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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
There is a total of about 153,600 pages (103 linear feet, 3 linear inches; 118.95 cubic feet.) 28 rolls of microfilm, 127 audiotapes and 73 dictabelts of President Kennedy's files from 1961-1963. I trust no one here has seen them all, so, if your intention is to hang off the Kirkpatrick and Taylor reports, you're making a mistake.
I believe when someone is reading something with understanding, then only it's true meaning comes to light.

It is certainly and equally important to understand several things regarding the Memorandum above.

1. This wasn't just the Bay of Pigs, but a "command operation" that involved the Attorney General, the State Department, President Kennedy and his board of advisers.

2. There was no one really knowledgeable enough to handle such an operation without getting the military generals involved and sending in the Marines.

3. The idea of unseating Fidel Castro was primarily contingent on an [all out attack] as discussed with the Attorney General.

4. However, because the president was not favorable to the idea in using American military that he feared the Soviets previous threat about using American military that the idea of using military would escape the goal of recapturing Cuba?

5. It's not as if Jack or Bobby wasn't already warned about the ramifications had American military not been used, it's just that Jack was perhaps a bit more "soft on Communism?"

6. Jack was certainly ill advised had the United States lost this battle it would emerge with a stronger underground (which it did.) Better propaganda, (which the CIA did.) And, a far clearer idea of the dimensions of the problem which affected us. Which it did, the blame was upon Kennedy, and the problem was solved by way of assassination. Which it did.

7. The question is, should Eisenhower have headed up this operation since it was he who approved the operation? I wounder, just how he and Nixon would have handled it? The State Department, well, no because that would have certainly proven the United States involvement of backing this operation by getting involved. The president, well no because that could call for impeachment. The Attorney General, well no, because there were no laws he could turn to that would help him escape from explaining to Congress how the United States just invaded Cuba without Congress' approval. The CIA, well, Allen Dulles leaving for Puerto Rico would help explain in keeping his position if he elected to see this through, but very unlikely due to the lost of men and the time it took to end the battle. Dulles elected to resign. So, who do you have stupid enough to want to take on an operation knowing full well there'd be no American military backing? Then, Kennedy approves "air-cover," now, there seems to be a glimmer hope for American military and the use of it to remove Castro from power, but.... Kennedy delays the A4s, and backs out because the Soviets said so?

8. Everyone in the government already knew the United States was lending a helping hand to the "underground elements" to assassinate Castro, yet, no one could get close enough to Castro to assassinate him, while guy's like Trafficante was laughing his ass off all the way to the bank getting paid.

9. The chance of this operation becoming successful as well as the odds were speculative, slim to none, and the president already knew it well in advance, he knew it would not be successful without American military backing, but wait! Kennedy did "approve" air-cover, so what happened?

10. The precise manner in which the American government was aiding the underground was unknown, the [fact] that the government was aiding the underground elements was common knowledge.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:More bullshit, part two....

My changes are in (red.)

Robert - Now Jack, the thing of course to remember is that I don't know how much you want to get into it but, the thing to remember is, what you did on that day, Tuesday before Wednesday was something added to the plan.

What Robert is discussing here is delaying the A4s. On Tuesday, April 18, 1961, the plan for the invasion was to cover the B-26's with A4 Skyhawks, but rather than providing "air-cover" as [promised,] Jack, called it off only having them delay their fly by yet still make it appear as those he was still in support of the Brigade, you don't have to take my word for it, just talk to the several survivors of the Bay of Pigs including the pilots of the A4s. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead, in this case, Jack is no longer around.

Jack - Yeah, oh yeah.

Jack agrees.

Robert - And not something that was taken away, or a plan that was made in inadequate by some deficiency in ah withdrawal of something.

The picture now becomes more clearer when Robert says, and this was not something that was taken away, made inadequate by some deficiency in ah withdrawal of something of the partial bullshit promise, the A4s were promised prior to the BOPs landing, so, that wasn't really taken away, or that the plan was somehow inadequate, the plan was still in place right? Or that it caused a deficiency, you mean a lack of shortage or shortcoming because the Brigade had other planes? Is that what Robert means wow?!? it sure in the hell did! When the A4s didn't arrive when promised, that also didn't help the Brigade in the air-cover needed to take the beach-head. Kennedy backed out, and intelligence knew it, so did the Brigade, this part of the Bay of Pigs has never been disclosed, and they got even.

Jack - Yeah that's right.

- But you'd added that on Tuesday, it never been planed before, and this plan specifically said that this wouldn't be done.

But! The plan was able to confuse everyone whoever thought there was some time discrepancy when there really wasn't.

Jack - Yeah.

Robert - It's something you added in order to help.

Yes Jack you added this part of the plan to help keep U.S. involvement out of the invasion, then, on the 18th of April 1961, you would send your memo off to the Russians indicating what a swell guy you were for keeping your promise to the Russians
by not invading Cuba, in this case, "air-support" and renege on your promise to the Brigade by not providing "air-cover." As the old cliche goes, what comes around goes around, and as Osvaldo, English for Oswald, whose last name was Coello found in my father's address book said, "We took care of them bastards."

Jack - You heard about ah,

Robert - You know if somebody is going to say something in the senate.

Jack - Yeah, you know how they are, make everything look lousy these days. You know Royal Evens said he talked to Dirikson, and Dirkson said, I don't quite get this, he said, by Kenneth? Laughing.

Robert - What?

Jack - Just say, I don't know, I think the Kennedy's are planning something, they're baiting the trap us into this... Laughing, cause they're pretty smart down there.

Robert - If we are, we haven't figured out how to close the trap,

Jack - Yeah, that's right, we haven't quite figured it out. More laughs.

Robert - But, we're learning.

Jack - Just shows you boy what that press is doesn't it?

Robert is now talking about how Jack's ratings in the senate have slightly decreased, but nothing in comparison to Rockefeller.

History is about to change, Watergate and Kennedy's assassination will now be FULLY exposed, and you'll only find this part of history in my update as soon as it becomes available.
Shall I continue with the A4s Jim? :Point:
Edited post #130 for clarification and emphasis.
For those of you who have already read post #130, you may want to re-read it again, just saying.
But! Wait a cotton picking minute here Jack... The fighting at the Bay of Pigs ended on the 19th of April 1961, and you wrote the Russians on the 18th, ensuring them there was nothing to be worried about, just how did you know that it was over before it was over? They're not stupid either Jack, and that speech of yours at the Orange Bowl, big mistake for saying their flag would one day fly freely over Havana, they knew how much of a liar you could be too Jack.
Now! You do know why he, (Jack) could NOT run a second term. Do you really want the truth? Or, are you afraid to read the truth? If it's the latter, then I suggest you do not get [ASSASSINS: A Man Without A Country,] you may not be able to handle the truth. There is a publisher who has shown some interest, I'll know in the next few weeks if they are really interested in it or not. I don't like to present my material to several different publishers only because if they all come back showing interest, then having to negotiate with them is not a cool thing to do, one or two publishers at a time is how I work, soon enough, the full story will get told in my father's life and how all this came together.
Oh dear, have I said too much already?

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