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'63-'64 JFK attack visuals alteration technology motivates Internet disinformation agents
One of the questions I constantly am asked privately in email or in person when I visit the crime scene in Dealey Plaza is “where were the shooters?” Everyone has an opinion and I have one also. For those who have asked or just may be curious here it is:

Years ago there was a very funny skit on Saturday Night Live where Kevin Nealon was interviewing an actor portraying a New York public relations figure and the topic was New York leading the nation in crime. It was agreed upon by the two comedians that New York was first in the nation in only one type of crime and that was where “a stranger walks up to another stranger and shoots him with a gun”.

I bring that skit up because this same scenario is what I believe happened to JFK on Elm Street. I believe a man in a suit either left the running board of the SS follow-up car “Queen Mary” or came out from the crowd in the vicinity of the 2 sidewalk monuments, ran to the rear bumper of the parade car, crouched down and shot JFK and JBC at point blank range with a high powered pistol (possibly silenced) several times. I also believe a 2nd man in a suit was in the area of the pergola retaining wall where "Black Dog Man" was spotted and he also fired a high-powered (possibly silenced) pistol at JFK. I don’t believe he was as close to JFK as the sidewalk because the Newmans and others across Elm Street would have noticed him that close but he could have been. Both shooters were 1963 government operatives that either left the crime scene via the motorcade or blended in with the aftermath confusion. If either or both left via the motorcade they were at Parkland with JFK. The public will never learn their names and if they are still alive they are probably in their 80’s or 90’s (assuming they were around 30 years old in 1963).

These events have been professionally erased or otherwise disguised in the JFK attack films and photographs by means of a technology that is unknown outside the triangle that the Zapruder film existed in when Mr. Zapruder cut the film loose (triangle is: SS, FBI, Time-Life and affiliated contractors or agencies). The technology enabled technicians to manipulate images directly on motion picture film or photograph media without using standard Hollywood type special effects procedures. People, objects and events were moved around, enlarged (a visual blocking technique) or visually eliminated. The ’63-'64 visuals altering technology that has to have been improved in almost 50 years is the "precious commodity" today to Internet JFK disinformation agents, not who killed JFK, how and why. I believe disinformation agents patrol the Internet routinely attacking JFK visuals researchers like Jack White and others whose efforts encourage the public to question what they see.

These disinformation agents don’t want the public to question current images broadcast, printed or used in court cases. Can you imagine how congested the courts would be if every accused criminal challenged police evidence visuals? Or each Bin Laden visual released became the object of intense visual scrutiny for alteration or falsification? Or news clips of a government official vacationing on a beach somewhere, would the public question if he was really there? Bringing it down to a personal level, could city, state or government officials use that technology to arrest, imprison, strip me of my possessions and possibly execute me? The technology is important and the less the public knows about it the better high-level crimes can be executed and covered up.

Like Pat Speer believes at his excellent website, I believe the sounds of shots, firecrackers or explosions witnesses heard from the knoll or TSBD and Dal-Tex area were either full or partial diversionary sounds.

If you go to Dealey Plaza and look at Elm Street and the TSBD from anywhere on Houston Street you should notice that at the intersection across from the reflecting pool Elm Street drops down to where cars become invisible to those looking at them from Houston Street. When JFK was attacked the motorcade vehicles following behind the VP limo could not see much of anything because of this and the spectators lining Houston & Elm streets blocking their view.

The camera cars that were approaching the TSBD when the attack occurred I believe were so positioned in the procession as to give their photographers an opportunity to film a man with a rifle in the TSBD sniper’s nest but that photo opportunity was lost in the surprise and confusion of the attack.

In short, the crime scene was picked to block a view of the attack by the motorcade entourage, give the camera cars the false impression the shooter was in the TSBD and the ’63 government agents involved in the attack the opportunity to quickly murder JFK in front of as few witnesses as possible and quickly depart the crime scene, leaving spectators bewildered.

