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Statement from John Armstrong

At the appropriate time, please inform forum members as follows:

My main purpose for writing Harvey and Lee was first and foremost
to make some of my documentation, interviews, photos, etc.
available to fellow researchers. My hope was that researchers could
use these documents and information to supplement and expand
their own work and someday solve the JFK mystery.

My second purpose in writing the book was to link documents together
that appear to show that a young Russian-speaking boy assumed the
name and identity of American-born Lee Harvey Oswald. The original
purpose (1950's) was to allow the Russian-speaking boy to assume the
identity, background, birth, and family records of the real LHO (with
full knowledge of Oswald family members). Then, after serving in the
US Marine Corps, the Russian-speaking "Oswald" (Harvey) could
"defect" to the Soviet Union where his ability to speak and understand
Russian would give him the opportunity to spy for the CIA.

My third purpose in writing the book was to link documents together
that appear to show that American born Lee Oswald was used to
impersonate the "patsy" (Harvey) in the months leading up to
November 22 and help frame him for the assassination (at the
direction of the CIA).

Finally, it has never been my interest nor my desire to try and
convince anyone that my analysis of the documents (Harvey
and Lee) is correct. It is and continues to be my desire to provide
access to my entire collection of documents in order to help
researchers and allow them to form their own conclusions.
Accordingly, I have loaned my entire collection of documents
(over 100,000 items) to Baylor University so that all documents
could be copied and made available online as well as at Baylor's
Penn Jones Collection Library to people interested in the assassination.

Jack White Wrote:Jack,

At the appropriate time, please inform forum members as follows:

My main purpose for writing Harvey and Lee was first and foremost
to make some of my documentation, interviews, photos, etc.
available to fellow researchers. My hope was that researchers could
use these documents and information to supplement and expand
their own work and someday solve the JFK mystery.

My second purpose in writing the book was to link documents together
that appear to show that a young Russian-speaking boy assumed the
name and identity of American-born Lee Harvey Oswald. The original
purpose (1950's) was to allow the Russian-speaking boy to assume the
identity, background, birth, and family records of the real LHO (with
full knowledge of Oswald family members). Then, after serving in the
US Marine Corps, the Russian-speaking "Oswald" (Harvey) could
"defect" to the Soviet Union where his ability to speak and understand
Russian would give him the opportunity to spy for the CIA.

My third purpose in writing the book was to link documents together
that appear to show that American born Lee Oswald was used to
impersonate the "patsy" (Harvey) in the months leading up to
November 22 and help frame him for the assassination (at the
direction of the CIA).

Finally, it has never been my interest nor my desire to try and
convince anyone that my analysis of the documents (Harvey
and Lee) is correct. It is and continues to be my desire to provide
access to my entire collection of documents in order to help
researchers and allow them to form their own conclusions.
Accordingly, I have loaned my entire collection of documents
(over 100,000 items) to Baylor University so that all documents
could be copied and made available online as well as at Baylor's
Penn Jones Collection Library to people interested in the assassination.


Jack, Will these be available on-line?
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:Jack,

At the appropriate time, please inform forum members as follows:

My main purpose for writing Harvey and Lee was first and foremost
to make some of my documentation, interviews, photos, etc.
available to fellow researchers. My hope was that researchers could
use these documents and information to supplement and expand
their own work and someday solve the JFK mystery.

My second purpose in writing the book was to link documents together
that appear to show that a young Russian-speaking boy assumed the
name and identity of American-born Lee Harvey Oswald. The original
purpose (1950's) was to allow the Russian-speaking boy to assume the
identity, background, birth, and family records of the real LHO (with
full knowledge of Oswald family members). Then, after serving in the
US Marine Corps, the Russian-speaking "Oswald" (Harvey) could
"defect" to the Soviet Union where his ability to speak and understand
Russian would give him the opportunity to spy for the CIA.

My third purpose in writing the book was to link documents together
that appear to show that American born Lee Oswald was used to
impersonate the "patsy" (Harvey) in the months leading up to
November 22 and help frame him for the assassination (at the
direction of the CIA).

Finally, it has never been my interest nor my desire to try and
convince anyone that my analysis of the documents (Harvey
and Lee) is correct. It is and continues to be my desire to provide
access to my entire collection of documents in order to help
researchers and allow them to form their own conclusions.
Accordingly, I have loaned my entire collection of documents
(over 100,000 items) to Baylor University so that all documents
could be copied and made available online as well as at Baylor's
Penn Jones Collection Library to people interested in the assassination.


