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Boss Rove - Inside Karl Rove’s Secret Kingdom of Power & Dirtiest SOB in America
AMY GOODMAN: Our guest for the hour is Craig Unger, who has written Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove's Secret Kingdom of Power. In it, he writes, "Undeniably, he's back," talking about Karl Rove. "He has re-invented himself. He is not merely Bush's Brain; he's the man who swallowed the Republican Party. As the maestro orchestrating the various super-pacs, he has inspired the wealthiest people on the right to pony up what could amount to $1 billion and has created an unelected position for himself of real enduring power with no term limits. Karl Rove has become the ultimate party boss." Craig Unger, lay out his rise to power, his fall, and then his rise again.

CRAIG UNGER: Right. Well, I think a lot of people saw him as a creature of the Bush family, and then that was it, and then it was all over in 2008 when Bush left the White House. And that was not the case at all.

And it's worth going back to how he got power back in the 1980s. And there was not much of a Texas Republican Party in those years, partly because Texas had powerful conservative Democrats, like John Connolly and Lloyd Bentsen, so the big business people who normally would give to the Republicans said, "Well, why bother? We're getting what we want from Connolly and Bentsen." Rove got around that by creating political action committees, and he took an issue that seemed obscure at the time, known as tort reform. It's giving the rights of people to collect in product liability cases. And he went to Philip Morris, who put him on his payroll, and to big pharmaceutical companies and so forth and said, "Look, you guys risk billions and billions of dollars in product liability. Give a few million to my candidates, and we will take over the Texas Supreme Court, we'll take over the Texas legislature, we'll put George W. Bush in as governor, and we will save you billions of dollars." And he did precisely that. And he ended up withhe flipped thethe Texas Supreme Court was completely dominated by Democrats. It became completely Republican. And he ended up with some very loyal campaign contributors, like Bob Perrywho is no relation to Rick PerryHarold Simmons and so forth. These are Texas billionaires. And they've stuck with him for about 30 years. So, that's really the first phase.

The key moment then came in 2010, and this was the Republican Party was in crisis, as it appears to be again today. And if youMichael Steele was chairman of the RNC. And you may remember, in early 2010, there was an episode where Republican donors were being entertained at a lesbian bondage-themed strip club. And

AMY GOODMAN: In California.

CRAIG UNGER: In California, exactly. And partly as a result of that and other things, big money people just refused to give anything to the Republican Party.

AMY GOODMAN: And this was a time when the Republicanwhen the RNC was broke.

CRAIG UNGER: Absolutely, absolutely. It was also just after a landmark Supreme Court decision, Citizens United. And this opened the gateways for people to give unlimited contributions to super PACs. And so, Karl Rove had a luncheon at his home in Washington, D.C., on Weaver Terrace. He had about two dozen people there. These were the bigwigs init was co-sponsored by Ed Gillespie, who had been former chairman of the RNC. And he came away with millions and millions of dollars, and this represented the birth of the super PAC of American Crossroads, Crossroads GPS and so forth.

AMY GOODMAN: Now, before we go forward, I wanted to go back a little further to showto show Karl Rove's power during the Bush years, both in 2000 and thenyou devote an entire chapter to what happened in Ohio in 2004. And a lot of people might not remember this or might not have even known to begin with.

CRAIG UNGER: Right. Well, Rove did a lot of things that were sort of under the radar and that I think have enduring consequences, and they represent real threats to democracy. One of them was the U.S. attorneys scandal, and I think it was widely misunderstood. And, you know, this wasbecame best known when eight United States attorneys were fired for sort of not toeing the Republican Party line. Now, in fact, to me, the real question is not what happened in the unjust firing of those eight people; it's what about the other U.S. attorneys who were appointed by the Bush administration and were toeing the party line? What were they doing? And what we see happening is that they were prosecuting Democrats, essentially. This is bestit came through best inI think the most egregious case of this is in Alabama, and it's the case of former Democratic Governor Don Siegelman, who will probablyin early September, will face going to jail for eight years. And I think this is one of the most egregious, unjust acts we've seen from the Justice Department.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: I want to turn former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, who was found guilty in a 2006 corruption case. Critics say Siegelman was the target of a political witch hunt, in part orchestrated by former Bush administration deputy Karl Rove. Democracy Now! spoke to Siegelman about his case in early 2009. We asked if he believed Karl Rove was involved in his prosecution. Let's just go to his response.