Men in suits leaving the SS follow-up vehicle and stepping up on the rear of the JFK parade car was a common site during JFK’s motorcades. I am sure JFK was used to it occurring and thought nothing about it if he heard or felt someone get on the rear bumper of his parade car just before his life was violently ended on Elm Street. Add the body snatching, the Parkland limo washout, Hoover’s control of the investigation & media leaks, LBJ’s WW III fear tactics, the FBI spoon fed Warren Commission, the mysterious autopsy quagmire, the media’s reluctance to question the official version of events and you have a sucessfully executed and covered up “inside job" crime that rivals any despicable murder you can think of.
Black ops executed on American soil in front of American citizens and behind their backs. In my opinion each and every participant in the cover-up (including film & photo alteration technicians) and those today that purport the "Oswald did it alone" myth is as guilty of the sin of murder as the shooters.

I also believe Oswald is a red herring; another distraction. The speculation that he was supposed to have been killed immediately inside the TSBD and this got messed up and he managed to get out of the building before he was murdered really doesn’t interest me all that much as the actual attack which did not involve him. The government agent whose initials are missing on CE 399 tells me that bullet did not go to Washington from Parkland and was not part of the crime. Neither was Oswald.

Mistakes were made in the visuals manipulation. The sprocket area of the Zapruder film shows a man in a suit running near the reflecting pool. The SS vehicle was moved closer to the parade car to hide the assassin on the bumper. Jackie’s lapel changes from dark black to a portion of a white shirt & tie between z312 and z-313 where JFK’s body has been skillfully blended in with Jackie’s at that point of the film, eliminating the violent forward movement (described by Dan Rather & other journalists) and Greer slamming on the brakes (described by many spectators). There is a dark spray spurting out of JFK’s forehead at Z-183. There are many more anomalies if you take the time to examine all 4 versions of the Zapruder film provided on "Image Of An Assassination" or look at the program slides kept by the 6th Floor Museum in Dallas and there are all the other attack films and photographs available for study too.

The killer who got up on the rear of the parade car is the reason the limo turn is missing from the Zapruder and other films and photographs of the Elm Street sidewalk monument area. It’s the reason the SS vehicle is not seen at all in most of them. It’s the reason the SS vehicle is left out of recreations broadcast or printed by the Discovery Channel and other media distortions over the years. The focus is never on the SS follow-up vehicle, is it?

All the JFK attack visuals you can study for yourself on your PC. If you go on the Internet with examples of what you discover for (if you can find an unbiased website that will allow you to post them and not censor your thread by locking or deleting it) you will probably be attacked by a barrage of Internet disinformation agents and you’ll have to ask yourself if the effort on your part is worth it. They draw a paycheck to post, you don't. The technology you are describing to manipulate films and photographs is these paid agents "precious secret baby" and you will be fought hard when they are protecting it.

I cannot tell you who “they” are because I have never worked for the SS, FBI, CIA, affiliated contractors, the mafia, Discovery Channel and Internet disinformation funders. Many of those persons live and work in a dark, spooky world where our Creator’s commandments don’t apply to them and I prefer the warmth of daylight.

Best wishes to all (those not involved in the crime):

Frank Nelson
Interesting theory, Frank. How does it account for Connally's
wounds and other "missed" shots, as well as the blowout to
the JFK occipital?

It is a plausible theory because agents frequently got off of
the followup car in motorcades, sometimes walking or running
alongside. But i doubt that it can account for all the JFK misses.

Frank Nelson Wrote:I believe a man in a suit either left the running board of the SS follow-up car “Queen Mary” or came out from the crowd in the vicinity of the 2 sidewalk monuments, ran to the rear bumper of the parade car, crouched down and shot JFK and JBC at point blank range with a high powered pistol (possibly silenced) several times.

And I believe JFK was devoured by circus bears wearing tutus and riding unicycles.
Is that the image of an assassin?

Does a bear shoot in the woods?
Charles Drago Wrote:Is that the image of an assassin?

Does a bear shoot in the woods?

Glad to see you back in fine form Smile
In case you haven't noticed yet, Dawn, I have a talent for flushing out the McAdams goonies. They take the bait everytime!
I agree with Pat Speer as he says at his excellent website: the next Presidential assassination looney tune will probably crawl out from that LN "gotta post something Oswaldish" group...

