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I call this topic "Standing my Ground"
It must have slipped my mind, but Tia, I'm not sure if I'm spelling her name correctly, she was the woman who once dated Thieu Van, perhaps, you can find this information in the Norwalk newspaper?
If I may, for all those experts out there, may I put this into prospective? Cambodia didn't like Diem much, Kennedy and his administration didn't like Diem much, some of Diem's generals didn't like Diem much, France was practically forced into liberating South Vietnam from the Diem brother's by Kennedy, Thi was her name, Thi Van, Vietnamese who once dated Thieu Van was the conduit between Richard Chandler and Ed Kaiser who fought in the Indochina war recruited for the assassination of the Diem brother's.

Their children, Richard's and Thi's children, all three still live up North. Richard Jr. and Jimmy still live in Norwalk, and their daughter lives in Massachusetts. I've known them ever since I was born, is it a coincidence that my father also knew Hunt and Sturgis, how about the man who raised me after my father's death Pastor Victor Toranzo, who was Fidel Castro's pastor during the revolution, just another coincidence? How is it that my father is the only one who knew who kid napped Juan Manuel Fangio? Or, that Watergate ran in our family, much deeper than Hunt or Sturgis, just another coincidence?

I told you, I will expose Kennedy's assassination and Watergate whether you want to believe me, like it or not, no one can argue facts.

They never wanted to share this information, however, I thought it important enough to tell the story, now, with their permission, the story is told.
After having a long conversation with my mother today, I asked her how was it that Richard and his family was able to come to the United States, she replied, "Richard and his family needed a sponsor and a job waiting for him when he arrived." She said, "your father and I tried to help Richard and his family come to Norwalk since 1962," I said, so when did they get here, when was it that they were able to enter the United States, my mother said, "shortly after you were born in 1964 is when he was able to come."

After having a long conversation with my mother regarding Richard's entry into the states, she said, "Richard and Thi remained in France until they were able to receive their visas," as I hung up the phone, I realized then, how was my father able to sponsor Richard and his family if my father was not an American citizen and held a French visa himself?

Perhaps, I'll never have the answers, and I'm not sure how my father was able to sponsor Richard and his family if my father wasn't an American citizen. What I do know is that my father was not around for "days at a time" according to my mother, her words, and Richard is now able to enter the United States shortly after my birth? Which would have been in 1964. After president Diem's assassination, interesting.
My mother nor am I sure of any visa's being issued to Richard or Thi, my father has an alien regeneration number that I was able to track down, but, I've never seen one for Richard or Thi. Just how were they able to enter the United States is anyone's guess. I do know that my father told Richard to board a plane, they did, and they arrived in the United States, if they didn't enter with a visa, how else were they able to enter?
​Mr Kaiser, your recent posts indicate that you were born in 1964, but your post #132 indicates, doesn't say, but indicates you were born on or before 11/22/1963. Just for clarification.


LR Trotter Wrote:​Mr Kaiser, your recent posts indicate that you were born in 1964, but your post #132 indicates, doesn't say, but indicates you were born on or before 11/22/1963. Just for clarification.

On 11/22/1963 my mother was seven months pregnant with me, when I say, "he magically appears around midnight at the home we were all staying at in Norwalk Conn on 11/22/1963. He then takes off again to film Kennedy's funeral." I meant my father did these things while my mother was still pregnant with me at seven months and after my mother giving birth to me is the house where we all stayed at, my great aunts house, my father's aunt Dorthy. She was my grandmothers sister, hope that helps. I was born in January 1964 three weeks [after] the assassination.

I hope that it's not my birth we are really discussing, but rather all the information I have discovered over time, just like many of you who knew nothing about my father. I had no idea who he was or what he did with Frank Strugis and many, many others in that time period, for instance, it was a complete shock for me to have learned from Eugenio Martinez that my father did go to Washington with Frank, I did so much digging that I discovered in a Miami Herald Newspaper a Mr. Richardson who ID two of the burglars at the time the photos were getting developed, Frank and Barnard, however, the description Mr. Richardson gave the FBI is a third man was also present with them, and this third man stood about 5'8/5'9 weighted about 175 to 185 with strawberry blonde hair, he, [Mr. Richardson] was describing my father.

I just can't get over this, just learning who my father was made me want to dig ever so deep to learn as much as I can, and to tell you the truth, this whole thing has me in complete awe, certainly not speechless as much as I talk about him, but, I was and still am in shock over everything. Funny though how my mother isn't. A secret kept from my sister and I for more than 44 years.
Here is a photo of my father with Pedro Lanz Diaz 1972-73.