DON SIEGELMAN: I was brought to trial one month before the Democratic primary by Karl Rove's best friend's wife, who was the U.S. attorney in the Middle District of Alabama, on charges that the New York Times said have never been a crime in America. Grant Woods, who's the Republicanwas the Republican attorney general from Arizona, said that they couldn't beat Siegelman fair and square, so they targeted him with this prosecution. We have sworn testimony from a Republican political operative, Jill Simpson, who said that she was on a conversation with my prosecutor's husband, who said that he had talked to Karl Rove, and Rove had spoken to the Department of Justice, and everything was wired in for them tofor the Department of Justice to pursue me.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: That's former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman speaking to Democracy Now! in 2006. Siegelman is now appealing his prison sentence three weeks before he's scheduled to report to federal prison to complete a more than six-year sentence.

CRAIG UNGER: Right. Well, I think Siegelman is absolutely right. I mean, it's not the prettiest part of the American political system, but it's sort of standard operating procedure that sometimes campaign contributors get political appointments. And in Siegelman's case, Siegelman personally got zero dollars. He appointed a contributor to a non-paying state-appointed position. And if he's to go to jailGeorge W. Bush gave appointments to over a hundred campaign contributors and was not prosecuted on any one of those. And it really has been standard operating procedure. Hundreds of ambassadors throughout the years, in one administration after another, have been campaign contributors.

And what you see that happenedand this is really under Rove's aegisis selective prosecution. And I think there's nothing more damaging democracy than when laws are applied only to one group. And as I began to research this, I saw that, you know, you may notice that a mayor of Alabama was indicted or investigated, a mayor of Honolulu was investigated just before an election, mayor of Miami, mayor of San Francisco. And all in all, I found mayors of 12 major cities. There's Cleveland; Detroit; Portland, Oregon; New Orleans; Chicago; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Memphis and Dallas. What do they all have in common? They are Democrats. They are governors and lieutenant governors from five statesAlabama, Hawaii, Michigan, New Jersey and Marylandand on and on, over 200 politicians, and 85 percent of them are Democrats. And I think there's no data suggests that the Democratic Party is seven times more corrupt than the Republicans.

AMY GOODMAN: But how do you tie this all to Karl Rove?

CRAIG UNGER: Well, there is the testimony, as Siegelman said, of a former Republican operative named Jill Simpson, and she testified before the House Judiciary Committee. Nowexcuse meRove in GQ magazine said she didn't dare mention his name. His name is in it zero times, zero times. I went back to the testimony. In fact, his name is in it at least 50 times, and it'sand she explicitly makes it clear that he was involved. What happened with the Siegelman prosecution is a colleague of Rove's named Bill Canary was sort of the Karl Rove out of Alabama. He was handling the Republican gubernatorial candidate, Republican senatorial candidates and so forth. And who was appointed U.S. attorney in Alabama but Canary's wife. So he was in this wonderful position. When he was running a campaign, his wife would simply indict the Democratic opponent. And that's exactly what happened.

AMY GOODMAN: So now let's go back to Ohio, in fact, Ohio and SMARTech. This is the one chance you ever had to question Karl Rove about that.

CRAIG UNGER: Exactly. And I met Karl Rove in Alabama, and I asked him. And he said, "SMARTech? What's that? I've never heard of it."

