kraav-Maaga and Aikido techniques against difficult situations such as severe chokes, grabbing, holding and several opponents.

Counter Sky-Jacking Course Summary: One of the most attractive and popular methods of terrorism is skyjacking which is used to extort people and governments worldwide. In spite of efforts made by airlines to increase security, terrorism in the sky continues to grow. The main concept of this course is to train pilots and other aircrew to deal with this unfortunate reality. The trainees will learn unique skills on how to deal with possible terrorist activity inside the plane both psychologically and physically. In addition, they will learn how to transfer information to intervention teams without the knowledge of the terrorists. This course is offered only to large commercial corporations in the U.S. or U.S.-friendly countries.

SWAT Tactical Training (Basic & Advanced) Course Summary: SWAT and Police tactical forces need to work in the most extreme and hard situations, which can involve hostages, high-risk drug arrests and other covert operations. Secrecy is an extremely important issue to these units which is why our description of the course subjects are very general. The SWAT teams will learn high shooting skills, train with interactive fighting courses, transportation intervention for cars, buses and trains. Also marine operations, ladder scaling techniques and entry methods, hand to hand fighting, booby traps and CQB. This course insures training to all team levels from the basic SWAT member on through the command chain.

Police Tactical Sniper Course Summary: Day and night the police marksman has a very crucial duty in SWAT team operation and, in case of hostages, the sniper is usually the most important link in the operation. In this course the student will learn basic marksmanship, ballistics, bodily injuries, management of sniper team, how to gather information, communication, dealing with several targets, pin point accuracy and how to work in coordination with other tactical force.

Riot Control Course Summary: Our team has known numerous riots and demonstrations, from peaceful assemblies to riots involving shooting. Our experience in this field is thought to be from the best in the world and very update. In this course we train both the average police officer and their commanders on how to deal with this delicate situation by using special weapons, mounted police, and the role of each part from a simple demonstration to an escalated one that involves live shooting on law enforcement. Also the trainees will learn how to use an armored car and avoid police officer hostage. Use of petrol bomb and other weapons types included.

Student-Provided Recommended Equipment: Notebook, pen and pencil, sunscreen, hydration system, shooting glasses, ear protection, appropriate clothing for seasonal inclement weather (hot, cold, rain or snow), weapons cleaning kit, (knit cap and brimmed) hat, knee and elbow pads, hiking or tactical boots, pants with cargo pockets, shooting gloves, tinted glasses, multi tool, range bag, and thumb drive for class photos. (No camouflaged clothing please.)

Provided by CRI: Course materials, weapons (when part of the course - Glock 17 & AR-15), meals during training, ear and eye protection, soft body armor, knee and elbow pads, holsters.

Ammunition: Students must provide all ammunition needed for the course (9mm, 223 and 7.62x39). This can also be purchased from CRI at our wholesale cost or shipped to us prior to the course.

Prerequisites that must be completed PRIOR to beginning the Training Course: Due to the extensive nature of the training during this course, a thorough background investigation will be conducted on all persons registering. CRI School reserves the right to require any trainee to undergo a polygraph test administered by CRI regarding any possible affiliation to a terrorist and or criminal organization. Persons who are convicted felons, have a documented history of mental illness, or have been convicted of domestic violence crimes (misdemeanor or felony) need not apply.

Forms: Registration Form, Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, Physician's Consultation, Background Check (please include photo ID copy).

For more information call: 702-222-3489 or E-mail us.
[Image: Button_27.jpg][/TD]



You are browsing the archive for Israel National Police Model.

Protecting Your Community From Terrorism: Are You Ready?

