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JFK Organizational Chart-Central Characters
Below is the core of the Organizational Chart found at page 503 of The Three Barons: we are at a point, that if someone does not have a proposed chart of the plot, then it has not been properly analysed. JIm Lateer

[TABLE="width: 0"]
[TD]Council on Foreign Relations[/TD]
[TD]Bilderberg Group and Chmn Prince Bernard,Neth.[/TD]
[TD]Chmn Chase Manhattan Bank David Rockefeller[/TD]
[TD]CEO Dillon, Read Banker Clarence Dillon[/TD]
[TD]European Intl Banker Mayer Rothschild[/TD]
[TD]Chair Council on Foreign Rel. John McCloy[/TD]
[TD]Chicago Mayor Richard J Daley[/TD]
[TD]Nat.Sec.Advisor McGeorge Bundy[/TD]
[TD]Asst Secy of Def. Internat. Security Paul Nitze[/TD]
[TD]Sec. of State Dean Rusk[/TD]
[TD]SISS Chairman Senator James O Eastland[/TD]
[TD]Acting SISS Chairman Senator Thomas J Dodd[/TD]
[TD]Dep. Natl Sec Adv & Dir of Policy Plng Dept of State Walt Rostow[/TD]
[TD]Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon, Head of Secret Service, ATF[/TD]
[TD]Counsel for Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms Thurmond Shaw[/TD]
[TD]SISS---- Dirksen [Ervin] [Hruska] [Keating] [McClellan] [Scott] [Johnston][/TD]
Seems to me you may be missing the key characters related to General Cabell and the purchase of BELL Helicopter by TEXTRON in 1960. According to Prouty, Cabell was consulted about the prospects of a helicopter-war in SE Asia. When the Military was maneuvered into moving helicopters there left an inventory hole that was now allowed to be filled.... the rest is VietNam, billions in profits and the takeover of the Global Heroin business by the US Govt.

The removal of troops from SE Asia would derail a highly unusual financing of the purchase via a 6-year grace period for repayment from the Rockefeller/Morgan owned Prudential Insurance company.

There is also Sun Life of London/Montreal; McCloy/Gilpatrick from: Cravath, Swaine and Moore; Royal Little and associates; 1st Bank of Boston; George William Miller; American Research and Development Corp

Some some food for thought as you look into an Assassination Org Chart.... IMHO you're also missing mention of the Six Wise Men who were so instrumental in shaping US policy. Harriman would be my pick for Sponsor/Facilitator status.

the role of six policymakers: Dean Acheson, [/FONT]Averell Harriman,[/FONT] George Kennan, John McCloy Jr., Charles Bohlen, Robert Lovett in taking postWW II America from isolationism to a recognition that the U.S. "would have to assume the burden of a global role." The irony is that, as elder statesmen, they sometimes warned against the interventionist momentum they had helped create, as this behind-the-scenes account makes clear. The authors' portrayal of the six as the hidden architects behind the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan and Cold War containment will certainly provoke debate. Based on prodigious research, including interviews with four of the six, the tome often sounds like an official biography ("Kennan had tortuously conflicted feelings about being tapped to be part of the American elite") and the prose echoes Time's style (Dean Rusk, "the round-faced Georgian"). History buffs will follow with interest the minor revelations that spill forth as the six advise presidents from F. D. R. to L. B. J. Major ad/promo. [/FONT]

Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP (known as Cravath) is an American law firm based in New York City, with an additional office in London. Cravath was founded in 1819 and consistently ranks first among the world's most prestigious law firms according to a survey of partners, and second among the world's most prestigious law firms according to a survey of associates. It is now one of the most profitable law firms in the world.

"In fact the company was heading for bankruptcy. Yet somehow, the Prudential Life Insurance Company of Newark, a Morgan influenced firm, provided a $25 million unsecured note to Textron, with a six-year grace period on repayments. A most un-insurance company like type of loan.

