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Israel has attacked Gaza Flotilla (dead and wounded)
Lie of the Land: The Dark Heart of a Special Relationship [Image: pdf_button.png] [Image: printButton.png] [Image: emailButton.png] Written by Chris Floyd Thursday, 03 June 2010 23:38 Israel's deadly attack on the relief boat bound for Gaza almost defies comment. Its wanton criminality is so blatant and its "justifications" so transparently false that condemnation seems almost superfluous; the evil of the action is self-evident. Likewise, the reactions of the American power structure – timorous appeasement from the White House, unhinged bloodthirstiness from Congress – have been so wildly inappropriate and utterly divorced from reality that they can scarcely bear any serious consideration; they are simply roars of meaningless noise, set loose in hopes of drowning out the truth.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of the incident (beside the loss of innocent life) is its glaring confirmation of this long-established, deeply destructive fact: there is no outrage that Israel can commit that the United States government will not countenance.

Of course, this has been true for decades, encompassing everything from the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, its illegal development of a nuclear arsenal, its decades of relentless espionage in the United States, its atrocities in the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, its state-terror, collateral-damaging "targeted assassinations" around the world, its heinous apartheid wall, the open, often genocidal racism of many of its political and government leaders, its mass cluster-bombing at the end of its latest military aggression in Lebanon, its horrific civilian slaughter in its latest full-scale assault on Gaza, and the subsequent strangulation of Gaza, a war crime of collective punishment that resembles nothing so much as the Nazi ghettoization of Jews in Warsaw. And throughout all of this, the United States has given billions of dollars to Israel, year in, year out, decade after decade, to support its war machine and its structures of repression.

So in a very real sense, the current situation is nothing new at all. But it is also true that this atrocity-producing dynamic has become ever more frenzied since the launching of the bi-partisan, world-wide, multi-generational "War on Terror." There is no longer even any pretense of any red lines that Israel might cross that would lead to even the slightest diminution of American support. In any case, as Glenn Greenwald (among others) points out, the two nations now share fully and openly the same policies of torture, lawlessness, state terror (including assassination), military aggression, war profiteering and extremist, demonizing rhetoric aimed at keeping their populations roiled with fear, anger and confusion.

(In fact, the Americans kill far more innocent civilians in predominantly Muslim lands each year than the Israelis -- who, if only in this, might feel justifiably wronged in being singled out for international condemnation when their mentors and paymasters in Washington commit the same depredations on a much larger scale.)

It's true that part of the American elite's indulgence of Israel stems from the political clout of the "Jewish Lobby." And this influence, which traditionally weighed most heavily on the Democratic Party, has now been joined by the even more zealous -- not to say maniacal and mindless -- support for Israel from America's religious Right, which has almost entirely subsumed the Republican Party. Just as elite bipartisan consensus on military empire and unrestrained corporate oligarchy have eliminated institutional barriers to vast atrocities, crimes and follies in these areas, so too has the convergence of traditional Lobby clout and empowered religious extremism eliminated any real opposition in Washington to any Israeli policy or action.

But I believe there is an even deeper root to this "special relationship" -- and that's the process of "ethnic cleansing" and violent land-grabbing which is absolutely foundational to both nations. What the Americans did long ago -- drive the natives from the land by force, steal their territory and plant a new state there, reserved for the benefit of the "right" sort of people -- the Israelis are now trying to do in the Middle East. Even the same false tropes of justification are used: the natives were lazy and shiftless, they had not "improved" and exploited the land, and therefore had no legal or moral title to it. Then comes the fact-free claim that there weren't even many of these lower creatures to begin with: "a land without people for a people without land," the "virgin continent," just waiting to be populated. And finally, the land-grabbing and ethnic cleansing are hailed as part of a divine plan for God's chosen people, who by conquest, extermination and theft are to become "a light unto the nations," "the shining city on a hill."

This shared ethos is probably another reason why Israel continues its subjugation of the Palestinians with such relentless fervor -- because they know it can work. If you press the natives hard enough, for long enough, if you have the steel to "do whatever it takes" to crush their resistance -- as the Americans did with the Indians -- then you too might win out in the end. It can be done, because it has been done in history (and not just by the Americans, of course); it's a risky business, but for the Israeli elites, as for their American role models, the game is worth the candle.

