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The attempted Clinton-CIA coup against Donald Trump
The Deep State War on Trump

Paul Joseph Watson

Published on Mar 3, 2017

The real story behind the Russia hysteria.

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
I'm having trouble seeing Global Warming deniers, Robber Baron 1%ers, and an assemblage of right wing radio kooks as being "on the right side of history". What's obvious here is both sides are no good.
What should be a salutary article from Robert Parry, but which in these crazed days of Russian/Trump witch-hunting is bound to be largely ignored.

Frankly I am astonished at how many people who absolutely know better have allowed themselves to be swayed by the Russia did it BS. And although I'm really quite familiar with the well known psychological danger of contagion from a manipulated Collective Unconscious, it's still been - and is - a real learning curve to watch it being shaped and happen in my lifetime.

Quote:The Politics Behind Russia-gate'
March 4, 2017

Exclusive: The hysteria over "Russia-gate" continues to grow as President Trump's enemies circle but at its core there may be no there there while it risks pushing the world toward nuclear annihilation, writes Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

There may be a turn-about-is-fair-play element to Democrats parsing the words of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other Trump administration officials to hang them on possible "perjury" charges. After all, the Republicans made "lock her up" a popular chant citing Hillary Clinton's arguably illegal use of a private email server as Secretary of State and her allegedly false claim under oath that her lawyers had hand-checked each of her 30,000 or so emails that were deleted as personal.

President Donald Trump being sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017. (Screen shot from
But there is a grave danger in playing partisan "gotcha" over U.S. relations with the world's other major nuclear superpower. If, for instance, President Trump finds himself having to demonstrate how tough he can be on Russia to save his political skin he could easily make a miscalculation that could push the two countries into a war that could truly be the war to end all wars along with ending human civilization. But Democrats, liberals and the mainstream news media seem to hate Trump so much they will take that risk.

Official Washington's Russia hysteria has reached such proportions that New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman has even compared the alleged Russian hacking of Democratic emails to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, two incidents that led the United States into violent warfare. On MSNBC's "Morning Joe" show, Friedman demanded that the hacking allegations be taken with the utmost seriousness: "That was a 9/11 scale event. They attacked the core of our democracy. That was a Pearl Harbor scale event. … This goes to the very core of our democracy."

But what really goes to "the very core of our democracy" is the failure to deal with this issue or pretty much any recent issue with the sobriety and the seriousness that should accompany a question of war or peace. Just as Friedman and other "star" journalists failed to ask the necessary questions about Iraq's WMD or to show professional skepticism in the face of U.S. propaganda campaigns around the conflicts in Libya, Syria or Ukraine, they have not demanded any actual evidence from the Obama administration for its lurid claims about Russian "hacking."

Before this madness goes any further, doesn't anyone think that the U.S. intelligence community should lay its cards on the table regarding exactly what the evidence is that Russian intelligence purloined Democratic emails and then slipped them to WikiLeaks for publication? President Obama's intelligence officials apparently went to great lengths to spread these allegations around even passing the secrets around overseas but they never told the American people what the evidence is. The two official reports dealing with the issue were laughably short on anything approaching evidence. They amounted to "trust us."

Further, WikiLeaks representatives have indicated that the two batches of emails one from the Democratic National Committee and the other from Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta did not come from the Russians but rather from two different American insiders. That could be wrong it is possible that Russian intelligence laundered the material through some American cutouts or used some other method to conceal Moscow's hand but Obama's intelligence officials apparently don't know how WikiLeaks obtained the emails. So, the entire "scandal" may rest upon a foundation of sand.

