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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
Dawn Meredith Wrote:"Clearly Dawn, you have no clue. I wonder, how many more folks there are that make up you?" writes Scott.

Is this a sentence? Are you implying that I am a more than one person? You have one card to play. Kennedy hating Cubans. You worship them. I do not read what you post because trying to wade through your impossible grammar was not worth trying.

So I am exiting this conversation. You can have the last word. And it's now gone fully off topic. But that seems to be your game.

You're an attorney/ researcher, with an education, and.... You can't figure out a simple statement followed by a question, are you serious? How many years did you say you had representing people?

I don't have any cards to play, that was my father who held the deck, including his free get-out-of-jail card, a card he played often which I'm about to show his entire hand, and blow this thing wide open for my father. You don't get at the position he was without knowing how to side step a few others.

I worship no one, I'm on no ones side, which makes me the most qualified person to expose both Watergate and your president.
You seem to forget Dawn, who it was that killed my father.
Quote: Are you implying that I am a more than one person?

Please allow me to help you with what you call English, the correct grammar for the question quoted above should be, "are you implying that I'm more than one person."

That's strike two, if you include your Nixon statement, my father always use to say, stop while you think you're ahead. Do you think you're ahead Dawn?
One more thing, I didn't know Kennedy hated Cubans? Did he? I mean, if he did, how could anyone worship a guy who hated anyone? Hate is such a strong word, don'tcha think?

Quote: I do not read what you post

Do I have stupid tattooed across my forehead?
I also see that some [monitor] got rid of the statement I made about Ford and Nixon regarding Vietnam, if this is how you work, deleting what is not to be seen, only to keep what you want in place to try and discredit someone, it's no wonder you can't tell truth from fiction, and everything you do is a grand illusion.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:That sentence is anything but accurate about Garrison.

After the failure of the Shaw prosecution, the local Justice Department office went to work on concocting a frame up in order to do two things: 1.) Get Garrision out of the DA's office and 2.) Place him in jail.

The objective of the first was to make sure no more JFK indictments ever came out of New Orleans. And the second was to hopefully discredit Garrison with a jail sentence. And by doing such, that would discredit the JFK critical community.

Therefore, Garrison was arrested on a frame up using Pershing Gervais as a suborned witness. They shipped him to Canada and gave him a phony job so that he could not be called back for a deposition. Meanwhile, the local attorney put together a case that featured a couple of guilty people in pinball kickbacks with JG as the third culprit. Even though there was no connection between those two and JG plus Garrison had prosecuted this racket more than any other DA before him.

The only way Garrison got out of this was that Gervais hated Canada. So he talked to a reporter from the Vancouver Sun. This helped expose the whole thing as a front. And this got into the New Orleans papers. And this is what saved Garrison from getting convicted.

In other words, did Garrison have to go to jail on a phony charge in order to disprove Carpenter's (and Tom's) bizarre thesis? I think that is the implication.

But it worked in achieving the first goal: the bad publicity got Garrison out of office and government stooge Harry Connick into the DA's office. Which was an atrocity for the citizens of New Orleans since Connick was a horrendous DA. It took years to clean up the mess he created down there.

But the local government attorney still tried to put JG in jail. They indicted him again with an even phonier charge: not paying taxes on the ill gotten gains he never got from the pinball racket he never participated in.

This ordeal essentially broke him. Once it was all over, he had about five thousand in the bank and was working as a sole practitioner in a small rented office off of the Quarter. I know this from people who visited him there to talk about the case. This was the man who, before the Kennedy case, had an almost unlimited ceiling as a politician in the state. He could have easily been governor. Which is why he said later, if he had to do it all over agin, he probably would not have. The position in life that was most important to him was the DA's job. He turned down other lucrative offers, like being a bank counsel, and having a bank charter, to stay in that office.

But Shaw and his lawyers were still not done. They filed a lawsuit against Garrison. But then Shaw died in 1974. If you can believe it, Shaw's lawyers tried to continue the lawsuit in his name. Garrison had to petition the Supreme Court of the United States to get the frivolous lawsuit thrown out. Which did not happen until 1978. Meanwhile, what was Connick doing in office? One of the things, besides putting innocent people on death row, was incinerating Garrison's files. He even wanted to incinerate the grand jury testimony! Thanks God, the guy he gave that mission to did not do it.