Jack, Will these be available on-line?

They are not yet finished copying and indexing...which may take months.
I believe it is hoped that they may be online. There will be an index online
when the copying is all complete, and I believe hard copies may be ordered.
Remember, this is over 100,000 documents, and Ben Rogers at Baylor
only has a small student staff doing the work.

It will all be available at the Baylor Library in Waco, of course.

A very dignified statement from John Armstrong.

Jack - thank you for posting it.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
The first batch of John's documents is now ONLINE.

I just received this email from him:


Here is the link to the first batch of my documents posted on-line by Baylor University. It is LHO family history.

I had run across John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee: The Case for Two Oswalds online as an essay or lecture and found it fascinating, compelling and convincing, as well as very helpful in explaining the seeming contradictions of “multiple Oswald sightings”.

In my 2003 The Assassinations edited by Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, Harvey and Lee: The Case for Two Oswalds is presented as Part I (pages 91-112) and Part II (pages 113-135) serving to place the intelligence asset in perspective as a long-term project.

Together with John Newman's Oswald and the CIA (I have the 1995 edition) the use of Oswald by intelligence is clarified via stereopticon.

[size=12]Harvey and Lee and Tippit: A New Look at the Tippit Shooting provides the best explanation to date of the numerous contradictions and anomalies of the incident.[/SIZE]

ONI, CIA, FBI all have used Oswald; John Armstong's work has shown much of how and when this was done, demystifying the magicians' heretofore baffling illusion.
Jack White Wrote:The first batch of John's documents is now ONLINE.

I just received this email from him:


Here is the link to the first batch of my documents posted on-line by Baylor University. It is LHO family history.


Great! Thanks! I know he is not likely to...and has more than 'done his work' with what he has already done, but it would be great if he's sometime [in his retirement] finish the unfinished work on where the Lee went to after and is now, and other loose ends......:flute: His book is great, as was his effort on it!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thank you Jack for posting this. Please tell John what a wonderful time I had hanging with him at the COPA conference this past year. In fact he and Marty Bragg were the first people I saw soon's my cab from the airport got me there. I have a great pic of him on facebook with Marty in his lap. And another from when he lectured.

His book speaks for itself. A truly remarkable document.

So I guess he won't be back to COPA. Hawaii is quite a distance and we were
most fortunate to have him. In terms of "character" I witnessed something that spoke volumes. While we- John, Marty and me- were sittng and chatting at the Lawrence a woman apporached with her book. At first we thought she was wanting it signed. But a couple of the pages were blank. John had with him only one copy of H and L but he immediately gave it to her.

I will try to post the pic I have here...

Dawn Meredith Wrote:Thank you Jack for posting this. Please tell John what a wonderful time I had hanging with him at the COPA conference this past year. In fact he and Marty Bragg were the first people I saw soon's my cab from the airport got me there. I have a great pic of him on facebook with Marty in his lap. And another from when he lectured.

His book speaks for itself. A truly remarkable document.

So I guess he won't be back to COPA. Hawaii is quite a distance and we were
most fortunate to have him. In terms of "character" I witnessed something that spoke volumes. While we- John, Marty and me- were sittng and chatting at the Lawrence a woman apporached with her book. At first we thought she was wanting it signed. But a couple of the pages were blank. John had with him only one copy of H and L but he immediately gave it to her.

I will try to post the pic I have here...


My Photos - Dallas Coalition On Political Assisinations 11/20-22-09
Photo 1 of 45 Back to Album · My Photos

Click on people's faces in the photo to tag them.

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From your album:

Not sure why this is not posting. This is my second try, so I copied it to my email and it worked, then tried again to post it here, but not working. I will email to an admin and see if she has any better luck. It's a cool pic.
Cool, now Frog is sending this out all over....I posted this on facebook and a friend Frank either re-posted it or sent it to Frog who has a large email audience, of which I have been one for years- via Jay-who I still miss- RIP 5/25/05(:

I have been too busy to finish this LONG book but I am 100% convinced it its truth. John's 12 year first person investigation is a testament to both tenacity and courage.

Buy it from Andy!!


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