Well, SMARTech is a high-tech company in Chattanooga. And what you see with Rove's methodology is he manages to have things happen in his benefit, and there are no fingerprints. But I traced the ownership of SMARTech and its precursors, and the original company was funded by twoits precursor, rather, was funded by two Republicans named Bill DeWitt and Mercer Reynolds. Mercer Reynolds was finance chairman of the Republican Party. In '04, he raised about a quarter of a billion dollars for the Bush-Cheney campaign. And in the '80s, they had bailed out George W. Bush in his oil ventures, DeWitt and Reynolds had. So they were very, very close to him.

And this company started off as a very legitimate high-tech company in Chattanooga during the dot-com boom. It later reformed under a different name and different ownership, but by then it had become very much a political operation. So, this was a highly, highly partisan Republican high-tech company. It hostedits biggest clients included the Bush-Cheney campaign, it included Jeb Bush, it included the Republican National Committee. It streamed live the convention, the Republican convention.

And somehow or other, in 2004, in the state of Ohio, which was the single most crucial state in the electoral college, when it came to the actual voting, the secretary of state of Ohio, a guy named Ken Blackwelland the secretary of state's job is topart of it is to ensure fair, nonpartisan electionshappened to be co-chair of the Bush campaign. Now, there's no conflict there. And he gave a contract to host the fail oversight for the Republicanrather, for the votes in 2004, to none other than SMARTech. And this is where things went a little crazy.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: But how was that allowed to happen even? I mean

CRAIG UNGER: Well, I mean, I think it is a huge conflict of interest on the face of it for the secretary of state of a party to be affiliated with one campaign or the other. And we saw it, of course, in Florida in 2000 with Katherine Harris.

AMY GOODMAN: Well, 2004, election night, tell us the story.

CRAIG UNGER: Right, Well, about at 11:14 p.m., things started to happen, exactly 11:14 p.m. And as the votes came in, it was clear it was going to be an all-nighter in terms of the results. And around 11:00, Florida was called for Bush, and that meant the entire fate of the election hinged on Ohio. So, suddenlyexcuse methe servers for the secretary of state's computers were flooded with queries.

AMY GOODMAN: Ohio secretary of state.

CRAIG UNGER: Exactly. And they needed to lock into the fail oversight in Chattanooga with SMARTech. And this is where the results went a little crazy. And suddenly, an enormous number of irregular returns came in, and the votes shifted. The exit polls had shown Kerry winning Ohio, and therefore the election. And it looked like he had won the presidential election. I remember that day vividly because I was getting reports from the exit polls, and I went around telling people it looked like Kerry had won. But there was a 6.7 percent difference between the exit polls and the actual results. And as a result, the election ended up going to Bush. And that was the entire story.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: In writing about what happened in Ohio as well as in Alabama, one of the things that you say about Rove is that a case can be made that for the last three decades he's been putting a systematic attempt to game the American electoral system by whatever means necessary. What kind of vision does Karl Rove have for the Republican Party and for American politics?

CRAIG UNGER: Right. Well, I don't think he's an ideologue. I think he's about winning. And he's often been compared to a guy named Mark Hanna, who more than a century ago was the political mind behind President William McKinley. He was a senator from Ohio, but he was also a political operative who put McKinley in the White House and forged a realignment. There's always been this talk of a permanent Republican majority that Rove is trying to forge, and he sees it, the nation, as being entirely Republican. And, in fact, I think that's Rove's line, and I don't buy it.

He faces, and the Republican Party faces, an extraordinary challenge in thewith the Hispanic boom. There are now 50 million Hispanics in the United States. In 2020, at the current rate of growth, there will be 70 million. If they start to vote, they tend to lean heavily Democratic, and you will start to see states like Texas and Arizona flip from red to blue. And Rove is trying to stop that. And one campaign he's supported is what is known as a campaign fighting voter fraud. And as I found out, I think the fraud aboutthe Brennan Center at the NYU School of Law says the fraud aboutvoter fraud is itself a fraud. And there have only been 10 documented cases of people voting under false names in the first decade of this century. So, whybut in response to that minuscule number, there are campaigns in more than 30 states to have voterrequire voter IDs and so forth. This will inhibit voting from new immigrants, from minorities, from the elderly and so forth, who, again, lean heavily Democratic.