Textron bought Bell Helicopter in July of 1960, four months before the election. Bell's sales were down an even hundred million in 1959 from nearly double that in 1953. Textron bought the company for what was considered one of the worst deals of the year - $32 million or exactly the company's book value. Yet Rupert C. Thompson, Jr. ; " then Textron Chairman (Miller was President) , boasted, "We knew we had our objective - 25 percent pre-tax profit on our investment - from day one."

With the loan, Textron bought Bell and remarkably, helicopter orders zoomed up 50 percent between 1961 and 1962. Bell's UH-IB and UH-IB Iroquois were heavily ordered for JFK's Vietnam War. With this kick, Textron began another round of acquisitions, now heavily defense or machine-tool oriented. The pace was dizzying. For example in 1965 (January), Textron bought Le Progres Industriel, a Belgian machine tool manufacturer; in February, it bought Old King Cole to supplement the plastics line of Fanner Industries division; in July, it acquired the South Coast Marine Co.; in September, it obtained substantial interest in the American Screw Company of Chile (nationalized by Chilean Govt. in 1972) ; in October, it acquired the Patterson-Sargent paint business. In 1966 Textron was even more active, buying, selling or rearranging ten companies"
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
To Mr. David Joseph and Readers: In 2001 I did a 9 month project working on the books of Textron Logistics, a division of Textron that produced packaged fasteners for Walmart, Home Depot etc. In that position, I had interactions with corporate headquarters. My experience was that Textron was mostly a metal fabricating company that also, at the time, owned Cessna aircraft. The aircraft company seemed to be a sidelight to the main, old-school nuts and bolts character of the company. My experience included hearing first hand (on the inside) when a delegation came from Communist China for a possible buyout of part of Textron. (They were rebuffed). I also had experience working at another aerospace company which made parts for cruise missiles and the F-16. By comparison, Textron was definitely a low-budget, low-margin operation where I saw no evidence whatever of any war profiteering, military connections, etc. It would seem to me that if Textron did any of these deals, it would have been a financial and accounting-oriented deal and not any kind of use of influence to foment the Vietnam War. In fact, at least in 2001, such a plot would have been not even on the same planet as the ho-hum Textron management.

I am attaching below another portion of my JFK chart which deals with the military procurement piece. This was mainly Lionel Corporation, General John B. Medaris, Kenneth Buchanan and Joseph Bonano.
[TABLE="width: 411"]
[TD]-------------> German PR, U.S.Ret. General Kenneth Buchanan, of Julius Klein Inc.[/TD]
[TD]West German "Shadow Ambassador" U.S.General Julius Klein (W. German PR rep)[/TD]
[TD]Hans Globke, Former Nazi, National Security Advisor to Adenauer[/TD]
[TD]Chief NASA Marshall-Redstone Missile Pgm German Baron Gen. Wernher von Braun[/TD]
[TD]Ret Army Gen John B Medaris Former Cmdr Army Redstone Missile Program[/TD]
[TD]Owner of Lionel Corporation and McCarthy Chief Counsel Roy Cohn[/TD]
[TD]New York Mafia figure and Owner of Lionel Corporation Joseph Bonanno[/TD]
[TD]Chief of Weapons Dev. Bell Aircraft German Gen Walter Dornberger[/TD]
[TD]West German Intel Agent Walter Becher[/TD]
[TD]Fmr CIA Deputy Director Gen Charles Cabell[/TD]
[TD]Ex-SISS Counsel Robert J Morris[/TD]
David Josephs Wrote:Some some food for thought as you look into an Assassination Org Chart.... IMHO you're also missing mention of the Six Wise Men who were so instrumental in shaping US policy. Harriman would be my pick for Sponsor/Facilitator status.

[FONT=&amp] the role of six policymakers: Dean Acheson, [/FONT][FONT=&amp]Averell Harriman,[/FONT][FONT=&amp] George Kennan, John McCloy Jr., Charles Bohlen, Robert Lovett in taking postWW II America from isolationism to a recognition that the U.S. "would have to assume the burden of a global role." The irony is that, as elder statesmen, they sometimes warned against the interventionist momentum they had helped create, as this behind-the-scenes account makes clear. The authors' portrayal of the six as the hidden architects behind the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan and Cold War containment will certainly provoke debate. Based on prodigious research, including interviews with four of the six, the tome often sounds like an official biography ("Kennan had tortuously conflicted feelings about being tapped to be part of the American elite") and the prose echoes Time's style (Dean Rusk, "the round-faced Georgian"). History buffs will follow with interest the minor revelations that spill forth as the six advise presidents from F. D. R. to L. B. J. Major ad/promo. [/FONT]

Harriman huddled with LBJ within minutes of the Texan's arrival at the White House.