It took Garrison about a decade to get over what happened to him as a result of this case. And, in fact, he never really did. Because the one position he said he would give up his DA's office for was to be a senator. That was not possible after this ordeal. In other words, of the two jobs he was looking for, one was lost, the other was foreclosed on by his inquiry.

I guess this is Tom and Carpenter's idea of having no permanent setback? Well, yeah if its not you, that is kind of easy to say.

For Carpenter's hatchet job , its even easier.

Not to mention that JG also lost his family over this, but it warms my heart to know, Tom got over it. Like Posada's trial, it was a three ring circus. Clay Shaw, the whole thing in New Orleans was nothing more than [smoke & mirrors] if you think about it, Garrison allowed himself to be drawn into it. I'm sure he thought that if he could be the first to prove and expose a conspiracy, and get a conviction on Shaw, it would lead to the rest of the conspirators involved, after all, JG learned that Shaw was CIA.

It was the CIA who set up, took out, and ruined JG career after the Shaw trial. If they only knew how close JG really was, after all, they were, CIA trained.
To bad JG wasn't privy to Operation Tilt during his investigations, Garrison wouldn't have just made Governor and senator, but he would have also received the keys to the White House. His career would've most certainly taken a different direction.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Garrison is lucky he wasn't killed. But like Mark Lane he was too far out in the spotlight...

I won't bring up his name, only because I know how some people get offended by it, but, I often wondered the same, like Garrison and Lane who made themselves public, had this person gone to the press and made those photos he had known, had he just made them public rather than holding them over the collective heads in government threatening to expose them just to keep himself out of jail, would this man, this father, be alive today?
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Garrison is lucky he wasn't killed. But like Mark Lane he was too far out in the spotlight...

I won't bring up his name, only because I know how some people get offended by it, but, I often wondered the same, like Garrison and Lane who made themselves public, had this person gone to the press and made those photos he had known, had he just made them public rather than holding them over the collective heads in government threatening to expose them just to keep himself out of jail, would this man, this father, be alive today?

I will not make it about him, I just wanted to add one more thing, something to think about. I suppose, [if] this man was asking for (Federal and State pardons,) and they were not granted, perhaps, those photos really was his only card to play? Okay, I'm done for the day.
I'm not sure why, but I visited this forum today, I would've never posted there about this or any other information, ever, only because [all of them,] like many here do not listen to what I have to say, but... This thread is too tempting not to bring to light, for whatever reason, someone, or someone(s) created this amazing story about Souetre, and I've not read one. For years folks have generated countless articles, books and websites about information that doesn't even exist I suppose, in-fact, if Hunt were alive today, and he were asked a simple question, like, how many French guy's do you know and worked with, you know, those you refer to in your many countless confessions. I guarantee Hunt would only mention one, (1) guy he ever worked with and knew who was French, I mean, had a French Visa, and I'm guessing that would include a plot called the "Sunward Plan."

But, that's neither here nor there, I know for a fact by first hand witnesses that Hunt, Sturgis as well as many others only knew ONE, that's (1) Frenchman, or, worked under a French Visa, oh um, yes... Happy hunting Larry and the gang. Thank God! No one gets it....

Oh, and BTW... This part...
Quote:[FONT=&amp].a) met Howard Hunt and Jean Claude Perez (Chief of ORO) in Madrid; [/FONT][Image: default_cool.png][FONT=&amp] went[/FONT][FONT=&amp]to the Caribbean with Laszlo Varga, Lajos Marton, and[/FONT]

Not true!

Oh and this part....
Quote: [FONT=&amp]train anti-Casto Cubans. It is known, in any event, that during this period[/FONT][FONT=&amp]he had many contacts with anit-Castro Cubans. It is also known that he visited[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Spain in July, 1963."- on page 14.[/FONT]

Diffidently not true, there was only ONE man consider Frenchman, who went by the alias name of Frenchy or Frenchie and had a French Visa who trained these anti-Castro Cubans. And, I know that first hand to be a fact!

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