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Plane Speeds Were Not Possible.....Only A Fiction
NASA Flight Director Confirms 9/11 Aircraft Speed As The "Elephant In The Room"

06/22/2010 - ( Recently Pilots For 9/11 Truth have analyzed the speeds reported for the aircraft utilized on 9/11. Numerous aviation experts have voiced their concerns regarding the extremely excessive speeds reported above Maximum Operating for the 757 and 767, particularly, United and American Airlines 757/767 Captains who have actual flight time in all 4 aircraft reportedly used on 9/11. These experts state the speeds are impossible to achieve near sea level in thick air if the aircraft were a standard 757/767 as reported. Combined with the fact the airplane which was reported to strike the south tower of the World Trade Center was also producing high G Loading while turning and pulling out from a dive, the whole issue becomes incomprehensible to fathom a standard 767 can perform such maneuvers at such intense speeds exceeding Maximum Operating limits of the aircraft. Especially for those who research the topic thoroughly and have expertise in aviation.

Co-Founder of Pilots For 9/11 Truth Rob Balsamo recently interviewed a former NASA Flight Director in charge of flight control systems at the NASA Dryden Flight Research facility who is also speaking out after viewing the latest presentation by Pilots For 9/11 Truth - "9/11: World Trade Center Attack".

Retired NASA Senior Executive Dwain Deets published his concerns on the matter at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) as follows:

A Responsibility to Explain an Aeronautical Improbability
Dwain Deets
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (Senior Executive Service - retired)
AIAA Associate Fellow

The airplane was UA175, a Boeing 767-200, shortly before crashing into World Trade Center Tower 2. Based on analysis of radar data, the National Transportation and Safety Board reported the groundspeed just before impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond the maximum operating velocity of 360 knots, and maximum dive velocity of 410 knots. The possibilities as I see them are: (1) this wasn’t a standard 767-200; (2) the radar data was compromised in some manner; (3) the NTSB analysis was erroneous; or (4) the 767 flew well beyond its flight envelope, was controllable, and managed to hit a relatively small target. Which organization has the greater responsibility for acknowledging the elephant in the room? The NTSB, NASA, Boeing, or the AIAA? Have engineers authored papers, but the AIAA or NASA won’t publish them? Or, does the ethical responsibility lie not with organizations, but with individual aeronautical engineers? Have engineers just looked the other way?

The above entry remained at the moderated AIAA Aerospace America Forum for approximately two weeks before being removed without explanation. Click "Who is Ethically Responsible" submitted by Dwain Deets at the Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum for discussion on this entry at AIAA.

Dwain Deets credentials and experience are as follows:

Dwain Deets
MS Physics, MS Eng
Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden
Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award
Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988)
Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics
Associate Fellow - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000
Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems
- Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers
Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology
37 year NASA career

It is established based on corroborated expert statements, raw data, and precedent, that the extremely excessive speed reported for the 9/11 aircraft is truly the "Elephant In The Room" and needs to be thoroughly investigated.

For summary of speed analysis, please see article 9/11: Speeds Reported For World Trade Center Attack Aircraft Analyzed.

To view the scene from "9/11: World Trade Center Attack" analyzing the reported speeds in more detail, please click here.

For full detailed analysis covering the events which took place in New York City on September 11, 2001, interviews with experts, including analysis of "Hijacker" pilot skill, Black Box recovery and more... please view the latest presentation from Pilots For 9/11 Truth, "9/11: World Trade Center Attack".

Founded in August 2006, Pilots For 9/11 Truth is a growing organization of aviation professionals from around the globe. The organization has also analyzed Flight Data provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for the Pentagon Attack and the events in Shanksville, PA. The data does not support the government story. The NTSB/FBI refuse to comment. Pilots For 9/11 Truth do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time. However, there is a growing mountain of conflicting information and data in which government agencies and officials refuse to acknowledge. Pilots For 9/11 Truth Core member list continues to grow.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Uhhh Peter if you can’t get something as basic as speed correct, ….

You posted:

Quote:[size=12]Based on analysis of radar data, the National Transportation and Safety Board reported the groundspeed just before impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond the maximum operating velocity of 360 knots, and maximum dive velocity of 410 knots. The possibilities as I see them are:

Maximum operating velocity of 360 knots??? That’s only 414 mph. Economical cruising speed is 461 kts, far above your figure of 360.

Where did you find a specification for maximum dive velocity? Let alone 410 kts?

Since the maximum cruising speed is 493 kts, why is the NTSB report of 510 kts out of line? Max cruise may 493 but that doesn’t mean the plane couldn’t go faster.

I can see why you believe in a conspiracy when your facts are all dead wrong.
Sam Kent Wrote:Uhhh Peter if you can’t get something as basic as speed correct, ….

You posted:

Quote:[size=12]Based on analysis of radar data, the National Transportation and Safety Board reported the groundspeed just before impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond the maximum operating velocity of 360 knots, and maximum dive velocity of 410 knots. The possibilities as I see them are:

Maximum operating velocity of 360 knots??? That’s only 414 mph. Economical cruising speed is 461 kts, far above your figure of 360.

Where did you find a specification for maximum dive velocity? Let alone 410 kts?

Since the maximum cruising speed is 493 kts, why is the NTSB report of 510 kts out of line? Max cruise may 493 but that doesn’t mean the plane couldn’t go faster.

I can see why you believe in a conspiracy when your facts are all dead wrong.

That comes from pilots who fly the planes. I'm not a pilot and it is not my article. The citation is there and they have a website and forum if you're looking to pick fights, which I sense. That speed may be at ground levels and not in thinner air at cruise altitudes. The people who discussed the facts with the author are pilots [airline and air force] - so, go debate with them if you like.:call: :ciao:

And by the way, the USG believes in a conspiracy too...only I don't buy theirs - any of theirs.....and not this one one jot.:bootyshake:

Oh, and I almost forgot...the author's credentials....

Dwain Deets
MS Physics, MS Eng
Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden
Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award
Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988)
Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics
Associate Fellow - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000
Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems
- Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers
Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology
37 year NASA career

....and the lead in to the article reads as follows....[and you and your ilk might do well to take the time to read it in full and the discussion that follows it....]
NASA Flight Director Confirms 9/11 Aircraft Speed As The "Elephant In The Room"

06/22/2010 - ( Recently Pilots For 9/11 Truth have analyzed the speeds reported for the aircraft utilized on 9/11. Numerous aviation experts have voiced their concerns regarding the extremely excessive speeds reported above Maximum Operating for the 757 and 767, particularly, United and American Airlines 757/767 Captains who have actual flight time in all 4 aircraft reportedly used on 9/11. These experts state the speeds are impossible to achieve near sea level in thick air if the aircraft were a standard 757/767 as reported. Combined with the fact the airplane which was reported to strike the south tower of the World Trade Center was also producing high G Loading while turning and pulling out from a dive, the whole issue becomes incomprehensible to fathom a standard 767 can perform such maneuvers at such intense speeds exceeding Maximum Operating limits of the aircraft. Especially for those who research the topic thoroughly and have expertise in aviation.

Co-Founder of Pilots For 9/11 Truth Rob Balsamo recently interviewed a former NASA Flight Director in charge of flight control systems at the NASA Dryden Flight Research facility who is also speaking out after viewing the latest presentation by Pilots For 9/11 Truth - "9/11: World Trade Center Attack".