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A Man Without A Country, is based on a true story. It's a story about a man whose love for his country turned towards bitterness when he lost his citizenship. He would do anything to reenter the country he once lived in and loved, to the point of devoting his life services to their military, which had stripped him of his citizenship for joining the French Foreign Legion. The hardships he faced in returning to America were unbearable, and in the end, he turned over a new leaf by turning on the very same government he found guilty of committing treasonous acts. This man, a man without a country, would later die, murdered by the very same government that stripped him of his citizenship, as propaganda government cables ushered out information on him as being untrustworthy, an opportunist, and a liar. But, the records will show that he loved his country more than anything else, and only God was before her, he died as being a true American patriot whose identity was merely stripped by definition. He impersonated a Military Officer, a United States Army Lieutenant, a Hialeah Police Officer, and agents of the CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs. He stole classified documents out of Homestead Air Force Base, medical supplies out of United States Coast Guard, index cards from U.S Customs and photographs from the CIA. He visited other military bases abroad. He was involved in Watergate, and he exposes the ultimate reason for Watergate. He was the sixth burglar no one had ever known. He was sent to Israel by his handlers in order for them to retrieve the information he possessed, and then, perhaps, he would be killed there too, possibly composing his murder to appear as though it were just an accident. This was during the time the HSCA was conducting their hearings, as they were plotting to setup Edwin Kaiser. My father was going to testify at the HSCA in 1977. There's proof of the company, the [CIA] knowing that my father was leaving for Israel ahead of time, as they notified the FAA, Airport Security, and U.S. Customs. So, how was my father able to slip through? The whole event was to set him up and intercept my father's contents as he traveled over foreign airspace, but he didn't take his briefcase with him on the trip to Israel. So, how did the United States Government lose track of Edwin Kaiser after he departed the plane in Israel? Did the government really lose track of my father? Or, was Edwin in Israel for a purpose? Could my father been ordered to go to Israel by someone from the United States for government debriefing? Did someone from the United States government corroborate with a colonel in the Israeli Defense Force in Nablus, and plot the Prime Minister's assassination? Kaiser was sent to Israel in a plot to assassinate the Prime Minister in 1976. It didn't happen, Kaiser was caught for tapping wires. Israel's Prime Minister would later be assassinated by someone else. They wanted to intercept my father's contents, they were going to pass him off to the Israeli government as a pasty, a foreign assassin recruited by Muslims for war. You'll read about this and more in my father's letters.

The United States Government threw everything they had at my father, and still, they weren't able to retrieve what could have very well damaged the CIA for good. My father wasn't a cop, CIA, FBI or a U.S. Customs Agent. He wasn't a Lieutenant in the United States Army. He was none of those things, he impersonated all of them. Edwin either created his own identity and credentials while infiltrating these companies, or he was recruited early on by the company, and later became a high ranking mole. He was hand saluted by army personnel. He signed paperwork as "Lieutenant Keyser," an Officer in the United States Army, for the release of medical supplies from the United States Coast Guard for anti-Castro groups. He "borrowed"classified documents from Homestead Air Force Base, index cards from U.S. Customs, tapes and photos from the CIA, and entertained a group of Cuban exiles at Puerto Rico Air Force Base. No one would touch him, not even the United States Government because of the information Edwin Kaiser possessed. He was the world's most dangerous man alive, and the only way to have stopped him, was to kill him. This narrative is of David versus Goliath, one man against the entire government. This is my father's story, and it is a real one.

Edwin Kaiser meets with Wilfredo Navarro, Frank Sturgis and Lee early on, he is a character-driven seeking action in the pulsating enigma of modern day Miami. Edwin has lost all sense of passion and all sense of life since a young adult. He became belligerent in order to make himself tough after joining the French Foreign Legion as a sniper. Getting back into the United States posed a challenge. Edwin's mother, Elizabeth Smith receives a letter from First Lady Mamie Eisenhower indicating how she understands her desire to have her son back in the United States. The cold war during Eisenhower's Administration had given rise to many three letter agencies believing Edwin could very well be an asset due to his skills. And, in 1960 upon his arrival to the United States, the CIA took notice in my father.

