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William Pawley, the Kennedy Assassination, and.......... by Peter Dale Scott
I must agree, Peter, insofar as I've always suspected that the Golden Lilly business in a meaningful way -- more than just the open umbrella symbolism -- connects to Dallas.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:Jan,

Thanks for clearing that up. At first, even I was beginning to question Peter Dale Scott's thinking because of my hasty reading of his essay. Rereading clarified it.


Adele - thank you very much for posting Prof Dale Scott's essay in the first place, even if it did take a group effort to ensure we understood its import!

If anyone has any comments on Walter Bowart's Castillo piece, I'd be happy to discuss.

Jan, I read with great interest Bowert's book soon after it came out [i.e. long ago] and was amazed by that Castillo chapter...never knew what to make of it, really, but knew that Castillo was NOT involved even if he thought he was or was mind-controlled to think he was. But, now hearing that he was a cousin of Bayo makes it fairly clear.......and confirms what I had sensed all along....never had a name for it we do...'phase three'. :wheel:
Before hearing that, Castillo seemed to have no relationship to anything or the 'usual suspects' used by the CIA's anti-Castro crowd. Now he fits in just fine.....the fact he was debriefed/tortured/mind-controlled in the Philippines taken with consideration of the writings of the Seagraves and our own [former] Dave Guyatt in mind vis-a-vis what went on there just after WW2 to the present; and how that all connected to big spooks in high places in the Heimat - now it all makes 'sense' the way Deep Black things ever make 'sense'!:darthvader:

Peter - yup.

Manchurians are perfect fodder for Their cover stories.....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Manchurians are perfect fodder for Their cover stories.....

There are many ways I'd expand upon this statement.

Here's one: during the height of MK-ULTRA field testing, various operatives would have become aware of the identity of some of the test subjects - ie individuals who had been subjected to narco-hypno-trauma programming.

However the existence of these experimental "mind control" programmes and techniques was still highly classified.

If any of these operatives wanted to run a black operation and increase the odds of firstly laying false trails, and secondly making senior management complicit in an establishment cover up, then placing a test subject, perhaps even a Manchurian, at the scene would have been a great option.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Manchurians are perfect fodder for Their cover stories.....

There are many ways I'd expand upon this statement.

Here's one: during the height of MK-ULTRA field testing, various operatives would have become aware of the identity of some of the test subjects - ie individuals who had been subjected to narco-hypno-trauma programming.

However the existence of these experimental "mind control" programmes and techniques was still highly classified.

If any of these operatives wanted to run a black operation and increase the odds of firstly laying false trails, and secondly making senior management complicit in an establishment cover up, then placing a test subject, perhaps even a Manchurian, at the scene would have been a great option.

That LHO tracked back to a number of classified, illegal, highly embarrassing programs and operations cannot be disputed. Nor can the manners in which these connections prompted investigative agencies and other government officials innocent of participation in the assassination conspiracy to become accessories-after-the-fact.

The answer(s) to a very simple question -- who would have been in the position to know of LHO's multiple connections? -- would lead us to very high level Facilitators. Indeed, John Newman, among others, has asked the question. His answer, as proffered in the most recent edition of his Oswald and the CIA, is James Angleton.

And so we must wonder: Who and what do we find when we peel away the Angleton layer of the onion? How many more layers separate him from the Sponsorship core?
Angleton was loyal to Dulles. So it would point directly back to Dulles and from there to the real source of the rabbit hole.
Speaking of Pawley, Agent Hosty thought that Pawley was involved in the Odio incident and the men who visited Sylvia might have been
agents working for Pawley. Hosty contacted Newman and said to him

It could be Pawley. H.l.Hunt was backing Pawley's people, and they were also getting support from Henry Luce. It could be that Pawley's guys
spying on JURE. They could have been working for Pawley or one of the other splinter groups. (John Newman from Oswald and the CIA, page 350)

I am sure that Luce was also a facilitator and he was not forced by Pawley to cover up after operation TILT. And Pawley was working with Paul Helliwell.
There is a connection from Pawley, to Helliwell and Brundage, to the Miami/Bahamas banks and laundering of drugs from SE Asia.