My thread post was an invite to visuals researchers to focus on the existing JFK Dealey Plaza films and note where each film stops and starts again. There is a peculiar pattern of the JFK parade car missing just as it turns off Houston onto Elm in a series of these films, most noteabley Mr. Zapruder's film but also Bell, Martin, Hughes, Muchmore, Nix, Towner (I may be missing a film or 2 here, I'm typing this from memory with no notes available).

I find it hard to believe all those photographers took the time and overcame the parking and congestion hassles to bring a movie camera to Dealey Plaza to film JFK's parade and then miss him turning onto Elm street from Houston street.

Something was caught by these photographers that early investigators did not want revealed to the public, IMO. What could it be?

In the sproket area of the Zapruder film early in the film is a clue where a man in a suit is running. The main image frames do not show anyone running other than Rosemary Willis. This tells me the frames that captured this man running were removed but a small portion remained in the sprocket area. You'll recall that the sproket area sometimes did a kind of "instant replay" and played a small portion of a scene previously captured in the main viewable frames. Why is this guy running?

I postulated that he was running towards the parade car but I could be wrong. I wasn't there to see what happened. Perhaps visuals researchers can solve the puzzle.

I do opinion this: Once the initial fear that the US was about to be attacked by the Soviet Union or Cuba (or both) following the attack many people started looking towards the man who was rapidly advanced into the Presidency. Over the years this momentum has never ceased. To those who feel all the facts add up to an "inside job" you should also take into consideration that only one chance to pull this horrific crime off would present itself, therefore, steps needed to be employed to insure sucess. Otherwise, JFK would have still been the Commander in Chielf and LBJ would not have replaced him. There would be no second chance to remove JFK in motorcades once the attack began.

For this reason, I believe there were at least 2 "insurance" shooters involved in addition to anyone else firing at the late President. They didn't have to be on the rear bumper (perhaps the sidewalk) but they needed to be close to insure success.

This is my opinion. I'm entitled to it and you are entitled to your bear in the woods theory.

I do encourage all visuals researchers to continue studying the enlarged Zapruder film frames provided on "Image Of An Assassination" and communicate privately with other interested persons if you don't want to butt heads with people that crawl out from under rocks, bite and then vanish.

Best to all,

Frank nelson
Frank Nelson Wrote:To those who feel all the facts add up to an "inside job" you should also take into consideration that only one chance to pull this horrific crime off would present itself, therefore, steps needed to be employed to insure sucess. Otherwise, JFK would have still been the Commander in Chielf and LBJ would not have replaced him. There would be no second chance to remove JFK in motorcades once the attack began.

For this reason, I believe there were at least 2 "insurance" shooters involved in addition to anyone else firing at the late President. They didn't have to be on the rear bumper (perhaps the sidewalk) but they needed to be close to insure success.

Quite right; and well put. Take another look at what went on in the presidential limo, Frank, and you've got the right locus.

Frank Nelson Wrote:This is my opinion. I'm entitled to it and you are entitled to your bear in the woods theory.

Bears in the woods = Snipers from medium range and distance.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
I stipulate President Kennedy was shot in the right temple and in the throat.

Physics indicates the temple shot, as do a series of witnesses presenting in the literature as recently as Horne II.

Perry was clear on the throat wound, and was so dangerous as to require the Secret Service badgering him all night, with follow-up by no less than the very arrogant Dulles, and the Whore of Babylon himself, Arlen Specter.

My bear is named Comic Relief.

As for anyone approaching the limo on foot, there was that one drive-in waitress on roller skates with the iced tea for the First Lady. . . .
Of course they are "in here". They infiltrate everywhere. Some are very very good. Others are more obvious. But Myra and Magda do an excellent job here of first keeping them out, then weeding them out- (all done via discussion and vote, so "they" don't last long here.)

I subscribe to the KISS method. The details and theories in this case are beyond enormous. Start, for example, with the MBT- explain to a person what this actually means. What had to happen, and scales fall from eyes.

It is irrelevent who fired the shots. Who ordered the hit is what maters. And those of us who have spent decades in the study of this case feel we are aware of those entities.

ps I love CD's humor.

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