AMY GOODMAN: Before we go to break, I want to go one more time back to Ohio, because you really focus on these issues in the book. Michael Connell, who he was, and what his death meant?

CRAIG UNGER: Right. Well, he was known as Rove's sort of cyber-guru, and he had a company called New Media that washosted all its work at SMARTech, as Ithe company I mentioned earlier. And what you see there is, again, a highly partisan Republican operative who gets involved in what are supposed to be nonpartisan activities. And there were a number of things going on there. What first struck my attention is he got contracts to host the House Judiciary Committee, the House Intelligence Committee, a lot of government committees, which included emails and so forth of Democrats. And I thought back to Watergate, of course, when the Republicans broke in to get one file from the Watergate office. Here, they presumably had access to thousands and thousands of files for many, many years. Whether they used that or not, I don't really know.

They were alsoyou know, but Connellone of the things that's very interesting is how evidence disappeared again and again and again in this case. And what you saw is that in all of these scandalsin the U.S. attorneys scandal and the Valerie Plame scandalRove's emails were subpoenaed, and they were hosted at SMARTech. And, oops, millions of emails mysteriously disappeared. Now, these were supposedly under theprotected by the Presidential Preservation Records Act [Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act], and the destruction of government documents is a very, very serious crime. But every attempt to investigate turns up naught. And Mike Connell became increasingly an important witness in this case. He was subpoenaed once. There was a case investigating the 2004 election. He was supposed to testify again. And finally, before he could testify again, he died in a plane crash, in a solo private plane.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: I want to ask you about Stephen Spoonamore, a former John McCain supporter and a highly successful expert of the detection of computer fraud. In 2008, he named Mike Connell and his company, GovTech Solutions, as having played a crucial role in the electronic subversion of the vote in Ohio in 2004. I want to ask you more about Spoonamore, but first I want to turn to a 2008 interview Democracy Now! did with the media scholar Mark Crispin Miller shortly after Mike Connell died in a plane crash. In this clip, Miller says Connell asked Spoonamore how one would go about destroying White House emails.

MARK CRISPIN MILLER: Stephen Spoonamore is a conservative Republican, a former McCain supporter and a very prominent expert at the detection of computer fraud. He's the star witness in the Ohio lawsuit, right, in which Connell was involved. He has done extensive work of this kind, involving computer security, and had therefore worked with Connell, knew Connell personally and knew a lot of the people who were involved in the sort of cyber-security end of the Bush operation.

Despite his conservatismor I suppose some would say because of ithe's a man of principleI mean, believes in the Constitution. He believes elections should be honest. He's the one who came forward and named Connell.

And I have seen his notes of a conversation in which Connell asked Spoonamore how one would go about destroying White House emails. To this, Spoonamore said, "This conversation is over. You're asking me to do something illegal." But clearly, clearlythis is the important pointMike Connell was up past his eyeballs in the most sensitive and explosive aspects of this crime family that, you know, has been masquerading as a political party.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: That was Mark Crispin Miller speaking to Democracy Now! Do you think Ohio 2004 was stolen, and do you think it's possible that something like that could happen in the 2012 election?

CRAIG UNGER: Well, there was no question there was massive fraud. If you want to actually count the votes, unfortunately it's impossible because so much evidence was destroyed. And then that's why Mike Connell was such an important witness, and his death meant thatyou know, I quotedI talked to Mike Connell's sister, who said eitherthere are only two possibilities, really, that Connell was murderedand I don't see any evidence of thator that he was in an accident, in which case Karl Rove is the luckiest man alive.