At any rate, the latest incident will only embolden the Israelis to further atrocities, with the backing -- and often the weapons -- of the United States. Where this process will end is almost too harrowing to contemplate. I honestly believe that if the Israelis decided to "liquidate the ghetto" in Gaza, as was done in Warsaw, then you would see the American elite contorting themselves -- and the truth -- this way and that in order to justify the carnage.

And why not? An elite which has instigated the murder of more than a million people in Iraq -- in a ghastly operation hailed as "an extraordinary achievement" by the progressive peace laureate now in charge of the American war machine -- would certainly not blanch at a little liquidation by their protégés.

Hey man, it's all just payback for 9/11, right? And maybe for Custer as well.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Gordon Duff: Israel Says Gaza Attack “A Silly Misunderstanding”

June 3, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 9 Comments


[Image: gaza-flotilla-obama-aipac.jpg]

Gaza Flotilla and USS Liberty Survivors Apologize to Israel

Israel Claims Attack Authorized Personally by Lord Balfour

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
This week “religious commandos” from Israel attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters. Seven Israelis were injured during the attack with one member of the “Israeli Secret Police” thrown overboard by an 81 year old woman. Jerusalem papers report that Israel is holding the woman for attempted sexual assault.
Is it illegal to rape a pirate on the high seas? We are waiting for a ruling from the International Criminal Court at the Hague on this.
One “commando” tripped over a wheel chair in the dark and fell down a flight of stairs. The injured commando, an Obergruppenfuhrer, a rabbinical rank with the IDF, said, “After shooting the man in the chair, I quickly ran over to get his watch. Imagine how I felt, nearly giving my life for a stinking Timex.”
The helicopters and boats used by the “floating and flying rabbis” were paid for by the US as part of a USAID program funding health clinics in Gaza. Israelis working with USAID on the project indicated that they the “Peace Flotilla” was mistaken for a “refugee resettlement cruise.”
[Image: ScreenHunter_06-Jun.-03-00.35-150x150.gif]Walter Rothschild, Founder of Israel, Riding his Tortoise

