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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
"MIAMI - Dr. Orlando Bosch. alleged Cuba Power leader, and eight other exiles were sentenced yesterday to a total of 48 years in jail for conspiring to blow up foreign ships trading with the Fidel Castro regime.

Federal Judge William O. Mehrtens gave the defendants, including one woman, a tongue-lashing for what he called "perfectly stupid" activities after he handed out the tough sentences which actually amount to 39 1/2 years in jail because some are concurrent.

Bosch, a 43-year-old baby doctor, drew the heaviest sentence - a total of 18 years on a five-count indictment. He will not serve more than 10 years, however, because the other eight years are to be served concurrently."

That didn't happen now did it?

Read the message? Highlight everything above.

And still, the reining champion, retains his mountain top, lol...

My changes are in (red.)

Robert - Now Jack, the thing of course to remember is this I don't know how much you want to get into it, but the thing to remember on this is this, Ah [B]what you did on that day, Tuesday before Wednesday was something added to the plan.

What Robert is discussing here is delaying the A4s. On Tuesday, April 18, 1961, the plan for the invasion was to cover the B-26's with A4 Skyhawks, but rather than providing "air-cover" as [promised,] Jack, called it off only having them delay their fly by yet still make it appear as those he was still in support of the Brigade, you don't have to take my word for it, just talk to the several survivors of the Bay of Pigs including the pilots of the A4s. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead, in this case, Jack is no longer around.

[B]Jack - Yeah, oh yeah.

Jack agrees.

[B]Robert - [B]And not something that was taken away, or within.... a plan that was made in inadequate by some deficiency in ah.... withdrawal of something.

The picture now becomes more clearer when Robert says, and [B]this was not something that was taken away, made inadequate by some deficiency in ah withdrawal of something of the partial bullshit promise, the A4s were promised prior to the BOPs landing, so, that wasn't really taken away, or that the plan was somehow inadequate, the plan was still in place right? Or that it caused a deficiency, you mean a lack of shortage or shortcoming because the Brigade had other planes? Is that what Robert means wow?!? it sure in the hell did! When the A4s didn't arrive when promised, that also didn't help the Brigade in the air-cover needed to take the beach-head. Kennedy backed out, and intelligence knew it, so did the Brigade, this part of the Bay of Pigs has never been disclosed, and they got even.

Jack - [B]Yeah that's right.

[B]Jack agrees again, how about that?
Robert - [B]But you'd added that on Tuesday, it never been planed before, and this plan specifically said that this wouldn't be done.

[B]But! The plan was able to confuse everyone whoever thought there was some time discrepancy when there really wasn't.

Jack - [B]Yeah.

We know Jack.... Thanks!

[B]Robert - [B]It's something you added in order to help.

Yes Jack you added this part of the plan to help keep U.S. involvement out of the invasion, then, on the 18th of April 1961, you would send your memo off to the Russians indicating what a swell guy you were for keeping your promise to the Russians [B]by not invading Cuba, in this case, "air-support"[B] and renege on your promise to the Brigade by not providing "air-cover." As the old cliche goes, what comes around goes around, and as Osvaldo, English for Oswald, whose last name was Coello found in my father's address book said, "We took care of them bastards."

[B]Jack - You heard about ah,

[B]Robert - You know if somebody is going to say something in the senate.
Robert, it's not the senate you should worry about!

[B]Jack - Yeah, you know how they are, make everything look lousy these days. You know Royal Evens said he talked to Dirikson, and Dirkson said, I don't quite get this, he said, by Kenneth? Laughing.

[B]Robert - What?

[B]Jack - Just say, I don't know, I think the Kennedy's are planning something, they're baiting the trap us into this... Laughing, cause they're pretty smart down there.
Gee, I wonder just who got the last laugh?

[B]Robert - If we are, we haven't figured out how to close the trap,

[B]Traps, who's trapping who?

[B]Jack - Yeah, that's right, we haven't quite figured it out. More laughs.

[B]It was just one big joke wasn't boys? Playing with lives like that, just one big joke to ya!