9:48 am in Counterterrorism, Featured, Posts, Terrorism by Brian Smith
[Image: Cops-masking-up-300x200.jpg]In the days after September 11, 2001, local and state law enforcement awoke to the fact that antiterrorism and counterterrorism methods needed to be integrated into the traditional policing role.
Over ten years after that fateful September day, many police agencies have gone back to the September 10th mindset. They do not provide terrorism awareness training to officers. Two reasons stand out above the rest; (a) little or no budget available, especially for smaller or remote departments and (b) complacency has set in. Incredibly, some areas have not dedicated even one officer for anti-terrorism training. A specially-trained terrorism liaison officer is needed in the very possible event that either "homegrown" terror or a foreign terror cell is operating in your community.
Immediately following 9/11, it was standing room only at weekly regional terrorism intelligence meetings at agencies across the country. But as the weeks, months, and years passed, the numbers dwindled except for the "regulars"; those who never lost sight of the looming threat. In some cases, those meetings have been reduced to only a few times a year.
I have interviewed numerous officers in various agencies since that time. They tell me that when they take a report of a suspicious incident that may relate to terrorism, they refer it to their state fusion center or send a copy of the report to the FBI and that's the end of it. There is no follow up and no communication with anybody as far as ongoing investigation is concerned. Many of these officers have commented that they believe that it is federal law enforcement's responsibility to investigate these matters because terrorism is a federal offense.
It's true that federal law enforcement has more resources than most local agencies. However, it is not only the federal government which bears the responsibility; it is also the local First Responder's job to investigate these incidents of potential danger.
As First Responders, we cannot remain in a pre-9/11 mindset. While not becoming paranoid, First Responders should understand that the threat of a terror attack is always looming. Even where terrorism is a major concern of federal law enforcement, the local, state, and campus police that interact with the general public should be the front line defenders. When we learn of a thwarted terror plot here on U.S. soil, we learn that these suspects lived and worked in OUR communities and traveled the streets daily.
The U.S. lacks local or state counter-terrorism training. Since the removal of some of the world's most dangerous terror perpetrators, this complacency seems to incubate itself deeper amongst the local police department's decision making fraternities. The essential priorities of many police agencies on incorporating terrorism awareness into their traditional policing strategies are simply lacking and, in turn, our communities are exposed.
The reaction, if a critical incident or mass casualty event occurs specifically due to a terror attack, will be exactly what the terrorist group or organization wants… chaos, carnage, and terror.
Implementing a terrorism policy is essential. This policy is a professional start to laying the groundwork for terrorism awareness training, intelligence gathering, dissemination, and most importantly, public awareness training.
If your agency does not have an antiterrorism policy in place, find an organization or agency that has a good policy and make it work for your department. Each agency has policies that dictate every facet of duties and responsibilities. Terrorism must be addressed. The guidelines dictated by policy, including training, intelligence gathering and sharing (within law enforcement and to the general public when necessary), as well as mutual aid in the event of a threat or critical incident, will save lives.
Counterterrorism in Daily Policing: The Israel National Police Model
On May 14, 1948 the state of Israel was formed. Within 24 hours, Israel was attacked by its neighboring countries. Israeli security forces have had a daily struggle against terrorism and there is no sign of that ending.
The Israel National Police (INP) was founded in 1974. Before that, the military had been in charge of the country's security. The INP structure was created following the British model. The model is similar to U.S. law enforcement agencies, but with one major difference: The emphasis on counterterrorism.
The INP has been using successful techniques that detect, delay, and deter terror attacks. In Israel, almost 90% of all terror attacks are stopped. Despite the daily threat of suicide bombers and rocket attacks, Israelis go about their daily lives with minimal inconvenience. They have adapted and learned to live with the threat.
For the INP, it's not just a matter of showing up for duty, working your shift, and punching out. Policing is a matter of survival for a nation. In Israel, every officer, no matter what rank, is a counterterrorism officer and responsible for identifying and thwarting the next potential terror attack.
The INP and their techniques have quietly been the counterterrorism model for police agencies worldwide for many years.
As someone who regularly trains with the INP, I have learned that the development of good counter-terrorism techniques in policing did not happen overnight for them. Their techniques have evolved over the years, but by being proactive, using intelligence-led policing, trend analysis, and "behavior profiling," they have learned to interdict the majority of terror attacks.
"Behavior Profiling" is not a new technique. As police officers on the street, we employ our "powers of observation" when evaluating a subject. We are actually "profiling" the behavior of a person based on their actions and body language, who possibly has committed or is about to commit a crime. That's what we are taught from Day One.
We just don't like to call this by its real name. Behavior profiling is used by security forces in airports and at the US Border to interdict a variety of crimes. El Al Airlines has been utilizing behavioral profiling techniques for years because it works!
It's not any different when it comes to counterterrorism methods in the US. Many of us in law enforcement are afraid to even use the word "profiling" in a sentence. History has taught us that there is no stereotypical terrorist, so the argument by some that racial profiling is being used by US law enforcement in antiterrorism efforts is not a valid one. Terrorists span all ages, race, gender, ethnic, and religious boundaries.
"Trend Analysis" is also a key thing we need monitor to help predict what type of future attacks we may encounter. For example, the November 26-29, 2008 Mumbai, India terror attacks were multi-pronged, involved active-shooter scenarios with multiple assailants, and caused significant damage. The results included 164 people murdered and over 300 seriously injured. The 2008 Mumbai attack lasted 3 days!
Terror groups around the world took note of the death and carnage caused by that one incident. Subsequently, we have seen a worldwide trend of attacks that closely resemble the Mumbai operation.
October 23, 2011, was the 28[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary of the Islamic Jihad suicide attack on the US Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon which killed 241 US Marines. This was the writing on the wall for modern-day, international terrorism against the United States. We did not recognize this warning until years later, because we did not understand who our enemy was, let alone this particular global threat.
Antiterrorism and counterterrorism MUST be part of 21[SUP]st[/SUP] century policing in America. It needs to be incorporated into basic recruit academy training and annual in-service training at a minimum. If you are a member of your agency's command staff or a department chief, you have a duty to those under your command to offer them the best terrorism awareness training available. It is a duty to your community to provide the necessary safeguards they need.
Many agencies don't provide the training time, overtime or funding for terrorism awareness seminars because they claim they can't afford it. Can your agency afford NOT to educate your officers on the threat? If you don't recognize the threat, how can you identify it and then defeat it?
Our enemies are conducting asymmetrical warfare on us and have been for some time. It's time we got out of that 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century mindset and take the fight to the enemy. That is how we will win this battle. This is what the INP has learned to do. It is working and saving lives.
Whether we want to admit it or not, we are at war. Our enemies do not discriminate between civilians and soldiers. They do not recognize sovereign borders. To them, a 5 year-old child is no different than a uniformed soldier on the battlefield. How many more lives have to be lost to 9/11-type tragedies, Mumbai or Beslan School-style massacres or Oklahoma City-type bombings before law enforcement recognizes the American way of life as we have known it is becoming a thing of the past?
It's OUR RESPONSIBILTY on the local, state and federal levels to protect our community, our homeland, and our way of life. We MUST be committed to detect, delay, and deter terrorism from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Ask yourself: Are you ready?
Detective Brian J. Smith is a 16-year veteran officer with a Boston-area police department. He is the Terrorism Liaison Officer with the Department of Homeland Security. Detective Smith is a DHS-certified antiterrorism instructor, firearms instructor, and specializes in dignitary/close-protection training. He is a former US Army Military Police member, where he began his counterterrorism training and law enforcement career. Brian is the president of BJ Smith Consulting, LLC. He serves as the U.S. Director of Operations for M.K. International Security Consulting, Ltd., one of Israel's top homeland security solutions companies. Brian consults throughout the US and internationally on mass-casualty response, cultural/ethnic diversity, and counterterrorism for local law enforcement. Brian regularly brings US-based public safety professionals to Israel to cross-train with the Israel National Police.
Brian can be reached at or visit the company websites at

