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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Interesting that it's been Hunt, Sturgis and Kaiser, later, Kaiser backs out of assassinating Nixon, but who did in Kennedy?

Scott, you had a book published by Trine Day. You backed out because he (Kris) wanted to include Juduffki's lies to corroborate her 'story', correct? Now there's a BIG Convention with scads of speakers, centered around HER and her 'Lee' (gag here ) ….. so why aren't YOU there?……. this woman is a FRAUD !!! Even Jesse Ventura continues to say she is telling the truth. So does….. Fetzer. This bulls**t has got to STOP !!!

This is all about $$$--ka-ching !!

Exactly Mark... I don't give a shit about money, fortune or fame, now. Ask yourself, why isn't Scott there? I have given the research community information no one has ever known, and I published it at forums, isn't that what forums are for Tracy? Do I give a crap if someone were to steal it? No! Because I know where it came from.

I don't need to be a speaker, I don't need to flaunt myself, I have openly given you who my father was, and no one understands, my first book was a test, they failed. Now, I'm exposing everything, does there seem to be a problem with that Tracy, or, is it better I not say a word? I'm not attacking Jim, I respect him as I do everyone else here, but you have also got to understand when I tried to correct Jim and tell him that it was Mike Mansfield's report that Kennedy elected to take into consideration over the withdrawal of troops in Vietnam why could he, or anyone else believe me, yet everyone needed to defend their own honor and continue saying it was Galbraith?

I understand now Tracy, it's because everyone else is right where as Scott is always wrong is that it Tracy?
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:I rest my case!

After all your posting here, Scott, you case rests on NOTHING !!! Get an editor, or perhaps go to Creative Artists Agency, where Oliver used to be represented. I'm sure they can do something with you. You can be in a movie about Killing Castro, tell them I sent you.

Mark, how could I give you a free gift if you're not willing to take it? Passing up a blessing is all to often common. Mark, may I make a suggestion? Forget the editing, forget the miss-spelled words, forget the sentence structure. You mean to tell me these items mean more to you then the story line itself? You my friend must have a hard time thinking outside the box.
Is a good editor with creative thinking better then someone speaking from the heart? You have a lot to learn my friend.
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:I rest my case!

After all your posting here, Scott, you case rests on NOTHING !!! Get an editor, or perhaps go to Creative Artists Agency, where Oliver used to be represented. I'm sure they can do something with you. You can be in a movie about Killing Castro, tell them I sent you.

Again, jumping the gun as usual Mark, I rest my case! No pun intended Mark... Wink
I remember onetime some crazy boy named Greg at the Ed Forum once told me I could have alliances, in the beginning, when a few folks found out about my father they wanted to "jump on the bandwagon." I don't have friends, I don't have alliances, and I don't need bandwagon jumpers, you see, I have something nobody else has, and I've been trying to give it to you freely. You come back with whatever insult you can conjure up about me, edits, mis-spelled words etc. but yet you refuse to call me out because you're nice, however, you'll tear up JVB. You won't even challenge my remarks, it's hypocrisy. It's not my fault if you don't want to except what I'm giving you. I'm happy living my life, I don't need forums or write a ton of books, I don't need to persuade anyone into what I know, I don't care!
^I edited it just for you!
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:More bullshit, part two....

My changes are in (red.)

Robert - Now Jack, the thing of course to remember is this I don't know how much you want to get into it, but the thing to remember on this is this, Ah what you did on that day, Tuesday before Wednesday was something added to the plan.

What Robert is discussing here is delaying the A4s. On Tuesday, April 18, 1961, the plan for the invasion was to cover the B-26's with A4 Skyhawks, but rather than providing "air-cover" as [promised,] Jack, called it off only having them delay their fly by yet still make it appear as those he was still in support of the Brigade, you don't have to take my word for it, just talk to the several survivors of the Bay of Pigs including the pilots of the A4s. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead, in this case, Jack is no longer around.

Jack - Yeah, oh yeah.

Jack agrees.

Robert - And not something that was taken away, or within.... a plan that was made in inadequate by some deficiency in ah.... withdrawal of something.

The picture now becomes more clearer when Robert says, and this was not something that was taken away, made inadequate by some deficiency in ah withdrawal of something of the partial bullshit promise, the A4s were promised prior to the BOPs landing, so, that wasn't really taken away, or that the plan was somehow inadequate, the plan was still in place right? Or that it caused a deficiency, you mean a lack of shortage or shortcoming because the Brigade had other planes? Is that what Robert means wow?!? it sure in the hell did! When the A4s didn't arrive when promised, that also didn't help the Brigade in the air-cover needed to take the beach-head. Kennedy backed out, and intelligence knew it, so did the Brigade, this part of the Bay of Pigs has never been disclosed, and they got even.