Could this happen again? I thinkyou know, I think electronic voting is very, very dangerous, and it's very easy to manipulate. But I also found evidence in Ohio of extraordinary kinds of fraud that could happen with punchcard ballots, as well, through very elaborate and byzantine means ofknown as cross-voting. And I think a lot of people don't realize, when you go into a voting booth and you see another voting booth nearby, if you voted the same way in the adjoining booth, in the wrong booth, or if your punchcard is counted by the different computer, it would register to a different vote. And we saw this happened

AMY GOODMAN: I don't understand.

CRAIG UNGER: Well, in Ohio, they have what is known as a rotation of ballot. That is, they decide thatwhoever's at the top of the ballot has roughly a 2 percent advantage over the candidate below him. So, to compensate for that, they actually rotate the ballot sequence from one precinct to another, which makes a certain amount of sense. But the voter doesn't know that. Now, if your

AMY GOODMAN: So you might have Romney on top in one ballot, Obama on top on another ballot.

CRAIG UNGER: Exactly. So precinct one has Romney on top. If it's counted by precinct two, however, the vote goes to the wrong person. And we saw a lot of that in Ohio. And the giveaway was in an African-American precinct, where there were third-party people on the ballot there, including a white supremacistsomeone linked to a white supremacist party. And suddenly in this African-American precinct, thisand African Americans tend to be very, very disciplined Democratic voters. They've been 95 percent Democratic in the past. And suddenly, this man who is linked to a white supremacist got 40 percent of the vote. And you could see exactly what had happened.

AMY GOODMAN: We're talking to Craig Unger. His new book is Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove's Secret Kingdom of Power. When we come back from break, how Karl Rove barely escaped indictment and rose to be the biggest powerhouse, political powerhouse, in America today. Stay with us.


AMY GOODMAN: "MC Rove," performed at the 2007 Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner, with NBC's David Gregory, Karl Rove among the backup dancers. Yes, this is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I'm Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh. And we're speaking with Craig Unger. His new book, Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove's Secret Kingdom of Power. We're going to turn right now to another scandal involving Karl Rove, the outing of former CIA agent Valerie Plame. The Bush administration outed her in retaliation for her husband Joe Wilson's accusations that President Bush lied about Iraq's alleged efforts to purchase uranium form Niger before the Iraq war. It was the whole deceit around weapons of mass destruction. Let's begin by playing the famous comment of Joe Wilson in 2003.

JOSEPH WILSON: At the end of the day, it's of keen interest to me to see whether or not we can get Karl Rove frogmarched out of the White House in handcuffs.

AMY GOODMAN: That was the famous comment of Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame's husband, frogmarching Karl Rove out of the White House in handcuffs. Craig Unger, explain what the Valerie Plame scandal was and what Karl Rove had to do aboutwith it and why he was almost indicted.

CRAIG UNGER: Right. Well, the Valerie Plame scandal, of course, wasJoe Wilson had been an ambassador to African countries. He was sent to check out allegations that the Republic of Niger had sold or was trying to sell yellowcake uranium to Saddam Hussein. This became part of the 16 words in President Bush's State of the Union address that called for war against and launched the war against Iraq. And the allegations, of course, were not just false, but they were based on forged documents. And worse than that, the forged documents had been revealed as forgeries, I found at least 14 times, within the administration before Bush's speech, but they still got in it, and the war went ahead with it.

Since Wilson had discovered they werethe allegations were false, he later wrote a very famous column, an op-ed piece in the New York Times, saying what I found in Africa ["What I Didn't Find in Africa"], and he revealed that. And this was destroying the Rovian narrative, the Bush administration's narrative. So, in retaliation, they outed his wife, Joe Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, who was a CIA agent, and exposed her. And that's what it was all about. And this showed that they would stop at nothing to maintain their narrative. They were trying to discredit Joe Wilson. I think they sort of didn't realize exactly how far they were going. And this was potentially a crime, so this started the whole Valerie Plame investigation.