Retired NASA Senior Executive Dwain Deets published his concerns on the matter at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) as follows:

A Responsibility to Explain an Aeronautical Improbability
Dwain Deets
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (Senior Executive Service - retired)
AIAA Associate Fellow

The airplane was UA175, a Boeing 767-200, shortly before crashing into World Trade Center Tower 2. Based on analysis of radar data, the National Transportation and Safety Board reported the groundspeed just before impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond the maximum operating velocity of 360 knots, and maximum dive velocity of 410 knots. The possibilities as I see them are: (1) this wasn’t a standard 767-200; (2) the radar data was compromised in some manner; (3) the NTSB analysis was erroneous; or (4) the 767 flew well beyond its flight envelope, was controllable, and managed to hit a relatively small target. Which organization has the greater responsibility for acknowledging the elephant in the room? The NTSB, NASA, Boeing, or the AIAA? Have engineers authored papers, but the AIAA or NASA won’t publish them? Or, does the ethical responsibility lie not with organizations, but with individual aeronautical engineers? Have engineers just looked the other way?

The above entry remained at the moderated AIAA Aerospace America Forum for approximately two weeks before being removed without explanation. Click "Who is Ethically Responsible" submitted by Dwain Deets at the Pilots For 9/11 Truth Forum for discussion on this entry at AIAA.

Dwain Deets credentials and experience are as follows:

Dwain Deets
MS Physics, MS Eng
Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden
Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award
Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988)
Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics
Associate Fellow - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000
Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems
- Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers
Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology
37 year NASA career

It is established based on corroborated expert statements, raw data, and precedent, that the extremely excessive speed reported for the 9/11 aircraft is truly the "Elephant In The Room" and needs to be thoroughly investigated.

For summary of speed analysis, please see article 9/11: Speeds Reported For World Trade Center Attack Aircraft Analyzed.

To view the scene from "9/11: World Trade Center Attack" analyzing the reported speeds in more detail, please click here.

For full detailed analysis covering the events which took place in New York City on September 11, 2001, interviews with experts, including analysis of "Hijacker" pilot skill, Black Box recovery and more... please view the latest presentation from Pilots For 9/11 Truth, "9/11: World Trade Center Attack".

Founded in August 2006, Pilots For 9/11 Truth is a growing organization of aviation professionals from around the globe. The organization has also analyzed Flight Data provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for the Pentagon Attack and the events in Shanksville, PA. The data does not support the government story. The NTSB/FBI refuse to comment. Pilots For 9/11 Truth do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time. However, there is a growing mountain of conflicting information and data in which government agencies and officials refuse to acknowledge. Pilots For 9/11 Truth Core member list continues to grow. for full member list.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I question why Sam Kent is here. Is it only to annoy
serious members?

So far he has made NO serious contribution on any subject.

I agree Jack. We are watching Sam Kent closely. So far he has contributed nothing in the way of deep political understandings or interest. His only observable interest seems to be stalking Jack White and Peter Lemkin.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Now where does THAT ring a bell?!?!:hmmmm2:

BTW, here is a partial list of members of Pilots for 911 Truth. Check out the second, third and fourth ones!!!!! [Qualified to speak to this and related issues?!?!...I'd say YES!!! - and then some!!!]

TT = Total [Flight] Time
CA = Captain
FO = First Officer
FE = Flight Engineer
CFI = Certified Flight Instructor
II = Instrument Instructor
MEI = Multiengine Instructor
ASEL = Airplane Single Engine Land
ATP = Airline Transport Pilot
A&P = Aircraft And Powerplant Mechanic


Robert Balsamo
4000TT Commercial, Instrument, Multi, CFI II MEI
Corporate Chief Pilot
135 Capt
121 FO Independence Air/Atlantic Coast Airlines
King Air C-90/200, Dornier 328JET

Captain Russ Wittenberg (ret)
30,000+ Total Flight Time
707, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777
Pan Am, United
United States Air Force (ret)
Over 100 Combat Missions Flown
Command time in:
- N591UA (Aircraft dispatched as United 93)
- N612UA (Aircraft dispatched as United 175)

Captain Ross Aimer
UAL Ret.
CEO, Aviation Experts LLC
40 years and 30,000 hrs.
BS Aero
A&P Mech.
B-777/767/757/747/737/727/720/707, DC-10/-9/-8 Type ratings
Command time in:
- N591UA (Aircraft dispatched as United 93)
- N612UA (Aircraft dispatched as United 175)

Commander Ralph “Rotten” Kolstad
23,000 hours
27 years in the airlines
B757/767 for 13 years mostly international Captain with American Airlines.
20 years US Navy flying fighters off aircraft carriers, TopGun twice
civilian pilot flying gliders, light airplanes and warbirds
Command time in:
- N644AA (Aircraft dispatched as American 77)
- N334AA (Aircraft dispatched as American 11)

John Lear
Son of Bill Lear
(Founder, creator of the Lear Jet Corporation)
More than 40 years of Flying
19,000+ TT
23 Type ratings
Flight experience includes 707, DC-8, 727, L10-11

Jeff Latas
-Over 20 years in the USAF
--USAF Accident investigation Board President
--Flew the F-111, T38, and F-15E
--Combat experience in the F-15E includes Desert Storm and four tours of duty in Northern and Southern Watch
--Weapons Requirements Officer, USAF HQ, Pentagon
--Standard and Evaluations Flight Examiner, Command level
-Currently Captain for JetBlue Airways

Guy S. Razer, LtCol, USAF (Ret)
3,500+ Hours Total Flight Time
F-15E/C, F-111A/D/E/F/EF, F-16, F-18, B-1, Mig-29, SU-22, T-37/38, Various Cvilian Prop
Combat Time: Operation Northern Watch
USAF Fighter Weapons School Instructor
NATO Tactical Leadership Program Instructor/Mission Coordinator
USAF Material Command Weapons Development Test Pilot
Combat Support Coordination Team 2 Airpower Coordinator, South Korea
All Service Combat Identification Evaluation Team Operations Officer
Boeing F-22 Pilot Instructor
MS Aeronautical Studies, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Dwain Deets
MS Physics, MS Eng
Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden
Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award
Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988)
Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics
Associate Fellow - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000
Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems
- Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers
Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology
37 year NASA career

Field McConnell (Captain Sherlock?)
23,000+ hours
Forced to retire due 9/11 exposure

Captain Paul A. Trood
B737-800/400 Captain
Qantas Airways
Experience: 18,000 flight hours

Jim Mustanich
ATP 20,000+ hours
Typed in CE-500, DHC-7, EMB-110, BA-3100
Aircraft flown include Boeing 727,737, Douglas DC-9, MD-80
United Air Lines, American International Airlines, Air Pacific Airlines, West Air Airlines
6-7 years corporate flying in Cessna Citations
Factory demo pilot for Cessna Citations

Ted Muga
Naval Aviator - Retired Commander, USNR
A/C experience - Grumman E-1 and E-2 ( Approx, 3800 hours )
Pan American World Airways - Retired Dec. 1991 ( that's when PanAM went bankrupt )
Flight Engineer/First Officer -- Boeing 707 & Boeing 727 ( approx. 7500 hours )

Col Robert Bowman
President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies
Executive Vice President of Millennium III Corporation
retired Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church
101 combat missions in Vietnam
directed all the “Star Wars” programs under Presidents Ford and Carter
recipient of the Eisenhower Medal
George F. Kennan Peace Prize
President’s Medal of Veterans for Peace
Society of Military Engineers' ROTC Award of Merit (twice)
Six Air Medals
Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech
chaired 8 major international conferences
one of the country’s foremost experts on National Security
independent candidate for President of the US in 2000

John Panarelli
friend and fellow aviator of John Ogonowski - Capt. AA #11
ATP: L-300, B-737, DC-10, DC-8, FE, TT=approx. 11,000 hours
USAF-C141-IP, Eastern Metro, Braniff, Ryan International, Emery
Worldwide, Polar Air Cargo

Chief Pilot of Casino Express airlines
Director of Operations Training at Polar Air
Cargo, and Asst. Chief Pilot for Presidential Air
Manager of Flying for Eastern Airlines
Falcon 900 and a G-200
Check Captain
B737,A300, Da-50, G-200 and C-500
FE, A&P.