No Fake News'

It's also important to note that nothing that WikiLeaks published was false. There was no "fake news." Indeed, a key reason why the emails were newsworthy at all was that they exposed misconduct and deception on the part of the Democrats and the Clinton campaign. The main point that the DNC emails revealed was that the leadership had violated its duty to approach the primary campaign even-handedly when instead they tilted the playing field against Sen. Bernie Sanders. Later, the Podesta emails revealed the contents of Clinton's speeches to Wall Street bankers, which she was trying to hide from the voters, and the emails exposed some of the pay-to-play tactics of the Clinton Foundation.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona, March 21, 2016. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)
In other words, even if the Russians did reveal this information to the American people, how does knowing relevant facts regarding a presidential campaign translate into an attack on "the core of our democracy"? Usually, journalists believe that getting the truth out, even if it embarrasses some politician or some political party, is healthy for a democracy. As an American journalist, I prefer getting information from people who have America's best interests at heart, but I'm not naïve enough to think that people who "leak" don't often do so for self-interested reasons. What's most important is that the information is genuine and newsworthy.

Frankly, I found the WikiLeaks material far more appropriate for an American political debate than the scurrilous rumors that the Clinton campaign was circulating about Trump supposedly getting urinated on by Russian prostitutes in a five-star Moscow hotel, claims for which no evidence has been presented.

Also, remember that no one thought that the DNC/Podesta emails were significant in deciding the 2016 election. Clinton herself blamed FBI Director James Comey for briefly reopening the FBI investigation into her private email server near the end of the campaign as the reason her poll numbers cratered. It's relevant, too, that Clinton ran a horrific campaign, which included breathtaking gaffes like referring to many Trump supporters as "deplorables," relying way too heavily on negative ads, failing to articulate a compelling vision for the future, and ignoring signs that her leads in Rust Belt states were disappearing. In other words, the current effort to portray the disclosure of Democratic emails as somehow decisive in the campaign is revisionist history.

Yet, here we are with The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN and almost the entire mainstream media (along with leading liberals and Democrats) panting every time they discover that someone from Trump's circle met with a Russian. We are supposed to forget that the Russian government for many years was collaborating closely with the U.S. government and particularly with U.S. national security agencies on vital issues. Russia assisted in supplying the U.S. military in Afghanistan; President Putin played a crucial role in getting Iran to curtail its nuclear program; and he also arranged for the Syrian government to surrender its stockpiles of chemical weapons. The last two accomplishments were among President Obama's most important foreign policy successes.

But those last two areas of cooperation Iran and Syria contributed to making Putin a target for Washington's powerful neoconservatives who were lusting for direct U.S. military strikes against those two countries. The neocons, along with the Israeli and Saudi governments, wanted "regime change" in Tehran and Damascus, not diplomatic agreements that left the governments in place.

Neocons inside the U.S. government including Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, Sen. John McCain and National Endowment for Democracy president Carl Gershman then took aim at "regime change" in Ukraine, realizing its sensitivity to Russia. Gershman, whose NED is funded by the U.S. government, called Ukraine "the biggest prize" and a key step toward ousting Putin inside Russia; McCain cheered on Ukraine's ultranationalists who were firebombing police in Kiev's Maidan square; and Nuland was conspiring with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt on how to "glue" or "midwife" a change in government.

This neocon strategy worked by overthrowing Ukraine's elected President Viktor Yanukovych and causing Putin to intervene on behalf of threatened ethnic Russians in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. That, in turn, was transformed by the Western media into a "Russian invasion."

Partisan Interests

Instead of standing up to this neocon troublemaking, Obama fell in line. Later, the Democrats saw political advantage in becoming the super-hawks standing up to Russia, essentially maneuvering to the right of the Republicans, especially when Donald Trump unexpectedly won the nomination, in part, by calling for better relations with Russia.

Russia's Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. (Photo from Russian Embassy)
As the 2016 presidential campaign sank into infamy as one of the ugliest in U.S. history, Clinton hammered Trump over Russia, calling him a Putin "puppet." But the Russia-bashing didn't seem to help Clinton very much. Although it was calculated to pull in some "moderate" Republicans, it also alienated many peace-oriented Democrats.

Still, despite the shaky foundation and the haphazard construction, Official Washington is now adding more and more floors to this Russia "scandal." Obama holdovers slapped together a shoddy pretext for going after Trump's National Security Adviser Michael Flynn citing the never-prosecuted Logan Act of 1799 and then trapping Flynn because he didn't have total recall of a phone conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak on Dec. 29 while Flynn was vacationing in the Dominican Republic.

