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National Archives releases first batch of 2017 JFK documents
Many, including myself, feel that many to most of the still withheld documents will NOT be forthcoming [in full or in part] in seven days on the 26th of October, 2017 as required by law under the JFK Act.

Sign the petition to free the JFK files here:

[Admittedly, we have an idiot President and a horrible anti-Constitutional Head of the Dept. of 'Justice', but now is now and this is what we have....] I predict many lawsuits after their failure to release all the documents. We may be thrown some crumbs on Thursday of next week and some may even be of interest or import, but the BEST stuff they will not release without a fight, IMO, as they know the system they have created from/after the Coup d'etat would collapse, and all of their power and money along with it!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Listof JFK Assassination Records Missing from the Archives


If Peter Dale Scott's "Negative Template" theory is correct, what is missing from the extant history is more significant than what is in the documentary record.

As researcher Malcolm Blunt has said, "It's amazing we have anything left. It's sickening, just sickening, and a disgrace, an absolute disgrace. The ARRB should have pressured these people into doing a proper search."

At the CAPA Press Conference at the National Press Club in March former ARRB chairman Judge John Tunheim asked me to send him a list of missing JFK assassination records that should be in the JFK Collection at Archives II and open to the public. This is my list, so far.

Send me along any serious additions that I may have missed. -

1. Oswald CIA Office of Security File Volume 5, last seen by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), which recently garnered some publicity.

2. Files of the first chief council to HSCA Richard Sprague, who took his files home with him when he was fired for conducting a real investigation. The Assassinations Records Review Board (ARRB), responsible for identifing and obtaining records, missed them because they confused the attorney Richard Sprague with the computer programer of the same name whose extensive files on the assassination are part of the JFK Collection. Sprague's HSCA files, paid for by taxpayers that rightfully belong at the Archives, are currently in Sprague's Philadelphia law office.

3. Soviet KGB records of Oswald's time in Moscow and Minsk that were obtained by Norman Mailer are now in the possession of Mailer's former associate Lawrence Schiller, who refused to turn them over to the ARRB.

4. Unedited AF1 Radio Transmission tapes from November 22, 1963. Two different edited versions of these tapes are available, one on cassette tapes released by the LBJ Library and a reel to reel version discovered among the personel effects of General Clifton. The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) is responsible for these tapes.

5. Church Committee interviews with Gerry Patrick Hemming, Orest Pena, Immigration and Naturalization Service and Customs officials, and other Church Committee testimony are missing.

6. U.S. Customs records on Cubans requested by the HSCA were so volumeous they couldn't be given to the HSCA, but now consist of only a few records at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

7. The audio tape recording of Gaeton Fonzi's interview with Mitch Werbell was erased and the transcript is missing, only Fonzi's notes remain.

8. John Newman says that Eisenhower era reports on assassinations of foreign leaders that he copied years ago are now missing from the NARA, and he believes such records are being delibertly stollen.

9. Bill Simpich notes that CIA Mexico City Station (MCS) cable to Headquarters from September 26-30, 1963 are missing as well as cables from CIA HQ to MCS, JMWAVE to HQ and HQ to JMWAVE cable traffic on the same dates, and all cable traffic between MCS and JMWAVE between September 26 and October 20 and November 22 to December 30, 1963 are missing.

10. The CIA's study of the July 20, 1944 attempt to kill Hitler to be adapted for use against Castro, as mentioned by Desmond FitzGerald in his September 23, 1963 briefing of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the subject of a FOIA lawsuit by the Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC).

11. Office of Naval Intelligence - ONI Defector File, as identified as an assassination record by Navy Lt. Com. T. Pike, but never turned over to the Archives.

12. ONI 119 investigation reports on Oswald's defection and the assassination, as referred to by the Navy investigators who wrote them and the officers who read them.

13. The assassination files of the Director of the ONI Rufus Taylor, whose office had undercover agents working in Jack Ruby's Carousel Club, installing and maintaing the sound system, who reported, in the only surviving document, that Oswald was seen in the club.

14. James Mastrovito - the Secret Service Agent responsible for the SS records on the assassination acknowledged to the ARRB that he "culled" - destroyed many records and flushed into a food processor a vile of material labled "JFK brain - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology," with no repercussions.

15. The Secret Service destroyed many records, including the Advance Reports for the Tampa trip after the JFK Act was passed by Congress, although copies of some of these records were found among the personal effects of Agent Gerald Blaine, who wrote the Tampa Advance report. Do other agents also have copies y of official records among their personal effects? Is anyone looking?

16. The "Homme Report" from a Congressional subcommittee reportedly contains information on Robert F. Kennedy's knowledge and approval of CIA plans to kill Fidel Castro.

17. RFK's date book for 1963 is missing from the Kennedy Library.

18. Four boxes of witness testimony turned over to NARA in April 1965 by US Attorney now missing.

19. OSI - Office of Special Investigation military intelligence review of Oswald's State Department file is missing.

20. When former US Marine officer Oliver Revill joined the FBI he reported on an investigation of Oswald and files on him at a US Marine base in North Carolina, records not in the public record.