Dennis Spear
Army Aviator
20+ years - United States Army
7000 TT in a variety of fixed and rotary wing aircraft
C-23, C-7, U-21,U-8, T-39, EH-60, UH-60, UH-1, OH-58
Instrument Flight Examiner, Fixed Wing Instructor Pilot, H-60
Maintenance Test Pilot
Operations Officer, Aviation Safety Officer
FAA Commercial Pilot
- ASMEL, Rotorcraft Helicopter, Instrument Airplane/Helicopter

Scott Burley
747-400 First Officer
United Airlines
22 Years

Bill Credle
Aviation Maintenance Technician
American Airlines
17 Years

Tony Ryan
Warrant Officer RAAF (ret)
Former Royal Australian Air Force
Served between 18thFeb1958 and 21March1981
Flight Engineer on C130A, C130E, C130H and B707
Cathay Pacific Airways
L1011 Tristar Flight Engineer, B747-200, B747-300 and B747-200F
10000+ TT FE
Australian Private Pilot License
300 hours on C150, C152, C172, C172RG and Piper Archer aircraft

Alfons Olszewski
Veterans For Truth
Vietnam Veteran
Aircraft Maintenance Crew Chief
MOS: 67V20
qualified on Cobras, Hueys, and Loch Helicopters

George Nelson
Colonel USAF (Ret.)
30 year career managing aircraft maintenance activities
Licensed commercial pilot
Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic
Aircraft accident investigator

Larry Patriarca
USN Aviation Structural Mechanic
VAQ 135, EA-6B Squadron, 1983-86
Coordinator for Central Mass 9/11 Truth Alliance
Member of Veterans for 9/11 Truth
Associate Member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Captain Steve Nieman
30 year Capt with Horizon Air

Joel Skousen
USMC Fighter/Attack Pilot (Vietnam Era)
1000+ TT, F-4, A-4, F-9, T-2C, various civilian planes
Commercial Pilot w/ Instrument, multi-engine ratings
EAA and AOPA member

Colonel Michael Harley USAF (ret)
Command pilot
~ 6000 Total Flight Time
T-38,T-33, T-37,T-39, C-47, U-6, Uh-1, C130A, B, E, &
prototype H, Kc-135 and B-52.
26 years commissioned. 34 Years total service USAF Accident Investigator
Instructor Accident Investigation, Embry-Riddle University
Management analyst and IG, simulator instructor,
Instructor Pilot, Standardization Evaluation Pilot,
Chief of Standardization of a Sac Wing equipped with B-52, RC-135 and Kc-135
Flew Cessna 177, Twin Bonanza, Cherokee-6
~200 hours as civilian private pilot
Newspaper columnist for 10 years, now a freelance writer

Mathias Frey
C340, C402
ATPL “frozen”
500 hrs TT
3000+ hrs on ASTRAS, INTRAS and TOSIM, ATC Simulation
Assistant JAR OPS Transition Air Engiadina
Project Manager Air Alps Aviation

Jeff Dahlstrom
C-141 pilot in the early 70's during the Vietnam era:
2nd AF, 432nd MAWg, 18th Sq, MacGuire AFB, NJ.
Pilot training was class 70-06, at Laughlin AFB, Tx

Joe H. Ferguson
Retired Capt.
5,000 FE
T-6, T -28, B-25, B-29, KC-97
Frontier, Continental Airlines
DC - 3, CV 580, B737, MD80, DC10

Bill Reyes
Caravan Pilot for UPS Feeder
Commercial, Instrument,
Multi Engine, Flight Instructor
1500 TT
Ex Lieutenant USN Horn Of Africa/ Persian Gulf 02-03
Aboard USS Nassau (LHA-4)

Capt. Omar Pradhan
U.S. Air Force – AWACS command pilot
Flight Instructor U.S. Air Force Academy
Planes flown: Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS (militarized Boeing 707-320B)
1,900+ hours flight time (350+ hours of combat air time over Afghanistan and Iraq)

Jared Eastley
5000 + TT
Airplane, Single & Multi-Engine Land, CFII, MEI, ATP
SWIV (Metroliner) - Single Pilot
Business Charter and Air Ambulance Pilot

Mike Aybar
Aircraft Maintenance Technician, Crew Chief
American Airlines

Canada ATC (in training)

James Edward Forst
First Officer EMB-145 Trans States Airlines
UND summa cum laude December 2006
Degree in Commercial Aviation and Aviation Management
CFI, CFII, and MEI 65% type CRJ

Hammish Brannan
Former United Kingdom air defense ground enviroment (UKADGE) RADAR technician
Primary and secondary ground radar systems
ATC & airborne systems (including radio) as an instructor for the Ministry of Defence (MOD)

Didier "Jay" Weenen
BAF retired
SIAI SF 260M, Potez Fouga Magister, BA/Do Alpha Jet,
F16A, C130H, C153, C172, C182, L45, various gliders

MD-88 American Airlines

Peter Rapp
Piper Turbo Arrow, PA32T Saratoga,
Cessna 172, Cessna 182T Garmin1000
Carry out business flights for clients and Co-Pi on Turbine Malibu and Beech90 Kingair.

Erin Myers
Private Pilot (single engine, land, VFR)
Cessna, Piper, Waco, Pitts, Citabria
R22s and a JetRanger.
Army Aviation 68G (maintenance and repair):
Blackhawk, Apache and OH58.
FAA A&P Mechanic
Experimental Aircraft Builder
1990 KitFox.Lanceair, Glassair, variety of Micro and Ultra lights.