Similarly, the mainstream media and Democrats are framing in a "perjury" case against Attorney General Sessions because of a sloppily worded response during his confirmation hearing about contacts with Russians. He had met twice with Kislyak (as many others in Washington have done). The heavy-breathing suspicion is that perhaps Sessions and Kislyak were plotting how the Kremlin could help the Trump campaign, but there is zero evidence to support that conspiracy theory.

What's actually happening here should be obvious. The Obama administration, the Democrats and the mainstream media were horrified at Trump's election. They understandably were offended by Trump's personal behavior and his obvious unfitness for the presidency. Many Clinton supporters, especially women, were bitterly disappointed at the failure of the first female major-party presidential nominee who lost to a lout who boasted about how he could exploit his fame and power by grabbing the genitals of vulnerable women whom he assumed couldn't do anything to stop him.

There was also alarm about Trump's policies on the environment, immigration, education and the courts. Among the neocons and their liberal-interventionist sidekicks, there was concern, too, that Trump would not continue their "regime change" strategies in the Middle East and their hostility toward Russia.

So, these anti-Trump forces grabbed at the most potent weapon available, the suspicions that Trump had somehow colluded with Russia. It didn't matter that the evidence was weak to non-existent. It would be enough to spread the allegations around under the cloak of U.S. intelligence "assessments."

Nobody important would demand to review the evidence and, surely, with the availability of National Security Agency intercepts, people's memories could be tested against the transcripts of conversations and be found wanting. Verbal missteps could become perjury traps. There could be a witch hunt against anyone who talked to a Russian. Any pushing back from the Trump people could be construed as a "cover-up."

Having worked in Washington for nearly four decades, I have seen political investigations before, both in steering away from real crimes of state (such as Nicaraguan Contra cocaine trafficking and Republican collaboration with foreign governments to undercut Democrats in 1968 and 1980) and in fabricating scandals that weren't there (such as the fictional offenses of Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Chinagate, etc. under Bill Clinton who was finally cornered for the heinous crime of lying about sex). So far at least, "Russia-gate" fits much more with the latter group than the former.

What I also have learned over these years is that in Official Washington, power much more than truth determines which scandals are taken seriously and which ones are not. "Russia-gate" is revealing that the established power centers of Washington arrayed against Trump the major news media, the neoconservatives and the Democratic Party have more power than the disorganized Trump administration.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Do liberal and progressive supporters of the Deep State's anti-Trump coup have any idea of the dominance the CIA and the NeoCons will exercise in the event they're successful?

Ponder that for a moment.

Do they really think they'll be rewarded? That life will return to pre-election normal?
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
The Deep State vs. President Trump

By Gary Olson

Published on Sunday, March 05, 2017

Quote:Corporate media like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and elements within the intelligence community are singing from the same hymnal in denouncing and demonizing President Trump and are not at all subtle in suggesting that only impeachment can "save democracy." Democratic Party leaders hope to parley this into retaking the White House.

To be sure, Trump is a neo-fascist demagogue and his actions should be resisted at every step. However, this is not what's motivating most of these critics. To understand why that's the case, I highly recommend Mike Lofgren's book, THE DEEP STATE: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government (NY: Penguin, 2016). Lofgren began his Capital Hill career as a traditional Republican, serving three decades as a high level staff analyst for the House and Senate Budget Committees. He wrote the book after become totally disillusioned. His analysis and revelations are those of a consummate insider and, were I teaching an introductory course in American Politics, this book would be my primary text.

What is the Deep State? It's a hybrid network of structures within which actual power resides. It includes the military-industrial complex, Wall Street, hordes of private contractors whose sole client is the government, national security agencies, select (not all) members of the State, Defense, CIA, Homeland Security, a few key members of the Congressional Defense and Intelligence Committees, and so on.