Unless Max Holland made up an incriminating conversation, Harriman laid down the weight of the American foreign policy establishment.

The Kennedy Assassination Tapes, pg 57 (emphasis added)
(quote on)
At 6:55 p.m.Johnson has a ten-minute meeting with Senator J. William Fulbright
(D-Arkansas) and diplomat W. Averell Harriman to discuss possible foreign involvement
in the assassination, especially in light of the two-and-a-half year Soviet sojourn of Lee
Harvey Oswald, a twenty-four-year-old man apprehended by Dallas police who is now
considered the chief suspect. Harriman, a U.S. ambassador to Moscow during
World War II, is an experienced interpreter of Soviet machinations and offers the
President the unanimous view of the U.S. government's top Kremlinologists. None
of them believe the Soviets have a hand in the assassination.

(quote off)

In 1963 the "U.S. governments top Kremlinologists" were the Wise Men Charles Bohlen, George Kennan
and Ave Harriman.

But Harriman never spoke with either Bohlen or Kennan on 11/22/63 -- Bohlen was traveling in Europe and Kennan spent a quiet day of mourning down in Princeton with Robert Oppenheimer.

Harriman lied to LBJ.

McGeorge Bundy lied to LBJ on AF1 when he called from the Situation Room with the news that there was no sign of conspiracy in the Dallas ambush.

Both Ave and Mac were Skull & Bones.

I'm skeptical of any any organizational chart that doesn't put Ave Harriman and the elder Rockefeller Johnny D 3 at the top.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:I'm skeptical of any any organizational chart that doesn't put Ave Harriman and the elder Rockefeller Johnny D 3 at the top.

The Military-Industrial-Complex star chamber '59:

On September 15, 1959, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev landed in Washington DC on the first stop of a two week tour of the States.

The next day he showed up at W. Averell Harriman's pad in Manhattan.

From Spanning the Century The Life of W. Averell Harriman, by Rudy Abramson, pg. 575

<quote on>

In his second-floor drawing room, Harriman gathered leaders from mining, manufacturing, oil, chemicals, banking,
and insurance industries, including John D. Rockefeller III; General David Sarnoff, chairman of RCA; Frank Pace,
chairman of General Dynamics Corporation; W. Alton Jones, chairman of Cities Service Corporation; and John J. McCloy,
chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank. By his estimate, scribbled on a yellow legal pad before Khrushchev arrived, they
represented assets of some $38 billion. Among them, as witnesses to history, were a few men of ordinary means,
former ambassadors, educators, and, notably, Rockefeller Foundation president Dean Rusk, and Harvard economist
John Kenneth Galbraith, the latter having invited himself as a "representative of the proletariat."

Surround by Picassos and Derains, their voices muffled by Persian carpets, the capitalist Titans greeted the Communist
chieftain one by one, then sat in a semi-circle savoring caviar and sipping champagne and New York wine as Averell
conducted his exposition of capitalism, war profits, and American politics. No one present, nor any of their friends,
he and the others assured the guest of honor, favored world tensions. The assembled war profiteers, said the host, were
men who'd champion disarmament the moment it became safe for the United States. There was not a hint, however, that
mingling with the millionaires did anything except reinforce Khrushchev's belief that he was then in the presence of the
men who controlled America far more than Eisenhower and the members of Congress he had met in Washington.

One testimonial to free enterprise followed another. And when the Soviet leader reasserted his stubborn belief that the
men present composed the country's ruling circle, Galbraith later tattled, "Somebody demurred, but in perfunctory fashion."
After it was over, Harriman insisted that the Soviet leader had gained insights of "real importance."