Sean Dulac
Private Pilot

Christina Merrick
12,000+ TT ATP
A&P, CFIAIM, FE Turbojet
B-727, DC-9, SNJ-5, (T-6)
Navion and Bellanca Viking Current
Advanced Instructing
Consultant for AOPA Legal Attorneys
Eastern Airlines, ValuJet
Fellow Pilot and Friend of Captain Candi Chamberlain Kubeck
ValuJet flight 592, brought down in the Everglades May 1996

Dave Kisor
Former Aviation Electrician
USN / USNR Worked on A-4E/F, TA-4F/J
& A-7B/E ashore and afloat (CV-19, CV-43)
P-3B & C-9B. Back seat TA-4F/J & A-4F NWL
Flight & hangar deck fire fighting qualified
Jumped from UH-1N
BA & MA in Geography
Presently employed US Forest Service
Technician at the Riverside CA Fire Laboratory

Slawomir M. Kozak
Air Traffic Controller
Warsaw International Airport Tower Control Supervisor
On Job Training Unit Chief
Former President of Polish Air Traffic Controllers Association
Former member of Polish Airports State Enterprise Employee’s Council
Member of National Aviation Council
Member of International Aviation English Association
Journalist of aviation magazines
"National Geographic" aviation consultant
Author of Two Books related to 9/11. Currently working on third - Demons Of Extermination
Books Available here

Timothy Young
Comm, Inst, ME, Land & Sea, CFI
Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic
10,000+ Hrs. PIC
Aircraft Owner & Aviation Business Operator for 27 years

Greg Stone
Flight Attendant
American Airlines
LAX-I, 31-years

Michael Herzog
Private Pilot
Multi Engine Rated
150, 152, 172, 210, Cherokee 140, Warrior, Twin Aerocommander
Profession : Talk Show Host
We The People Radio Network
'The American Awakening'

Rodger Herbst
777 and 787 Aeronautics
Flight Controls and Simulation Engineering

Jeff Beck
Commercial, Instrument

Craig Hill
Post Solo Student Pilot
Ran as 9/11 Truth candidate for US Senate for Vermont in 2004 and 2006.
Producer of "Treason Inc"
Founder of the Green Party of Vermont
Helped organize four 9/11 Truth candidates appearing on statewide ballot in Vermont in 2006
Appeared on many televised debates promoting 9/11awareness
Public Appearances -
-C-SPAN2, Called for the arrest and removal of Bush, Cheney and much of DC for treason
-Spoken on 9/11 panels and podiums in many venues around the country, from NYC on several occasions
-9/11 Boston Tea Party at historic Faneuil Hall
-The Alex Jones-organized 9/11 event in LA
-The 2006 event in Chicago
Currently organizing impeachment drives in Vt and around the country to
broaden 9/11 awareness and surreptitiously expose the perps in proposed
congressional hearings in 2007.

Fredrick W. Harvey
Silver Star
Bronze Star
Three Purple Hearts
Two Tours in Vietnam

John W. Travis, MD, MPH
Preventive Medicine, (Johns Hopkins)
Founder, first wellness center in US
Retired Pilot

Lisa Long
Private Pilot, Single Engine Land

Art Carran
Commercial Certificate
Instrument Rating
350 Hours TT
Piper, Beech, and Cessna single-engine aircraft
Professional Engineer, State of Ohio
Aerospace Engineer

Harold Saive
Private Pilot
Single Engine Land

Captain Keith West (ret)
Continental Airlines
20,000 + Total Flight Time
Lear Jet, MD80, 737

Daniel G. Martinez
Blackhawk and Turbine Engine Mech
18 year A&P
L-3 Vertex, Iraq

Pieter Lathuy
Capt A330/A340
Emirates Airline
Ex Belgian Air Force F-16

Adam Shaw
Wingman Aerobatic Airshow team
Former UPI and Washington Post reporter
Author SOUND OF IMPACT "The Legacy of TWA # 514", Viking Press , N.Y(1977)
4500 hrs TT. Aerobatic, Mountain, Seaplane Instructor-Pilot

Gordon Price
36 Yrs Airline
B744 A340, A330, A320, L1011,DC-8, DC-9, Vanguard, Viscount
6 Yrs RCAF - CF-104 F-86

Jacob Moncrief
EMB-145 Captain
ExpressJet Airlines

Naomi Watson
Flight Attendant - Delta Airlines
Based Atlanta

James M. Craven
Commerical, Instrument
Ground Instructor (Advanced and Instrument)
Professor of Economics
Chairman Business Division
Clark College in Vancouver, WA.

R. Bruce Sinclair
Leduc , Alberta , Canada
42 years Flying
19,000 hours.
10 years on the Boeing 737
Captain on the Airbus A300-B4
Trained/Instructor in aircraft performance at Boeing
Beech King Air B200 on medevacs (air ambulance)

Ron Larsen
ASEL, Commercial, Instrument,
900 hrs TT
PhD in Applied Physics and Materials Science,
Cornell University, 1973.
First licensed in 1968 and fairly active through 1992,
flying Beechcraft, Mooney, Cessna and Piper A/C.
9/11 researcher for several years.
Publisher/Editor of ( since 2002.
Broadcaster since 1950.
Host of the Liberty Calling Beacon live radio program

Richard Rogers
Army Guard
Active duty Air Force in Nov 1982 with a honorable separation in Dec 1992.
70250 administration troop
Retrained into F-16/A-10 integrated avionics systems
Only troop to pass the 5 level upgrade testing (45155)
Shaw AFB, SC or RAF Bentwaters, England

Captain Donald D. Halpenny Retired
Ozark , TWA , and AA

J. Randall Reinhardt
Commercial, Multi, Instrument, CFI, ATP,
Commercial Glider, Advanced/ Instrument Ground Instructor,
Turbojet Type Rating - Learjet
Flying since 1961,
8,000+ hours in civil, military and Part 25 Transport category aircraft
J.D. degree in 1972 ,
30 years practicing trial law, with a concentration in aviation related litigation,
including FAA Part 91, 135, 121 and 141 accidents and FAA/NTSB matters
Forensic Director for U.S. Aviation Forensics with 30 years experience in aircraft accident investigation.
Former FAA Accident Prevention Specialist
Former member U.S. Unlimited Aerobatic Team with unrestricted aerobatic waiver.

Ted Williams
4200TT Commercial, Instrument, Multi, Glider
Corporate Pilot
121 FO Suburban Airlines
F-27, SD3, PA-31T

Richard Kleiner
ATP, 6800 hrs
BA-125, L-1329, B707, B717

2000 HRS TT

French, Commercial Pilot
Aerobatic Flight Instructor
4900 Total Flight Time
7 Times Aerobatic French Champion
15 Years member of the French Aerobatic Team
Leader of CAPTENS, a formation flight team of 2 Cap10

Shannon Sheridan
Private Pilot SEL (VFR)
Cessna 172
Former Flight Attendant:
Continental Airlines IAH, LAX
American Airlines JFK, DFW
Corporate Flight Attendant:
Fidelity National Title, Lockheed Jetstar - SNA
General airport bum

Michael Masters
Airline Transport Pilot Certificate (ATP)
5,000 hours total time
3,600 hours multi-engine
1,200 turbine
King Airs (90, 100, and 200)
Air Taxi/Commercial Operations
FAR 135
Air Ambulance

Terry E. Phillips
18,900 hours flight time,
41 years as a professional pilot
ATPL, CE500, CE560, LrJet, NA265, DA10, B727, A320

Charles Dills
27th Fighter Bomber Group
94 Combat Missions
European Theater
P-40, P-47, P-51A
PhD Harvard

A. Erhard, Germany
Senior First Officer Boeing 747-400
Aerobatic Pilot and Flight Instructor
5200 h TT

Guido Fontana
F.A.A. Commercial
Instrument Rating
Single & Multiengine Land
Single Sea
Glider 1000 Hrs
Airplane 2000 Hrs
C337 P68 P44 PA30
Glider aero tow Stinson L5, Robin Dr400, Cessna L19