My father has become an empty shell of his former self. He impersonates an officer, a Lieutenant in the United States Army, CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs agent as he infiltrates the CIA and is stealing from the United States government. Edwin refused to grant his separated wife a divorce and appears determined to put the pieces of his life back together. When once again he is called upon by the United States government reminding him of his sworn duties he signed on a sealed document which helped pave his way in returning to America that led promise to his French Visa. In 1976, his world becomes turned upside down when one day at home he's shouting, ranting and raving about how the United States government is requesting he partakes in dismantling heads of state and government officials. The United States wanted war in the Middle East and control over oil. Sonia Kaiser, my [mother] was too afraid to ask what it was he was carrying on about. The next thing he knows is he's on his way to Haiti as planned plots to assassinate Haiti's dictator starts to brew as early as 1969. Kaiser is also under investigation by Dallas intelligence, but the information stops and becomes blacked out. With a forged passport and license to kill he is on his way to take out the Prime Minister of Israel in 1976, but he's caught tapping phone wires. Forced to work together, the opinionated pair of Kaiser and the government often end up at odds with each other. Kaiser is determined to do what is right. His relationship with the United States government begins to fall apart when Ed Kaiser begins to steal classified material. The government becomes increasingly concerned about the information Kaiser possesses as planned plots are taken to retrieve from Kaiser the stolen classified documents. My father has a few nemeses, himself included. Aside from Kaiser's mental state of being a true threat, there is also Frank Sturgis who poses as the villain. While the CIA does warm up to Kaiser, Kaiser holds unto a dark secret that could blow the CIA's assassination plots wide open. Kaiser's estranged wife, SONIA KAISER, 30s, also proves to be a hazard to the happiness that Edwin so desperately seeks. Finally, Edwin's boss at U.S. Customs, STEVE 50s, the cold and uncaring head of the department, jeopardizes Edwin's career. My mother, her life and spirit are broken after the death of her husband. Her world begins to crumble after learning how her husband had died. And, she must learn how to stand on her own two feet again. The problem is that everything she's doing to make herself happier is either very self-destructive and extremely psychologically damaging, or will end up leaving her more broken than she was before. She ultimately makes the decision to hide in secret and keep the information she learned about her husband from her children so that no harm would come to them. She has learned that the FBI is obeying the directive from J. Edgar Hoover to toe the line on the "single assassin" theory on one side, and the possible conspirators on the other with Edwin Kaiser standing in the middle. The very definition of being in between a rock and a hard place when Edwin Kaiser's attaché briefcase disappears after his death. Edwin's son, discovers his father's long lost information his mother kept secret, and develops a deep desire to find his father's murderers, he begins a journey of his own.
President Kennedy considered troop withdraw out of Vietnam towards the end of 1963, however, president Johnson had repealed Kennedy's executive order to withdraw and increased the United States troops to as much as 500,000. Kennedy executed an order to post raids on anti-Castro groups who violated the Neutrality Act. Kennedy asked the FBI to disrupt and arrest violators of these anti-Castro groups who were carrying out infiltration's into Cuba.

A CIA report published information acquired in Miami in mid-July 1965, concerning the continuing involvement of Isadore Irving Davidson in the recruitment of Cuban exiles to go to the Dominican Republic as part of the Organization of American States (OAS) Force, and the plans of Cuban exiles hoping to recover Cuba after the Dominican situation was settled. According to Cuban exile Julio Aton Constanzo Palau, Davidson was acting on "orders from President Lyndon Johnson" and Johnson had asked Constanzo to increase the number of Cubans to as many as possible. Constanzo claimed he was working with President Johnson, and that he had appointed Frank Fiorini in charge of about 3,000 men, and their goal was to set up a "Government in exile." Several U.S. Senators were in support; however, Senator Robert Kennedy was very much against this. 109-12-210-5290.

Paraphrase from Page Two of My Father's Letter:

Quote:The Cuban people not only had in their heart the cry for freedom, justice, a new democratic government in Cuba but also the cry for "progress" they knew that the Monroe Doctrine made by President Monroe, which was made to protect the Americans, North, South and central from infiltration from other government foreign and abroad was not Kennedy. I asked myself? Do I have to see New York, Chicago or Dallas Texas?

The text my father speaks of that refers to the "Monroe Doctrine" is in reference to the Russians entering Cuba, and known Cuban and Russian communists infiltrating America.

History will be corrected regarding Kennedy's assassination and Watergate.

Quote:"Frank was a regular companion of Chajet, who would tell Chajet of his activities and how they would lead to funds to enable CHIPP to succeed and Sturgis to recapture Cuba."

This is what Watergate was truly about, and I expose it all. An unsuccessful attempt was made to "bug" Senator Kennedy's office. We were unsuccessful in attempting to "tap" the telephone line of Senator Kennedy's secretary while she traveled to Europe with him. We also targeted Senators Mansfield and Fulbright on Capitol Hill. Senator Mansfield was an early supporter of Ngo Dinh Diem, Mansfield had a change of heart on the Vietnam issue after a visit to Vietnam in 1962. He reported to President Kennedy on December 2, 1962, that US money given to Diem's government was being squandered and that the US should [avoid further involvement in Vietnam.] It was this report that led to months of talks that began within Kennedy's administration to move the Diem brothers out of Vietnam. The whole JFK/RSN/MANSFIELD triangle is what came to fruition with troop withdrawal in October of 1963 with NSAM 263. A month later a coup would take place, both in Vietnam and Dallas, Texas. Senator Ted Kennedy, Mansfield and Fulbright were all Democrats. The plan was to bribe them all to finance another run into Cuba.

This is only a portion of the facts, both Kennedy's assassination and Watergate will be fully exposed.
Do I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God? I do.

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