Now, Bush said he would fire anyone who was responsible for this leak. And one thing that's absolutely clear is that Rove, though he was not the only oneScooter Libby was later indicted and convictedRove played a very, very key role in this. And he did leak Valerie Plame's namerather, her identity, that she was a wife. At one point he said, "I didn't say her name." Well, he said this is Joe "Joe Wilson's wife is a CIA agent. She set up everything." And he told that to Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper. So, and Rove went on to lie about it again and again.

I think there's, oddly enough, a link in those two clips you just showed of MC Rove dancing with the press and Joe Wilson, because what is important here, in some way, is the press's complicity with this. What you see is, when Karl Rove is your source, you are beholden to him. I read Bob Novak's memoirs, the late columnist, who was the man who first printed Valerie Plame's name. And he says, rather tellingly, that "Karl Rove was my A-plus source for many, many years." And he was sort of Novak's meal ticket. And Novak goes on to say, "But when that happens, of course, you never write a critical word about him." And a lot of the press was like that. And you see in that clip a lot of the correspondents dancing with Rove.

AMY GOODMAN: How did Rove escape indictment? I mean, Scooter Libby went down, Judith Miller.

CRAIG UNGER: Well, I think it was by a sheer stroke of luck. And there was a woman reporter at Time magazine named Viveca Novakno relation to Bob Novak. And she would have drinks occasionally with Rove's lawyer, Bob Luskin. And occasionally, theyduring one conversation, Rove's lawyer said, "Well, Karl is in danger from Matt Cooper at Time." And she let it slip that, yes, he was. And this wasso, suddenly, Rove was being called before the grand jury, I think a total of five times. He had said again and again that he had not leaked it to anyone. He said that he didn't recall any conversation with Matt Cooper. This turned out to be a lie, frankly. He had told this to Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary. He had told it to President Bush. This had been his story again and again. And he was finally caught in a lie, and now his attorney realized it. So Rove willingly asked to go back to the grand jury and correct the information. And on that basis alone, I believe he escaped a perjury indictment.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: You also talk in your book about Rove's relationship to the judiciary. You say that no other political strategist in history has ever been so deeply indebted to the U.S. Supreme Court, and you talk about a couple of key decisions that went along with what Rove was lobbying for.

CRAIG UNGER: Right, exactly. I mean, there are two United States Supreme Court decisions that are among the two most controversial in history. And one, of course, is in 2000, Bush v. Gore, and the Supreme Court, by a five-to-four margin, effectively appointed Rove's candidate president of the United States. And again in 2010, also by a five-to-four majority, the Citizens United decision opened the gateway for the super PACs and for the billion dollars Rove controls today.

And Rove has always known this, I think, about the judiciaryexcuse me. In Texas inback in the '80s, he started taking over the Texas Supreme Court, and he flipped it from heavily Democratic to heavily Republican. He did the same in Alabama. A lot of people don't realize he had a real power base in Alabama. And he played a key role in the appointment of U.S. attorneys. And it's alsoone of his clients was John Ashcroft of Missouri, and Rove madegot him appointed attorney general of the United States.

AMY GOODMAN: And he was one of the names being mentioned if Akin were to pull out.


AMY GOODMAN: We only have a minute to go. As you wrote this book, as you wrote Boss Rove, what most surprised you? What do you think it's most important to understand about this man who has now become perhaps the most powerful political operative in America?

CRAIG UNGER: Well, I think it's the enduring aspect of the changes. We see it in the Siegelman going to jail, that this isthis started over 10 years ago with Siegelman, and now he's going to jail perhaps for eight years. I just think it's an absolute travesty. And Siegelman is just one example out of dozens and dozens. So, you have what I think are real threats to democracy that have a lasting power, and with things like the voter suppression drive, that thesea lot of these issues are real threats to democracy.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
There Is A Brutal Civil War In The GOP, And It Looks Like Karl Rove Will Be The First Casualty