Greg Madden
Former Marine (non-pilot)
Radio Technician
Martin Co., Florida

Dennis Cimino
Electrical Engineer
Commercial Pilot Rating, since 1981
Navy Combat Systems Specialist: RADAR, ECM, cryptographic communications
Flight Data Recorder Engineer Smiths Aerospace
BA-609, IDARS, Military and Commercial
Millimeter wave RADAR and countermeasures expert since 1973
Two patents held for Doppler RADAR ( Kavouras ):
long pulsewidth RADAR droop compensation network,
and wave guide arc detection for high powered RADAR

James Beardsley
Airline Transport Pilot
CFI-Instrument and Airplane
Started a flight school in Crystal Lake Illinois circa 1974
Opened a couple of FBO’s one in Kenosha, WI
Founded Alliance Airlines a Midwest commuter
Director of a non-profit adoption agency

Captain Scotty Zeches
8,000 TT
Type ratings J3100, D328jet, A320
ATP, CFII, Advanced Ground Instructor
Air Astana Airlines, IndiGo Airlines, Skybus Airlines,
Independence Airlines, Atlantic Coast Airlines, and Florida Air Cargo
US Army, Paratrooper - 82d Airborne

Mik Eriksson
225 tt ppl
pa28 pa22 pa18 c172 c177.
Bellanca tailwheel
12tt ul

Captain Timothy Self
6500 Hrs total time ATP, CFI, CFII, Flight Engineer, A&P Mechanic
135 Capt Lear Jets
121 FE/FO Japan Airlines, Omni Air International
Retired Air Force
Simulator Instructor
C141, DC-10, Lear Jet

Captain Claude Sourzac
21000+ TT
15000 B737, BBJ
rated F27, DC3, B744

Ed Parise
Captain TWA, retired
747, 767, 707, 727, DC9, L 1011
F8, F9, F4, A4, P2, S2
TT 10,000+

Brent D.Greenwood
21,000+ hrs. (retired)
Hawaii Air Academy, DHL, United.
ATP: DC-3, 6, 7 L-188, B-737 B-757, 767, A&P

Gerald P. New
captain with Grant Aviation
Bethel, AK.
2500 tt. ATP, CFII, MEI.
Mostly operate PA-31-350'S.

Bob Price
American General Tiger
Cessna 172 RG

Captain Hadi Rizvi
Flying 43 years
Courses on Accident Investgation
22 Years with Pakistan Air Force as fighter -Total about 3500 Hrs,
Types Flown: T-6G; T-37; T-33; F-86F/E, F-5; MirageIII/V; MIG-15; MIG-19, QFI
21 Years with PIA (Pakistan International Airlines) ~13000 Hrs
Types Flown: F-27; Boeing 737; Boeing 747; Airbus 310

Joseph F. Hamilton, III
BS: Aviation Technology/Avionics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL.
AS: Aviation Maintenance Technology, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL.
FAA: Private Pilot: SEL
FAA: Airframe and Power plant Mechanic / 25 years
FAA: Inspection Authorization / 12 years
FCC: General Radio-telephone operator
IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Trainer
IPC-JSTD-001 Certified IPC Trainer

Christian Österdahl
2300 hrs TT F/O
737NG, A319/320

Capt Fred Fox (ret)
33 years experience flying for American Airlines
Commercial aircraft flown: Boeing 707, 727, 747, 767,
McDonnell Douglas DC-10, MD-80, and MD-11, Douglas DC-6,
and General Dynamics/Convair 990 Coronado
Former U.S. Navy pilot.
Aircraft flown: Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, 8 years experience

Edward A. Meyer
FAA Air Traffic Control Specialist
La Guardia Air Traffic Control
FAA Certified Airline Transport Pilot
Certified Flight Engineer/Turbojet
Certified Flight Instructor
3,000+ total hours flown

Robin Cooper
1500+ hours Helicopter
Commercial Pilot Rotorcraft (Helicopter), CFI Rotorcraft (Helicopter),
100 hours Fixed Wing with private pilot add-on
Instrument fixed wing
High performance/complex sign off fixed wing
6 years working in the aviation business

Captain Garry Bonnett
Captain Airbus A320 series working for a British Airline for the past 20 years.
11500 total hrs
Over 8000 in command on commercial jets
Approximately 3000 hrs B737
5000hrs Airbus
DC9 as a co pilot.
CAA Licensed Engineer Qualified to certify All piston engine aircraft on the UK Register and Also the DC9
Holds an FAA Commercial

David DeSantis
-1,200 hours and building!
-Commercial Certificate
-ATP Written
-Single Engine, Multi Engine, Instrument Instructor
-Types Flown: SGS 2-33 Glider, C-150, C-152, C-170, C-172, C-182,
J-3, PA-28, PA-44, PA-46, Pitts S2B, Cirrus SR-20, Cirrus SR-22,
CE-500 Citation, CRJ training.

Darin M. Bowers
Aircraft Mechanic 16+ years
Served 4 years at Nellis AFB, LV
561st Fighter Wild Weasel Squadron between 1993-1996 as a Crew Chief
Deployed to Turkey and Saudi in Operations Provide Comfort and Southern Watch
Retired the F-4G Phantoms in 96, some to the bone yard and
Phase inspector on the A-10 and F-15E Srike
Separated with an honorable
Line mechanic on the DC-8, DC-9, B727, B757, B767, A300 and MD-11 for the past 12 years

Ralph W. Omholt
Commercial airline pilot
Boeing 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and McDonnell Douglas DC-10

Captain Dan Hanley
Total flight time: 20,000 hours
Last Seat Position: B-777 Captain
Airline: United Airlines
Military Service: Naval Aviator P-3C Orion
Statement - "Thanks for the honor of joining the elite ranks of Pilots for 9/11 Truth!"

Max Guiley
Total Flight Time: 5,200
Former Aviation Underwriter for U.S.A.I.G.
Former Jet Naval Aviator
F.A.A. Airline Transport Certificate, M.B.A. in International Business

Chris Rockhold
Total Flight Time: 6000
ERAU Empire Airlines
C206, C207, C208, C402, C404 ATP, CFI

Glenn Hoeft
Total Flight Time: 18,800
NWA(Delta), Eastern A/L, Lockheed Martin
U.S. Navy, USNR
B-747(400), B-757(200 & 300), B727(100 & 200), LR-24,25 & 35, L-188, P-3models, B-200

Jeff Donovan
Comments: I was an Air Traffic Controller in the Marines for 6 years and never believed any of the government's stories of 9/11

Richard (Rick) DaCosta
Total Flight Time: 15,000
USN Reserve
Lockeed Electra co-pilot,B727,engineer co-pilot, B747 co-pilot,
Comment: I've been a disbeliever of the 9/11 official government story since 2002 after studying the facts.
We must continue striving to protect and keep our Constitution intact from all of the subsequent attacks after 9/11.
We know who they(the elite)are now and we know what they are planning. Heads up! Cover our sixes!

Chris Draus
Flight Attendant
Horizon Air (Alaska Air Group)
Q200, Q400, CRJ 700

Mac Rogers
Delta Air Lines, USAF
Delta: Capt. on 727, 737, 757, 767, MD-11
F/O on DC-9, 727, L-1011
S/O on DC-8, 727, L-1011
USAF: T-37 IP (Active Duty)
U-3, C-7, A-37 (USAFR)
T-41, T-37, T-38 (Trained on)
Civil (Low time):
Cessna 150, 172, 310
Beachcraft Bonanza

Jacob Suijk
Total Flight Time: 500+
Dutch civil ATC
Comment: Now more then 7 years hoping for change; it's time to join.