Jack - Yeah that's right.

Jack agrees again, how about that?

- But you'd added that on Tuesday, it never been planed before, and this plan specifically said that this wouldn't be done.

But! The plan was able to confuse everyone whoever thought there was some time discrepancy when there really wasn't.

Jack - Yeah.

We know Jack.... Thanks!

Robert - It's something you added in order to help.

Yes Jack you added this part of the plan to help keep U.S. involvement out of the invasion, then, on the 18th of April 1961, you would send your memo off to the Russians indicating what a swell guy you were for keeping your promise to the Russians
by not invading Cuba, in this case, "air-support" and renege on your promise to the Brigade by not providing "air-cover." As the old cliche goes, what comes around goes around, and as Osvaldo, English for Oswald, whose last name was Coello found in my father's address book said, "We took care of them bastards."

Jack - You heard about ah,

Robert - You know if somebody is going to say something in the senate.

Robert, it's not the senate you should worry about!

Jack - Yeah, you know how they are, make everything look lousy these days. You know Royal Evens said he talked to Dirikson, and Dirkson said, I don't quite get this, he said, by Kenneth? Laughing.

Robert - What?

Jack - Just say, I don't know, I think the Kennedy's are planning something, they're baiting the trap us into this... Laughing, cause they're pretty smart down there.

Gee, I wonder just who got the last laugh?

Robert - If we are, we haven't figured out how to close the trap,

Traps, who's trapping who?

Jack - Yeah, that's right, we haven't quite figured it out. More laughs.

It was just one big joke wasn't boys? Playing with lives like that, just one big joke to ya!

Robert - But, we're learning.
I suppose so Robert! I'm also willing to bet that a few here are too, learning that is... Just when your :Idea: goes off, you may not ever see it coming!

Jack - Just shows you boy what that press is doesn't it?

Robert is now talking about how Jack's ratings in the senate have slightly decreased, but nothing in comparison to Rockefeller.

History is about to change, Watergate and Kennedy's assassination will now be FULLY exposed, and you'll only find this part of history in my update as soon as it becomes available.

The truth would have never come out had it not been for you Robert! The Brigade thanks you, I thank you, and I'm sure my father thanks you too!

​Wouldn't want anyone to miss out reading this, I don't believe anyone has ever presented this conversation in such light before proving Jack delayed the A4s just as Hunt, Frank, and many of the Brigade members said Jack did, gee... Where are all the debaters now? This part of the Bay of Pigs is NOW disclosed for the very first time! Aw, you're welcome! Truth, it can be brutal, it can hurt, but as my girlfriend always says, I'd rather you tell me the truth, then a lie. Honesty.... It really is the best policy isn't it?

I'm waiting! Call me out, or challenge my remarks, otherwise, we now know the truth!
Quote:I remember onetime some crazy boy named Greg at the Ed Forum once told me I could have alliances, in the beginning, when a few folks found out about my father they wanted to "jump on the bandwagon." I don't have friends, I don't have alliances, and I don't need bandwagon jumpers, you see, I have something nobody else has, and I've been trying to give it to you freely. You come back with whatever insult you can conjure up about me, edits, mis-spelled words etc. but yet you refuse to call me out because you're nice, however, you'll tear up JVB. You won't even challenge my remarks, it's hypocrisy. It's not my fault if you don't want to except what I'm giving you. I'm happy living my life, I don't need forums or write a ton of books, I don't need to persuade anyone into what I know, I don't care!

Tracy, you and folks like Mark can call me narcissistic, prideful, whatever, I suppose it's better then being a hypocrite?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry for bringing fourth the truth, I can only imagine how much of a blow this brought to the research community. I have a heart, I too have feelings, but lets face it we were lied too, and some researchers were only covering up for Jack. Is there any real difference between them or the Warren Commission? I've learned why some people really like me while others don't, and I can only say those who do, have met me in person, and I'm not talking about a causal meet and greet, but these are folks who have known me for sometime, and we became friends, real friends, while others form an opinion about me, these are folks who never met me, but interacted with me though social media or public forums, and the reason they don't like me is because I am brutally honest, I'm no different with those who have known me for years. Truth is, some folks can't handle the truth, even well respected researchers.
What did I say to you? What were my words to you? I have no friends when I'm talking JFK or Watergate, not that I know everything, it's not that, I don't, and I don't act like I do. Its that I know things you don't, and it's this information I've been trying to give you freely. If at anytime anyone wants to call me out, feels the need to rebut my information, or debate what I've told you about my father by all means, do so.... I've been asking for folks to do this for years, and no... I won't think you're mean because you are, or calling me out. I'd like to think it's because you want to learn something!

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