Grace Wyler | Nov. 10, 2012, 5:58 PM |


Grassroots Republican operatives and Movement conservatives are quickly turning against the GOP Establishment in the wake of the party's expensive defeat this election cycle. Republicans we spoke to this week voiced a near-universal disgust with the national Republican Party leaders and Washington political class, who are seen as having put their personal financial interest above winning the election.
As this internecine struggle gathers steam, the first target appears to be Karl Rove, the former Bush campaign mastermind who has dictated much of the GOP's strategy over the past decade.
In the wake of the party's 2012 losses, however, Rove and his well-funded American Crossroads super PAC have become a symbol of misguided Establishment strategy, party cronyism, and Beltway bloat. The fall from grace is perhaps unsurprising, given his group's disastrous performance this cycle. According to a new report, American Crossroads got a mere 1% return on its $104 million investment in 2012 races.
For social conservatives, Rove's treason began long before election day, when the Fox News contributor led the party's tar-and-feathering of Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin, who came under fire for his now infamous "legitimate rape" comments. The party's perceived betrayal of Akin confirmed what many grassroots conservative activists had long suspected: That the Republican Establishment was willing to throw the base under the bus to serve the interests of deep-pocketed donors.
Chief among Rove's critics is David Lane, a powerful evangelical kingmaker and conservative operative who organizes briefings between pastors and politicians. In an email obtained by Business Insider, Lane lays out his criticism of Rove and sets the stage clearly for the coming war between the GOP Establishment and the party base.
Lane writes:
Karl Rove presents a different problem -- while [evangelical leaders] are politically naive (from my angle) Karl is not, he's as shrewd as a serpent.
Karl is far more the presidential Republican primary in 12', Karl stepped on Rick Perry and then Newt Gingrich every chance he got albeit with deceit and sophistication and elevated Mitt Romney at strategic, crucial points along their way to the Republican nomination Rove's candidate.
As an example of how sophisticated Rove is…Karl Rove was out raising money to keep Santorum alive until they could kill Newt Santorum basically ran for Governor of Iowa in 2011, visiting all 99 counties; Santorum, out of Iowa, had no organization, no money and no chance in 2012 to be the Republican nominee; he was only a stalking horse for Mitt Romney Rove kept Santorum alive until he could kill Rick Perry first, and then Newt Gingrich.
It's instructive to note that Santorum placed 3rd in the South Carolina Presidential Primary the third week of January, and placed 3rd again the next week in Florida yet Rove [by encouraging GOP donors to donate Santorum] was able to parlay two third place finishes into a $1M shot of money to keep Santorum alive...this is political gamesmanship on a whole other level, plus access to unlimited money.
That FOX News and the The Wall Street Journal worked out a hefty financial contract with Karl Rove is of no concern to me, Karl has every right to be paid well and like me participate in the political process. But giving Karl Rove the perch as a neutral analyst and an unbiased observer -- honest broker when in reality Karl is driven by his desire to enhance his clients and/or personal interests corrupts the process.
Being whipsawed…[by] Karl Rove & the GOP chieftains and lieutenants has to be dealt with on our way toward 2016.
Attacks on the GOP Establishment and Washington political class have not been limited to Rove. In a post leading the conservative site RedState this weekend, the Romney campaign is accused of being a "con job," in which consultants spun "false data as truth in order to paint a rosy picture of a successful campaign as a form of job security."
The feeling that Republicans were duped by their own is echoed around the conservative blogosphere, as right-leaning writers, activists, and the party's rank-and-file collectively process how the GOP lost an election that less than a year ago looked to be in the bag. These tweets, from editor John Nolte, provide a good illustration:
[TABLE="class: image-container, width: 200"]
[TD][Image: john-nolte-tweets.jpg]
Twitter / @NolteNC[/TD]

And among Republicans, there is a sense that the Establishment is getting what it deserves. In an email to Business Insider, one GOP strategist summed it up:
"A party who won't paint in bold colors, who puts out flawed messengers, who doesn't focus on fundamentals, who pisses off the young and the libertarian, well, that party just got what was coming to it."
[B]Now watch Karl Rove's epic election night meltdown > [/B]

