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The Last Circle
Cheri - I echo Magda's comments. Welcome to DPF, and thank you for your posts and your ongoing investigative journalism.

I entirely share your research and instincts about agent provocateur infiltration of the Elohim City and related groups, and Dennis Mahon's central role.

However, as I'm certain you know there's also the curious case of Carol Howe, and the inimitable and elusive German, Andreas Strassmeir.

Below I've posted the entire text of the 2009 article about Mahon's, um, provocative activities:

Quote:Missouri gun arrest has connections to Arizona bombing

By AMANDA LEE MYERS, Associated Press Writer
Published: Friday, June 26, 2009 10:13 AM CDT

PHOENIX (AP) -- Two white supremacists from Illinois have been indicted in a 2004 mail bombing that injured the diversity director in the Phoenix suburb of Scottsdale, federal authorities said.

Twin brothers Dennis and Daniel Mahon are charged with conspiracy to damage buildings and property by means of explosive, according to an indictment unsealed Thursday and filed June 16 in federal court.

The indictment says the brothers intended to "promote racial discord" on behalf of the White Aryan Resistance, a decades-old group based in California.

The package detonated in the hands of Don Logan, who is black, on Feb. 26, 2004, in the city's Human Resources Complex.

The blast injured Logan's hand and arm, and a secretary also was injured; both required surgery and spent about a week in the hospital.

Authorities arrested the brothers Thursday in their Davis Junction, Ill., home and say they had assault weapons, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and white supremacist material.

Authorities didn't know if the brothers had attorneys. There are no telephone numbers listed for Mahon in Davis Junction.

A Missouri man's arrest Wednesday also arose from the bombing, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Western District of Missouri. Robert Neil Joos, 56, was charged with being a felon in possession of firearms after a search of his property in rural southwest Missouri.

An undercover investigation found that people involved in white supremacist movements throughout the U.S. met at a retreat location in Missouri owned by Joos, according to prosecutors. And an affidavit filed supporting the arrest shows investigators found the first call Dennis Mahon made the morning of the bombing was to a cell phone registered to Joos.

Dennis Mahon also is charged with malicious damage of a building by means of explosive and distribution of information related to explosives, according to the indictment.

"We've waited five years to hear the news announced today," Logan said in a statement released Thursday. "Today's announcement was met with much enthusiasm and appreciation ... I remain convinced the judicial process will result in justice to me and my colleagues impacted by the blast."

Authorities at the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the U.S. Attorney's Office declined to comment until a news conference scheduled for Friday morning.

The indictment says the brothers conspired to build and deliver the bomb to the diversity office, taught others how to build a package containing a pipe bomb, and sent training materials on the production and use of explosives, techniques to avoid detection by law enforcement, and methods to commit domestic terrorism.

The indictment says Dennis Mahon participated in the construction of the bomb, disguising it in a cardboard box that was delivered to the Scottsdale diversity office.

One month before the bombing, the indictment says, Dennis Mahon called the diversity office and left a message saying, "the White Aryan Resistance is growing in Scottsdale. There's a few white people who are standing up."

The package was addressed to Logan, who served as an ombudsman for city employees and citizens on diversity issues, including racial and sex discrimination. The bomb was sent through the post office to the city building, which is about a block from City Hall. The explosion forced the evacuation of 25 people in the building.

"This event really struck home," Scottsdale police Sgt. Mark Clark said Thursday. "It caused a lot of fear and grief, and it's been a long road in the investigation, and we're certainly glad it's moving forward."

Dennis Mahon also is accused of teaching others how to blow up a vehicle and a house, how to build a package pipe bomb using a 9-volt battery, black powder, and an electric match, and how to avoid detection by law enforcement, according to the indictment.

The indictment also says he mailed various instructional books about building bombs to an individual in Wickenburg, Ariz. Among them were "Poor Man's James' Bond 2" and "A Manual of Urban Guerrilla Warfare, Fighting in the Streets."

The Missouri affidavit says the Mahons told an undercover federal agent that white supremacists used Joos's remote property in southwestern Missouri's McDonald County for survival training.

One of the Mahon brothers described Joos as "an expert on weapons, explosives, bomb making and general survival skills," the affidavit said.

Joos himself told undercover agents who visited his property of the importance of having firearms "in several locations" and said he used 18 caves to hide weapons, according to the affidavit.