“It is our job to care for the Palestinians. We were only there to do medical inspections, picking those that are healthy enough for labor and finding those who are unfit and need “special treatment.” Sixteen were selected for delousing. Relatives of those who received “special treatment” are waiting for a list of names and where to pick up the ashes.
The United States Senate, led by Josef Lieberman, John McCain and Charles “Chuckie” Schumer, voted unanimously to continue their unbroken support for Israeli efforts to provide a decent homeland for Palestinians, “no matter how many of these worthless Muslim bastards have to die in the process.”
Senator McCain was quick to point out, “My father, Admiral McCain helped organize a similar Israeli effort when the USS Liberty became stranded in international waters near the same area. Israel expended four torpedoes, firebombed the ship 3 times using napalm, hit the ship with over 18,000 rounds of cannon fire and even strafed the lifeboats but was unable to save the 34 killed and 174 injured during this rescue attempt.”
USS Liberty survivor Phillip Tourney, when questioned about the incident said, “At least they didn’t try to steal my watch.”
Another USS Liberty survivor praised the Israeli actions, “ Although nothing was wrong with our ship, after the Israelis set it on fire and torpedoed it, every effort was made to by them to motivate our US Navy fire crews. When the Israelis came up firing machineguns at our medical and fire rescue personnel from close range, we had an excellent battle simulation. In fact, the Israeli’s “simulated” several of our medical personnel, treating the dozens of wounded and dying, to death.”
Senator Schumer was quick to point out, “The USS Liberty incident demonstrated the highest bravery any American ally can show. The quick action of the Israeli crew, reloading weapons, putting the dodging and wounded crew in their sights and managing to deal with the guilt and stress for years afterward, the highest level of heroism and sacrifice a son of Zion can display.”
An Israeli press spokesman released the following statement about the Gaza Freedom Flotilla rescue effort:
In the name of the exalted Grand Rabbinical Conclave of Jerusalem and the Office of Judaic Racial Purity we offer our apology for any possible misunderstandings caused by our mission of mercy this week. With our current programs to relocate thousands of elderly Jewish “financial workers” in emergency need for seasonal vacation residences. Other settlers have come to us demanding a safe homeland free of criminal extradition and unencumbered by tax liens, court judgments, copyright laws and other common methods of oppression and victimization of “dual citizens.”
The Judaic Republic of Israel regrets the necessity of seeking “lebensraum” in areas that had been infected with Palestinians, some for a thousand years or longer. We wish that the international community comes to understand that the welfare of the Palestinian people, a people we offered to ship, dead or alive, to any country ready to take them, is foremost in our hearts.
Toward that end, we have been forced to offer new housing, schools and hospitals to serve the Palestinian community. Thus far, we have managed to eliminate 44,000 substandard homes, 86 inadequate schools and to eradicate more than a dozen hospitals along with other unacceptable structures.
During the next 5 to 10 years, with additional aid from the United States, we will begin studying the possibility of replacing the destroyed dwellings with temporary structures. In the interim, the Palestinian residents of Israel are being offered healthful open air accommodations in a supervised environment with plenty of helpful Judaic overseers to render guidance and motivation.
When asked to explain the odd interpretation of international law that allowed military operations on the high seas, we were told that the British government had, in a codicil of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, an agreement between Lord Balfour and Walter Rothschild, a well known British banking enthusiast and amateur zoologist.
Why the Balfour Declaration Empowers Israel to World Rule
The founder of the State of Israel is Walter Rothschild, the man Lord Balfour addressed his famous declaration to. What do we know of this great social visionary and founder of world Zionsim?
Whether Walter Rothschild was acting in his capacity as a zoologist or amateur banker when negotiating with Lord Balfour over Jewish settlements in Palestine is unclear as is the source of clear authority either party had to engage in any such endeavor.
When addressed by “Lord Balfour,” Walter Rothschild was not a “lord” or a “baron.” He was only kept out of an insane asylum because of his wealthy family. Walter Rothschild wouldn’t know a Zionist from a Free Methodist if he found one in his porridge.
Walter Rothschild is best known for his carriage, drawn by six zebras, often seen in London’s streets and for his inability to speak in an understandable manner. Rothschild’s banking career ended in 1908, when he was fired from the family bank. From that point onward, his only activity was collecting photographs of animals and pasting them into a scrapbook. During the years from 1908 through his participation in the Balfour negotiation, Rothschild managed to buy 200,000 bird eggs and over 30,000 beetles.
When Walter Rothschild found the Balfour Declaration in his morning mail at 148 Piccadilly, he had no idea of its meaning or why it had been mailed to him. When questioned about the Balfour Declaration, Walter Rothschild said, ” Whrump wiffen pogel hoobob bobalpop.” Thus, a man who owned two tons of dried “toad droppings” the only subject he expressed any lasting interest in, came to make his contribution to history.
In 1932, Britain, as a reward for opening the letter containing the note from Lord Balfour named Walter Rothschild a Baron based on their belief that the Rothschild family was remotely related to Austrian royalty, which, of course, is not the case.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
When the Israeli government says there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza it can only be because they don't think the Palestinians who live there are human.

Thanks Peter for the Exodous article. Ironic isn't it? I kept thinking about that and Leon Klinghoffer who was murdered by the PLO when they hijacked the Achille Lauro. The rule of the Maritime Law were even changed to deal with that event. The same rules that the Israelis are breaking (amongst many others) now it suits them.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Ed Jewett Wrote:Gaza Flotilla and USS Liberty Survivors Apologize to Israel

Israel Claims Attack Authorized Personally by Lord Balfour

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
This week “religious commandos” from Israel attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters. Seven Israelis were injured during the attack with one member of the “Israeli Secret Police” thrown overboard by an 81 year old woman. Jerusalem papers report that Israel is holding the woman for attempted sexual assault.
Is it illegal to rape a pirate on the high seas? We are waiting for a ruling from the International Criminal Court at the Hague on this.
One “commando” tripped over a wheel chair in the dark and fell down a flight of stairs. The injured commando, an Obergruppenfuhrer, a rabbinical rank with the IDF, said, “After shooting the man in the chair, I quickly ran over to get his watch. Imagine how I felt, nearly giving my life for a stinking Timex.”

Gordon Duff is just brilliant. :rock:

Quote:Ambassador to Israel recalled after Gaza raid
4 June 2010, 00:18
Related Articles
ANCYL condemns attack on Gaza flotilla
Unions condemn deadly raid
SA rebukes Israel over deadly raid

The South African government's decision to recall its ambassador to Israel is premature and inappropriate, the Jewish leadership in the country said in a statement on Thursday.

The joint statement by the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, South African Zionist Federation and the Office of the Chief Rabbi came after deputy minister of international relations, Ebrahim Ebrahim, said Ismail Coovadia would be recalled from Israel for consultations.

