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Exposing the Phony Rifle Purchase of C2766
As most of you know by now, I found records of an interview with:

Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, Inc. 2007
Interview of Former Special Agent of the FBI
Nat A. Pinkston (1940 1968)
By Brian R. Hollstein
On July 19, 2007

In this interview Mr. P claims to have intercepted Day while he had the rifle:

Pinkston: So I was the first Agent there. And I got up to the sixth floor
where they were searching and I ran into Carl Day, who I knew
quite well, who was head of the Identification Division at the
Police Department.
Hollstein: Uh-huh. Now this was at the Book Repository?
Pinkston: Yes. And he was holding a rifle in his hands. He told me that
they'd just found the rifle and that they thought it was the one
used in the assassination. So I took a complete description of
the gun, from the gun, while he was holding it and I started out
to try and identify the gun.
Well, I had an informant who was a pawn broker and a
licensed gun dealer, very well acquainted with firearms, he'd
been in business a long time. And I went to him and described
the gun to him and he said, "Well, there were a lot of those
guns sold and they were sold in Dallas by Titche-Goettinger
Company." Which was a large department store and it had a
sporting goods department. So, I went to them and they had
excellent records. They went through them and they said, "We
have no record on the gun of that serial number. But, if we
didn't sell it, it almost had to come from Klein Sporting Goods
Store in Chicago." And he gave me the number of Klein's …
and the address. So I went back to the office and we sent a
teletype to Chicago to check at Klein's Sporting Goods. Well,
by this time of the day, they had closed up for the weekend.
So, one of the Agents there went out and picked up the
manager of the store and took him back to the store, and in
about fifteen minutes they had a record that this gun. This
particular rifle had been sold by Klein Sporting Goods Store to
A. J. Hidell, to a Post Office Box in Dallas.
Hollstein: Uh-huh.
Pinkston: Well, before I got that information, I went to the police
department where they had the personal effects of Oswald …
that they had taken away from him when they arrested him.
Hollstein: Uh-hmm.
Pinkston: And in his personal effects was identification in the name of A.
J. Hidell. The same Post Office Box.

except that's not what Lt. DAY has to say and I have yet to find corroborating evidence for Pinkston's story

Mr. McCLOY. There was never any doubt in your mind what the rifle was from the minute you saw it?
Mr. DAY. No, sir; It was stamped right on there, 6.5, and when en route to the office with Mr. Odum, the FBI agent who drove me in, he radioed it in, he radioed in what it was to the FBI over the air.

Suffice to say - Lt. DAY nor ODUM nor anyone else so far has mentioned Mr. PINKSTON... and this statement seems to mean that ODUM is the source of the rifle's Serial # to the FBI sometime between 2pm and 3pm

Mr. DAY. I took the gun at the time to the office and locked it up in a box in my office at Captain Fritz' direction.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. DAY. I went back to the School Book Depository and stayed there. It was around three that I got back, and I was in that building until about 6, directing the other officers as to what we needed in the way of photographs and some drawing, and so forth. - [TABLE]
[TD]Pinkston, Nat A.[/TD]
[TD]WC Testimony[/TD]
[TD]Employee, TSBD.[/TD]

Mr.. BALL. Now, you did not receive a letter from the Commission asking you to testify, did you?
Mr. PINKSTON. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. You were asked to come over here by Mr. Shanklin?
Mr. BALL. At my request, wasn't it?
Mr. PINKSTON. Well, I---
Mr. BALL. Anyway, you were asked to come over here by Mr. Shanklin and he advised you that your deposition would be taken at that time?

The only thing discussed is PINKSTON's interaction with the clipboard on Dec 2nd. That's it. One would think that he may be telling someone else's story, or making up his own for that 2007 interview...

But I'll keep looking

Attached Files
.jpg   64-09-23 CIA memo related to ODUM showing Marguerite a photo of Mystery Man who she thought and .jpg (Size: 746.38 KB / Downloads: 1)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
This is starting to look like he spoke with Holmes and not Day.

Pinkston: Uh-huh. He was in custody. We proved that it was his gun.
Also, he had also bought a revolver from the same sporting
goods store and that's the one he killed the policeman with …
it was in his possession when he was arrested.

This is the page Curry and Livinston claimed was found in the Paine garage and is from "Guns and Ammo" (Moyer)

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8095&stc=1]

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.jpg   klein ad for guns.jpg (Size: 281.19 KB / Downloads: 28)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Yeah, Harry Holmes, it does look that way.

Bad mistake by Pinkston.
David Josephs Wrote:Albert - I can conclude Kleins never had C2766 or the other 99 FC rifles listed.

But Klein's did switch from 36 inch to 40 inch in their advertizing right?
Albert Doyle Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:Albert - I can conclude Kleins never had C2766 or the other 99 FC rifles listed.

But Klein's did switch from 36 inch to 40 inch in their advertizing right?

Yes but not until April 1963. From April 1963 until Nov 22 Kleins advertised a 40" FC rifle. the only shipment of 40" rifles we have evidence for is the Feb 1963 shipment of the famous 100.

Are we actually to accept that in that time period not a single C20-T750 (the same item # as the 36" TS Carbine) is sold from the 99 remaining rifles?

There were over 900 orders on that microfilm yet the "smoking gun" - Kleins shipping the 40" FC for any and all C20-T750 orders - would have been right along side Hidell's order. Kleins would aggregate orders and when sufficient amounts are ordered Kleins would order from Crescent and in turn Rupp would be contacted to remove rifles from storage and prepare them for shipment.