JFKcountercoup: Luis Angel Castillo[/URL]
Professor Scott returns to Acheson's exclusion of Taiwan from the U.S. defense perimeter:

On at least two occasions I believe Pawley's support for a minority right-wing clique led to significant and lasting changes to American foreign policy. The first was after Chiang Kai-shek's expulsion from mainland China to the island of Taiwan, when "Pawley became the point man for an end run around American policy toward

Taiwan."[3] It was the official policy of the U.S. State Department under Dean Acheson to plan for a containment policy in East Asia in which Taiwan would not be defended. But Pawley lobbied Acheson to allow for Chiang in Taiwan to be assisted by "a small group of American civilian, economic, industrial and [retired or ex-officers] military advisors."

This plan when implemented, apparently with assistance from at least one underworld figure along with Frank Wisner's Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), became a significant factor in the survival of an independent Taiwan, and also in the growth of the post-war Asian drug traffic.[4]

Acheson had omited Korea in January 1950:

This defensive perimeter runs along the Aleutians to Japan and then goes to the Ryukyus. We hold important defense positions in the Ryukyu Islands, and those we will continue to hold. In the interest of the population of the Ryukyu Islands, we will at an appropriate time offer to hold these islands under trusteeship of the United Nations. But they are essential parts of the defensive perimeter of the Pacific, and they must and will be held.

The defensive perimeter runs from Ryukyus to the Philippine Islands. Our relations, our defensive relations with the Philippines are contained in agreements between us. Those agreements are being loyally carried out and will be loyally carried out. Both peoples have learned by bitter experience the vital connections between our mutual defense requirements.

So far as the military security of other areas in the Pacific is concerned, it must be clear that no person can guarantee these areas against military attack. But it must also be clear that such a guarantee is hardly sensible or necessary within the realm of practical relationship.

Should such an attack occur, one hesitates to say where such an armed attack could come from, the initial reliance must be on the people attacked to resist it and then upon the commitments of the entire civilized world under the Charter of the United Nations, which so far has not proved a weak reed to lean on by any people who are determined to protect their independence against outside aggression.

Donald Gibson places Acheson at the inception of the Commission concept.

In the instance of Taiwan it seems Acheson provided Pawley an opening for a covert gambit.

In that of Korea, Acheson presents as April Glaspie greenlighting Saddam Hussein to initiate U.S. military intervention.

At the time of the Commission Acheson's was no mere jump ball: Dulles would be the most active in the project, making the Dulles Commission the most apt descriptive.

While his son in law William and brother McGeorge are positioned as counsel to the new king.

In urging recognition of "Red" China, Acheson might have countered, "Who lost China?" with "Someone had to be present at the creation of Eastasia."

The three superpowers contend in the "neutral" quadrilateral.

The anti-Castro Cubans have gone the way of Emanuel Goldstein, passing into disembodied legend.

Acheson's role in establishing the game board remains a fogbound coast.
Phil, your post made me think of Prouty always referring to the 'China Lobby' as being behind many covert ops and false-flag things. I believe PDS and Prouty in their own way are talking about the same thing/grouping/power structure/people.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to re-ask the question before I was so rudely interrupted, do you think that criminals ever return to the scene of the crime? And, if so, do you suppose those who were responsible for Dallas went to Washington DC as a celebration of success?
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to re-ask the question before I was so rudely interrupted, do you think that criminals ever return to the scene of the crime? And, if so, do you suppose those who were responsible for Dallas went to Washington DC as a celebration of success?

Scott, are you referring to the on-the-ground mechanics/shooters etc who carried it out, or the various planners a step or two higher up? It is a fair question. The former group, I couldn't say. The latter group probably had elements within Washington (Pentagon/CIA/Army intelligence/FBI/ take your pick) who worked there, so they would indeed be returning to Washington to celebrate. I'm no expect so I'll defer to others, including yourself, if there is evidence or anecdotes that you feel is worthy of commentary.

Totally off the topic, but on the topic of 'celebrating' various deep events, a Mark Crispin Miller book I have on the shelf notes how the Bush administration hosted a celebration for the Mexican ambassador one evening, holding a lavish ball with numerous Bush admin attendees. The event made the local press as the ball was capped with an unusually large and lavish fireworks display that went on for an extra-long amount of time and which woke up residents all over the city. Newspapers criticised the administration for the event and asked why such a large fireworks display was required, this is the loudest display we can remember seeing etc etc, what were you thinking? The ball took place in 2001, about a week before 9/11.

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