Joos is expected to be appointed a federal public defender. There was no answer at that office Thursday night and there was no home telephone listed for Joos in southwest Missouri.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Welcome to DPF, Cheri, and thanks for all who have contributed to this thread. I did not know of it, the book(s) [which I look forward to buying and reading], or you. There is so much to read and try to stay up on; thanks be to the fact that I am free to do so.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

I just returned from a mini road trip and found e-mails from members of DPF. Thanks for the kind remarks and best wishes. Much appreciated.

I had no idea when a man from Cornell University placed The Last Circle on the Internet in 1996 that it would generate so much discussion. Now I’m glad it did because the legacy of war, corruption and greed left behind by the Octopus in the 1980’s still flourishes today.
Forums such as DEEP POLITICS provide knowledge to all of us to fight this iniquity and to resist being manipulated by it.

I have enjoyed reading all the informative contributions at the DEEP POLITICS Forum. Glad I joined.
Hi everyone, as I promised a few months back, here is my review of 'The Last Circle. I just finished this amazing book.

Not very often does a story come to light that totally rips the veil of corruption and secrecy of the ruling elite in this world, as does 'The Last Circle'. That this story that Cheri Seymour reveals is little known or talked about is telling, and displays the mendacious character of 'official' discourse in this country, and what the 'unwashed masses' are allowed to know. The obscure nature of this story is stunning, given the iron-clad factual documentation Cheri gives, step-by-step, chapter-by-chapter. As I was reading, I was aghast at the shocking (and arrogant) criminality on the part of those that people in this country believe are protecting us. Cheri Seymour definitely proves this is a lie. Cynically, National Security is invoked by those in power to give a cover for state crime, and 'The Last Circle' is a chronicle of a litany of god-awful crimes committed under the cover of national interests. You will not believe the amount of crimes; Cheri's story is replete with all kinds of murders and other suspicious deaths, and the collusion of government with drug traffickers and other sordid characters, in an on-going criminal enterprise.

Even though this story comprises of events happening in the 1980's, I am of the firm opinion that it continues into the present day, a fact that Cheri also shares. The specter this book raises is truly frightening.

I strongly recommend this book to everyone I know and those I don't; this is hard-hitting stuff. This is not Alex Jones; Cheri has meticulously documented this story, the back of this book has around 150 pages of the records that prove this story, as well as corroboration throughout.

Cheri Seymour, if you are reading this, I extend a salute to you. I really hope that your book is not relegated to the dustbin of obscurity.
I have purchased "The Last Circle" and am reading it /// slowly... having been waylaid first by Estulin's "Shadow Masters" (report forthcoming). Having heard from this fellow Encho, I know that he is way ahead of me in reading Seymour. More to follow...

I also look forward to reading more about the Murrah event.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
To: Eddie Evans

Eddie, this is a great book review and I appreciate that you took the time to review (and mention) the documents in the back of The Last Circle book. You and I, and so many others at DPF and elsewhere are individually doing our part to stand up and resist the inequity that has grown like a cancer in our government and spread into our justice system and financial institutions.

Unknown to most readers, there was much I left out of the book because I couldn't obtain documentation and/or validation from two or more sources. If I had included all, the book would have been too complex and extended to at least 1,000 pages rather than the current 600 pages.

The Octopus conspirators adapted over a period of about 40 years to a unique and highly specialized capacity to commit crimes under color of law, to manipulate the system and the media to cover up these crimes, and to generate billions of dollars through these criminal alliances.

They still believe that they are untouchable because their machinations are so cloaked that no one can discern the complexities, let alone expose them. They are mistaken. You and I and thousands of average Americans are adapting too. We're learning how to detect and unveil these shadowy operations, and writing about it all over the Internet.

Thanks to Trine Day books for their huge investment in spreading the word too. Their professionalism and staff are more than any author could hope for. They put out a great book.

There is still much work to do. As I said on a recent radio show, we as a nation have won two world wars, placed a man on the moon, and yet the government would have us believe that it doesn't have the technology or the manpower to stop truck and trailer loads of illegal drugs from entering into U.S. from foreign countries during the past 50 years?

Cheri Seymour
Thanks Cheri, I am just trying the best way I can to convey the impression your book has left on me! I have been thinking about it all day today, all the various scenes from the book, in particular the dismissal of murder charges last July of James Hughes... Have you ever found out why, other than the prosecutor declaring they have new evidence? I wonder what new evidence? Will they bring another case due to this 'new evidence'? It seems damn suspicious to me, but with such little to go on...

