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One good place for some expert input on the chemtrail issue is the Pilots for 9/11 Truth forum. The pilots there are clearly not close-minded because they reject the official narrative of 9/11 just like many of us. And at the same time they fly on a daily basis and know what they are talking about. It doesn’t get much better than that, in my humble opinion. They are pretty scathing about chemtrails. This is a typical comment:

‘Chemtrail advocates - P4T has enough pilots to start an airline. We have more pilots than most airlines have started with... obviously, we also have open minds...

You want to confirm "Chemtrails"? Get us aircraft with sampling equipment and we'll fly through any "checker-board" as you ride along... and bring you back home with the results.’
Malcolm Pryce Wrote:"You want to confirm 'Chemtrails'? Get us aircraft with sampling equipment and we'll fly through any 'checker-board' as you ride along... and bring you back home with the results."

Chemtrail debunkers are quick to note that long, lingering, widely spreading "contrails" occur due to various -- and presumably predictable and consistent -- combinations of altitude, temperature, relative humidity, other meteorological conditions, engine performance parameters, fuel mixtures, etc.

The familiar shorter, quickly dissipating, and therefore ostensibly benign phenomena too are dependent on similar factors.

It would stand to reason, then, that over the course of any 12-month span and absent contributing factors not present during the previous 12 months in which contrails of diverse appearance were observed and noted from a fixed location, we should see consistently diverse patterns in the skies.

Here's the problem: For the past year, daytime observations of classic "chemtrails" from my fixed observation point have all but ceased. In the previous year, the "chemtrails" were present on an almost daily basis.

To my knowledge, flight paths have not been altered (I'm under flights from Boston, Hartford, and Providence airports). I have no way of knowing if changes have been made in altitude, fuel composition, engine configuration and performance, etc.

There has been zero meaningful fluctuation in weather patterns over both years.

So if "chemtrails" are in fact "contrails" ... Where the hell are they now?

As for the offer to fly through the "chemtrails" and sample them: Easy to say.

Who provides the equipment? How are pilots and testing facilities vetted so as to blunt operations to infiltrate and influence the work? Who will pay for it all?
Exactly, Charles! In Fort Worth we used to have dozens of chemtrails
in the sky at one time on any given day. Then they suddenly ceased
for a period of six to nine months. Last week they started again. I saw
six or seven in the sky at the same time, being laid in a criss-cross
pattern on no airline routes.


Below...typical chemtrails

Charles Drago Wrote:
Malcolm Pryce Wrote:"You want to confirm 'Chemtrails'? Get us aircraft with sampling equipment and we'll fly through any 'checker-board' as you ride along... and bring you back home with the results."

Chemtrail debunkers are quick to note that long, lingering, widely spreading "contrails" occur due to various -- and presumably predictable and consistent -- combinations of altitude, temperature, relative humidity, other meteorological conditions, engine performance parameters, fuel mixtures, etc.

The familiar shorter, quickly dissipating, and therefore ostensibly benign phenomena too are dependent on similar factors.

It would stand to reason, then, that over the course of any 12-month span and absent contributing factors not present during the previous 12 months in which contrails of diverse appearance were observed and noted from a fixed location, we should see consistently diverse patterns in the skies.

Here's the problem: For the past year, daytime observations of classic "chemtrails" from my fixed observation point have all but ceased. In the previous year, the "chemtrails" were present on an almost daily basis.

To my knowledge, flight paths have not been altered (I'm under flights from Boston, Hartford, and Providence airports). I have no way of knowing if changes have been made in altitude, fuel composition, engine configuration and performance, etc.

There has been zero meaningful fluctuation in weather patterns over both years.

So if "chemtrails" are in fact "contrails" ... Where the hell are they now?

As for the offer to fly through the "chemtrails" and sample them: Easy to say.

Who provides the equipment? How are pilots and testing facilities vetted so as to blunt operations to infiltrate and influence the work? Who will pay for it all?

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I’m not trying to debunk, just expressing scepticism, asking questions, seeking the truth. I really don’t know. I cannot account for the phenomenon you describe. But I think I can assert with a fair degree of confidence that the claim repeated at many Chemtrail sites that ordinary contrails do not linger is incorrect. It just depends on the atmospheric conditions. After all, if a contrail which is water vapour cannot last, how then can a cloud? Having said that, I have no difficulty believing the US military illicitly and covertly spray stuff into the sky from time to time, for various purposes such as 3D radar propagation. But this would only account for a small percentage of the phenomenon as reported.

It surely was not my intention to assign "debunker" status to you. I have read nothing in your posts to warrant such an assignation.

Yes, water vapor in such volumes as required to form "clouds" as we commonly use the term can and does linger.

But "volume" seems to be the key here -- at least to this non-scientist. Should we expect the amount of water vapor sufficient to promote common contrail formation to expand to a size that -- again, a ballpark estimate -- is seemingly, in some cases, a hundred times wider than the initial trail?

I'd also be interested in reading available data on contrail dissipation rates.

My mind remains open -- AND informed by too many years of study of too many bad-ass assaults on our physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being by too many power structures.

Charlie, no worries! I was just anxious lest I had inadvertently given the impression that I was a ‘scoffer.’ Lord knows there are enough of them out there.
Charles, I believe Ed Jewett posted a lot on this with some relevant websites.
One of those websites is
My scientific knowledge is limited but scientifically-based date is on this web-site and may give you the knowledge and understanding of the technical possibilities which might influence such an atmospheric occurrence. In my humble non-scientific opinion this site may be of some help.
My partner is scientifically minded and suggested this so, please dont blame the messenger should you disagree.
Thanks, Susan.

FYI, any suggestions for ways to expand knowledge will be accepted gratefully and graciously.


my pleasure Charles. I hope it helps.
I have been interested for years and would also love to get behind it. My
instinct (you know that female thing) has been nudging me in the direction of chemtrails instead of contrails - these expanding clouds I mean and spraying.
But if have seen 2 American newsmen in the last month mention it in their weather broadcast and BOTH of them said it is the military dropping chaff - something to help abate "'GLOBAL WARMING and BOTH said they were in the Air Force at some time in their pasts and THEY BOTH KNEW!!!!!
Make of it whatever you like. My sceptical side says - huh MSM saying this - must:p be true!
Holy crap,I've never paid much attention to the chemtrail thesis.I also don't see a lot of sky because I live in the woods.So today I drove into town,and on my way back home I noticed a couple of jet trails off to my left.Then I looked to my right,and their were about a dozen trails.Some narrow,and some wide.I was fascinated.I've never seen so many in my life.So when I get home they are still coming,and right over my house.I did see about three jets laying narrow trails that would spread out.I've just looked again,and their are still trails up there.This has been about three hours now.All trails are going basically North to South.There would have to been many planes involved to see this many trails.I'm not sure what to believe. :dontknow:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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