21. The Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel had documents excluded from the Warren Commission, according to a memo sent to ARRB and NARA archivist Steve Tilly, "more stuff lost in the shuffle," says Malcolm Blunt.

22. The ARRB tried to obtain Oswald's New Orleans court records but were told they were accidently destroyed when sent for microfilming.

23. Army Intelligence files on Oswald were kept from the Warren Commission and then "routinely" destroyed.

24. In 1976 when the CIA Counterintelligence (CI) staff were reviewing JFK assassination files the Security Office did not hand over their "secondary files" on Oswald, aka "research files," that were not seen by HSCA or any other component of the CIA, as Malcolm Blunt says "they are like a whole separate agency."

25. Larry Haapanen notes, White House Situation Room Incoming-Outgoing Message Log for 11/22/63-11/30/63 (the extant log for November 1963 ends abruptly on the morning of 11/2263).

26. Records of the Dallas-based 488th Military (Strategic) Intelligence Detachment (Counter-Intelligence) unit histories and rosters 1962-1963.

27. Records of FBI wiretapping of Oswald whle in police custody as well as post assassination taps of Ruth Paine and Michael Paine and Marina and Robert Oswald phones, as reported by Irving police chief Paul Barger.

28. White House Communications Agency (WHCA) records for 11/22/63 i,ncluding tape of Secret Service motorcade security radio channel that included Roy Kellerman talking as the third shot was fired, and radios in LBJ's car, the AF1 cockpit and the WHCA base station at the Dallas Sheraton hotel.

29. Missing Mexico City records include LILYRIC (Soviet embassy photo records, Sept. '63); LIFEAT (wiretape records, for all of 1963), daily resumen wiretap summaries for 1963, and records withheld by ARRB at request of CIA and FBI that may be released in the October 26, 2017 data dump.

30. Many relevant FBI 134 Informant records are missing or being withheld.

31. FBI dispatch tape of Dallas calls for 11/22/63 is missing.

32. The Harper Fragment bone found at Dealey Plaza on 11/23/63 and believed to be a bone from JFK's head disapeared.

33. The photographer who took autopsy photos claims to have taken photos not among those at the NARA today.

34. The National Photo Interpetation Center (NPIC) report on their study of the Zapruder film and Art Lundal's briefing of CIA Director John McCone is missing, though McCcone told RFK that the CIA said there were two gunman.

35. The JMWAVE NPIC records and other NPIC assassination records were, according to a NPIC secretary, boxed and at the orders of Robert Kennedy sent to the Smithsonian Institute instead of the NARA.
BillKelly at


  1. Missing as mentioned in #13 in your list are the SS trip records from the end of Sept/63 Conservation Tour records. The only doc in those file boxes is a single sheet saying "withdrawn for national security purposes".

  1. The ARRB's definition of an "assassination record" was broad in scope. 36 CFR 1400.1 defined the scope: "(An assassination record) includes, but is not limited to, all records, public and private, regardless of how labeled or identified, that document, describe, report on, analyze or interpret activities, persons, or events reasonably related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and investigations of or inquiries into the assassination." Further guidance can be found online at Appendix D of the ARRB Final Report.

    The Board's Final Report states that the agencies were often far from timely in providing their documents, and that they encountered significant resistance in obtaining the documents.

    A quick look in the files reveals that, at a minimum, the ARRB was unable to obtain the full assassination-related records for 1963 and other relevant dates for Angleton's CI-SIG unit, the CIA Office of Security, the signals/communications intelligence section Staff D, the Miami CIA station, the Mexico City CIA station, and similar documents within NSA, Army Intelligence, ONI, Marine Intelligence, and Customs. As an example, look at the counter-intelligence and security forces at the Miami station, which was composed of Cubans ready to take over Cuba at a moment's notice in the midst of a US invasion. Virtually all of the AMOT records are missing, as well as the related units AMCHEER and AMFAST. This inability was and remains a political problem - a new ARRB is going to be necessary as we go forward.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Well, today is to be the 'Big Day'....I think they will release a lot of documents - BUT NOT the best ones and NOT ALL of the documents they have [as the law requires] related to the JFK Assassination. They are just throwing us a bone to try to quell the lack of belief in the official lie.

Shame on the media in the lead-up to this moment of disappointment. I have heard nothing but drivel in which they interview 'experts' [ha!] that support the official impossible and totally discredited story of Oswald as the lone assassin. They also all make the point [which is incorrect] that many have made money writing books on the subject [only a handful and only those supporting the official lie have made any money writing on the subject - let alone that many supporting the official version were knowingly writing disinformation propaganda] - as if most were motivated by profit rather than the pursuit of the truth. The entire episode from Dallas to today is disgusting, and shows what a controlled and Big Lie society we all live in.