Jason Jackson
Total Flight Time: 1550
Commercial Pilot Airplane Single and Multi Engine Land, Instrument Airplane.
Certified Flight Instructor Airplane Single and Multi Engine Land, Instrument Airplane

Dale Netley
Airframe and Engine Technician
Coastal Pacific Airlines, Air B.C, Air Canada Jazz
Two years served in the Candian Armed Forces
Comment: At eighteen years of age I was trained in the Canadian Armed Forces as a Vehicle Tech.
I served my country proudly, with First Service Battalion. Throughout my working life I have been employed
continuously in fields of expertice directly related to mechanical repair;
both land based equipment and aeronautical. I have been employed as an
Aircraft Maintenance Technician for the past twenty two years.

Richard Chargin
Total Flight Time: 110 hours
SJSU, Atari Games, RJA

Robert Rowe
T-43 and various light aircraft

Doug Johnson
Total Flight Time: 18,000
American Airlines
US Army
Comments: Took early retirement after 24 years of airline service. CA:B-737, FK-100, FO:B-727,DC-10.
Air Cavalry-AH-1G/S,UH-1,OH-58, did DOD flying experimentation. CAP:T-34, L-4. Numerous types of
light single and multi-engine civilian airplanes since high school. Duane Cole Aerobatic Course Grad.
Civilian flight and instrument instructor. Airline academics and simulator instructor, check airman.

Paul Welton
Aerospace Manufacturing Engineer
Companies Worked: Boeing
1981 to 1985 USAF
Comments: I was a autopilot and instrument mechanic while in the USAF. I worked on the following aircraft;
A-10, C-130, and F4's while in the military. After the military I went to college and got my AA in Electronics.
I worked for Boeing from 1989 until 1996 both as a flight line electrician in 747 Delivery and as an manufacturing engineer.
I have since started my own contract manufacturing engineering firm and have operated it for over 10 years.
I've basically worked in on or around airplanes for almost 30 years.

Marc Wilnauer
Total Flight Time: 1650
A320, A340

Donald Berk
1,500 hrs
Commercial, CFI, SEL, SES, Glider, 35 types
Nothing is more cynical and disdainful of human dignity, the Constitution and the memory of patriotic sacrifice
than a false flag operation. The truth of 9/11 must be dug out and publicly displayed.

Tamara Pearce
Flight Attendant
Pan American, United
I am committed to those being held responsible who carried-out these atrocities against our Nation

Mike Banks
Aerospace Design Engineer
Airbus, GKN Aerospace. Smiths Ind, Eurocopter UK, BN Aviation
23 Years design experience within the aerospace industry

Keenan Evams
Civil Aviation Academy Ltd
I want the truth!

John Delisle
100+ hours
RCAC 1985-1994
Glider pilot, Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Perdrisat Michel
Capt. (ret)
Total Flight Time: 15000
MA (History)
Former fighter pilot (Mirage III)
27 years commercial pilot
DC-9 / MD-80 / DC-10 / A-320 series / MD-11
Flight instructor
Former fighter pilot Swiss Air Force (Mirage III)

Ramp Agent
United Airlines / Westfield State College
Still hoping the truth can get out there.

Rick Foote
Total Flight Time: 17,000
Corporate Pilot, 121Freight, Commuter, Air Ambulance
US Army
ATP Types in DC-3, Lear Jets 24,25,35, Lockheed Electra L188, Jet Star L1329 6,8,731,II
Falcon 10,20,200,2000,50,900 Gulfstream IV A&P Mechanic Director of Maintiance,135 Check Pilot, Chief Pilot, Director of Operations
Flight Safety, Simuflight Trained

Richard Wilkinson
Plane Builder
AA Fire Control Chief
707 down to Piper cub.
Built or built or re built more planes than I can remember, Two are in the Air and Space museum,
Leo Loudenslager and Duane Cole and took care of Charlie Hillard's,
I know what a plane and person can and can not do. I shot my T V Sept 20 2001, if need to hear lies I choose a cute girl.

Tim Erney
Beech Aerospace Services, Inc. ; Vincennes University A.S.
Combat Engineer-demo Army Reserve 1983 - 1989
Thank you for your outstanding work exposing the truth of 9/11.
I have a unique perspective being an A&P, knowing how to fly, and being experienced
with demolitions in the Army Reserves. I have always known the "official" narrative of events on 9/11 is a lie.

Ron Haugenh
Former Mechanic
Kollsman Instrument Corp; US Army Aviation
US Army [Aviation]
AH-1G Attack Helicopter [Cobra] Crew Chief/Troubleshooter plus some stick time. Some stick time on 2 seater Trainer [rotary wing].
Vertical Velocity Indicator [early Kollsman "KIFIS" system] technician, calibrator, consultant.

Ken Chevis
413 hours
Royal Canadian Air Force 1950-1954
Harvard - Pilot Trainee
T33 - Pilot Trainee
P51D - Pilot Trainee
CF100 - Pilot Officer

Timothy Wrinkle
Total Flight Time: 500
Cessna 150 - 172 - U-206
Maule/Floats MX-7
Piper PA-18 / PA-28 / PA-34 / PA-31

J. Sagara
Total Flight Time: 2600

O. W. Hungerford Jr.
Texas A@M
US Army 5.5 years
L-19 school San Marcus Texas Korean War. Forward Observer 155 Howitzer

Tim Jones
Dropmaster, Radar Operator

Total Flight Time: 10000
British Airways
Military Service: 15yrs
Harrier Jump Jet

Edward Rutland
Total Flight Time: 1000
Auburn Univ, Univ South Florida
Alabama Air National Guard
Single engine land airman's certificate. Flown sail planes, twin engines

David T. Helms
Total Flight Time: 5000+
Air Transport Training Internetional (Lufthansa), Flight Safety International
CFI/I, MEI, ASMELS, Commercial, Instrument

James Spradling
Total Flight Time: 550
USAF 1971-1999
F-4C (backseat); Pipers, Cessnas, Grummans

Total Flight Time: 1000+
Old war planes TBM
T28 T26 lost of small stuff

Total Flight Time: 18000
Air France
Gliders, Mystere 20, Caravelle, Boeing 707, Boeing 747, Concorde (from 1987 to 1993)

Tom Swanson
USN Aircrewman
Total Flight Time: 400 Hours
Electronic Warfare Operator in EA-3B and EC-121M

Ronald Whitcomb
Vietnam Combat Veteran 68-69
I am interested because I do not believe the "official account" of this incident.