Ebrahim said the recall was a form of protest, following Monday's clash between Israeli defence force members and a flotilla which intended to break the Gaza blockade with aid.

But Ebrahim added that Coovadia would return to Tel Aviv.

Nine people were killed during Monday's raid in international waters. South African radio reporter, Gadija Davids, was among the more than 600 people from 42 countries detained by Israel afterwards.

Davids was expected home soon from Turkey, where she was sent after her release from an Israeli prison. Coovadia was accompanying her.

"The South African Jewish leadership is saddened over the deaths and injuries incurred during the Gaza flotilla incident," the Jewish leadership said.

"Nevertheless, the South African government's decision to temporarily recall our Ambassador to Israel in response to the incident is premature and inappropriate."

The Jewish leaders said the facts of the incident were not yet fully known.

"They will become so only after the investigation into its causes has completed its work and reported its findings to the international community," the organisations said.

"In this regard, the leadership expresses its profound disappointment at the decision, as it goes against the South African way of engaging in dialogue and not jumping to conclusions before all the facts are known."

The Jewish leadership said it regretted that South Africa was so far the only country, apart from Turkey, to have taken "so radical and disproportionate a step, despite not being directly involved in the matter".

The leadership said it has requested a meeting with the South African government to obtain clarification concerning the rationale behind the recall.

Trade union federation Cosatu, applauded the recall. It also wanted South Africa to sever all diplomatic relations with Israel.

South Africa's Al Jama-ah political party also said it was pleased by government's actions and believed they gave effect to the position of former president Nelson Mandela that "South Africa will never be free until Palestinians are free".

The Israeli government said it regretted South Africa's decision to recall Coovadia.

"We regret this measure," Israel's foreign affairs spokesperson Yigal Palmor said.

"But it is a sovereign decision of the South African government. We respect that.

"We would not have done the same and we would have understood the South African government if it had been placed in the same situation. We hope to have him back soon," Palmor said.

Israel has claimed it acted in self defence, citing footage of soldiers being hit with poles and one being thrown overboard after they had rappelled onto the boats. - Sapa

Quote:Ecuador recalls envoy; Chavez: Israel a murderer

Latin America's left-wing governments continue to criticize Jewish state over deadly Navy raid. 'Israel is a damned, terrorist country. Long live the Palestinian people,' Venezuelan president says

AFP Published: 06.03.10, 12:24 / Israel News

Ecuador President Rafael Correa says he has recalled the country's ambassador to Israel for consultations in Quito following the deadly Israeli Navy raid against on a Gaza –bound flotilla.

In a statement released Wednesday night, the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry said the ambassador would leave Tel Aviv immediately, "as an act of protest against the attack which left civilians killed and injured."

Another Latin American country, Nicaragua, took an even harsher step on Wednesday, when it decided to cut off its diplomatic ties with Israel.

"Nicaragua suspends from today its diplomatic relations with the government of Israel," President Daniel Ortega's communications chief Rosario Murillo said in a statement read on Radio Ya.

Managua "underscored the illegal nature of the attack on a humanitarian mission in clear violation of international and humanitarian law," added Murillo, who doubles as poetess and first lady.

Nicaragua reiterated its support for the Palestinian people and urged an end to the blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Another attack on Israel came Wednesday night from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who blasted the Navy operation with harsh words during a speech on local television: "Israel is a damned, terrorist and murderous country. Long live the Palestinian people!"

Chavez slammed the American response to the events, which he said was too gentle. "The Obama administration condemns terror, as long as it's not committed by the US or Israel," he said.

Quote:Israel faces diplomatic wilderness 2010-06-02 22:59:40

by David Harris

[Image: 13330176_31n.jpg]
Palestinians attend an anti-Israel protest in Gaza, June 2, 2010. A general strike on Wednesday dominated the West Bank and Gaza Strip in support for the victims of the Freedom Flotilla, which was attacked and seized by the Israeli army on its way to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza on May 31. (Xinhua Photo)

JERUSALEM, June 2 (Xinhua) -- Nicaragua became the first state to suspend diplomatic ties with Israel in the wake of the Israeli interception of a flotilla making its way to the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the deaths of at least nine of those on board.

Turkey has also warned that it is seriously considering the future of its relationship with the Jewish state. Ankara gave strong support to the vessel that headed the flotilla, which was boarded by Israeli forces on Monday. Four of those killed were Turks and a large percentage of those arrested hailed from Turkey.