Also, it strikes me quite odd to consider that this man may have had a hand in the coup against the Zelaya government in Honduras. At least, he is definitely connected to the principals involved in the coup...

There must be far more that is not yet known about this man, James Hughes. Why has he been allowed to travel freely like that, and admit publicly that he was a killer? Why did the powers-that-be allow him to live, given the volatility of the whole story and all the secrets that he knows? I am thinking he is more than just a 'bag-man' or a hitman, but I don't have any definitive information for that conclusion. But after pondering it, it's like the adage, "If it walks like a duck..."

For Ed Jewett: Believe me, when you do have the time to get reading The Last Circle, you will find it difficult to put down!

A note: I have posted a similar review on The Last Circle Amazon page, here:

and also on Cheri Seymour's website for the book:

RE: The Last Circle book

TO: Eddie Evans

FROM: Cheri Seymour

Eddie - Thanks for your interest and the great postings relative to The Last Circle book. I appreciate everything you've written and will try to answer your questions, though I can only speculate as to why the murder charges were dismissed against self-confessed "Mafia Hit-Man" Jimmy Hughes on July 1, 2010.

You noted that you believe Jimmy Hughes is/was "more than just a bag-man or a hit-man." That's a good observation, and I agree. I suspect that Jimmy would have revealed too much information in court and caused embarrassment to the California Attorney General's office and/or the DOJ.

In his own words, Jimmy declared to Patrick Healy, a T.V. reporter for NBC News in 1985 that the Alvarez homicide was an “ordered assassination,” adding that the hit was an “authorized, backed, government covert action.” You can hear him say this at this website:

I can't speculate further because I am bound to secrecy by the people who investigated Jimmy Hughes, including Rachel Begley, as their case is NOT closed yet. Keep in mind that the murder charges against Jimmy were dismissed "without prejudice," which means the Riverside Sheriff's Department can re-file the case at some time in the future with another jurisdiction other than the A/G's office.

I'm sure if this occurs, you'll see plenty of media coverage on it --- so look for news of this in 2011.

Your readers can also read Jimmy Hughes' confession about his career as a mafia hit-man at this website (it appears that Jimmy was "moonlighting" as a hit-man when he was employed as chief of security at the Cabazon Indian Reservation in 1981).

EXCERPT from website. Jimmy Hughes speaking ---

“After a six-year hitch in the military, I became a professional hit man for the Mafia. I
collected money, hurt a lot of people and saw a lot of blood. I know what it’s like to cut
the throat of a man, see a man die, or throw a man in the trunk of a car and take him to
his death. I did many horrible things. I allowed myself to do whatever was necessary.

“One day I had a contract on a man. They had paid me a lot of money to kill this person.
I travelled over many states, and walked into the man’s house one day, pulled out my
pistol, and put a bullet in everybody’s head.

“There were many people there that day because he was having a party. As I stood
there with the gun in my hand, I suddenly realized that all those people were dead.
They had died instantly. I had been paid to kill one man, but had killed half a dozen
people. The rest had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time --- “
Thanks Cheri. This is all very great stuff, I have visited Mr. Hughes website, and read all this fascinating stuff. I had first came across this on, I believe. There is so much on her website, I heartily recommend people visit and check it out.

Mr. Hughes is definitely an interesting man, I wonder if he might still be involved with the gun-running network outlined in The Last Circle? I guess as time goes on, it will be discovered...

Cheri, do you have any information on gun trafficking to the Mexican drug cartels? Do you believe that maybe this might be a similar situation as that in Nicaragua that you detailed in The Last Circle? I was thinking about this recently; the mass media makes it appear these cartels are just smuggling them down there with a network of low-level people here. But I am thinking that it is much bigger than that, I think it is something like what you have exposed in your book, Cheri. I don't know for sure, but you know as much as I do that these types of folks you wrote about in The Last Circle like drugs and guns, and help facilitate their movement around the world. I would just like your thoughts on this, if you have any. Because it seems that the ATF (the U.S. agency responsible for the enforcement of gun laws), takes similar reluctant actions to this as has the DEA to CIA-connected drug trafficking.

Thanks Cheri!

And I hope that those who haven't read The Last Circle yet, to please do so!
Eddie Evans Wrote:And I hope that those who haven't read The Last Circle yet, to please do so!
Definitely on my reading list. I know several here are reading it and some have finished and will be posting reviews soon.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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