<quote off>

Note the strong Rockefeller presence: Johnny D 3 (the family Asia-man), Wise Man John McCloy of Chase Manhattan, Dean Rusk of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Mr. Cliff Varnell and Mr. David Josephs present an extremely sophisticated analysis of the dynamics of the foreign policy elite at the time of the JFK assassination. Here's how I would reply:

(1) Very likely John D. Rockefeller III could be on the chart in place of David Rockefeller. Apparently John D. III was married to a Hooker (not a hooker) and the Hookers were the ones in the Mexican oil venture with Baron George de Mohrenschildt. In looking up John D. III on Wikipedia, it says he was a member of the Institute of Pacific Relations. Of course that was the group that was ripped to shreds by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and James O. Eastland for being Communists. How would JD 3 get along with Eastland who was one of the central JFK plotters? I have studied Nelson Rockefeller in depth and I don't believe Nelson was a plotter. He was working against the fascists in South America in WWII. He already had so many of his people in the JFK administration, that he could only lose influence with LBJ replacing JFK. Nelson was also inept at a personal level. Not a good trait for a plotter. It is almost a sure thing that the Rockefellers knew about and signed off on 11-22-63. But which Rockefellers?

I used David Rockefeller because he was most involved with (and possibly founded) the Council on Foreign Relations and is often mentioned as being behind the Iran Hostage Crisis, the 9-11 attacks etc. One of the factors which I grew to emphasize is whether a personality gravitates to "clandestine and secret activities" or prefers to operate "out in the open". When looked at that way, the leaders in the 50's and 60's seemed to fit either in one category or the other. (That jives with my lifetime experience of people and organizations as well). David Rockefeller seemed to be the most conspiratorial of the 3.

(2) The four foreign policy gurus I put on the chart were WW. Rostow, McGeorge Bundy, Dean Rusk and Paul Nitze. All four of them had official positions in the JFK administration. The only person outside this foreign policy array who might be guilty was Eugene Rostow. He is the one who called LBJ prematurely with a detailed plan for the Warren Commisson.

I have a list of 1500 names in my database. All of those people were mentioned in the top 100 or so of at least ONE assassination book. They can't all be on the chart. Distinctions must be made. My test was this: did a suspect do a necessary or specific act to further the plot? This is also to ask, that with perfect surveillance, could the person have been convicted of murder in the JFK cold case? Regarding the cover-up, legally you had to be involved in the coverup BEFORE the act. Merely being involved in disproving the involvement of Castro, Khrushchev and the USSR was basically irrelevant to the plot after the fact.

Nitze was the most important because he was (at least at one time) a business partner in Dillon Read with C. Douglas Dillon who controlled the Secret Service and the ATF. Otepka biographer William J. Gill tended to associate Dean Rusk and WW Rostow together because they had studied in the U.K. and also in Continental Europe and were thus "dyed in the wool" internationalists, Anglophiles and conspiratorial types (according to Gill).

If someone was a plotter, they would have been involved in FRAMING the Soviets as was Senator Dodd, Bogdan Stashynsky, etc. Exonerating the Soviets or Castro after the fact was kids play.

(3) Of the people mentioned by Mr Varnell and Mr. Josephs, the obvious bad apple was McCloy. Like Allen Dulles, McCloy was "pathologicaly pro-German" and deeply involved with big-time Nazi leaders basically his whole life. Of course I believe that JFK was murdered by Nazis. So that sort of makes McCloy and Dulles look pretty bad. They stand out even among the worst group of villians in US history, THE JFK PLOTTERS.

James Lateer
Quote:It would seem to me that if Textron did any of these deals, it would have been a financial and accounting-oriented deal and not any kind of use of influence to foment the Vietnam War. In fact, at least in 2001, such a plot would have been not even on the same planet as the ho-hum Textron management

James... I feel you underestimate what was the world's first conglomerate. TEXTRON was formed to attack the New England textile manufacturing industry... and did an amazing job.

It was after that when TEXTRON began buying up companies...

I suggest you look again at the key players...

Specifically the Sun Life Montreal/London connection and the entire Bank of Boston; Hancock/Prudential Life Insurance and the Cravath law firm connections.