Others considering taking some form of diplomatic action include Dublin, which is watching the situation closely as an Irish ship, the Rachel Corrie, heads for Gaza in a bid to breach the Israeli blockade on the Palestinian coastal enclave.

Israeli analysts told Xinhua on Wednesday that the actions of the international community thus far could well prove to be the tip of the iceberg.


The extent of Israel's problems became clear when the Americans refused to veto a condemnation of Israel at the United Nations Security Council. The United States did succeed in watering down the wording though.

The fallout from the maritime operation has derailed the recent improvement in ties between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Gilbert N. Kahn, a professor of political science at Kean University in New Jersey.

"The U.S.-Israeli relationship, which had been seriously strained following the Jerusalem settlement controversy that had erupted during the visit to Israel by (U.S.) Vice President Joe Biden in March was improving," he said.

Now, even the recently launched indirect peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians look to be on ice.

Netanyahu had hoped to meet Obama this week but called off his visit to the White House in order to douse the flames back at home.

"Obama could not have been very happy with Netanyahu cancelling his meeting. I'm pretty sure that Obama had some very strong and decisive words to say to Netanyahu," said Gershon Baskin, the Israeli chief executive and founder of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information.

The knock-on effects from the flotilla episode will not just be felt in relations with the United States but in Israel's dealings with many countries, experts predict.

Qatar in the Gulf does not have official diplomatic ties with Israel but there is a quiet relationship. That is expected to be damaged in the wake of the affair.

Baskin can also see a situation whereby some African states, with which Israel has invested much time and effort to build a bond, will decide to cool relations or suspend them for the time being.

Gerald Steinberg, a professor of political science at Bar-Ilan University, prefers not to predict which nations may choose to sever ties with Israel but adopts a generally pessimistic attitude regarding Israel's current standing in the club of nations.

"This has the narrative that Israel is guilty and that Palestinians are victims. On that basis this could definitely mushroom," Steinberg said on Wednesday.

[Image: 13330176_21n.jpg]
An activist injured during Israeli attack on a Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza is stretchered onto an ambulance at the airport in Ankara, Turkey, June 2, 2010. Israel began expelling all activists seized during a raid on an aid convoy sailing to Gaza that has drawn international outrage. (Xinhua Photo)


Steinberg compares the latest saga to those of the fighting in Jenin in 2002 and the publication last September of the Goldstone report on the findings of the Gaza war that began in December 2008. In both cases Israel was on the receiving end of a global lashing.

Israel maintains that much of the criticism was unfair and not even-handed. Nonetheless, the international community saw Israel as the guilty party in both instances and Israel lost many friends as a result.

"No matter how legitimate Israel's claim might be to sustaining the Gaza blockade, it will never change public perception of the humanitarian-suffering Gazans; nor can it persist in assuming it can operate totally alone in the world of nations," Kahn explained.

It is a point picked up by Baskin. While he notes that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, he says the world does not want the continuation of Israel's economic stranglehold on the strip.

The lone voice that seems to be in favor of the Israeli marine actions is that of the Czech Republic.

The chairman of the Senate of the country's parliament, Premysl Sobotka, is currently in Israel. He reportedly told his Israeli counterpart that Israel was in the right to board the Turkish ship, that Hamas is a terror organization and that others in Europe feel the same way as the Czechs but will not say so publicly.


Most foreign diplomats are shying away from supporting Israel at the moment, which leaves many here feeling that the country is turning into a pariah state. That will make it even more difficult than ever for Israel to achieve its aim when it comes to its major international challenge -- Iran.

Israel exploits every opportunity to push its allies to persuade the UN Security Council to impose new tough sanctions on Iran. Israel is convinced that Tehran has a secret nuclear weapons program. Netanyahu has repeatedly said that only sanctions against the Islamic republic's energy sector will bear fruit.

But some observers say Israel does not have the resources to fight so many battles at once.

Israel "cannot constantly be engaged in damage control and image repair. When a genuine crisis will occur, Israel will need friends and supporters," Kahn suggested.

"Israel needs to comprehend that operating alone in the world with one friend plus Diaspora Jewry is hardly a recipe for progress," he added.

The damage is already done and there is little Israelis can do to backtrack, said Steinberg. In the short term, he suggested, Israel should focus on the Rachel Corrie ship and any subsequent bids to break the blockade.

Israel cannot allow the boat to do so and as a result there will be further diplomatic strife, he warns.