Except for a handful of Congresspersons, Deep State members have not been elected and are accountable to no one. They profoundly influence virtually every domestic and foreign matter of consequence. D.J. Hopkins, another close student of this phenomenon, notes that "the system served by the Deep State is not the United States of America, i.e., the country most Americans believe they live in; the system it serves is globalized Capitalism." And they do so regardless of which party is nominally in control. Lofgren takes pains to point out that the Deep State is not a coven of diabolical conspirators. It has evolved over several decades to become the antithesis of democracy.

Why does the Deep State fear and despise Trump? First, his chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, is a fervent disciple of capitalist economic nationalism. Further, his America is the "shining city on a hill," but where the dwellers are Christian white people. Deep State types are convinced Trump's skewed priorities will undermine the dominant role played by the U.S. in the global capitalist system from which they derive their power, wealth, and ultra-lavish lifestyles. We are witnessing a no-holds-barred clash between two warring camps.

Second, both the Pentagon and their arms-dealer friends are salivating over a new Cold War with Russia and will do anything to sabotage enhancing peaceful understanding between Washington and Moscow. This explains their hysterical Kremlin-baiting of Trump. Likewise, Trump sent chills through the Deep State when he voiced doubts about NATO as an archaic relic of the past, expensive and dangerously misused outside of Europe.

Third, Trump's erratic behavior, penchant for confrontation and unwillingness to be a team player render him an unreliable caretaker of Deep State interests. They much preferred Hillary Clinton or even Jeb Bush. Trump was the "Frankenstein Populist" (Paul Street's term) who, shockingly, won the election. Now he threatens to unwittingly expose their "marionette theater" of contrived democracy. My sense is that if Trump does not satisfy the Deep State doubts about his trustworthiness, his days in office are numbered.

On the one hand, Trump's dramatic increase in defense spending may temporarily assuage the military contractors within the Deep State. On the other hand, this and other Trump policies will, ironically, severely exacerbate economic problems for many working class folks who voted for him last November. Their bitter awakening might well cause alienation and social disruption that no one in the upper circles of power wants to contemplate.

Finally, years ago, the bracing social critic and stand-up comedian George Carlin presciently described what's come to pass as we face the equally dangerous Deep State and Donald Trump. Carlin said, "It's a big club and you and I ain't in it. What do they want? More for themselves and less for everybody else. And they don't give a f--- about about you." Carlin believed that an aroused and politically savvy citizenry could ultimately prevail.

Carlin was right, but this requires a popular movement that offers answers to the failed policies of the Democrats and Republicans. It's not impossible, but we should harbor no illusions about what we're up against.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Quest for Russian probe just about politics?

Published on Mar 3, 2017

Tucker takes on Democrat who attempts to make a case for an investigation into allegations Russia interfered in the 2016 election and argues that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should resign #Tucker

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:Do liberal and progressive supporters of the Deep State's anti-Trump coup have any idea of the dominance the CIA and the NeoCons will exercise in the event they're successful?

Ponder that for a moment.

Do they really think they'll be rewarded? That life will return to pre-election normal?

It was elements of the "Deep State" that conducted the massive, multi-faceted voter suppression campaign which put Trump into power.

Trump didn't run for President -- he explicitly ran on a platform of Khristian Fascism with Il Douchebag as the authoritarian strongman.

The intel community wasn't opposed to Trump until after the election when he attacked them for reporting on their conclusions the Russians interfered on his behalf, which deflected from the fact that the FBI interfered on his behalf.

The Trump presidency is illegitimate, a Khristian Fascist coup to be resisted at all levels.

Trump and his mentor Steve Bannon push for a clash between Christianity and Islam -- what's more "neo-con" than that?

"Pre-election normal" means having a fully formed adult in the White House, instead of the emotionally stunted, mentally unstable 70-year old child who currently lives there.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Paul Rigby Wrote:Do liberal and progressive supporters of the Deep State's anti-Trump coup have any idea of the dominance the CIA and the NeoCons will exercise in the event they're successful?

Ponder that for a moment.

Do they really think they'll be rewarded? That life will return to pre-election normal?

It was elements of the "Deep State" that conducted the massive, multi-faceted voter suppression campaign which put Trump into power.

Trump didn't run for President -- he explicitly ran on a platform of Khristian Fascism with Il Douchebag as the authoritarian strongman.