JFK wanting to pull out of SE Asia meant the loss of BILLIONS to a group which had been on the attack for decades.

As for the BADDEST of the Wise Men... I'm going to agree with Cliff and say Harriman had more pull, more power and more of everything other than specific positional influence that McCloy enjoyed.
Bundy completes that circle IMO.

Ike's MIC was starting to be threatened by JFK. War was the single most profitable thing the MIC could engage within other than Drugs, which SE Asia also represented. (Just think Pepsi & Laos)

The Korean war was giving way and the US/CIA was losing it's reason for being there...

Enter TEXTRON, Cabell, McCloy, Glipatrick, Bundy, Harriman... Who benefitted the most from the years 1964 - 1972?
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Mr. Lateer:

I would seriously reconsider your estimation of Nelson Rockefeller as being an anti-fascist. Rockefeller could have been charged under the war crimes statute for treason.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Thanks for the question posed by David Lewis about Nelson Rockefeller. I did read some excerpts from your link of THE NAZI HYDRA. I saw that the author believed that Rocky would be prosecuted by FDR.

My assessment of Rocky is based on my reading of the book called Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil by Gerard Colby which was referred to me by a publisher. Another book which I read on the subject is Trading With The Enemy by Charles Higham. I would recommend the Higham book more the the Colby book.

The hidden reality in all the "trading with the enemy" issue is that the US and the UK wanted to help Nazi Germany to keep them in the War long enough so that the Nazis and the Russians would pretty much destroy each other so that we could then come in and pick up the pieces. There was also a pro-fascist element in the person of John J. McCloy. McCloy was Assistant Secretary of the Army and he refused to authorize bombing of I G Farben synthetic oil facilities. Corporate people believed (rightly) that just because there was a War, that didn't mean you could afford to destroy the entire corporate infrastructure that took 100 years to create and then start all over again after only a four year (really a one year, 1944-1945) War.

Churchill ordered that Standard Oil and other oil company ships would be allowed to pass through the British blockade. I don't think Churchill was pro-fascist.

Regarding Rocky, it's a two-sided coin. On the one hand, Rocky was put in charge of intelligence in South America because he had much in common with all the fascist dictators and fascist corporate interests in South America. Rocky knew all their tricks. As head of South American intel in the War, Rocky was apparently a sort of "double agent" operating in between Roosevelt and South American fascists. I don't believe Rocky was ANTI-FASCIST really. I would describe him more as AGNOSTIC on the issue of fascism.

It is true that Rocky was the one who got the country of Brazil to declare war on Nazi Germany and Brazil actually sent troops into North Africa in WWII. But it is also true that Rocky begged for "amnesty" for fascist Argentina and Juan Peron, i.e. forgive and forget about Argentinian fascism as the War was ending.

It is my impression that the Rockefeller interests would finance anybody, Communist OR fascist. I think (I'm not positive) that Fletcher Prouty in his book stated the the Chase Manhattan bank had a branch office in Moscow while Lenin ruled Russia. His point was that the Chase Manhattan was operating at a level way above the battle between fascism, democracy, Communism and so on.

My only point in absolving Rocky is that if you had to pick one Rockefeller to give the go-ahead for the assassination (or turn a blind eye), that it seems like David Rockefeller has a WAY WORSE reputation among conspiracy theorists than the other Rockefellers. But I really haven't nailed that down in my own mind by any means. To do that would require me to read (1) a book called The Rockefeller Inheritance which is the definitive work on the family, and (2) read a biography for each of the brothers to see what was driving their personalities.

Another major point is the relationship between The Institute of Pacific Relations and the right-wing extreme McCarthyite congressional committees. The details of this battle have been hidden away and covered up, but from a distance this battle looks like Senator James O. Eastland (and his openly pro-fascist allies like Senator Pat McCarran) vs. Anglophile Dean Rusk and the Rockefeller interests.

At this point, analyzing the Rockefellers just isn't a high priority for me compared to reading about Otto Skorzeny, Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller, Operation Valkyrie and other directly related topics regarding my theory of the JFK case.

James Lateeer

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