"There are no real allies right now. The U.S. to some degree. I suspect the U.S. won't do much more for Israel so this is going to be a disaster on many fronts and so I think you're going to see Israel digging its feet in and increasing its unwillingness to allow weapons to flow through into Gaza," said Steinberg.

Baskin, however, thinks that perhaps Obama will use the opportunity to force the Israelis and Palestinians back to real talks over and above the indirect parley that began last month, as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put it:

"Ultimately, the solution to this conflict must be found through an agreement based on a two-state solution negotiated between the parties. This incident underscores the urgency of reaching this goal and we remain committed to working with both sides to move forward these negotiations."

Editor: yan

Quote:Indians protest Israeli attacks on Gaza-bound ships
June 3, 2:20 PMIndia Headlines ExaminerIbtihal Ahmed

[Image: resized_HinduIs.jpg]
Protests in India's capital, New Delhi
The Hindu Newspaper

Several Indians [sic] took to the streets of New Delhi to protest Israel’s attacks on the ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The protesters who belonged to the Committee for Solidarity with Palestine criticized the Indian government and all aligned parties for their unyielding relations with Israel.

The crowd attempted to march in front of the Israeli Embassy but was prevented.

“Today, the government is shying of even naming Israel as the aggressor of Palestine. The Indian Government should cut off its relations with the Israeli Government,” said one of the speakers at the event.

Speakers included different party leaders including an official from the Communist Party of India and members of the Legislative Assembly.

Israel’s defense trade relations with India have reached $9 billion and India is the largest consumer of Israeli military equipment.

India formally established diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992 after having been pro-Arab for the most part.

India’s Ministry of External Affairs has released a statement on the 31st of May expressing concern following the attacks, “There can be no justification for such indiscriminate use of force, which we condemn.”

Many Arab diplomats in New Delhi criticize the Ministry’s soft stance in which no formal condemnation was made.

“It is interesting to see that the Indian government started off its statement by 'deploring' and not 'condemning' the attacks. Just look at the language.” said an anonymous official in New Delhi.

On May 31st, Israel’s armed forces attacked Gaza-bound ships carrying humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. So far, 19 people have been killed dozens were wounded. The attack took place on international waters 65 kilometers off the Gaza coast.

Quote:Irish government expected to expel Israeli diplomat involved in passport forgery
By DONAL THORNTON , Staff Writer

Published Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 7:36 AM
Updated Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 8:03 AM

[Image: swf+passport1.jpg]
The Irish government may expel an Israeli diplomat suspected of forging Irish passports for a Mossad hit squad

Top Government officials and the Irish Police have advised the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheal Martin, to expel an Israeli diplomat that they suspect was involved in forging Irish passports for a Mossad hit squad.

Britain and Australia have already expelled Israeli diplomats that they suspect were involved in forging passports for an Israeli hit squad.

The Mossad hit squad consisted of up to 30 individuals, all of which carried forged passports from countries such as Britain, Australia, and France.

The Mossad agents assassinated Mahmoud Al Mabhouh, a Hamas official in Dubai.

Martin is expected to propose to the ministerial cabinet that Ireland expel the Israeli diplomat. There have also been calls to expel the Israeli ambassador to Ireland, Dr Zion Evrony.

The Israeli embassy is located in Dublin's Ballsbridge area and currently employs two security officers that the Irish government believes were responsible for forging eight Irish passports.

Martin will make his recommendations to the cabinet in two weeks time.

"The Minister is determined that such action as decided by the Government be seen as a clear and targeted response to the very serious issue of the misuse of Irish passports and that it not be confused with reaction to any other international incident. He will time his statement on the misuse of passports accordingly,” said a spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs.

The Irish Prime Minister, Brian Cowen, has warned that there will be "serious consequences" if Israeli commandos forcibly board the Irish ship 'Rachel Corrie.' The ship is the soul survivor of the flotilla and is currently en route to Gaza.

Former Nobel peace price winner, Mairéad Corrigan-Maguire, and former UN diplomats are on board the ship.

The Irish Government has called on Israel to allow the boat to unload in Gaza.

"These actions, which resulted in at least nine people being killed and approximately 30 being injured, were completely disproportionate and unacceptable,” said Cowen.

“It is clear that the incident took place in international waters. The legal basis for the action of the Israelis is at the very least open to serious question.”

Mark Regev getting smashed in this interview

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