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Cuban Missile Crisis 50th sploitation quote thread: Purpose is get new interest in new but neglected
new research which threads new light on to what degree some parts of the National Security State were pushing envelope independent of the Commander in Chief and or get more views to great articles, sites and books. Please post good quotes with their reference and a link if possible. I will spread them wherever I can , and I encourage others to do so too. We should not let the court historians cover up this pivotal glimpse into the nature of the national security state.
The editors of The Kennedy Tapes Ernest R. May & Philip D. Zelikow must defend or remove this sentence from page 439:

In November 1963 President Kennedy was murdered by a gunman who had long harbored grievances about Kennedy's hostility toward Castro's Cuba.

Oh really.

So the takeaway from this transcription and commentary is blah-blah-blah lone nut/no conspiracy.

Talk about the good is interred with their bones.

Okay, May and Zelikow, it was the Krazy Kommie Kook.

Let's see your 450-page book proving the above cited excrement.

Stand and deliver.

Such is the prostitution of scholarship to power.
Phil did you see what the author says of Zelikow and co in his book Averting The Final Failure? which is a different transcription of the Excom tapes? Very interesting!
JFK's Cold War Calculations at the National Archives. See my comment below the main article.

Check out Show #37 on Black Op Radio (May 3rd, 2001) where I discuss the Bay of Pigs in detail subsequent to receiving newly declassified documents from the National Archives that confirmed Fletcher Prouty's account.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)

While my objection was to the single sentence embracing the vile lie of lone-nut/no-conspiracy, Stern takes the editors to task over serial mistranscription altering the meaning of the president's and others' statments.


I agree with your placement of the blame for the cancellation of the final B-26 raid on the T-33s on Bundy whom you rightfully in my view credit with the craven authorship of NSAM 273.

I like the image of B-29s in your comment.

Isn't it the unspoken truth that the invasion at the time Dulles and CIA officers pitched it to Kennedy was nothing more or less than a time bomb.

The intent was clear: smear Kennedy with a glaring humiliation, a defeat seen as retreat by the Cuban exiles, the military leadership, the intelligence officers--thousands of trained killers seething with hatred, dreaming of vengeance.

Presenting David Sanchez Morales--we took care of that son of a bitch.

Certainly Give Us This Day is Hunt as Greek chorus of lament.

Hell, they wanted him to send in the B-29s. Destroy the village.

It was allowed to remain.

Las Vegas couldn't have been built otherwise.

Seriously, Kennedy saw wars of nationalism, hence, fatally, eschewed Vietnam.

Spooks rush in where angels fear to tread.

IMO, the "plan" unbeknownst to JFK was insidious: Allow the anti-Castro Cubans to become pinned on the beach by Castro's forces.
This was insured by Bundy delaying the pre-dawn airstrikes until after Brigade 2506 had landed on the beach thus alerting the
remainder of the small Castro Air Force, who then went airborne, disallowing their own destruction while still on the ground. This
was in direct opposition to Kennedy's last standing order. The gambit was simple: The Agency and the JCS were convinced that
the former Captain of PT-109, the same man who wrote Profiles in Courage, the same JFK who refused to leave any of his crew
behind and literally swam with the strap from one guy's life preserver clenched between his own teeth as he tugged him to safety,
they were certain that his will would be broken during crunch time when the reports of these men being pinned down came in. They
believed that only under such dire circumstances could they break him and force his hand to do their bidding by launching an all out
invasion, thus breaking International Law.

To accomplish this they needed to provide him with an "easy" alternative to the plan that they had "misconceived" once it went awry.
So they maneuvered the USS Essex close enough to make it the "go to" military bail out for the anti-Castro Cubans for whose cause
Kennedy was sympathetic. Never mind that such an act risked the eastern seaboard by pulling that carrier off of its current mission:
submarine watch. Never mind that employing the use of US military personnel and/or equipment violated NSC Directive 54/12 and
very likely could have sparked a Soviet reaction in Berlin thus creating an even more dangerous situation than that which we already
were facing.

They thought he was dangerous. They were intent on breaking him early in his first term. They miscalculated.

Then they attempted to throw him under the bus by blaming him for the fiasco. Of course, Kennedy being somewhat of a Truman
"The buck stops here" president, would have nothing to do with shirking his responsibility in the whole matter, and rightfully, took full
responsibility for it. Truth be told: JFK was bamboozled by the Intelligence Community and the military. His own "Best and Brightest"
whiz kids were completely outmatched, and some--one at the very least--appear to be complicit.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Greg, I think that interpretation is becoming more generally accepted than we in the US might know. It certainly jibes with Daniel Schorr's March,2001 report on NPR, in which he reported on a fortieth anniversary meeting of Cuban, US, and Russian historians by concluding that the meeting had come to the conclusion that "In effect, President Kennedy was the target of a CIA covert operation that collapsed when the invasion collapsed" (JFK and the Unspeakable, p.15) [Daniel Schorr, All Things Considered, March 26, 2001, hour 1 National Public Radio] The Full Schorr quote is GREAT ONE TO POST AROUND, GIVEN HIS IMPORTANCE IT IS A BATTERING RAM AGAINS THE READERS OF PROTECTIVE SI NEWHOUSE Staten Island Advance on The New Yorker. These moats... they're stormable!
After giving a speech at Rice University about sending a manned spacecraft to the moon, JFK went from the university stadium to downtown Houston, about a 4 mile trip (+/-) along Main Street. As a HS student attending school 2 blocks from Main at about midway in the trip, along with the other students and teachers, as a group, we took the short walk to see the the president. About the time JFK crossed Holman Street, I heard a small plane flying overhead, and looked up to see the plane and saw it was pulling a banner that read, "Enforce The Monroe Doctrine". This was of course after the Bay of Pigs incident, but before the Cuban Missile Crisis in October, 1962. Now, of course, I am curious as to who was responsible for the plane and the message.



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