Read more:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I hope the Koch Bros. and other fat cat donors who thought the World was up for sale got a nice bitter taste of defeat. I personally think the Republican Party will fracture into at least if we can get the Democrats to do the same, maybe we can get to a muliti-party system that allows all ideas being heard, DEBATED, and voted upon....dream on.....the string pullers are still in control.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Letter from Anonymous to Karl Rove

The hacktivist group Anonymous is claiming credit for Mitt Romney's loss, alleging that ORCA, Karl Rove's GOTV ubercomputer, was actually a vote tabulation manipulation software.

We began following the digital traffic of one Karl Rove, a disrespecter of the Rule of Law, knowing that he claimed to be Kingmaker while grifting vast wealth from barons who gladly handed him gold to anoint another king while looking the other way.After a rather short time, we identified the digital structure of Karl's operation and even that of his ORCA. This was an easy task in that barn doors were left open and his wind swept us inside.
Before the election Anonymous sent out a warning to Mr. Rove. In my mind what I had imagined transpiring was that after the election, Anonymous would release two spreadsheets, the former being the precinct-correct tally, and the second being the post-manipulation tally. An audit would discover that the "official" tally did not match the pre tabulation numbers, and to no one's surprise the audit would reveal that the actual vote count matched the precinct-correct tally on Anonymous' spreadsheet.But that would have allowed the damage to be done, in order to catch the criminals. Mitt Romney would have already been declared president, and it would take months of court proceedings to reverse the election, amid cries of "stealing the election!" from both sides.
Had it been effective, it would have ruined the Republican brand forever, or at least the next two years, whichever voters remember longer. Given that they were so ready to forget the failures of George W. Bush, I don't have faith in the permanence of that notion.
So the better route was to "close the barn doors" and prevent the manipulation from happening.

We coded and created, what we call The Great Oz. A targeted password protected firewall that we tested and refined over the past weeks. We placed this code on more than one of the digital tunnels and their destination that Karl's not so smart worker bees planned to use on election night. We noticed that these tunnels were strategically placed to allow tunnel rats to race to the server sewers from three different states. Ah yes, Karl tried to make it look like there were more than three but we quickly saw the folly of his ploy.
We watched as Karl's weak corrupters repeatedly tried to penetrate The Great Oz. These children of his were at a loss-how many times and how many passwords did they try-exactly 105.
The skeptics among us might be quick to dismiss this story, but I say not so fast. We do know that Anonymous exists, and they have been adept at penetrating servers. They have revealed gaping security holes, disabled websites in the name of a free and open internet, and even launched cyber attacks against the Pentagon. They stole NYPD surveillance video of OWS protesters. Though unconfirmed, they claim to have stolen one million Apple UDIDs from an FBI laptop. There is no doubt that Anonymous, however ambiguous or loosely affiliated it may be, is real. And frankly they have proven themselves to be less bullshit prone than our politicians and broadcast media outlets.Do you remember the hubris with which Karl Rove entered the election? How he was devastated and apoplectic at the Fox News brain trust for having called Ohio for Obama? Mitt Romney didn't even have a concession speech prepared, and while it's easy to chalk that up to yet another inept step in his stumbling campaign, it's easier to believe that it was a concrete example of his entitlement in action.

3:03 PM PT: H/T to Wonkette who appears to have broken the story first.
[B]10:49 PM PT: I have waded through most of the comments and the charges that this is a Conspiracy Theory diary. The "news" aspect of this story is that someone, or someones claiming to be THE anonymous, alleges that they prevented a hacking of the vote in 3 states. I'm not saying one way or the other if this actually happened, but I do assert that a group calling themselves "anonymous" are easily capable of doing just that. There is very little original content posted here, so don't rag on me because the Orca server did not belong to Karl Rove. I'm not the one who says it did. To borrow a slogan, I report, and you decide.[/B]



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