Robert - But, we're learning.[/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]
This thread is intended for Scott Kaiser to post about his father. Anyone wishing to engage with him may do so here.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Thank you Mrs. Johnson, finally, you did something right.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Cliff, you found a bosom buddy in Scott.

You two will live happily ever after.

Aw Jim, do I detect a touch of jealousy if it makes you feel any better I did say something nice about you too in some other the post on some other thread and some other day, but the truth is the truth.

In some respect setting up Oswald does have to do with the assassination, after all a pasty was needed right? But, on the same hand setting up Oswald had nothing to do with the assassination, now I'm confused Scott! Well, let me help you L. Johnson.

You see killing Kennedy was committed by the plotters, setting up Oswald was by the company, and the cover up was by oversight.

This will be a bit much for some to understand.

Who were the plotters? The company, who set up Oswald? The company, who sat on the oversight panel? The company, still, this will be too much for some to understand as Mrs Johnson will no doubt delete this post too.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:We're both saying the same thing Cliff, minus the effete technicality...

If you think that "Oswald" in Mexico City was central to the plot to kill Kennedy -- as Jim DiEugenio insists -- then we're not talking about the same thing.

If LHO had been hit by a car that morning and sent to the hospital would the assassination been called off, or would other patsies been brought to bear?

DiEugenio insists that Alzheimer Allen Dulles was the master-mind of the Kennedy murder, which means he set-up family friends of his girlfriend as handlers of a Red Agent.

Dulles was a potential patsy.

Oswald's handlers were far more likely to have been in the patsy chain than the chain of command.

I love the way this guy thinks! Finally someone with brains I could talk to.

Cliff, if I may I would like to say Dulles was NOT the master mind behind Kennedy's assassination, I even have monitors who feels the need to delete my posts only to fit what they believe should be published, if they would not be so quick about making themselves feel good and be slow to absorb some free information, perhaps, by slowing down and breathing they would really learn something that's being freely given.

When Pawley went to Dulles about retrieving Russian's from Cuba Dulles according to Martinez didn't want to have anything to do with it and believed it to be a bad idea as the plot to assassinate Castro. This is the reason Pawley went to David Morales.

And if you noticed I did not say DCI Dulles, although many of the agents respected Allen for his accomplishments during the company tenure, Dulles did not give his blessings for the 1963 raid into Cuba David Morales did.

I don't even think Kennedy's man McCone even knew about the plot.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Cliff, you found a bosom buddy in Scott.

You two will live happily ever after.

No differance in Mrs. Johnson having a crush on you Jim. It appears the only other way I'm able to post around Mrs Johnson is at 3-4 am unless she plans on following me atound the clock, talk about a
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Cliff, you found a bosom buddy in Scott.

You two will live happily ever after.

No differance in Mrs. Johnson having a crush on you Jim. It appears the only other way I'm able to post around Mrs Johnson is at 3-4 am unless she plans on following me atound the clock, talk about a

Mrs. Johnson has a real hard on for you. Gotta tell 'ya. That's all she has to do is to stay up 24/7. :Hooray:
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Cliff, you found a bosom buddy in Scott.

You two will live happily ever after.

Contentless dismissal. You cannot now nor have you ever been able to debate me on any issue, Jim.

Tell us another laugher about why Dulles went down to Puerto Rico during the launch of the BOP.

I see eye-to-eye with Scott on some issues, others not so much.

Thanks Cliff, but let them play their little games you don't need to answer to anyone, least you start to get censored by Mrs. Johnson.

No one ever needs to influence what you beleive, and the reason no one here will ever challenge my material is because God forbid I prove anyone wrong, I've told everyone when Bosch was actually realease and on what day, who the photos were of the man in Mexico when Poyle was in Mexico.

And Mrs. Johnson believes I contribute to sum valuable information he's got to be kidding me. Actually I've provided information no one has ever known including who the sixth burglar in Watergate was that information alone should keep him out of my hair and pay more attention I'm not talking about you cliff I'm talking about those who appear to give me a hard time and have no idea what they're talking about.

I will be more than happy to challenge anybody anywhere at any time with my material.
Cool, I now have my own human pet following me around the clock deleteing everything I post, in an email you ask how will my pet ever learn, good question.

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