While I'll go through the new releases, I'm not holding my breath for something spectacular. They have had 25 years to remove any that fit that description. That said, we have been able to piece together much more with the documents we so far have and the new ones will continue to fill in gaps in the ever clearer picture of who did it, why they did it and how they did it - although I think all of those categories are quite clear at this point. The official version is a lie and knowingly so - as it always was from the versions planned before the assassination to the modified version used afterwards and still pushed today by the propaganda machinery which is heir to the coup d'etat that stole our Country from the People - and holds it still in their evil grip.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I don't watch TV, for obvious reasons.

So I went and googled JFK Secret Files, on video.

There have been over 30 stories on this in the last week. I watched a few of them.

It was pretty clear that no one was familiar with what was released in July or what is scheduled to be released tomorrow. Or who Martha Murphy is.

If we ever wanted to deliver a counterpunch to the MSM, this would be the time. The combination of the previous ARRB releases from 1994-98 with this batch, would make for a Joe Frazier type left hook.
Shenon's latest bullshit, proclaiming Oswald as the assassin but expressing faux outrage at how the event could have been prevented, and how the cover up of incompetence led to all those pesky conspiracy theories for years later.

Australian Herald-Sun story on how the release will 'debunk' conspiracies. The writer drags space aliens into it at the end to paint the event as nutty. The Herald-Sun newspaper is owned by Rupert Murdoch, so this is the Aussie version of a Fox News hit piece.

Another Aussie story, notable for the headline. Again, the release will put an end to conspiracy theories, apparently.

Decent coverage of all this seems thin on the ground. Most of these outlets have Facebook pages. If anyone at DPF posts a rebuttal or informative commentary about the files somewhere, I'd recommend copying and pasting it onto the Facebook pages of other relevant outlets. A lot of people read them.

I'm anticipating a lot of stories tomorrow greeting the file release with a shrug, maybe one or two cherry picked stories focusing on something random to tell everyone that conspiracies have been debunked, and then gradual revelations from actual researchers through the weekend and onwards as we begin looking at what is actually there. I'm hopeful we'll see some good HSCA testimony that has been kept under wraps, and bits and pieces telling us more about key players. They can't sanitise thousands of pages, surely?
Well, where is the big dump? We're waiting....... I've heard nothing by NARA or anyone else that whatever they had planned has been stopped. The day is not over, but one would think with such a huge data dump they'd have started early in the day if not over several days. There has been nothing since that one data dump many many weeks ago now. There will be hell to pay if they don't release anything today! I can't remember anyone in Congress saying anything about this one way or the other. The news media continues with mostly disgusting and uninformed dreck on the matter of the Assassination, let alone on the importance of documents and other evidence being long denied, hidden, destroyed, tampered with, falsely created, and the entire matter never really investigated, but a LOT of energy put into the cover-up. The lessons to be learned are to never trust the government nor the 'media'. One has to discover the Truth for oneself and this current MSM and current government system needs to be discarded in full and replaced. Here in Europe it is dark and almost time for bed......I hope I'll be pleasantly surprised when I awake that there are at least a few new crumbs at the NARA website in the morning...but if there were not, I'd not be surprised given the long and horrible and sad history of obscuring the Truth of what really happened in Dallas, since the day it happened right up to today. ::headexplode::
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The Independent in the UK has live updates here. of mainstream stories are appearing. It's being treated as big news.If any researcher - or Jim D. - spots anything decent, go on Twitter (free to join) and post a about it with the text #JFK FILES beside your comment. You can even post multiple comments with 1.... 2.... before it so people know it's a long message (Twitter has a character limit). Journalists are going to be searching Twitter like mad today as all the current stories are copying each other - they're currently talking about possible Oswald in Mexico' documents. If Twitter gets a bunch of posts or retweets on some aspect of the files, journalists will reprint the news for copy. So, any exciting stuff, don't just tell us, get on Twitter too.

National Archives site have just updated their main page with a cool looking screenshot of a JFK document, and a Stay Tuned For Updates' header, so they're imminent.
Robert Groden to be interview at 5PM EDT (10/26/17)
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
From John Newman on Facebook, in the last two hours.

Pete Williams of NBC News just sent this message to Paul Hoch:

Quote:Paul I just talked to an official at another US agency whose documents are at issue. His understanding is that some material will come out today but the remainder will be postponed to a later date. However, the issue of what to do now is still being discussed, and no decisions have been made.

What we've been told is that the CIA is asking only for redactions, not for withholding documents in their entirety. We believe the same to be true of FBI.
-Pete Williams

It's mid afternoon Washington time. NARA requires final authorisation from Trump for document release today. Last minute delays indicate the letter agencies, presumably caught by surprise, are scrambling to now hold and delete damaging material.

If material is withheld at the last minute in the middle of all this press attention, the obvious question - for a mainstream audience that doesn't already know the answer - is 'Why?'

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