If Klein's was shipping the FC in March for a March C20-T750 Order they must have had many more C20-T750 orders between Mar 62 and Feb 63 (why anyone would wait 8-10 months for a $20 rifle is beyond me) and were now filling them. In and around those 900 orders would be other C20-T750 orders related back to the VC=Serial #'s page of Scibor.

No such luck. Until found or corroborated - those other 99 rifles and the evidence related to them gives us the impression they never existed. The obvious refusal to illuminate these rifles or to show proof of the Kleins substitution in any other order simply screams that the C2766 evidence from Kleins is completely fabricated.

When you then add in the microfilm conflicts with DOLAN and his 2 FBI associates and the subsequent copying and production of evidence of said Microfilm the resulting "evidence" becomes les and less believable

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8099&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8100&stc=1]

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.jpg   April 1963 ad for C20-T750 a 40 inch rifle at 7 lbs - same clip art same price.jpg (Size: 108.29 KB / Downloads: 17)
.jpg   Kleins-Sporting-Goods-Ad-February-1963 and prior ads.jpg (Size: 460.86 KB / Downloads: 17)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
The famous 100 shipping crate weighed too little to be 100 40 inch rifles.
Albert Doyle Wrote:The famous 100 shipping crate weighed too little to be 100 40 inch rifles.

Since that shipment never existed, it's a moot point to debate what was in it.

Furthermore, if we take any of that evidence seriously, the one carton NOT checked off the Lipschultz manifest was 3376 - the one slip with C2766

And it's not really the point. This document leads to the recording of a 2/22 delivery of 100 rifles listed on these slips and then transferred to Scibor's list while
being given VC #'s.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8101&stc=1]

Furthermore - does it make any sense to open these cartons and then not record the serial numbers sequentially on the VC pages, then go to the next carton?

I started to go thru these VC #'s and find that there is no rhyme or reason to how these cartons were opened (if they were ever actually at Kleins) and the VC #'s recorded.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the same color or same size highlight means all those rifles came from the same Carton.

How does VC 789 and VC 840 come from the same carton ?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8102&stc=1]

Mr. BELIN. Where is Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 4 filed customarily?
Mr. SCIBOR. That is filed in a ,desk drawer back in the receiving department, which I designated that those should be filed.
Mr. BELIN. Do you have any master control ledger or book of any kind that has these control numbers on them?
Mr. SCIBOR. Yes. One copy is sent to what we call the booking department, and those are put into a master book, control book.

Mr. BELIN. Are you required by law to keep records of serial numbers of guns?
Mr. SCIBOR. Yes.
Mr. BELIN. And do you find on Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 4 your control number for a rifle with the serial number C-2766?
Mr. SCIBOR. Yes.
Mr. BELIN. What is your control number?
Mr. SCIBOR. VC-836.
Mr. BELIN. How are these serial numbers obtained for placement on Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 4?
Mr. SCIBOR. Directly off the guns.
Mr. BELIN. Does someone actually look at the gun?
Mr. SCIBOR. Yes; someone looks; visually they are taken off the guns.
Mr. BELIN. We want to thank you very much, sir, for your cooperation in helping obtaining this information.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8103&stc=1]

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.jpg   vc and seriel numbers from waldman.jpg (Size: 354.54 KB / Downloads: 20)
.jpg   Scribor -sic- not cooperative - why.jpg (Size: 114.46 KB / Downloads: 19)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
I have a question, do you know if the serial numbers off the rifle found at the TSBD are those that matched to Oswald's? It really wouldn't have been that hard to set up Oswald, even if A. Hidell's postal money order was never stamped as paid by the bank. That only indicates the plotters did NOT want that postal money order to reach the bank but why? Because the bank would have had to turn it over to the postmaster, and the postmaster would have declared the money order a forgery, which would have opened a whole new can of worms, so rather then the postal money order being declared a forgery it's better to prove that Oswald had an ID as the alias A. Hidell, who else knew he had that alias too?

It's not looking very good for those who believe Oswald acted alone.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:I have a question, do you know if the serial numbers off the rifle found at the TSBD are those that matched to Oswald's? It really wouldn't have been that hard to set up Oswald, even if A. Hidell's postal money order was never stamped as paid by the bank. That only indicates the plotters did NOT want that postal money order to reach the bank but why? Because the bank would have had to turn it over to the postmaster, and the postmaster would have declared the money order a forgery, which would have opened a whole new can of worms, so rather then the postal money order being declared a forgery it's better to prove that Oswald had an ID as the alias A. Hidell, who else knew he had that alias too?

It's not looking very good for those who believe Oswald acted alone.

Hey there Scott - Great question

Day had his secretary type of some info on the rifle which included:

DAY: On the gun itself, "6.5 caliber C-2766, 1940 made in Italy." That was what was on the gun. I dictated certain other stuff, other information, for her to type for me

I do have a HUGE image of Day carrying the rifle just outside the TSBD yet you cannot make out any writing on that part of the rifle... we need to use CE521

I know of no images of these markings prior to the rifle leaving Dallas.

I have not found an image that is not ruined by light reflection in the most key of locations.

Does anyone have another MC photo showing this "CAL. ? 5" area?

And "Made Italy" seems scratched in, not stamped on...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8107&stc=1]

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.jpg   Rifle markings - CAL -.5 and scratched in Made Italy.jpg (Size: 613.47 KB / Downloads: 10)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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