The intel community wasn't opposed to Trump until after the election when he attacked them for reporting on their conclusions the Russians interfered on his behalf, which deflected from the fact that the FBI interfered on his behalf.

The Trump presidency is illegitimate, a Khristian Fascist coup to be resisted at all levels.

Trump and his mentor Steve Bannon push for a clash between Christianity and Islam -- what's more "neo-con" than that?

"Pre-election normal" means having a fully formed adult in the White House, instead of the emotionally stunted, mentally unstable 70-year old child who currently lives there.

Every POTUS since JFK to varying degrees has been illegit in terms of the CIA manipulating the process. Jimmy Carter? He was put up by the Rockefellers.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Paul Rigby Wrote:Do liberal and progressive supporters of the Deep State's anti-Trump coup have any idea of the dominance the CIA and the NeoCons will exercise in the event they're successful?

Ponder that for a moment.

Do they really think they'll be rewarded? That life will return to pre-election normal?

It was elements of the "Deep State" that conducted the massive, multi-faceted voter suppression campaign which put Trump into power.

Trump didn't run for President -- he explicitly ran on a platform of Khristian Fascism with Il Douchebag as the authoritarian strongman.

The intel community wasn't opposed to Trump until after the election when he attacked them for reporting on their conclusions the Russians interfered on his behalf, which deflected from the fact that the FBI interfered on his behalf.

The Trump presidency is illegitimate, a Khristian Fascist coup to be resisted at all levels.

Trump and his mentor Steve Bannon push for a clash between Christianity and Islam -- what's more "neo-con" than that?

"Pre-election normal" means having a fully formed adult in the White House, instead of the emotionally stunted, mentally unstable 70-year old child who currently lives there.

Every POTUS since JFK to varying degrees has been illegit in terms of the CIA manipulating the process. Jimmy Carter? He was put up by the Rockefellers.

And Gerald Ford wasn't put up by the Rockefellers? Nelson Rockefeller was his Vice President!

It wasn't the CIA who scuttled the '68 Vietnam peace agreement -- it was Richard Nixon.

It wasn't the CIA who cut a deal with the Ayatollah Khomeini to hold the US embassy hostages until Reagan was inaugurated -- Reagan operatives pulled that off.

It wasn't the CIA who purged 90,000 voters in Florida prior to the 2000 election -- it was Jeb Bush.

It wasn't the CIA who purged millions of minority voters nation-wide prior to the 2016 election -- it was Republican politicians in state after state.

It wasn't the CIA who railroaded Hillary Clinton -- it was the FBI.

The "deep state" is bi-polar, a fact many can't wrap their head around.
The CIA and the FBI are two very different institutions. CIA is mostly made of up Ivy League and upper 'crust' scions. The FBI 'team' are of much less education and humbler origins, generally. They also have general different political alliances. They work together on a few high-profile things, but mostly work alone and sometimes against the other. I don't consider either as the 'Secret Government'....maybe a small part of it [the 'enforcers', in part, for the real Secret Government - and the CIA more closely aligned with the real forces of the Secret Government on most things - not all.

Now, with Trump and the election we had the very strange episode of the FBI clearly [I think] making statements and actions that would hurt Clinton and help Trump. It was pretty clear that the rank and file FBI agent preferred Trump. NOW, the FBI is reported to be asking the Justice Dept. to refute the new Trump allegation that Obama wiretapped him [something I think very unlikely would have originated with Obama if it ever was done at all]. However, the head of the Justice Dept. is Sessions - Trumps most loyal servant. All very strange how this will play out.

I think the 'Russia-connection' is a red herring, but it will continue to be the focus of political and media drama and speculation and now it seems investigation. Whatever the truth or untruth, however, Trump has painted himself into a corner. He is not wise politically and much too quick to express his assumptions as fact on twitter or in speeches. The political machinations in D.C. are endlessly bizarre, partisan, full of lies if not entirely lies, and do nothing to help the country or the People. It is just persons and groupings of people/interests fighting among themselves for power, position, leverage, 'points'.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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