Tags: 9/11, antiterrorism training, Counterterrorism in Daily Policing, Counterterrorism training,Domestic Terrorism, first responder, Homeland Security, international terrorism, Israel National Police, Israel National Police Model, police training, sleeper cell, terror cell
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Keith Millea Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:It is also my experience that those who claim dangerous combat experience have usually just experienced the military from the catering corp. :hobbyhorse:

The problem here is that there doesn't seem to be any real information about Gordon Duff's military career.So,who knows?It seems to me that as a so-called voice for Veterans,that he has an obligation to provide some details about his service.

Now,saying that,it does look like he did serve as a grunt for 4 months.If so,then I give him respect for that.
Sure 4 months as a grunt deserves respect, even 2 years in the safety of catering does in it own way but the dodgy journalism doesn't. That needs lots of careful handling and double checking and multiple supporting sources. I mean, just look who they use.... while they may use good sources like Gilad Atzmon and Sibel Edmonds they also use Jim Fetzer and Leo Wanta. And in any case despite the grandiose titles and corporate wannabe look it is just a small operation with a handful of core people there. And there is nothing wrong with that. I seriously doubt there is an international pay roll for the international correspondents. Just some cutting and pasting from other sources. Again not that there is any thing wrong with that. It's fine to be a small operation with a few bored veterans with an interest in politics looking for extra income from advertising to supplement the lousy military pensions. New York Times and The Independent they are not. Not that any one should want to be them either....They have actually handled some good stories from time to time, Col Sabow's murder and some of Tosh's stuff is there too, but others, mmmm....
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Despite attempts by some to shoot one of the messengers, namely Gordon Duff, it seems pretty clear from Ed's presentation of evidence that the paramilitarisation of America's police, under the guidance of Israel, is well underway.