Neil Evangelista
Total Flight Time: 600
California State Univ, Northridge
Air Force
Commercial, SMEL, Instrument Rated

Joe St.Clair
Total Flight Time: 24000
WestAir and SkyWest
Army Aviation
Captain on BA-3100 and EMB-120

Anthony Sallie
Avionics Tech
Msgt USAFR(ret)
GAC on C141 and KC-10

Jerry Mayville
Private pilot, Airplane owner

Jared Sebesta
Total Flight Time: 100+
C150, Piper Archer II, C172

Michael Joseph Kearns
Total Flight Time: 7000+
Part 135 Charter Companies
PIC Lear Jet, HS-125, AC-1121, helicopter, seaplane

Michael Cangemi
Total Flight Time: 200TT
Private Pilot, Artist
Cessna 152, 172, 172RG, Piper Arrow

Peter Muller
Total Flight Time: 360
Personal AC only

Thomas W. Mcguire Jr
Total Flight Time: 4000 hours
Command Pilot largely single seat fighters: F-80, F-84G, F-84F, F-100, F-101, F-105, F-4,and T-39.
Flew 100 missions over N. Vietnam in F-4 leading 31 missions over Hanoi area known as Route Pack Six.
Retired as Full Colonel in 1978.

David Strader
Electronic Engineer

Rob Miller
Total Flight Time: 10,000
Military Service: USMC
A-4, C-130. Beach 1900, Beach 300, many Cessnas...
CFII for longer than I care to remember
How did a bunch of begining student pilots manage to fly a rather new sophiciated aircraft from the point of
Hi-jack to a pre-determined point with as little training as it is reported that they had???
...from my experience begining students are not even capable of finding the airport they just took off
from (usually 10-15 nm from the traing area) not to mention flying several hundred of miles to a pre-determind point...

Ray Fougnier
Cessna 150, 172
Piper PA28, PA32
Private pilot, single engine, VFR

Mark E Thorley
Flight Simulator Technician
American Airlines, Boeing
US Air Force
B52, KC135, B1, A300, 727, 737, 757, 767, 777, F100, Saab 340, ATR42, ERJ, 707, MD80

Paul Maxwell
Vintage aircraft restoration. Helicoptor support crew. Part 91 and 135 managment. Airshow ramp crew. Gen. aviation knowlage.
I have helped work on mostly warbirds and helicopters (everything from P-51 to B-29, Bell206, Hughes 500, ect.) along with some
GA stuff ( cessna, beech, ect. All airworthy.) As a result, I am lucky to have many hours of stick time in many types,
including single and multi engine, tailwheel and helicopter. Also about 3 hours of full motion sim time on DC-9 and L-1011.

Peter Saling
Total Flight Time: 50+
Florida Institute Of Technology, Melbourne, FL
Piper, Hughes 300

Total Flight Time: 40
Student for Personal License
Cherokee PA28

Robert (Bob) Bass
Env. Engineer
Total Flight Time: 300+
U of F, Professional Geologist
ASEL, Aerobatic trained

Doug Knights
Total Flight Time: 8000 hrs
EasyJet, Astraeus Airlines
B737 - Captain, Embraer 145 - Captain

Robert Taylor
Total Flight Time: 320
Canstar Aviation

Lionel A Smith
Aircraft Artificer Engines and Airframes
RN and Fleet Air Arm from July 1963 to July 1982
Five years of apprenticeship covering- fitting, welding, turning, brazing, sheet-metal work in light alloys,
steels, titanium, workshop technologies and engineering drawing, non-destructive testing,
thorough study of airframe and aero-engine mechanisms, structures and systems, aircraft finishes.
Study to A level standard in Mathematics, Aeronautical Engineering Science, Applied Mechanics (Aircraft),
Engineering Drawing (advanced level).

Service experience: Sea Vixens FAW 1 and 2 - 766 Squadron and 893 Squadron including HMS Victorious.
Hunter GA11, PR10/11, T8 and also Meteor T7 and NF11, Vampire T22, Sea Prince, Swordfish, Tiger Moth.
Phantom F4K 892 Squadron and Ark Royal. Trials installation unit (9 years) including designing manufacturing
fitting (using most skills learned under training) and documentation of role change modifications to
Canberra T22, Hunters T8 and GA11 - PR10/11, Sea King, Sea Devon, Sea Heron, Wasp, Wessex, Lynx.

Post RN - 4 year degree course BEd (Hons 2:1) in Maths and Science covering many aspects including calculus (again),
Stats, functions and graphs, sets and modular arithmetic, computer architecture and BASIC programming
(taken to machine code and assembler on own volition in spare time - skills learned used during a contract
programming period 89-90, weather and climate, chemistry (varied aspects including crystallography) and
quantum mechanics, other earth sciences, magnetism.

Eric Traffie
Total Flight Time: 490 hours
Currently fly a Christen Eagle, have flown 150, 172, 182, DA40, PA16, Decathalon, J3.

Richard Connelly
Aircraft Dispatcher
American Eagle Airlines
I've worked as an Aircraft Dispatcher for over 23 years. I worked on the day 9/11 happened,
while dispatching my flights in the northeast. When 9/11 happened I was angry at the hijackers,
but now that I have examined the evidence and it clearly points towards someone, most likely at the
highest levels of our government, I want a new and HONEST investigation opened to answer questions.
And lastly, those found responsible must be punished. There must be justice for the victims.

Brett Hoffstadt
Aerospace Engineer
Purdue University, Penn State University

Ken Hamilton
Total Flight Time: 5000+
Commercial Aviator
A300, DC8's, Turboprops

Sean Holt

Naveed Riaz
Total Flight Time: 3300
Pakistan Air Force, Air Blue
Pakistan Air Force 17 years
MFI-17(prop), T-37, FT-5(Mig-15), Instructor Pilot Combat Commanders School
Instructor Pilot F-16 A/B & F-7(Mig-21), FO A319/320/321 (1300 hours)
Have always believed its impossible for rookie prop pilots to learn to fly a modern air liner on Flt simulator
and then navigate to crash on twin towers with accuracy.

Bernarr C Schaeffer
Total Flight Time: 2000 hours
P-47 36 missions Europe
P-47 Fighter Group 367/394 Europe
Your cause is great, don't stop.

John Cusick
Total Flight Time: 20,300
Capital & United
US Army
B737-F/O,Capt B737/300-Capt B727-S/O,F/O DC8- S/O DC10-F/O B757/767-Capt

William A. (Bill) Pitsker
Total Flight Time: ~35000
World Airways; Pan Am
USAF Aircraft Commander, C-124; FO L-1049/1649; Nav/FEO/FO, B-707/727/747; A-300/310.
Type rated, Ce500, A-310

Beth Gray

Police Officer
Army National Guard Aviation
17 years
Huey, Loach, Black Hawk, Crew Chief

Howard Kreiss
Total Flight Time: 20000
Pan Am, Iran Airlines, Ariana Afgan Airlines, Korean Airlines, Saudi Arabian Airlines,
Air Malta Military Service, US Army
B707, B747, B737

Tyler Hofstetter
Cessna 172

Christian Lidén
Ramp, startleader
Hello, worked at landvetter airport in sweden

V A Weiss
Total Flight Time: 14000
American, Midway, Air Wisconsin
Captain, FO
FK-100 DC-9, BAe-146

Lt Col David Gapp
Qualified Accident Investigator, Accident Board President from USAF Safety School
Total Flight Time: 3000
US Air Force, Continental Airlines
Military Service: 31 years
T-37, T-38, F-4, ATR-42 (one year w/ Continental Express), then went back into the Air Force

Bruce C. Jenkins
Aeronautical Engineer
Total Flight Time: 2000 hrs
Lockheed (LMSC), AerospaceCorp
United States Navy
PBM and P2V Aircraft/ Korean War