Martial law is coming soon. In order to frighten the public into acquiescence, it will be immediately preceeded by some kind of apocalyptic terror event, all skillfully stage managed by the Zionist media, with the evil wrongdoers instantly identified, and with politicians and law enforcement agencies all eagerly nodding their assent.

After this, we'll finally get to see their real agenda.
Old news Mark. We had that here ages ago. Wakey wakey hands off snakey.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Mark, I'm saving my dimes from my bottle refunds.

Maybe one of them will be a prize-winner...

Will it be the methane from the Arctic?

Or the Louisiana-type catastrophe?

Some environmental warfare goodie? Chemtrails?


Economic collapse?

Some form of media-delivered neuro-mental degradation?

Visitations from outer space?



Total planetary collapse?

Massed or collective death ex machina (drone or otherwise)?

If even one of these things happen, there are going to be a lot of angry people on the streets looking for something, taking it if they can, hell-bent on violence (including most of the police responders and militarists).

What we can hope for is that we all learn to dance together:
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Mark Stapleton Wrote:Despite attempts by some to shoot one of the messengers, namely Gordon Duff, it seems pretty clear from Ed's presentation of evidence that the paramilitarisation of America's police, under the guidance of Israel, is well underway.

Martial law is coming soon. In order to frighten the public into acquiescence, it will be immediately preceeded by some kind of apocalyptic terror event, all skillfully stage managed by the Zionist media, with the evil wrongdoers instantly identified, and with politicians and law enforcement agencies all eagerly nodding their assent.

After this, we'll finally get to see their real agenda.

Wow, Mark, you are way out 'there'.....and at times Ed too. American Police are being militarized - the whole nation is....but to claim that Israel is only Zionists and that Israel and their friends in the USA and elsewhere are the ultimate evil and ultimate power in the World is more than a bit paranoid, IMO. Get a grip on reality. There are evildoers in many nations and some of them are working in concert. Many, in fact most, of them are NOT Zionists. You are over the top, as Magda has pointed out.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Mark Stapleton Wrote:Despite attempts by some to shoot one of the messengers, namely Gordon Duff, it seems pretty clear from Ed's presentation of evidence that the paramilitarisation of America's police, under the guidance of Israel, is well underway.

Martial law is coming soon. In order to frighten the public into acquiescence, it will be immediately preceeded by some kind of apocalyptic terror event, all skillfully stage managed by the Zionist media, with the evil wrongdoers instantly identified, and with politicians and law enforcement agencies all eagerly nodding their assent.

After this, we'll finally get to see their real agenda.

Wow, Mark, you are way out 'there'.....and at times Ed too. American Police are being militarized - the whole nation is....but to claim that Israel is only Zionists and that Israel and their friends in the USA and elsewhere are the ultimate evil and ultimate power in the World is more than a bit paranoid, IMO. Get a grip on reality. There are evildoers in many nations and some of them are working in concert. Many, in fact most, of them are NOT Zionists. You are over the top, as Magda has pointed out.
Mark is the Zionists biggest promoter. He should be getting a monthly check from them if he isn't already. He hangs around here telling all and sundry of their prowess and omnipotence. And I never see him or hear of him at the local Sydney events where people are actively and constructively working against the Zionist agendas. Bibi and Ben Gurion are proud of his work on their behalf.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Mark is the Zionists biggest promoter. He should be getting a monthly check from them if he isn't already. He hangs around here telling all and sundry of their prowess and omnipotence. And I never see him or hear of him at the local Sydney events where people are actively and constructively working against the Zionist agendas. Bibi and Ben Gurion are proud of his work on their behalf.

I think Bibi and co would be more proud of your work than mine.

On another thread, you urge me to choose a different suspect in the JFK assassination like a waitress at a roadside diner handing a customer the menu. That was quite bizarre.

I know you don't like hearing about Zionism. You prefer to close your eyes and hope it goes away. But it won't go away.

As for not seeing me at local Sydney events, what exactly are you trying to suggest here Magda?

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