Douglas M. Scherer
Total Flight Time: 1500
American Airlines
Army Aviator, Vietnam Vet
Cessna T-41, O1G Birddog, T210, 206, 207
Beech Baron 58, Twin Bonanza, D18
Piper Cherokee 6, Cherokee 180, Aztec DeHaviland Beaver

12 year Dispatcher

Hassan Abbas Khawaja
University of Cambridge, UK
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering,
MPhil in Engineering (Fluid Mechanics)
PhD in Engineering (Fluid Mechanics)
Experience of flying and gliding

Peter Raymond
Home~Build Auto~Gyro Gyro~Plane w/ Kawaski 4~Cyl 4~$troke
Total Flight Time: 37.75

Lije Baley
State University of NY
"I think 9/11 was covered up, and should be reinvestigated. This guy, Detrich Snell convicts Abdul Hakim Murad, who says he will cooperate,
and tells of a plot to hijack a plane and fly it into the CIA headquarters. Same guy tells Philippine investigators that is part of a larger plot
to crash a number airplanes into Prominent US buildings including WTC & the Pentagon. This is in 1995. Snell goes onto to become senior
counsel and a team leader for the 9/11 commission. Why was this guy on the 9/11 commission?"

Jonathan Parkhill
Bombardier aerospace
"I am time served aircraft fitter and have built wings, fuselage and engine nacelles. Damage to the pentagon does not make any sense.
Have read people trying to dismiss wings as light honeycomb structures hence lack of damage to the building. I KNOW THIS TO BE UNTRUE."

Gordon Gilhooly
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Great Lakes Airlines, Air Canada
Weapons Tech Air, Canadian Forces
Worked on aircraft for almost 37 years.

Mike Buchanan
Aviation Reporter
WUSA-TV Washington,D.C.
Aviation reporter doing research on 9/11

Abdul Kareem
Flight Attendant
United Arab Emirates Airlines

Michael Sheehan
Electronic Countermeasures, Avionics Technician
U.S.M.C. 1983-1989
Worked on Electronic Countermeasures system on board EA6B Aircraft.
Trained in Aviation Fundamentals, Avionics, Electronic Countermeasures, Flight Deck Fire Fighting.

Christopher Stavrou
Private Pilot
Total Flight Time: 50
Florida Tech
Piper Warrior PA28-161

Bob Scaggs
US Army
Blackhawk, Mohawk, Chinook, 58c-d, Apache

Ron Marshall
Total Flight Time: 425.0 hrs
Private, VFR, Pilot in command

James Sorrentino
"... employed by the Airline Industry, I am a long time aircraft enthusiast, and have flown extensively on private and commercial aircraft.
Since that fateful day of 9/11, I have been a strong advocate of finding the truth about what actually happened,
and will not accept the lies and contradictions. I commend your organization, and, very much support your work here.
I respectfully request to become a member of your organization, and, would like to assist in any way possible."

Mark Long
Total Flight Time: 26
Boeing, Textron/AAI
"I currently have about 26 hours in a 172.
I'm an A+P Mechanic and have worked on C-130, C-17, B787, F-22, and currently on UAVs."

Michael Salyers
Total Flight Time: 20000
US Airways, Henson Airlines, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
DHC-8,SD-3,B-737 Captain On each. Currently Captain and Check Airman on B-737.
Have spent hundreds of hours researching the events of 911 and do not believe the published account of the 911 comission.

Wayne Anderson
Avionics Tech
Braniff, Contractor

Eyewitness Experts
Aldo Marquis
Craig Ranke
Domenick DiMaggio
ThePentaCon - Citizen Investigation Team

PR Contacts
Rob Balsamo


15 year Technology Expert
US Researcher
Source: NTSB FOIA .csv file & .fdr file

Calum Douglas
UK Researcher
Source: NTSB FOIA Animation

David Ray Griffin
Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Religion & Theology
Claremont School of Theology & Claremont Graduate University
Author or editor of some 30 books
"The New Pearl Harbor"
"The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions"
"Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11"
"The American Empire and the Commonwealth of God"
"9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out"
"Debunking 9/11 Debunking:
An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory"
"9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press."
"The New Pearl Harbor - Revisted"

Leslie Landry
Forum Moderator
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Sam Kent Wrote:Maximum operating velocity of 360 knots??? That’s only 414 mph. Economical cruising speed is 461 kts, far above your figure of 360.
The maximum operating speed (Vmo) of any Boeing 767 is 360 knots indicated airspeed. That is the speed, at which the overspeed warning in the cockpit goes on. At ground level, indicated airspeed is equal to true airspeed.
At higher altitudes Vmo is Mach 0.86. At, say 35000 feet, Vmo is only 295 knots indicated airspeed, but because of less air density this translates to
a much higher true airspeed.
So Peter's quote was exactly correct.

If you need a reference, try the type certificate:
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Ok I’ll concede that I failed to take into account the altitude.

However that doesn’t mean that airplane wasn’t going 510 just before impact. Those air speed maximums are design and safety limits. It’s not like the pilots in charge at the time (hijackers), were planning to use the plane again and he was coming out of a dive. So 510 is believable given the circumstances in my book. Has any of those pilots from the other site stated that a 767 could NEVER exceed the design speeds? Wasn’t there reports from WW2 where a few pilots came close to the sound barrier and had controllability problems in long high speed dives?

Quote:[size=12]We are watching Sam Kent closely.

What is that supposed to mean?

Quote:[size=12]So far he has contributed nothing in the way of deep political understandings or interest.

By that if you mean my interest isn’t to further erroneous claims of conspiracies then you are correct. But I disagree that I contribute nothing and my deep political understandings may be different from others.

Quote:[size=12]His only observable interest seems to be stalking Jack White and Peter Lemkin.

I’m not stalking anyone. I only post rebuttals to ideas that I feel are wrong and I have an interest in. Post a conspiracy about the first lady’s attire and watch me avoid it like the plague.

The overspeed warning comes on at the maximum operating speed for a reason. It demands from the pilot immediate reaction to reduce speed. Maximum operating speed is set so that the pilot can react before the plane reaches the Design Dive Speed (Vd), which is 420 knots calibrated airspeed for a Boeing 767 (at sea level this is 420 knots true airspeed, 483 mph).
That is the highest speed at which the plane is required to remain controllable, higher than that all bets are off. Even between Vmo and Vd permanent structural damage is possible, which is why an inspection for structural damage is usually required if Vmo has been exceeded.

Hitting the buildings in the way is was done requires an extraordinary amount of control. To think that this could have been done in a speed range far beyond the highest speed at which the plane remains controllable is against my intuition.:dontknow:
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
On February 7, 2002 the NTSB published a Radar Data Impact Speed Study for UA175 and AA11. It is currently downloadable from here.

In it, the author, Daniel R. Bower, Ph.D. of the NTSB writes of UA175:
Quote:As the aircraft made its final descent to 1000 feet, it accelerated and impacted World Trade Center tower #2 at approximately 510 knots groundspeed.
At this low altitude 510 knots groundspeed is equivalent to 510 knots Calibrated Airspeed which equates to roughly 587 mph.
Taking into account the Design Diving Speed of 420 knots Calibrated Airspeed, this claims that a Boeing 767-200 could have exceeded the Design Diving Speed by 90 knots and remained intact and controllable.
I seriously don't think that is possible.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".

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